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Approved For Release 1/07/26: CIAc5@Aj,4tQ?9A000400A98-9 rte.- w - SECURiii iMl`-UTIOi\ DLia 8 February 1952 DAt .comma 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A ***************************** * SPECIAL NOTICE The OFFICE UANAGER. of the DEF T(Ilt RECEPTION * CENTER WILL BE AVAILABLE to talk with * 11* tod matbar of CM aepbera -an _: MAY -(11:19b) afternoon. FOR F'URTIIER I:1FOItI, C ON THIS, * PLEASE CALL Ift! 25X1A * ************4** ***.*3t **4*4***##4e 25X1A HAD DISCUSSIONS IVITH a group from AN(T HE CIA OFFICE. M2 R1"s 6 Feb) was CO_SULTA;rr FOR a SIZINAR AT the NATIONAL S?AR COLLEGE ON BOONaIIC STRATEGY. (3 Izrs) (7 Feb) WITH Mr.~RECIARDING a SJ IIIAR ON ECONQUIC WARFARE 2((1 ') (7 Feb) Captain Alexander USN, of the DIDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, C0: (D/R) COi RRF.D WITH John Kuilgren and his assistants at G~2 ON the JIG ECCONOITIC CAPABILINIUS STUDY. (2 Iirs). (7 Feb) Messrs.. (A/W) and (S/TR) T WITH Mr. Sanderson, 0XR, Department of STATE TO DISCUSS the TRANSPORTATION SECTION ffX'I"R" ''O. (1-1/2 hrs) (7 Feb) ATTENDED a M TLIG OF the OPERATING COLU',ITTES, which a revised the first quarter 1952 US export quotas for hides and skins, (b) deleted certain hides from the Positive List, and (c) received a report from the OIT, Departmneat' of Cc aerce,. on licensing of cotton linters. (3 hrs) (7 Feb) Ea t x&Aw) CONFEEI M WITH Messrs. Lee and Mayock of ATD, AFOIN, Department of the AIR FCRCE, IN REGARD TO ELECTRIC PAVER CO'BUMPTI011 IN ARMAM[ NT PLAITS OF THE USSR. (5 ars) (1 and I Feb) (I/SH) CO:IFIRR1 a/ITII Buships, Department of the Ap SE-C-R-ET Approved For Release 1/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO004002098-9 SDfiuarrz I:IFORtiATTt7H ~ar~11. 25X1A MrM TALKED 1'iTH W. Faateau of ONI TO MAKE ARRNGL'f'dWS FOR DISCUSSIONS 1ITIi TEGMTICAL SECTIONS ON the subject of COORDI`ATION OF I 'Z LLTGJ ICE INF0R1 ATI0:1 011 F i L QUALITY, (1/h hr) (7 Feb) 25X1A - TALKED urn Miss Worthing, STATE Departments RMARDI21G the FI!1AL DRAFT OF Ti:i; PLTROJJEIJM SUBCCt.:MITTEE PAPER ON N13-56. With States a informal approval, the report has now been coordinated by the individuals serving as members on the Petroleum Subcaivaittee. 2~7(?\ (7 Feb) (M/AG) Qum=ID the REC}ULAR 1YFwI:!G of -tai AGRICULTURAL SUBCCt.:1,ITTE:: OF THE ECONCV IC IffTbLLIGE. ICE CC 1ITTEE. 2413/2 lire) (7 Feb) (M/C) DISOUSSE'D T: AVAILABILITY OF CH 4ICAL EPTt3YDTET`~ WWANI?$ A:1D CIIMMAL 1 QUIPM&IT INFORMATICH IN the BOSTON AREA. WITH members of the BOSTON OFFICE, O0/C. Their cooperation and interest in getting first-hand information on - what and Vn,y the analysts require specific infort ation from Y&?npanies was excellent. (1 day) (S Feb) (M/C) VISITED the LittaurLibrary of HARVARD UNMRSIT"Y REGARDING a STUD! they are making ON MPUTS REQUIRE. MMS FOR CHEMICAL PLANTS. E ccellent arrangements ,mere made and cooperation given bin by the. Boston office, 00/0. (1 day) A(Tr) (N/C) stopped at the NEW YORK OMCE of OD/C TO 25X1 A 25X1A 25X1A 2010b) 2 PRMMS OF the MAC:MTJM SURVii' with reported exceilant bu s., ow progreseo ble owing to severe illness. (M /FM) DISCUSSED the POLISH AIM CZECH COKE ITIDUSTRIFS essrs. re], and Gentile of the BUREAU OF :1 E5, Source material for use in the preparation of the Polish and Czech NISQ s 2Aished for study. (1 hr) (7 Feb) N/NF) ima WIT:i SubOcn iiittee at the Department of STATE ON FOREIGN SJRVICE REPORTIUG. (2 hrs) (7 Feb) (S/TF) and D/A) MEr WITH Miss. Frances Hall and Miss Vera Fussell, Fore n Trade Section, Department of . CC CE, REGARDING TRADE STATISTICS FOR NNIE$9 Agrec nt was S-ESC-~R-FAT w w a w Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67 0000AA000400290098-9 Approved For Release 1/07/26: CIA-RDP67-00059A00040020 098-9 S-FiMG-+R-E -T SECURITY INFO1 &TICN OM (Continued): reached on the format and composition of the commodity tables, and it was learned that the Department of Commerce will probab2p finish before the 1 March deadline. (2 hre) (6 Feb) 25X1A Messrs. (S/TF) ATTENDED a 14E flNG AT the Department of CO11 L .OE TO further DISCUSS the TRADE REPORTING WIDE "TRADE BETWEAl THE FREE WORLD AND THE SOVI ' BLOCS to be put out by the Department of State. The meeting was attended by representatives of Coarce, State, Defense, and Mutual Security Agency. Final agreement was reached on all but one paragraph of the trade statistics portion of the circular. 25X1 Consideration of a guide co odl.ty list was put off until early next weeks (2 bra) (7 Feb) 25X1A A-2, OBTAINED 32IFO1 ATION ON SOURCES OF SOVIET CIVIL AVIATION DATA FRa,. (S/TR)., (3/1 hr) (6 Feb) 25X1A (S/2R) CALLED Mr. Peterson, ONI, TO SECURE DATA ON tiie EXPORT OF IRON ORE FRCV SWEDISH PCETS.. 0,41 was of little assistance and intelligence collection requirements are being subtted. (1/2 hr) (7 Feb) PAS OSI, COTIF BRED WITH ON PROCEDURES FOR ITIATIOII AND CONTROL. C6I vdU probably ajb pt. several features of ORR control procedures. (1 }ir) (7 Feb) Mr. William J. Marston of RL7CORDS LIA10I1 6b"ATD DISTRIBUTION, General Services, COTS 1+TThI Messrs. ON PROCEDURE FOR THE TRANSFER OF ORE PUBLICATION FILiS TO THE ARCHIVES. (140 wins) (7 Feb) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400.290098-9 SSE-CeR-E-T v v r v v r