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Document Release Date: 
August 16, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1951
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Approved For Re_lesse 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AOQQ400280080-9 25X1A9a ORR Diary, September 1951, (AD/RR information unless otherwise stated) L951 ~ 25X1A9a AD~RR?: The AD/RR and Mr. SHAD ME IMG6 WITH Mr. Simonson of the FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY' AND Mr. Shannon of the RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE O PEI ATION TO DISCUSS THE FUNCTIONS OF the ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE CCII1MIT2EE AND THE ROLE 01? THESE AGENCIES IN ITS WORK. ( 1 1/2 hrs) (4 Sept) 25X1A9a D/A: Mr. ATTENDED the MEETING OF the NSC SPECIAL CO1' ITTEE ON EAST- WEST TRADE. A revised draft of a proposed exception under, the Kern Amendment for the European members of NATO was reviewed,, and numerous changes were made in the draft. (3 hrs) (4 Sept) 25X1A9a Mr. ATTE11DED the MEETING OF the OPERATING COMMITTEE WHICH (a) DECIDED TO SEND a .NEW DEFINITION OF PHOSPHOROUS COM- POUNDS TO COCOM FOR REACTION PRIOR TO REVISION OF THE US DEFINITION and (b) ADOPTED in principle a PROCEDURE FOR LIC121SING CERTAIN SPECIALIZED CAPITAL EQUIPMENT USED FCR PRODUCTION OF NON-AGREED ITEMS. (3 hre) (4 Sept) D/14 I/AIR HAS RECEIVED INPUT REQUIREMENTS FOR the Wright 83350-26W aircraft engine (same as used in SOVIET VERSION OF THE B-29) COVERING CERTAIN ELEMENTS OF LABOR, MATERIALS, AND SERVICES. (b Sept) (I/AIR) VISITED with Ed Drunnera AIR TARGETS DIVISION, USAF, and discussed I/AIR progress on Task Force One (Extended), I/,A7R activities in general, and the PROPOSED 0/RR PANEL OF AERONAUTICAL CONSULTANTS. Mr. Brunner suggested USAF participants for the latter. (1 hr) (4 Sept) Dr.- ?MET WITH Dr. Eric Englund, Associate Chief, Agricultural Relations, Department of AGRICULTURE, RELATIVE TO NIE-4O TAKING PRECEDEICE OVER NIS. (1/2 hr) (4 Sept) Mr. (S/TR) CONTACTED Lt. Col. Cowart, Area Analysis, G-2, TO DISCUSS SOVIET-,ONE RAILWAY CAPABILITIES. (2 1/2 hrs). (30 Aug) 25X1A9a Mr. ~ (S/TR) CONTACTED Mr. Copp, Area Analysis,'G-2, to DIS- Cuss RAIL;7AYS IN GREATER T3ERLI?T. (2 1/2 hrs) (31 Aug) D/S: 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280080-9 Approved For R lee se 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A0QD400280080-9 S-FeC-R-E-T rL: continued: 25X1A9a (S/TR) WAS CO.ITACTED BY Mr. and 25X1A9a a OPC9 TO DETEED.!SNE the present STATUS OF ORRoa Both inquiries were referred to the Office of the AD/RR. (1/2 hr) (31 Aug) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report 25X1A9a 5-E. -C- tm -T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280080-9