ORR DIARY, 12 MAY 1952

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Publication Date: 
May 12, 1952
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Approved For Release 20W7/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO0040029O -0 S--E C-1- E--T SECURITY INFORMATION ORF DParmor 12 i:l 1952 25X1A EL: ATTENDED a ,MEETING OF the TRANSIT FRi:E PORT STUDY GROUP OF EDAC at Commerce FOR DISCUSSION. OF a DRAFT MIALYSIS OF a RECENT B -LGIAN PROPOSAL FOR SELECTIVE CONTROLS 237 AV,NSIT TRADE THROUQI BELGIAN PORTS. (3 hrs) (9 Mar) ATTENDED a MEETING OF the TITLE II 'tORIT:G GROUP of EDAC 011ICH (a) DISCUSSED the final draft of a PAPER to the Steering Group DEALII?G t"IT11 PROPOSED NEGOTIATIONS FOR a REDUCTION OF SHIR' ANTS OF NATURAL RUBBER TO THE SOVIET BLOC FROM TIIE STERLING AREA, (b) laid PLANS FOR a REVIE OF STRATEGIC RATINGS AND COCO QUOTAS FOR C02aODITIES ON CERTAIN US SECURITY LISTS - about, 1480 commodities are to be reviewed by September 1952 and CIA is expected to furnish M?Xrting i.ntelliCe'nce for this project. (2 hrs) (9 May) ATTENDED a MEETING OF an AD HOC WORKING GROUP AT CO12f%RCE Department which continued CONSIDERATION OF US EXTORT POLICY TO JARD FRIENDLY COUNTRIES. (2-1/2 hrs) (9 May) (3/0) CONSULTED t KITH Messrs. of PD]) REGARDING MATERIALS ON CHINESE COM:z:'UNIST ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION. FDD is preparing a report on Chinese Coimaunist economic organiza- tion and planning, (1-1/2 hrs) (9 May) 2L,..* 25X1,R5X1A (,'14'/P) VISITED Mr. Kearns-Preston, Office of International Trade, Department of COMMERCE TO DISCUSS 3 CONOM:IC PRO sLE2,:S OF SOM, ASIA. (1 hrs (8 Lay) (I/P) VISITED Mr. Harold J. Barnett, BUREAU OF MINES, TO DISCUSS PROBLEMS OF the MINERAL INDUSTRIES IN INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS. (1 hr) (9 may) (11P) CONFERUED 4ITH Mr. R. A. Cattell, BUREAU OF MINES, REGARDING NIS. (2 hrs) (10 May) Members of the AGRICULTURE BRANCH (D/MM) ! T. 'JITH representatives of 0SI AND the, BATELLE INSTITUTE TO DISCUSS 14P-83 and related papers. (2 hrs) (9 Uay) Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290033-0 Approved For Release 20Q 77126: CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290 -0 S-1--C -R-F-T PL! (Continued) (L!/NF) ATTEIID2 D a P' E EKING AT the STATE Department OF the FOREIGN ; ItJEIRAALS RS ORT:CI3G COn,.ITTEE. Lieeting was COOED OF members frcm STATE INTERIOR and AIR FORCE Target Researchi5X -l/2 hrs) (9 Ieay5 Messrs. PARTICIPATED' in a i;:EEETINC OF the EIC PETRULEU SUBCOPMITTEE. The primary effort was devoted to the subject of report covering a survey of petroleum intelligence. The report will be transmitted to the Secretary of the EIC in the immediate future. (2 hre) (9 May) A/R9 BASEBALL NEVIS ORR defeated IR 19--l in the game on Friday evening. Winning pitcher was D1Z. Watch the Diary for announcement of the next game. The team appreciates your support? so get out to see the games whenever possible. Balance of ORE .. Nothing to report Approved For Release 2001/07/26 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400290033-0