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Publication Date: 
November 2, 1951
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Approved For Release 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059400280038-6 ORR Mam 2 November 1961 (AD/RR information unless otborwi.se stated) AD RRe The AD/RR ATTENDED the IAC MEETING at which the JOINT INTELLIGEW CO iITTEE REQUEST FOR A CAPABILITIES STUDY WAS REFERRED TO THE ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE. NIEm3% the f i nit product of Task Force III, VAS APPROVED BY the TAC FOR PUBLICATION. General Smith and Drs. Langer and 25X1 Aga all expressed great ? satisfaction with tbo fins job doses by ORR in support of this project. (2 brs) (1 Nov) The AD/RR discussed with Mr. Allan Evanae OIR, Department d' STATE the RELATIVE ROLES OF OIR AID ORR IN ECONOMIC INTELLICIENQEL (1 hr) (I Nov) ACTION), ? TO DCI DIARY 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mr. ~ SPOKE TO assembled members of OCD, explaining to the the functional responsibilities of the Economic Analysis DiTiIiorL and of its. component branches. Divisional reading requires is were reviewed and emphasid placed on informtiaa pertinent to curr l jeotsb (1 hr) (1 Nor) 25X1A9a Mr. , OPC', VISITED Mr. _ TO SOLICIT INFORN'ATION ON the STRUCTURE, MEMBERSHIP AND 'MISSION OF the NSC SPECIAL CCUMITTEE ON EAST. EST TRADE AND of the ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF ME EXPORT CONTFOL PROGRAM IN the Depart emu of C(LIUERCE. There was also a discussion of the ORR?OPC inter :ligenee support problem. Mr. indicated that he would arr*nge a meeting among Messrs's and _ on 6 November to discuss this problem. (1 hr) (1 Nor) 25X1A9a Mr. ATTENDED the MEETING OF the OPERATING CC!HITTEE which recommended that used clothing and wool . rags be removed from the Positive List and determined fourth qw rt er US export quotas for nitrogenous fertilizers and for Port Orford Cedar $ and lumber. Mr. PRESENTED INTELL=GEPCE ON TIE FERTILIZER PRODUCTION PLANS AND ON WOOL SHORTAGES W I7E IN TIE SOVIET. BLOC o but took no position as to the size of the quotas.. (2 hre) (1 Nov) 25X1A9a D t Messrs. (M/ hl) FURNISHED INFOII%TION TO Mr. A. iottman, Air Force, A.4, REGARDING the IRON AND STEEL INDUS9' MANCHURIA. (1 hr) (1 Now) Mr.~ (Mm) CONSULTED WITH Mr. H. Davis, BUREAU OF MINES,, REGARDING WORLD PRODUCTION OF COBALT, MOLYBDENtI AND NICKEL. (1 hr) '(31 Oct) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280038-6 25X1A9a Continued% Mr. M (U//AG) MET WITH Morris K ufx x,, OIR/b1 7* STATE Departsesent,, sector coordinator for textiles N);E-40, ss Mrso Luba Richter,, DRS,, State Departmeents, to review oontribu- tions of textile sections in Stage I and t o prepare tentative conclusions in preparation for the second stage of the project., (3 hrs) (1 Nov) 25X1A9a Approved For.ReI ase 2001/11/01 -aTA-Rfpd- 00059 0400280038-6 SECURIT*l INFOYMATION 25X1A9a (Wc) and OSI, CALLP UPON Col. Arthur and Dr. Bingham of the OFFICE OF C;IIEF CHEMICAL OFFICER, Department of the Alt % REGARDING a ;RAINING MANUAL that the Chemical Corps is writing TO COVER the COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE primarily on materials of interest to the Chemical Corps. Via are in hopes of broadening the scope of the mnual so that it sill cover the collection of scientific and technical Chemical information and not be limited to Chemical Corps items only. (2 hre) .(I i'ov) 25X1A9a Vr~(D/) TALKED WITH representatives of AIR 'FORCE. G-2,, NAVY and STATE, MAKING PLANS FOR COORDINATION OF. THE ENERGY SECTOR OF NIE+40. (2 bra) (1 Nov) 25X1A9a D S: Wb.ww 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mesasrsn (S/YR) and Mr. (A/tAR) MET WITH the TRANSPORTATI N SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE EIC which DIS- CUSSED the "COLLECTION OF TRANSPORTATION INTELLIGENCE THROUGH US EMBASSY MOSCOW". Proposals for improving collection servicas were adopted and will be submitted to the EIC ?or further con. sideration. (2 bra) (1 Nov) 25X1A9a 9a Mrs* NOD CONFERRED '-'ITH Miss M CIA Li.brar?', and Mro _ Machine Methods Division, OCD, RERDING REVISIONS to be made IN the NUMERICAL AREA CLASSIFICATION for the I:NTELLOFAX system. (1-1/2, 2 rs) (l Nov) mr,, = anal Mrs. = DISCUSSED PROCEDURES FOR EXCHANGE OF IW- FORMAPION ON BOUNDARY AM SOVEREIGNTY MATTERS 71OR UOPIHE PURE POSES 117ITH Mr. Boggs and Mrsa Saucerman, OIIVSTkTE. (1-1a/2 h ?s (1 Nav) 25X1A9a yet Mr. - (D/S) and Mr. - DISCUSSED WITH Mr. Nordbeckv 25X1A9a Department of STATE, question on FOREIGN SERVICE REPORTING ON TELECOMWNICATIONS. (1 hr) (1 NOT) 25X1A9a Measrsa met with r?epr#sentatives of D/S, D/2a D/Aa and 00 ON 1 EQUI1Th EPT'S FOR INTE tROG 1TION OF CR 3 OF SHIPS 'OHICW HAVE TOUCHED SOVIET-CONTROLLED PORTS- (1 hr) (2 NOT) 25X1A9a