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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2QI07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A00040029 5-0 S?E-C-R-E-T SECURITY INFOWATION ORR Dim, 30 Jam awry 1952 (AD/RR information unless.otherwise stated) 25X1A 25X1A AD RRt DISCUSSED WIN `.1essrs. f OSI the problem of RELATIONS BFW"EET WORK OTT CaVITDTICATIONS IN 2R AND OS1. (3/4 hr) (23 Jan) The AD/RR ATTENDED a METING OF the RIC WORKING GROUP ON the CAPABILITIES STUDY FO~5 91NT INTELLIGENCE GROUP. (1 hr) (29 Jan) The AD/RR, AD/IC,. an MET WITH Mrm Kullgren, G-2, TO DISCUSS 0,.2 ASSISTANCE IN DEALING UPON the TECHICAL, RE- SOURCES OF OTHER ELEMENTS OF TM ARdY. (1.1/2 hrs) (30 Jan) ACTION; Above-three items to DCI Die y. D .fit Messrs. ATTENDED a MEETING OF the 37ORKING 2M7 ON the JIG ECONTR.TIC CAPABILITIES S7JDY. (2 hrs) (29 Jan) CONFERRED ::ITH T.1r. C. Rubinstein, WREA.U OF LABOR STATISTICS, REGARDING 1951 TTOURLY "AGE RATES ITT US ItNDUSTRIES. 201h') (29 Jan) 25X1, DISCUSSED WITH 00/C,. types ,of INFORTMATI3 T ESSENTIAL TO INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT IN the MUTUAL TRADE SECURITY INTERAGENCY ADVISORY C!T.1'.1ITTPTS. (1/2 hr) (29 Jan) VII t (I/PE) VISITED the offices of the Farm Implement Division) TO DISCUSS in detail numerous questions submitted to them at an earlier date concerning PRODUCTION, PLANTot;IDF MATERIALS PE4UIPE'.IENTS AND INPUT REQUIRRIENTS OF 'the INDIVIDUAL MACHINES PRODUCED, PINT .".MCHIITERY, TECHNOLOGY, FLOOR SPACE, TTANPO;':ER, REPAIF ATTT) PARTS REPLACT'I.ENT OF FAIN MACHINES, etc. These gentlemen were extremely cooperative in S-E-C-R-T'-T Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290105-0 Apptoved For Release 20W07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029 1(J(5-0 S-E-C-R-E-?T D/I (continued): providing the information requested. Complete answers may be expected within three to four weeks' time, Because of this lengthy, informal discussion of the various aspects of farm machinery production, it is expected that some very valuable yardstick data will be obtained. The Farts Implement Division has seven different plants under its jurisdiction, The data which it submits will be broken down where possible on the basis of each individual plant. (1 day) (25 Jan) TALKED " ITH '1r. Blair, TITI TITIONS BOARD PETROLEUM COMMITTEE, REGARDINTG the review of the draft on the PETROLEUMS SECTION OF NIE-56. (1/4 hr). (29 Jan) TALXRD : ITII T.Tr. Stratton, '.1'TTTITIOTTS BOARD PT'TRO t COMMITTEE, REGARDING THE POL REgUIPia.TEN1TS OF YUGOSLAVIA, (1/4 h5XU9 Jan) 25X1A Messrs. (D/I). (ri/C) INTERROGATED two DP's REGARDING C , 1.,1ICAL ACTIVITIES IIT T'IE (2 hrs) (29 Jan) SOVIET ORBIT. Various members of branches in DA -1 ATTETIDED an ECONOMIC LECTURE at the Department of Interior auditorium Ott IM7UT- 25QtdTT AATALYSIS. (1-1/2. hrs) (29 Jan) (WP) ATTP!TDED the DEBRIEFING OF Colonel James, FOIr1 E.R %ATTACn TO MOSCO;:. (2 hrs) (29 Jan) (M/NF) COrTTACTED D E EETIST; '.IATEI IALS T XrLOrATION ADMI;TISTP.ATION TO O)3"_'AIIT TATA OTT AM1'RICA7* C'1 ':'r1 ''LA-TS, (6 hrs) (29 Jan) D Bs Acting Chief, D/B, 'TET .ITT! Lt. Col. Kiel., ARTY MEMBER OF the PITS Corr '.',ITTEE, REGAflDIF0 CIA FISCAL SUJr"ORT FOR ARTY NTIS ACTIVITIES. An ORR Staff Study dated 29llovember 1951, recommending that CIA extend such fiscal support to Arnr, was returned by Budget Division, CIA, with notification that it was too late to receive consideration in the budget estimates for Fiscal Year 1953, Proposal will be resubmitted so that any decision may be reflected in the initial develop- memt of2ftestimates for Fiscal Year 1954. (1 hr) (26 Jan) Messrs ".TET WITH '.2r. Purves of the Department of AGRICULTURE TO.DISCUSS ways and means of IM- PROVING MAPS AND GRAPHICS PFFST TATIONS FOR NIS SECTION 61. (3/4 hr) (29 Jan) Approved For Release 2001/07/26: CIA-RD??-OOQ59AQD0400290105-0 ~~_~_ L Approved For Release 207/26: CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029 1 5-0 S-E+C-R-E-T LG: 25X1A 25X1A -WAS CONSULTED) :IEDICAL OFFICE, CIA,, REGARDING AVAILABILITY OF STALL-SCAM ' ICAL :TAPS 2 3RAUSR, IF T?EDICAL BRIIEFI 'rC-S. (i hr) (29 Jan) CONFERRED tIT3 T.'Tr. Ryan, ASSISTANT CHIEF OF FOREIGN SERVICE PERSONNEL, Department of STATE, REGARDING GFOGRAT'ItIC 24RTACTIE ASSICJTaf rrTS. (1/2 hr) (29 Jan) PARTICIPATT;I) IN DISCUSSIOTTS TTIT!I representatives of the ARr1Y, AIR FORCE ATI) TTAVY IN a detailed .REVIE"; OF PROPOSALS FOR CLOSER C')'RDIrTATIMT AT*D STA''DARDIZATION OF GEOGRAPHIC TTA;, ES for use in preparation of operational air. ground support maps and charts and intelligence materials, 24i?Auding target folders. (2-1/2 hrs) (28 Jan) ATTENDED the regular 'TFETITTO OF the FOREIGN NAMES COX.?DIITTEE, BOARD O:T GEOGRAP1IC RATES. (3 hra) (29 Jan) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report S-E-C-R-E-T r r s r . ~ ~ Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290105-0