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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 23, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280088-1.pdf138.12 KB
25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A49,9400280088-1 Nuir4 ORR am, 23 A22m...t. 1951 (AD/RR, information unless otherwise st.itekt)8a AD/RR: The AD/RR and Mr. VISITM Colonel Hudson IIIIIMOMINIMINEMIft to DISCUSS RELATIONS BE ji and 25X1C8a CIA, ani specifically Mr. Tidwellss forthcaning assignment 25X1C8a with hr) (23 August) The ADARMET WITH Dr. HO M. Robertson, WEAPONS SYSTEMS EVALUATION GROUP OSEOL JCS, to DISCUSS WAYS' IN WHICH WE COULD BE OF ASSISTANCE TO THEIR FROMM. (ihr) (22 August) ACTION: Both above items to DCI Diary 25X1A9a 92LEtt Mr1IIII MET TH WI Messrs. of OSI TO DISCUSS COORDINATION OF C111101,1T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0. (1 hr) (21 August) Ras 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 11111.11101.1111 (M/Ag) CONFERRED WITH Dr. Eric Deparbaent of AGRICULTURE, and Mr. E. N. lolmomen, ECONOMIC COOPERATIZN ADMINISTRATION, IN REGARD TO the AGRI- CULTURAL SECTIONS OF NID-40, NIE..23 and other business TO BE TAKEN UP AT the next MEETING OF the AGRICULTURE SOB-; COMMITTEE on 23 August 1951. (4 bra) (21 August) (4/Ag). CONFERRED WITH Drs. Kent and Langer of ONE IN REGARD TO the AGRICULTURAL SECTION OF NIE-230 DISCUSSED the AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM and possible results that could be obtained from it. '(4 bre) (22 August) The PETROLEUM SUBCOlfaTTEE OF the EZONOnIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE '4ELD ITS INITIAL MEETING. Members present mere Miss Marion Worthing, Dopartment'of STATE - IFI; ue. Howard Ajoi?m?nn, Department of STATE...DRS; Mr. Baxter Wood, G-21 Mr. Bernard Facteau, ONI; Mr. Ralph Politte, AFOIN; Messrs. of M/P. WIWI of reference for this sUb- committee were considered for approval and terms of reference for the Western Patrolman Advisory Group will be proposed at the next:meetings Tuesday, 28 August 1951. (2 hrs) (22 August) 25X1A mr.1111111, OCI REQUIREUENTS, CONTACTED Mr. (s/Ta) TO DISCUSS infZ5Afilly the POSSIBILITY OF SECURING DATA ON 25X1A9a SHIPS =VINO roRts FOR Tas PAR EAST. Oa his siderable information on this subject and suggested that the -00059A000400280088-1 s for a formal ;tapir. (10 min) Approved Will@itta4261A1VEilielk-W56190 (22 August) .6.10NowWWW/ND Approved For,Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280088-1 Nam, (D/S continued) 25X1A9a ?mt. 1111111, (s/TR) CONTACTED Lt. Stock, ONI, Com, Farinholt, COAST GUARD, Mr. Harmon, US MARITIME ADMINISTRATION, and Miss Dailor, STATE Department, TO SECURE STATISTICAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION ON SHIP ENTRANCES IN US PORTS, in connection with S/TRes study of a Treasury proposal to require the masters of ships sailing for US ports to file certain data with US consuls. ( hr) (22 August) ? 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Ure (D/h) WAS:COMM= BY Dr. and others IN Dim ON "SOVIETARNOUF CZECHOSLOVAKIAN AGRICULTURE. Available source material was also discussed. DM wishes to confer further with Ur. on specific problems., (1 iltr MI August) 25X1A9a Itroilling WAS CONSULTED BY Mr. MID FOR VFORZIATION ON GAS FILMS AND GAS PIPE LINES ON THE USSR. hrs) (22 August) 25X6 . _ Mr. CONFERRED ram/tr. Sweedl ESID, ARMY MAP SERVICE, ON BEACH INFORMATION FOR 1111111R.AATIVE TO A CURRENT Plio- JECT FOR Om, (4 bra) (22 August) mmit25X1A9a PHOTOGRAPHIC AND SURVEY SECTION, JIG, JCS, CONFERRFD WITH Mr. INN= ON NATO MAPPING PROBLEMS, h.r) (21 August) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a W.1111111 CONFERRED WITH? PROCEDURES FOR RELEASING ORR meeting has been arranged by subject and the results vill (21-22 August) 1141111. OCD, RELATIVE TO ISSUANCE TO THE FRENCH. A D/R with I&S on the same be reported when available. Balance of ORR Nothing to report Approved For Release 2001/11gV.T.#421P67-00059A000400280088-1