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Approved ForR 'se 2001/11/01 CIA-RDP67-00059AOQW00280007-0 ORR Diary, Decd r 1 1 (AD/RR information unless otherwise stated) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a D A s Mr. ~ and Mrs. ATTENDED an INTERAGENCY MEETING in the Sta&" tment TO FORLNLATE RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO US POLICY ON EXPORT CONTROLS. (3 hrs) (17 Dee) 25X6A 25X1A9a MSessrs. - and _ ATTEIDED the MEETING OF the OPERATINU 25X1A9a COL IITTEE, which recommended US export quotas for the fourth quarter of 1951 and/or second quarter of 1952 for (1) wood pulp, 2) cobalt ores and concentrates, (3) certain aluminum products, and (4) certain iron and steel products. The Committee returned to OIT for further study its proposal that it be authorized to license into future quarters commodities required for foreign operations of US pertroleum companies. (3 hrs) (19 Dee) 25X1A9a 111x.. 00, VISITED Messrs. TO ASCERTAIN SPECIFIC INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION R4UIRE15;NTS. 25X1A9a . % .-- - : 25X1A9a Mr. CALLED ON Messrs. , OSI, TO DISCUSS P1IETHODS BY WHICH INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT CAN BE PRO- VIDED AS BASIS FOR ACTION TO PREVENT SHIPMENTS OF ELECTRONIC TEST AND IMASURING EQUIPMENT, REPORTED AS BEIID TRANSSHIPPED VIA INDIA TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA. (1/2 hr) (17 Dee) 25X1A9a MET WITH the EIC WORKING GROUP ON NIE-LO TO DISCUSS THE METALS AND COAL PAPERS. (2 hrs) (13 Dee) 25X1A9a Messrs. and _ ATTEIMED a special MEETING OF the 25X1A9a OPERATING COMMITTEE which considered Western European-export quotas for six commodities recommended by COCOM. The Committee accepted, with modifications, the proposed quota for silicon carbide but reached no decision as to quotas for dredges, ice- breakers, naval vessels, propellers, and locomotives. (2 hrs) (10 Dee) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a , OPC, CALLED ON ISr._ to INQUIRE AS TO the Llr. PROGRESS BEING MADE III DEVELOPS IT OF A ',MATCH LIST OF SUSPECT IIITERNATIO IAL TRADERS. He was informed that a plan had been agreed upon at the working level for joint maintenance of such a list by A/CIAR and Special. Register, OCD, but that its implementation was being delayed pending recruitment of per- 25X1A9a sonnet, Mr, was ADVISED that HIS OFFICE SHOUID EI,IPLOY the Department. of COLS E-IRCE CHECK LIST, PENDING 'the DEVELOPMENT OF A CIA LIST, the Check List being the principal authoritative list now available within the Government. (I hr) (1B Dec) Approved For Release 2001/1'"^" a=-J09&- 00059AO00400280007-0 Approved For Rql se 2001/11/01: CIA-RDP67-00059AOQ00280007-0 S-E-C-R-F.-T SECURITY INFORMATION (I/aG) VISITED the Construction Equipment Division of NATIONAL PRODUCTION AUTHORITY TO SECURE DATA ON US INPUT AND PRODUCTION FIGURES OF THAT INDUSTRY. (2 hrs) (10 Dec) 25X1A9a Colonel.- (I/AIR) ..AS VISITED BY Squadron Leader 25X1C8c TO DIRECTORATE OF INTEL- LIGEISCE, USAF-ONI, Technical Capabilities Branch, follow clearance for TS from D/C. The MISSION AND FUNCTIONS OF I/AIR T DISCUSSED. (1 hr) (17 Dec) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a H'o- (I/CG) VISITED Lt , I;IUNITIONS BOARDS TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ON RUSSIAN EQIPZ3ENT BEING ANALYZED BY OTIIER AGENCIES. A list of analysts and agencies working on antifriction bearings projects was also compiled in an attempt to eliminate duplication of work in this field. (2 hrs) (18 Dec} 25X1A9a mr, (i/ tiww) VISITED Major Thomas W. Heffernan of Industrial Planning Division of the AIR FORCE at the Pentagon.. Information CONCERNING STUDIES made UPON AMERICAN ROCKET AND GUIDED MISSI=ES PRODUCTION WAS OBTAINED. These costly and extensive studies by outside consultants are not in CIA files but are pertinent to studies of USSR production. (1 hr) (17 Dec) TALKED WITH Lt. Colonel Lauro, A-2, REGARDING AVIATION GASOLINE PRODUCTION ESTIMATES. (1/4 hr) (18 Dec) 25X1A9a Messrs, (M11FM) :,MT WITH Mr. Gagona Chief, Metals and Equipment Section, A--2, and member of his staff TO DISCUSS STEEL CONSUMPTION IN THE SOV I, BLOC, (2 hrs) (17 Dec) 25X1A9a Mr. I- (IVIIF) CONSULTED WITH members of STATE Department ON NIF.-40. (2 hrs) (18 Dee) 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Miss ~ and biro- (NIP) GAVE Mr. ~, OPC, INFORMATION ON THE CONSUIiPTION OF ELECTRIC PO'.+ER IN TH;: PRODUCTION OF SYNTHETIC LIQUID FUEIS IN EAST GERMANY. (1/2 hr) (17 Dec) 25X1A9a Mr. good, G-2, CONTACTED Miss ~ (1M/P) TO CHECK ON ESTIMATES OF CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION IN THE SOVIET ORBIT. (i/4 hr) (18 Dec) FINANCIAL AID COLiMODITY TRADE REPOIING M. 00. The discuss ons were encouraging; it appears that 00 will be giving us greater coverage in these fieldsin the future. (1 hr) (17 Dee) D St Mr, , 00/C, VISITED (S/TF) TO DISCUSS i S- ' .a--E-'T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :'CIA-FP67 *60059A000400280007-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/0 00059A000280007-0 rw w r - SEURT fl ORM&T ION 25X1A9a PLC S Messrs. lll~ and ATTEND) 2 TING IN 11r. M office., OIC, ':;ITH Messrs. r of BIOGRAPHIC REGISTER, 25X1A9a 9a OCD, ..Ir. Nordbeck of STATE, and Mr. Heck and hiss Pinks of BIOGRAPHIC INDEX, STATE, TO DISCUSS MUTUAL TER1 Or, BIOGRAPHIC AT INTELLIGENCE VID TO A TO ELII:' ME the DUPLIU-JiTIQN TH IJOV; IS ' BEEN CIA AND STATE in that field. E:iessrs. Heck =d are to prepare studies tsich will cover the mechanics of this operation. (2 hrs) Dec) Balance of ORR -- Nothing to report a S-L C.Z.aE-T Approved For Release 2001/11/01 : CIA-RDP67-00059A000400280007-0