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December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 8, 2000
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Publication Date:
September 6, 1956
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Ap----'_ 200 3Q AW0100030067-0
ent 110. p~6~re . ,r_R 4e
aw.161AS11T. 94.1
cs "'_;,'~ 6 September 1956
puth: DUA 77 u.
0% n
Dates 8
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Chief, Plans and Policy Staff
Organization of a Clandestine Services
Developmental Personnel Pool
1. Pursuant to your request I have re-examined all of
the papers pertaining to the "action cadre" proposal. It
seems to me that to resubmit the proposal as it now stands
probably would be fruitless in view of many Agency develop-
ments which have occured during the intervening period. From
all that I can glean, the basic implied objection still obtains
to wit: an "action cadre" would be created that doesn't really
have a firm primary job but for which secondary tasks could be
found. Furthermore, since the initiation of the "cadre" pro-
posal, many of the action instructor assets have been dissipated.
However, the basic philosophy behind the idea still seems perti-
nent. In this connection, perhaps a reshaping of the idea along
the following lines could make it more current and vital:
To create a Clandestine Services developmental person-
nel group of approximately 50 to 100 operations officers.
This group would undertake the following broad categories
of activity:
a. Initiate and produce at an accelerated pace
doctrine and techniques for the CS.
b. Conduct detailed debriefings of returning CS
personnel on a systematic basis in order to build up a
refined body of knowledge.
c. Prepare instructors for specified field training
d. Provide a mechanism for a thorough indoctrination
of an outgoing case officer tailored to specific assign-
ment and area.
e. Provide a qualified group of personnel to staff
highly specialized or critical assignments in the whole of
DD/P as openings occur.
Approved For Release 200 7 030067-0
Approved For Releas 001/0476'' ~F =f3 63*003Q2A0.P0100030067-0
SUBJECT: Organization of a Clandestine Services Developmental
Personnel Pool
f. Prepare the blueprint for the pulling together
of an "action cadre" from the group at any required mo-
ment, i.e., the PBSUCCESS type.
g. Provide instructors or assistant instructors to
augment the permanent instructor staff as needed but not
on a tour basis.
c. For financing and other purposes, the developmental
pool should be administered on a ro ect basis. This projec
should provide for the filling of the s' 1?s on a gradual
basis, over a two-year period as attrition throughout the
Agency makes these slots available, in order not to exceed
the total Agency ceiling as specified by the DCI.
3. If the above suggestion or any part thereof is accepted in
principle by higher authority, the covering document relating to the
matter may start off with the following explanation:
In view of several Agency developments which include the
imposition of a personnel ceiling, eventual movement to a new
CIA headquarters with a reduced complement, and the need for
more highly qualified operations officers, OTR is encountering
gainfully employ
h. Provide a mechanism to ho4AM
the few DD/P personnel who cannot d at the moment 25X1X8
but who should not be separated. L Conduct field testing of clandestine services
techniques and serve as a field testing group for the
DD/P Materiel Board.
2. In order to make the above administratively meaningful, the
following should be accomplished:
25X1A6a a. Assign the slots specified above to a
field installation not chargeable to OTR's
headquarters ceiling.
b. Further, neither DTR nor DD/P should be required
to reduce their absolute personnel ceiling in order to
accommodate these slots.
Approved For Release 2001/04 RDJ'd(100030067-0
Approved For Release 2001/04 -RDP63-003Q,2U0 0100030067-0
11F 12., "N4
SUBJECT: Organization of a Clandestine Services Developmental
Personnel Pool
increasing if not insolvable difficulties in its attempts to
equate an inadequate number of qualified clandestine services
instructor personnel with its primary training mission. More-
over, not only has OTR for all practical purposes lost its
capability to teach in the action fields owing to the lack of
qualified instructors, but has been unable with few exceptions
to produce the requisite doctrine and techniques which in the
long run will enhance the sophistication of the Clandestine
Services. Therefore, in an attempt to resolve the many problems
indicated above, which have been attacked piecemeal in many
instances in the past, the following is proposed:
4,.. Prior to the initiation of any staff study, I would appreciate
the opportunity of discussing the matter with the DTR.
Approved For Release 2001/04