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NO FgrRefease in ulasb ? DECLA ED Class. CHANGE DDA Memo, 4 Auth: DDA REG. 77 Date: 03 02-7VBy: 0 3.441116-- NENORLEDUM FOR' Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 111 SUBJECT rolls-55-1776 309A000100030076-0 26, .P6 15 August 1955 Proposal for the Organisation of an Action Operationa Unit. EEZFRENCE Nemo dtd 11 Aug 55 to DiDC1 fr D/Trg? 3820 sehject. 1. I concur in the dssirability of providing an 'motion* unit within the Agency and of training personnel for service in it so that we may "acts with ef- ficiency and dispatch when called upon to do so. Inasmuch as I, personally, an not familiar with previous 'action" operations, I defer to the judgment of the Director of Training and the Deputy Director (Plans) as to how we should swam- Nish this Objective. However, there is still a question in my sdnd as to whe- ther we can keep career-minded personnel in an activity of this type for a period of thirty months without presenting an opportunity to test their theories in an actual situation. As. layman in the field, I would have thought that. shorter course, perhaps for a six months period, for a greater variety of per- sonnel with different area and language knowledge would have provided greater insurance- towards preparedness to meet a given situation in whatever area it night develop. 2. As I understand the referenced memorandum, the plan would be to author.. is. the additional positions now and the unit itself mold then proceed to fire up the plane and cost estimates. This would mean that no cost estimates for this activity would be available to us prior to submission of the Fiscal Tear 1758 Budget. In my discussions with the Director of Training I have gained an indelible impression that such a unit would "cost a lot of money.* While I re- iii. that the development of accurate cost estimates may be impossible at this time, I do believe that it should be possible to develop an approximation. 3. Aa you know, I aa concerned about our over-all budgetary situation. The new activities taken on during the past year, whigh are ecrntinninr have had the afoot of Ingres our o ting cost level by about above our regular todget. This 11 have to come from the R0001,10. There are additional approved and pending items that will probably call for releases from the Reserve which will leave only in it for Fiscal Tear 1956. As yen can see, with only one month of Fiscal Tear 1956 behind 128 we have a rela- tively small %eery. left. If personnel increases and other items already re- quested Should b pproved our Fiscal Year 1956 operating cost would be increased by another and in Fiscal liar 1957 by Im AMY eases vs 25X1A1a will for substantially more money in Fiscal Tier 1757 than we 25X1A1a 25X1A1a 25X1A1a 25X1A1a f Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : '6011--1:11rClit9A000100030076-0 C" -- Approved For RAease 20r/04105,:LIA.RDP63-00309A0001000?)936s040i4 pest, and we eertainly cannot be usurd at this tine that ye enjoy the flexibility which we have bed in the pest. I still think that it would be preferable to 'toff out this pro embark upon it without a clearer idea of +Awe we are goini Director Should consider carefully our over..all bedget sitnati it this project without farther staffing. I OA, Itiaferenced Iftworend (0 is 5) Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : Cl tristAW '12.1 L. I. MEM Deputy Director. (Support) A000100030076-0