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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059AGUO 00280067-4 25X1A9a 2t Sopte bet 1911 (AD/RR, information unless otherwise stated) : Messrs. MILLIKAN, LiET `.7ITH the IUATIOIJAL ESTIMATES BOARD TO DISCUSS several PROPOSED NIL'S. (1-1/2 hers) `'~B(~ A9a OAD RR: Mr. 3M WITH the NAVY EIC REPRESENTATIVE, Comdr. Deane, TO !SIST in the preparation of the NAVY CONTRIBUTION TO MIR EIC SURVEY of.Economic ?ilesearch Programs on the.Soviet Orbit, (2 hrs) (21 Sept) 25X1A9a 25X1'A6a 25X1A9a M.o_ IdLT wITH CIA consultant, inNEW 25X1A6a TO DISCUSS the contents of NIE-43 "The strategic Importance of the Far East to t1)a USSR. and C ist China" and NIE--33, "The European Satellite Power Co gplexa" (2 days) (19 20x3@1 AM Sept) Mr. MET W IM MR. WIIEDEMAMM, STATE Department, this morning to DISCUSS- the OIR CONTRIBUTION TO the EIC SURVEY OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH PROOW1.11EU.TING TO the. SOVII7T ORtIT. (1/2. hr) (2L. Sept) 79Vl AO., 25X1A9a Messrs. - (2 /AG) and (A/L) Lffi t' WITH a SUBCOMMITTEE OF the NSC SPECI&I EAST T TRADE COL29ITTEE and DISCUSSED THE ECA paper "LU11DER III EIST-AMST TRADEL' The subcommittee recommended that certain additions and changes be rude before presentation to . the Special East-1 est Trade Comxtt?cee. (2 hrs) (21 Sept15X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. (FM) FURNISHED INFORCtATION to Mr. (National Sac fIrity) COMPARING US'and USSR STEEL PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTION] CAPACITY over a period of years. ' (1/2 hr)' (21 Sept) s I 25X1A9a of the STATE Department RE STATISTICS Q?' EDUCATION IN the USSR. (1 hr) (21 Sept) 25X1A9a 7?1r, (S/0) MET WITH Messrs. It. H. ? ? 'TELL and,'i, GRAIN, Department of the AIR Force, O DISCUSS PROJECT 21-51. (2-1/2 hrs) (20 Sept) . 25X1A9a Mr.~ (S/0) visited Messrs. LEWINS and TM, STATE Department, TO SEEK POSSIBLE INFORMTION on SOVIET ECONOMIC AUTHORITIES IN POIAND and on the economic organs of the Polish United Workers' Party, WITH REFERENCE TO PROJECT 23-51. (1-1/2 hxs) (21 Sept) 25X1A9a I'Jiss _ (S/0) VISITED B/I STATE , Department, TO OBTAIN IN_ FORMATION FOR PROJECT 23-51 FROM Miss Juliette M. LOIlR, who maintains a file on the structure of Rumanian economic ministries, (2 hrs) (18 Sept) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280067-4 Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059AQ 400280067-4 w. a.r w _ 2 .. 2& continued: 25X1A9a Messrs. y FDDS CCNTACTEI) IJlassrs., - and 25X1A9a - (S/TR) TO DISCUSS S/TR TRANSLATION NEEDS In Russian- language transportation periodicals.. (1 hr) (21 9a 2'5X1A9a Ur-a Medical Division (0SI) CONTACTED Mr.~ (S/TR) TO Q-I MIN INFOMSkTION ON EMFRGENCY ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS OF SOVIET RAILROADS. (1 hr) (20 Sept) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1?A9a Messrs, (CSI) VISITED Ur.2~ (S/COLA) TO %'GTATDTT'"iI rCrevrACT a to indicate rr-nera1 Interests.. .Sr. handles telegraph arxi telephone matters and Mr. sub "9a(2O miss) X21. Sept) 25X1A9a "generals' (S/CCM) DZICUSSED rec irem3nts on.CERTAIIJ II~GIIPO':J LMr . RADIO TIiANS~.1ITTERS IN SOVZONE G { " VI'Ii LJr. (OCD) AND 25X1A9a Mr. - (OSI),, props",,ratory to discussions with :,1r. .'Richard Straus (German Public Affairs Division? STATE Department). (3/41 hr) (21 Sept) Ct #M9 (21 Sept25X1A9a 25X1A9a sand 3uford (State) TO D `' ISPCSITION a' INTELLIGIi CE MATERIALS AT SCAP. LSr, . has been negotiating with Army for transfer of all. ma: erials to Washington.. Status of this proposal. should be . kna)n more definitely within a week. Gon- ser uences of meeting was that materials should be entered at CIA,, ani. CIA should as .ist in any way. possible. (1?4/1&.. hrs) Captain - NOTIl?IM Mr. = (OIC) ON the status of, RELEASE OF' NIS TO FOREIGN GOVE0 rMENTS and the policies and prccedures relating thereto. (1 hr) (21 Sept) Balance of ORR - Nothing to report, Approved For Release 2001/11/01 i-00059A000400280067-4 Messrs. MET WITH Messrs.