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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1951
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Approved For R e l a s e 2001/11401-- Z - 67-00059AOQ9400280041-2 LO, October M L1 (AD/HR information unless otherwise stated) ILR: The AD/RR and Mr. PdE7j WITH the NATIONAL ESTIMATES BOARD TO CONSIDER the draft of N E-h3, "THE STRAT WIC VALUE OF THE EAR EAST TO THE USSR.", (2 hrs) (29 Oct) D/A: Mr.~' accompanied other :embers of the Operating Committee on a TOUR CF the OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, Department of COMICE, in order TO OBSERVE the PROCESSING OF US EXPORT LICENSE APPLICATIONS. (3 hrs) .(29 Oct) D/N: Messrs. (WP) COIWERRED /ITII Mr. Burri3l, PAW, and CHAIRMAN of the P TROLFUMM nn=IGENCE ADVISORY GROUP (PIAG), 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a DIS -. 25X1A9a 113G TERUS OF REFERENCE for the P1AG. (15XVX9a(29 Oct) and Mr. ~ (a/C) had a further', ING WITH. Dro and other members of (I ON the proposed study of the USE OF CATECHOL IN USSR and agreed to help with a report based on data readily available without outside survoya. '(2 hre) (29 Oct) Messrs. (Wa) VISITED GERMAN :. LITARY DOCUMENTS SECTION, AGO to continue the EXALIIUATIONS OF. GM=1 .AND RUSSIAN DOCUM iTS. Considerable additional usoful documents more un- cov(Al1A913 hrs) (29 Oct) Mr. H. J. C. Mac Donald9 U t, US BUREAU OF MIMES, CONSULTED Messrs. (" /NF) on METALS IN THE USSR. (3-1/2 hrs) (29 Oct) Mr. = (M/NF) CONSULTED with ?1r. 74 B. Nelson, US BUREAU OF mina, ON COLUMBITE IN BRAZIL, ARGENTINA AND- BOLIVIA.. (1 hr) (29 Oct) Mr. W (MI~W) DISCUSSED WITH Mr. John B. Umhau, US BUREAU OF MINES, DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION OF PRICY AND SECONDARY TIN. (1/2 hr) (29 Oct) Mr. (S/TR).VISITED Lt. Bergstrom, Area Analysis, G-2, TO DISCUSS .. terial availablo in G..2 of value in connection with ORR Project 17-51 (CASPIAN SEA, SHIPPING). (1 hr) `29 Oct) Approved For Release 2001/11 107-00059A000400280041-2 Approved For Rele,3se 2001/11/1 7-00059AOQ 00280041-2 SECURITY INFOB3 &TION P LS (Continued) D/Gs 25X1A9a Mr. (S/TR) VISITED Mar, I31oom and other. members of the Transportation Section, , Ta get Research Branch, 'A?,2, TO DISCUSS ORR Projects 1141 (SOVIEZFLAG OCE&N TRAFFIC) and 17-51 (CASPIAN SEA TRAFFIC), (2 hrs). (29 Oct) Mrs, = COIIFREREI) ?1ITII ?:iiss~, CIA LIBRA t, I DING CHANGES to be made IN the LIBRARY AREA CLASSIFICATION FOR CHINA.. (1 1/4 hrs) (21} Oct) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Pdrs. _ CONSULTED V.ITH Messrs. 25X1A9a JBOARD OF GEOGRAPHIC NAI (BON REGARDING the POLICY-to be followed by BGN IN the SPELLING AIM USE OF GENERIC TERMS to be applied to the NEt`1 AD".WSISTRATIVE DIVISIONS IN CHINA: (2 1/2 hrs) (214 Oct) Mr. ATTEiaU1 D a DizamrINU, held at Arq map ierv3.ce, OF Dr, SharatRcy, CH ~- CURATOR OF GEOLOGY at the Chicago ltra1 Ilri.story Museum, Dr, Roy has RECEI TI RETURNED FfROU where he headed a geological survey of that counu ) (26 Oct) :.ira CONFERRED 1.7ITIf Hr, Stearns, Ubp Intelligence Branch, ARL :.IAP SERVICE, 011 SOVEREZGIITY PI o MIS IIJ TIIE IdEIIR EAST in connection with the new 1:250'000 map series. (14 hrs) (27 Oct) 25X1A9a D/C s Mrs IM T '?.'; ITH 00, OCD, AND D/Z TO ARRANGE FOR the establishment of STAIJDA:W REQU;IR1';1' ITS FOR the use of ONI DISTRICT ItJTELLIGEITCE OFFICERS III DE'BR I ?ING the OFFICERS AND CIE$ OF VESSELS which arrive in US AFTER VISITING SOVI T rORTS. (l hr) (29 Oct) Balance of ORR Nothing to Report Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280041-2