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,.?~''`~ Approved For Release 200~~DP67-00059A00~0 00280029-6 ~ B~.~ , ].~a ~Tcve~.b~sx~ ?95a. (A.D/~RR 3xz?o~ation uta~.e~a othe.~~ :~t~t~:da # r~. ~ AT,T~TIGP~ BA ;I'F3A~ PJ~~S9~ ~$ ~ ~ ~S his ~?antcd pa~a~issic~n ?or ramie ~ ~ ?o~u~~.taon o? a Bs~s~..etbal]L vague ~.th~ ~"~ ~ CTAm Ai~iST INTF~BSTL'I~ ~t 'G '~ ~ BAS~I`BA~, ONE :1IGIiT EP:Cf3 ~'~ PT.~A~~ ~ C~~T~.GT ~, l~oaz~ 1Q1~~ ~~.dgs ~ t~ ~ e,sn,~ioza 2~~].m ~ ~e 1y ,{~ t~ 25X1A9a 25X1A9aA - T~7~I~t -9J~~JI ~Sy~ C~,~~ ~s ~ 1~~'S 1tl J.Sd~ 84yi a L4:~7..P.~a~+~ S,dET~.9~3 ~` ~'? DISRUS~ ~4U5 ~PF~TS OF' TIiF B~~;T~, S&'B~:~3~ (lf 2 ham) (~.0 Nov) . 25X1 Aga !, ~TK the }~r1R,3~ o? the 0~'.~'IGB OP NAZ ~GP1A~ EST~.AT~ having ,~uxisd~.ction ovex? ~T]t.~~-~0,~ r~U~tE~F~'I' PGL~'I'~CAi? A~ r~co~~oPagc szTVATro~r rnt ~ G ~ ~~~o (z. ~/!~ h~~) (a1~ Pwe~va) 25X1A9a P~ic~.o~.aa d.eBe ~at~enbac~a the 0??ic? o? the Genex?~.. Couazea~l 7xa thc~ 0?fice of the Sec~?etaa'y~ o? th?~ A~'t ',Ct~ ~. R~D~1'dG INTLIS,IG~IC~ AS TG TFIl; P.SAS~I~T~ ?~` F~t~aaUS~9:C BU~dG. 2~~1~~) (1,~ Nov) ~essrsm ATT'~~D. th? moxnang a~aa~~.ran o? the TUB TRAT3E SECUF~IT~ LAPP GO.:IE.iZ`~3~E ~r~~i.ch oona:~a~?~d the aecu~ity ~?3~s~C ir~olvc~ci in advioing a~.l courat~~.c~c ~c~,v~,rag a~.d o? the d~"~aina..tiorac o? it~ns to be included on tY~ e~b~~go ]:f.at vndsg th? Bs~ttlo Act, ae pa?ovided ~.n th?~ sta,i~tat~.~ `rho Go~r-ittc~o aa.sa cons~.dexed the atomic ena~~y ~tez~.?~.l.s to bo inc~.uded in the mancla,to~ embax?go Z3.s~~a ~ossrsb .!~ and 25X1A9a 25X1A9a attended the a?ternoon aassion ~rha.ch rev?+s~d :F,ntes~~aat~.oz~ J~.st ~ items ?or tx?eatment under the B~.tt~.e+ Acts (~~?l~2 h~s~ (25 I~c~v) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280029-6 Approved For Release 2001/'~!'Y'f~DP67-00059A000400280029-6 SI,ioCil~xTX SP~FCiI~'IATI423 ~..~ ~,~ ixa OFzR '4~1:C1'~I RI;PIi.~IsT~ATZ;'~ ~ C~??2, 1~U1'~q a7~fSTATI~~ I~CNaId1 C C~oI.'L~tATIO~' AD;~IItTxSTR~TIoI~ CQ~CL'I~.tdl~~ F''~'TS:~QId d,~"+ r~I?