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Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280087-2 F?.~ V ORR DDi 24 Au st 1951 WAD/RR information unless otherwise stated) _Mv NOTICE OF MEEPINd Tawe will be a meeting of the * Project: Initiation Board at 1000 * hours on Monday, 27 August 1951, in * Room '(101 ttM" Building. 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a AD Ro The AD/.RR DISCUSSED M BUDGET FOR 1951-52 WITH Messrso of the CIA COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE and (3/I1 hr) (23 Aug) The AD/RR DIS(;USSED M PROGRAM WITH Mr. Dulles., DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLANS) and W6 (1/2 hr) (23 Aug) 25, 1 9a D At Mr. Jordan T. Rogere,,STATE (GEA) ASKED Mr. for and comment 'icon'ic Intelligence Reports Numbers l to ?and )n Dispatches Numbers 3671., i~Ot~7, and lt061. (1/14 hi) ('3 Aug 25X1A9a Itr. , CSI, REQUsSTFD Mr. TO DEPT WRM'HER ANY EXPC)r'. LICENSES HAD BEEN APPR0V D SINCE 1. JULY 1950 IN FAVOR OF ME COMPRS ENSIV'E TElCFINICAL CORPORATION OF W1 YORK FOR SHIP/.ENT OF EQUIPMENT TO ITSSALZBURG (AUSTRIA) BRANCH. 061 has information that this Austrian Branch, Zentrall.eitung 25X1A9a f Mittf. and Suedosteuropee has been transshi. ing strategic equip ?fnt to the Czech firm of KOVO. Mr. Indicated that 1,3 will inquire at the Depar"auent of Commerce for this infor?.:ation. (1/4 hr) (23. Aug) 25X1A9a a''? ATTENDED the METING OF the OPII3.ATIm CamiTTRE whith ESTABLISHED THIRD AND FOURTH QUARTER QUOTAS FOR (a) NA` iRAL A'.) SINTHETIC RUBBER: (b) DDT, B}K , and POTL9SIC FY2ILIZERS: aid (c) CERTAIN RARE CHEMICALS. (3 bra) (23 Aug) 25X1A9a Von invitation from W. , MUNITIONS BOARD, 25X1A9a /.asra. CONFERRED WITH MEMBERS OF THE ! URVE' ( P, composed of consultants from the US instrument and bearing industry, WHICH HAS COMPLETED A STUDY OF BEAWIG PRODUCTION FACILITIES IN EUROPE. The group gave the CIA representatives iriforzaation regarding European trade in bearings that will not be incorporated in their report. (1 hi) (23 Aug) Approved For Release 2001/11 1 1 - 67-00059A000400280087-2 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280087-2 S-E-yR-FAT 1Y AID b ?11~ b O~ D I! ir. _ (I/AIR) VISITED the Industrial Planning Division, BuAir, NAV'!, to OBTAIN PRODUCTION DATA ON US AIRCRA'F'T for 25X1A9a analogous purposes. Mr. of Data Correlation Branch furnished needcd data. (3 hrs) (22 Aug) 25X1A9a (I/AIR) VISITED AIRCRAFT ENGINE PRODUCTION FACILITIES OF the WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL CORPORATION at 'food-Ricege and Caldwell, Now Jersey. Particular attention was directed to the production of R.3350 (dom.ae used by the USSR In their TUB), its input requirements, production capabilities9 and vulnerabilities. TESTING OF British "SAPPHIRE" and "OLYMPUS" JET ENGINES AND PRFIARATION FOR THEIR PRODUCTION' IN THE US QRE VIEW. The production of GE J-17 turbo-jet sub-assemblies by Wright for GE at Cincinnati was observed. General discussions of Wright propellor and rooketa-engine production were held at Caldwell. Input figures and ratios. were secured. (IF dye) (20-23 ~ C 1 A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. attended regular meeting of the Staff of the Board. on Geographic Names. (2 hra) (23 August) PLO: Mr. .WAS CV1;STJLTED BY Mr. Pryor, Research and Develop- Messrs. (rd/AG) ATT TMED a NEEDING OF the EIC Subcarttaittee on AGRICULTURE during which TM IS OF Ra r- FERETICE, OPERATING PROCEDURES,, AND NIE-4O 7 tE DISCUSSED. 31r.11111111M 1M1 is Chairman of this Subcommittee. (3 bra) (23 August) 25X1A9a . CONFERENCE WITH tof WSEG (Weapons Systems Evaluation Group) R.oZARDING MILITARY REQUIREMENT FIGURES ON MATERIALS, PRI MARIILY of POL. Further discussions on the subject are contemplated. (2 brs) (24 August) 25X1A9a Mr. OCI, CONTACT D Mr.~(s/TR) RE the EVALUATION OF a REPORT INDICATING that EUROPEAN SATELLITE AIRLINES HAVE now BE, -.N CONSOLIDATED AND INTr 3RATED IN THE USSR' S AIR TAWS PORT STEM. (iAhr) (22 August) meet Board, Department of DEEE