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Approved For Release 20,/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029 O-3 S-E-C-R-E-T SECURITY INFORMATION ORE Diary, 9 Janus 1952 (AD/RR information unless otherwise stated) # .. # NOTICE OF STAFF '+ETING The series of ORR Staff Meetings to * review ORR projects presently under way a, * wi11 be continued at 3 s 1t5, Wednesday, 9 * January 1952, in-the D/Z Conference Room. Projects of D/2 will be reviewed. # r ,. ~J~ ?+..+? J_v ,LL~Lw L,iJ i 1 v.f..n'nv ~tT 25X1A3~;;-3t3~t-,;~+,. ATTa1DID a MEETING OF TILE EIC WORKING GROUP ON NIE->9, at which an A/EC PAPER ON the ANALYTICAL FRAME 'ORK FOR a study of economic warfare as applied to the East-Nest 2 Ke problem as discussed. (1 hr) (8 Jan) DISCUSSED PROPOSALS RELATING TO the ORR PROG1W WITH who is now a Top Secret consultant to ORR, (2 hrs Jan) ATTENDED the MEETING OF the OPERATING COMMITTEE which (a decided not to approve an export license for streptomycin for distribution in Eastern Germany by the Internation Red Cross and (b) accepted Western European export quotas for 11 commodities recommended by COCOM and already agreed to by the US delegation, DEFENSE AND CIA CONTINU1) their 1++SERVATIONI WITH REGARD TO DIESEL ENGINES AND ELECTRIC GENERATING FQUIPME T, on which no final action.was taken pending outcome of an appeal by Defense Department, which will be supported by CIA, (3 hrs) (8 Jan) Messrs* of DIM and Messrs. of' D/I MET 1',ITH the EIC WORKING SECTOR OI1 IIU)USTRIAL RESOURCES to-consider which particular resources should be studied for IN:IE- 6. (2 hrs) (8 Jan) 25X1, TALKED WITII Lt. Colonel Roberts, MUNITIONS BOARD, PS+TROLM, ' COI MITTEE, REGARDING the COORDINATIOI' OF 'FORTS designed TO REDUCE LOSS OF PETROLEUI' AVAILA 3ILITY BY SABOTAGE. (1/4 hr) (8 Jan) S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290120-3 Approved For Release 207/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290 -3 S-EAR-E?T DIM Continued 25X1 FDD (I.T/P), and Mr. and (L'/C) ATTEIMED the t MET-- ING OF the JOINT CHEMICAL WARFARE IIJTELLIGIIICL C0I2'ITTEE at which principal DISCUSSION COITCTRNED arrangements for IN- TIRROGATIOIT OF a POTENTIALLY IMPORTANT SOURCE OF INFORMATION, and a RESEARCH AITD DINE, LOPI. NT BOARD REPORT O 'T NERVE CASES. 25X1A (1..1/2 hrs) (8 Jan) 25X1A (OAD/RR) and (M/C) P /_S_ HAD a COITFR ,ENCE V,'ITII 11r, John Kullgren and tiro officers in his Section of G-29 REGARDING the NECESSITY FOR INFORIMATION BELIEVED AVAILABLE III THE US ON TYPES OF EXPLOSIVES USID BY TIIE USSR,. It is believed that they trill be able to get the information. Also, the NECESSITY FOR the CII12'.IICAL CORPS TO SUPPLY an associate I.1IMDEfl FOR TIM CII.ELIICAL SUBCOI.II.IITTEE WAS I PLAITED TO..I.:r,, Kullgren. (1-1/2 hr) (8 Jan) (~~/FIT) CONSULTED VITII I1r? Sam Fishback, STATE OIR, China Sections REGARDING CHINA'S STEEL POTEITTIAI0 25X1h7" ~ (8 Jan) (I1/P) VENT TO SEE 11r. C. L, Burrill, PETROLEUL ADI'I1!ISTRATIOTT FOR DET'E TSE, REGARDING THE PETROLEUI.T INTEL- LIGENCE ADVISORY GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE. (2 hrs) (7 Jan) (S/TR) DISCUSSED lITH Lt. Cole Cowart, G-2, the POSSIBILITY OF EXPLOITING MATERIAL ON SAKHALIN RAILROADS which is NOVI IN POSSESSION OF the JAPANESE ",MINISTRY OF RAII, ROADS. (2-3/4 hrs) (7 Jan) S/TR FILES of material ON CHINESE RAILROADS were 'ADE AVAILABLE TO Hr. Burke of OPC. Portions of the files were thermoprinted for his convenience. (10 min) (7 Jan) (S/TR) DISCUSSED various ASPECTS OF CZECITOSLOVAK AND HUNGARIAN CIVIL AVIATION VJITII Miss Aird of Air Establishments Branch, A-2. (1-1/2 hrs) (8 Jan) - (S/TR) ATTENDED the DEBRIEFING OF Col. Leroy G. Hefton, returning AIR ATTACHE, FORt.MOSA. (2 hrs) (8 Jan) 25X1A CONFERRED V'ITI I ?.Messrs. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/07/26: CIA -D-Pb`7- JUSgA000400290120-3 Approved For Release 20@&07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A00040029 Y1' -3 Y R: D Ct S-E-C-R-E-T ATTRI'DED a : TEETITTG with representatives of other CIA offices At iHICH draft regulations 50-7 and 110-50-7 "DISSE?.ZINATIOIT OF CIA-PRODUC1,,D INTELLIGETCE AND INTELLIGENCE IATFORTIATION" T.ERE DISCUSSED. A revision will be made and drafts will be repared for consideration by each of the CIA offices. (2-1/2 hrs) (8 Jan) ATTRP'DED ',IEETIITG SPOTTSORED EY AGO, at Which DIS- ON OF SOAP RECORDS CAS DISCUSSED. SOAP files are being returned to the Alexandria Records Center and details of material received will be announced in future accessions (2 hrs) (7 Jan) together with Messrs. of ORR and of OCI, VISITED ECA TO EXV.IN^ FILES ON KOREA. Little information of value to CIA was found. Visit was made at ECA's request for assistance in determining dis- position of files, (2 hrs) (8 Jan) D Bt Messrs. CONFERRED r, Bernie, Central Branch, Survey, Section, AIR FORCE, CONCERNING COLOR PROOFS FOR NIS SECTIONS. ..(1 hr) 25X1A (7 Jan) COTDDUCTED the regular NIS COT.'1~=EE T. EPTI1TG, 2 hrs (8 Jan) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290120-3