~ ~ d (3 ham) (1,~ Norr) ?~ ~~~rrnaDr~ a ~ nvG of os~ r.A~x ~~tou~ ara rn~xol~o~c~ ~.~~ I~~SCUSSIOIV CO ~ ~ STATUS QF II1TE~~,IGE~I'CI; . oIV SC)V~I? ~~CTI30Id7C 25X1 Aga 1~~5 mac, arln p~IVS ~o~. FuTUI~ STtTIa:~S. (~ Izr~) ~ (~5 Nom) ~~o~ (a~A ~ ~) D~:scuss~n arl~r IJco~o~c ~~cTO ~zrlT~t I~Q ~~n Hac~ffex~ur~~ Assi~t~~ Chef, I3URU ~' ~I3o~ s~.~A`~-~ zsTSCS Ddr. Dw~r~ E`vaz~, "chie:l', ~~~ ~~' Labor 5~.1;~~~ica~ Lieasrs a I?~a??- (~/1~ ~C ~`r) COPZTAC7'ED ~Z~a 1'l~.dex?s ItU7USTftI1LL DItT7..STOP~, OS?f3.ce Cha.of of ORI3IJ~,tdGl;~ TO ASC~Ii.T~.TT~' i1AA` t~RIA.L F't3T (3N A.i1- ~~rrirr~o~s. T.nfox~t3.o~a ~va.s r~Q1; reader 7.~ ~~?~b~.d arar~ a coa~~- f~a~nn~ ~o~~Cpon~d un1:3.1. rr~.d~, 1~ I~ozr~b~r 39~ a'i: 31 A, ~o (~.f2 &ar)25~~~r) I.tE:S s~'~o VISITT~12 'ih~ t~~tT,IAIl I30CUI,}i~dT STCTIC3I~ of -iih~ Ad~ut~~ Ger~ra7.+~ aff~a~ IIa Sr~,Itt~?x az~ Droll ~i~ I~~ I~1'l'UT Il'~CCI~t.~TIOI~. Tlie seaxch rr~ lzi~kt~y ,irce~~fu].m ~ I.~.IZC.E A~aC~CTI~'x DF 3SATFft:t'AT~ YdAS T~OCATI~..I) COIICIdTT~~"SJCa I~JSSJ".AId I'~ROI~tiCT:~OI~ r.~ orr ~~~z~ Ir1~.z,.~~~~1'c~.TS. (~ his) (3~ zJo~) , 25X1A9a 7 ~a I,:iss - and Lt~~srs. a~.or,~ ~t?L?~'i Issr~. CIil~;.~3~ktS arnl. IIOu~3,PJa of _, ~ .:...?_ ~?_.,__ _~?.~_..{.-,.~?,._AT7:VVLS OF? ASIA 25X1A9 a i,'~CE~ ATi;:i~ AP3D STATES. crho 1?.Z~V'IEP~1J ~, 1~ItAF`T of die ~dI~CY ~~cT~ o~~ r~~~4o4 (2~a./2 ~~) (a.5 11~) . ~' ~ TALI{~D z'1xTIi I:Ir, Klee of A1ZI~' CItUN~I~CE , aid f gar :n+ex?s of the ?ItR s$'f 1;o me~s~ ~.~h h~xra ~r~ ob~ra d~~a. . a~ stox~Cl~9~e~ro~:euxn ~"~.al~ ash ~.ubriear~.lis~, (S/!~, hr) (~.~' ~o~r) Iides~~? ~~ t~~.s~ ~ (~AC~) Uxs~~? ~~.~rArr~ ~ .LiT~t~ nocu~?~r~~s s~cTroa, Azov ~ ~~~~ ir~ocfirarr~tiora, ~ se~?ch ~t~ rr~c f o~ d.as~era~a claa3.ir,~ ~i.f~i a~~icu.Z~ar~s ia?s I'/eaforn Europe 'be~'o ~orlr~ S'/ar II and a~~ex~ G~~ oecupatian. Idu.~erous ~xuzt~nt~ ~~ 3.oca~:d fo~? fu~a~'~~oit;~tion. (!~ hrs) (I~ Ido~r) Dx`. ~ 0?uT~ CQTJF' ~ ~ iirlTli .:,~, _ ~IS/G) t~.t?