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~,( Approved For Release 20&@9@_1IA-RDP72-00450R000100290001;0- April 1968 1 A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S RECORDS CREATION (Forms Control, Correspondence Improvements, and. Reports Management) A. Forms Management Actions Completed. this Quarter: New Forms Designed. and. Issued. 47 336,500 copies) Old. Forms Revised. and. Issued. 77 (4,958,870 copies) Old. Forms Obsoleted. and Removed. 15 B. Other Forms Developments: 1. During a recent trip to the Record.s Center to update the Vital Records file of Agency forms we discovered. more than 400 forms were missing. The printer had, not includ.ed. Forms Management in the original distribution. To correct this, the respective Records Officers will be contacted for the missing forms. Two 25X1A6A days were spent in this review and. updating exercise. 2. Designed. 3 new reporting forms for the Language School in keeping with an Inspector General Survey. 3. Most of seven days were spent preparing charts for SSS and. RAB briefings. 25X1A9A 4. A special training program in Forms Design and. Analysis is being developed, for DD/P, who will spend. several weeks of on-the-job training with us. 25X1A11C 6. Revisions to 6 Cland.estine Services Information Reports were made at the request of FI/RQJI. Approved For Release 2002/08/26 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100290001-0 SECRET Approved For Release 2005 EIIA-RDP72-00450R000100290001-0 RECORDS MAINTENANCE (Record.s Surveys, Systems Development, Equipment and. Supplies) A. DDS&T The Office of Logistics installation of Fullspace (compacting type shelving) released, four sections of conventional shelving which we transferred. to meet a need. in Office of Research and. Development, DDS&T, thereby saving 54 square feet of floor space. This resulted. in a cost avoidance of approximately 420. B. DD /I A. Survey is being made of the microfilming feasibility to reduce storage space at Headquarters and the Record.s Center for filing the Photo Caption Reports of CRS/GR. Since these reports are scheduled. to be held. fifty years, filming may prove to be an economically appropriate consideration. There are 124 cubic feet at the Record.s Center and. 18 cubic feet at Headquarters. C. DD /P 25X1A9A Mr. I of RID and. Mr. I lof this Staff examined, the first trial installation of motorized. Fullspace shelving. They 25X1A9A were impressed with the ease and. speed. with which this equipment operates. The 1/4 horse-power motor can move 45,000 pound.s of files to open an aisle in 10 seconds. The item is not priced. yet and, we felt an additional safety control is necessary. D. DD /S 1. The installation of Conserv-a-File V in the Office of Personnel, Recruitment Division has been completed.. In ad.dition to saving 54 square feet of floor space, it permits easier access to the files, reduces search time, and in general, increases productivity. This Office previously used. "Pro-File" cabinets. It is our hope their main file room will now convert to this type of equipment, as we have urged them for years in several proposals to increase their filing capacity and. efficiency. 2. The installation of Fullspace in Office of Logistics, Supply Division has been completed. and, is working very satisfactorily. VITAL RECORDS (Storage of Data for Emergency or to Reconstitute Destroyed. Offices) -2- Approved For Release 200 (Q$/ht:tlA-RDP72-00450R000100290001-0 Approved For Release 2002k% EJA-RDP72-00450R000100290001-0 A. Scheduling Reviewed, and. approved. revised. Vital Records Schedules for Office of Computer Services, Covert Action Staff, and. Office of Economic Research. Partial revisions were completed, for elements of Office of Training, Office of Finance, and. the Records Integration Division, DD/P. B. Deposits This quarter 291 cubic feet of current Vital Record.s were received. at the Relocation Site and. 1,158 cubic feet were d.estroyed. or transferred.. C. Liaison A study has been completed. analyzing the Vital Record.s Program and the related, problems of people and. facilities. Information received. from several Records Officers, the Agency's Emergency. Planning Officer, and. in- 25X1A6A dicates that this is an appropriate time for a restatement of the policy governing the Agency Vital Record.s Program. The study and. recommend.ations have been submitted. to the Chief, Support Services Staff. RECORDS DISPOSITION (Inventories, Scheduling, Storage, and. Archives) A. Record.s Center Activities this Quarter: (cubic feet) Records Received. for Storage 4,782 Record.s Removed. for Destruction 1,932 Record.s Transferred. out of Center 2,112 (Net Growth 738) Priority Deliveries 3 special runs Record.s Services 20,377 items delivered. Supplemental Distribution Copies 10,374 items d.elivered. Briefings and. Visitors 103 people (Includes historians, CT's, office representatives, stud.ents, etc.) A new security alarm system was installed but is not yet operational. Fifteen telephone jacks were installed. in the Record.s Center as part of the 0 emergency phone system. 25X1A6A Approved For Release 2002/08%6: CIA-RDP72-00450R000100290001-0 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/&F2 . -RDP72-00450R000100290001-0 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT (Guidance and. Standards as Required. by A. Records Orientations Given: 1. A special Records Management Briefing on the "Agency Records Storage Problem" was given on 13 March at Headquarters to Messers. Bannerman, Coffey, 25X1 25X1A9A 2. A presentation on the"Record.s Administration Program" was mad.e to 15 Career Trainees on 21 March. Another presentation on the "Agency Records Program" was presented. to 52 A ency employees attending the Support Services Review course n 5 March. 25X1A6A 3. On 22 March at National Archives the CIA Record.s Administration Officer presided. over the Interagency Record.s Advisory Council meeting attend.ed. by 300 government employees. Twenty of those in attendance were CIA employees. 4+. Our Vital Records Program techniques were presented. as part of the 2-week Record.s Management Seminar conducted. by the National Archives and. Record.s Service. In attendance were 33 representa- tives from 18 different government and. private industry affiliates. 5. Members of this Staff, including Chief of the Archives and. Records 25X1A9A Center, briefed. Mr. in the various aspects of 25X1A9A Records Management. Mr. is newly appointed. as the Records Management Officer for the DD/I Directorate. 6. Several members of this Staff briefed. Mr. the 25X1A9A newly appointed. Records Officer for Office of L . 0 B. Records Training Received. 25X1A9A 1. 25X1A9A 2. 25X1A9A 3. attended. a 1/2 day Seminar by Eastman Kod.ak at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The "Spectrum '68" concerned. Kodak's microphotography and. technological advancements in information processing. CIA - 3 days - Trends and. Highlights CIA - 3 days - ADP Orientation 25X1A9A 4. I land. two representatives from the SIPS Project visited the ocia ecurity Offices in Baltimore to re- view their automated. system of information processing and. retrieval. Approved For Release 2002/08/26 : CIA-RDP72-0045OR000100290001-0 SEW I