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Publication Date: 
October 25, 1960
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Apptoved For Release2000/04/11 : CIA-RDP64-00360R90080011agis-o ,024ANpuivt older. rixtruMe Virtflelort 25 October 1960 4.7rtner t Mops tar,y 1,4 co (pro 141.1Wr .0iBuorkkitgibutir elf' Treasury Chock 1. It, is kindly requested that a U0 S, treasury Check be drawn in tavor of the company listed hereunder in the amount stated, which will be applicable to the contract or agreement shown. The contract number and invoice identification must appear on the check. L0 Check drawn in favor orr, b, Amount: e, Contract Numomer: d. Invoice Numberg e. Check to be datedg Mn task Ocupico7 $,o27.67 .635 26 sad 27 Lte October 1960 Pertinent documentation in connection with this classified trans- action is on file in the Office of the Comptroller, DPD-DD/P. The check should be dated as stated in Paragraph 1 and mailed in vhe attached self-aderessed envelope. If no envelope is attached, the ermined mhould be contactee on extension 6737/8738 when payment is twady for disposition. 4, The payment requested is based on progress made by the contractor to date and should be processed against General Ledger Account No. 138, titled "idebursements of Appropriated Funds Chargeable to Confidential :Funds Allotments - Awaiting MI Certification." See Comptrollers Instruction No. 32 and Comptrollers Notice No. 20-56, approved by the DCI on 15 December 1956. Me General Ledger Acoount, Allotment Symbol, and Object Class applicable to this reepest is ae follows: Gen. Ledger , Account It: 601403 CRi *ea Allotment Account 07284021-0178 Pat 2_7Addressee -- Contract JP-635 (Posting) 1 - Voucher File EL:nh/DPD-Fin/25 October 1960 Object Mess (740) Amount ..... $8,027067 416,027?67 25X1A Authorized Ce 25 October Officer 3SCRET (When filled in) Approved For Release 2000/04/11 : CIA-RDP64-00360R000800110039-0 Standard Form No. 1034 7 GAO 5030 1034-106 Approved For ReleaseadiSRV6H5AMIPgElgegtginife0800110039-0 se continuation s eet(s) if necessary BU. VOU. NO PUBLIC VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES AND D. O. VOU. NO U.S. Voucher prepared at (Department, bureau, or establishment) (Give place and date) Payee's Account No. Discount Terms TO Eastman-Kodak Company (Payee) Rochester 4, New York (Address) PAID BY Contract No. JP-635 Shipped from Date to Req. No. Weight Date Invoke Rec'd. Govt. B/L No. No. and Date of Order Date of Delivery or Service 1 ARTICLES OR SERVICES (Enter description, Item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, and other information deemed necessary) Quantity UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Cost Per Invoice No. "- e 26..4.....0-0-1-040.6417:61611-fy 27( , i e (PAYEE MUST NOT USE THIS SPACE) I r ($11405.01) 9,432.68 TOTAL $81027.67 PAYMENT: COMPLETE PARTIAL FINAL PROGRESS ADVANCE DIFFERENCES 't Approved for =$ By Title Exchange rate =$1.00 THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM MUST BE EXECUTED WHEN PURCHASES ARE M ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (Appropriation Symbol must be shown; other cIassi ation optional 25X1A Paid by I Check No Check No. on Treasurer of the United States on (Name of Bank) Cash, $ , on , 19 Payee When used in foreign countries, insert name of currency of country -in which used. essary; ?then kierplipeitsdafrzettrill over his oftinwi v t If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is nec- r Relidatitb200V/04.1ii : CIA-RDP84 QQ60R000800110039-0 Per Approved For Release 2000/04/11 : CIA-RDP64-00360R000800110039-0 METHOD OF OR ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING METHOD OF ADVERTISING 1. Advertising in newspapers Yes El No Q. 2. (a) Advertising by circular letters sent to dealers. (b) And by notices posted in public places Yes U No D. (If notices were not posted in addition to advertising by circular letters sent to dealers, explanation of such omission must be made below.) ABSENCE. OF ADVERTISING 3. Without advertising, under an exigency of the service which existed prior to the order and would not admit of the delay incident to advertising. 4. Without advertising in accordance with 5. Without advertising, it being impracticable to secure competition because of (Here state In detail the nature of the exigency or circumstances under which the securing of competition was impracticable under 3 and 4) NOTE?The above form "Method of or Absence of Advertising" is to be used when purchases are made or services secured under proper authority without written agreement in any form. In case of a written agreement (formal contract, proposal, and acceptance, or less formal agreement) Standard Form No. 1036 should be used for abstracting the method of or absence of advertising and award of con- tract. (See 7 GAO 4500 and 5000.) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1958 0-486458 0001425 Approved For Releasej00/04/11 : CIA-RDWI-01460R2,10V 10039-0 Approved For Release 2000/04/11 : CIA-RDP64-00360R000800110039-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/04/11 : CIA-RDP64-00360R000800110039-0