~F~DII?I'iJ 1:h~_ ~CT~ZxpI,t3GICAL S~lI,RF'AI~ Z.lPLICAT~I~S C~' ',a1E Ti.EC' URGE S~II~'~- . GL~' FItOP~ I~~GT~ Td IIUI~C~I~Y?. ~'Y"f ot~ t~.lI. k zi~,d~ 1;o rc: ~ ~e of ~ki~; c?rrs~~. (2tJ a~:a.rps~ (~.,~ Idc~~') ~.m ~~ ~r~s di~~~is~cd T~d? ~'~,a,~ ~ 2 ~~i Tan ~~d:,Ib Y~.ss L'I? . ~t~r~~.d Ty'S~.ss IIanQS of Sta1;e :~~~i~n'~a (~-mI/~ Iax?s) ~ (1,~ 2do~j ~'. ~a I.~/tII~'a consu? ~d V~'~-i;h ::Iz?a Suntinc~~ ~.x~de:~ors, ~C"xa~~f' ~~~.xa. A[[~er~..~a I~s~nch, t1S.I3ia~au .of DTI ~' ~ on, SU~~TJl? .eta I:iexa.c?~ (3/~, h~) ) A rdv~dlr Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280029-6 Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :.CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280029-6 ~?~ S~Z-RFC . ~ a~CUR:I~' xI~`OI,TxON 25X1 A9a"""?'??"?"'" 3~/S: ~Tv~s~?so (,S/TR) ~J~ ;"a`~TH Co~.~ Co~s?t Lt, 33orgsfi~on~ Aria Analysis ngasack~, ~~, TO I~CO~IGl'Z~ nu~rtber ctif DII+F ~ ~ dCI'S DL~~;~N lwhe '~'RANSBOT~ DATA P'R~.SI~T~P~D T2J G.~2 s s DRI~fi OP Pd~O ANl7 ~'ARALL~L ~ST~t4TI~S I,3ADE I3Y S/TIC. (I 1/2 brs) (1~ Ncav) D Gt ,-~xs. ~(G/`A) CONr' ~ ~ ;:ITii '~essrs~ ~, I+OIt~EIGN llOCU:,iF.,TJTa DItTISION, .R.1;GARI3IT,iG TYFl~ OZ' ADS. I~Tt~dTSTFtE1TTJE UNxTS I?STABLISI~CD B3C' CO?~':9UId~,5T5 ~I1 CI~TtdA. (2-7 /I~ ham) (15 IJov) 25X1A9a ~w ~ (G/A) D~SCUSSDD ~T.t'II ~c'b Fo13x~, Cost a~ Geodetic Su'rv'a~', DaPa.rt~ent of CO;r1~,~CI~, D/G ~2J1 ~ ~ T:i ~IJ TCA i;AI'P~T~G 25X1A9a DRC?BL~t.'rS ~d 7iI I.III}DLB l?(1ST. {~ ham) (~.a Idov) Z~r. ~ (G/A) COIPI~DD ,7ITII I.;ra Steed aid Dr. I!'ische~r . Dr. Inls of IrSID, AR':.",Y i:;flP SLRVTG>r, 33,BC~'~ft17~I~G i.L4TI~.~L PRO~- DUCLD F3Y Tt ~' U5 T'QPvCI.S IId 1lU5TRTA, and. with I~/, Bx~~.e~, i,`353~ . ~u.~s, x~~ard3.n~ a ;.;Ap sm, ~ or x~'rr~s~c~. (~ hr .) _ (~.5 Iiov) 25X1A9a ~~,~ AT`L~IZUUITD A L ~ ~ ~dG QT' ~e ~ ~CU'~ZVL COI.4,iT~T, I30ARD oIr ~IITC I3l~P.S.Gi. (2~-~~'2 ~~> ~a.5 z~o~) I3~~7,a.~a of prat ?Tdothi~ to report Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280029-6