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Approved For ee ase 2001/1 67-00059AD 0400280020-5 rr.nrtr.,rmv nr1lr mr.mrn'r ?+~'"*} (RiR Dial, LO November R L1 (AD/RR information unless other-wise stated) 25X1A9a APA W. - MET WITH Mr. Brown and Mrs. Schwartz? Department of the TREASURY, TO DISCUSS (1) ECON01MIC RESaRC1I PROGRAMS ON TILE SOVIET BLOC and (2) the EXTENT TO YIHICH TREASURY IS MAKING A SYSTEMATIC COMPILATION OF TILE EXTERNAL ASSETS OF TILE SOVIET BLOC COUNTRIES. (3/4 hr) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a The AD/RR, Mr. _, and Mr. ~ MET WITH Lt. Colonel 25X1A9a Cowart, G-2, TO DISCUSS THE WORK OF THE TRANSPORTATION SUB- C011MITTEE of the Economic Intelligence Coaanittee and a PROJECT PROPOSED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE BEFORE THAT GROUP. 91-1/2 hrs) (30 Nov) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a D A: Mr. ~ Mr. M, and Miss - ATTENDED the MEETING OF the OPERATING COMI!ITTEE which recc mended (a) a change in licensing policy for spare parts, (b) acceptance of certain proposed COCOM action on List II (quantitative control) items, and (c) that the export license application for antibiotics for the 25X1A9a proposed International ss stockpile in Switzerland be further studied. W. PRESENTED INTELLIG]NCE SHOVJJG EXTENSIVE PURCHASES OF ANTIBIOTICS BY CO12MUNIST COUNTRIES IN SWITZERLAND. ,cdD STRESSED THE NEED OF ADEQUATE SECURITY SAFi7GUARDS IN CONNECTIO:J WITH THE ARC PROPOSAL. (3 hrs) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a A11= Messrs. ATTENDED DEMIEFING OF Colonel. Lindstrand, USAF, RELATIVE TO HIS RECENT SURVEY OF GERMAN AND ITALIAN RIZISTOR MANUFACTURERS. (1-1/2 hrs) (29 AX)A9a Mr. (I/AM and Messrs. 05I, VISITED the GERP.IAN MILITARY DOCUMENTS SEECTION, AGO. This initial visit was exploratory but indicated that material pertaining to weapons, rockets, aircraft, and many other items of interest exists there, and the source may well be worth exploiting. (2-1/2 hrs) (30 Nov) Messrs. (WC) HAD A CONFEREZICE WITH Dr. John K. Rouleau, who has JUST RETURNED FROM PARIS, R.EGARD12IG THE C:IrL:IICAL INDUSTRY OF FRANCE. Dr. Rouleau will be a staff member of G-2. (2 hrs) (29 Nov) (WAG) CHAIRMANNED the regular M9EETING OF the AGRICULTURAL SU13C0'.1.JITTI of the Economic Intelligence Committee. (2 hrs) (29 Nov) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280020-5 Approved For, IIease 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-000594*0400280020-5 S.>E-O-R E T SECURITY INFORMATION D S Mr HAS BIM APPOINTED ASSISTAN CHIEF, TRADE AND FINANCE BRANCH, D/S, AND IS DESICR+IATED ACTING CHIEF OF BRANCH. 25X1A9a Messrs. (S/0) VISITED FOEEIa+t DOCUMENTS DIVISION. The latter discussed with the Polish Section their 25X1A9a progress and work on Project 23-51. Mr. _ -went for orientation and initial discussion with the Hungarian Section on their project. (2 lira) (28 Nov) 25X1A9a 25XI A9a Misses OPO, VISITED Mr. - (S/EP) TO DISCUSS THE BULGARIAN ELECTRIC POtiTR INDUSTRY. She was given 2 notes and documents for examination. (1/h hr) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a Mr. 06I, COCRDINATED WITH Mr. (S/TR) a PAPER ON TIIE CIVIL DI ENSE OF RAILROAD TRANSPORTATION IN ZIE USSR. (20 mina) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a 25X19 In response to a REQU T BY Mr Target Research Branch, A-2, Mr. FURNISHED INFORMATION FOR A STUDY initiated by P EC ON W ABILITY OF THE COWUNISTS TO REPLACE ROLLING STOCK AND x' OMCTIVE LOSSES IN KOREA, (1--1/6 hrs) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a Mr. - (S/TR) CONTACTED Lt. Judd of ONI to OBTAIN ADDITIONAL SHIP MOVEtMME_aT DATA for use in the preparation of ORR 11-51. (1 hr) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a Mrs.(S/TR) and Miss Aird, Air Establishments Branch, A-2,, DISCUS ,at the latteraa request, CIVIL AVIATION IN HUNGARY AND BULGARIA. (1-1/2 bra) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a Mrs.= (S/TE) DISCUSSED WITH Mr. Kilmars, USSR Civil Aviation Section, A-2, various SUBJECTS BEARING ON PROJECT 16-51. M. 25X1A9a offered to make available to S/TR material of considerable potential value in this connection. (1-1/2 lira) (29 Nov) Miss Farrar of the PRESIDENT'S MATERIAL POLICY CC? IflBSION CALLED Mr. S (S/TR) WITH REGARD to her PREPARATION OF A MAI' OF WORLD RESOURCES which is to include data on rail linep and harbors; she was referred to Mr.~ (S/TR). 25X1A9a (5 mins) (29 Nov) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Mrs. and Mr. (G/L) DISCUSSED WITH Mr. Gear, ? NATIONAL ARCHIVES, the INITIATION OF THE IMP LAMINATION PROGRAM. (1-1/2 lira) (28 Oct) Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280020-5. S-E-C-R-E-T a 4 Approved For Release 2001/191.041AMP67-000500400280020-5 SECURITY INFCtMA.TION 25X1A9a ~'~`~~2 9~a BRIEFED Mr. ~ of OSI on ORR PROCEDURES FOR S d .an THE INITIATION, CONTROL, AND REPORTING OF PROJLCT provided him with sample materials. (1/2 hr) (2SXNA,@j Mr. CONSULTED WITH Mr. 0 OPCs REGARDING PROJECT SID. (3/1.t hr) 30 Nov Balance of CIRR - Nothing to report Approved. For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059AO00400280020-5 S-FR-lip-T