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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 28, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67-00059A000400290043-9.pdf217.56 KB
'-= Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO004002$ 4343-9 Sam= nURMW109 25X1A CM DLWt 28 W. 1 n A. Tacy,. Chl0f,, mice of Ax- s, yMM"giMtS 9 l be Visit-? with 1)/I, I/A:Jr,, to d c ass ant I/A k in the i t Rcauinmnts of tb& t AlrCraft Industry, and . a coMSs 3. for. tbree (3) starter 0WOxImtely 29 A .:. . i . Trwy hold a elmilex po dry Worl : War $ . is elMe io qualffied In V9-- f 3. of alvMuft production sc dulf sue, the vUow Lion of c lied. mtftrimlz- 25X1A MMM the WMM OF th,- MW n WORK= MW? (T AC wit h consi. , the creation of. 30 . Woups and O phic Games to assist It In the .rte of s ',' c watimso and In the deto . n t o Of ceptab1e jew3z o at e . traft for c ties =dw US d do - i ti c o . (2 1s) (25 Ayr) C OPEMM. C UMVIC nqTRWZWWLg WMM UPON umlesiolved questions with refit the PR S FOR NYLON AND R T11 (3./& bra (25 ) C . : VM . Rein BgrdUig, ?o3 , (i the R1~ CA1 AB -N S . (3. h) (25 (I/ ) MTODED the $AS TBMMAL A3 " In R York City. awns, , A . C AND M VARY PZMMAFTO An== - s .( : M D . (1 day) (24 J ) 11/1P) V2SXMD Was Laura Hughes.. AL SECMW ' , (. Desk,, TO IMMU les L. StWmu PAP= A MM8109 TO (1/M-) VMVW with Mr. R.J. XPMML 1 ION AUMM- a of SEM3W a 3 MUO f o and Turba Division, the pur P N FOR R: ICAL HAM MM. Sam ae vzo de dete-raining Approver e le b'ptlA=RIIP UO g 0 -9 'o . (2 hrs) 2 IA S M7 CA'AC PAPER eIOL