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Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP63-0d3d9A(010OQ'6
Not. A.'
NO E in 'C1ass.
1 OUANDU ` FOR: The Director of Centre 1a' e1ic,9#9u
DDA Memo
STDJECT : Action Operations UniLut ji DD.A REG.
eats ,~ 0217
1. Action is recommended in para. with respect to ,;tour con-
clusion that "we should develop a standby task force of experienced
per-onnel for emergency use in critical areas",
2. On 5 April 1955 the Director of Training initiated a propo-
sal to organize an Action Operations Unit consisting of 25X1A
fifty experienced specialists cross-trained to carry out 9ertain action
aspects of covert operations. His proposal received en
. .#$Iastic sup-
. . ~
port from the DD/P and from your Special Assistant for Planning and
3. On 11 Au;ust 1955 I concurred in the objective of this pro-
posal it passed through ne to the Deputy Directox'. In concurring,
1 invited attention to the effect of to proposal upon our overall
budgetary situation. You nay r(-call t wt by the end of he fi_r !t month
of 117Y 1956 vvo had already commithed two-thirds of our le::erve fznds.for
the entire year. General Cabell ex)ressed enthusiarz about the propos??+l
on 22 Awsist
and a desire to support it and/':e requested the develop-ent of cost esti-
It. On 29 September the Director of
Training estimated that this
nroposa i_, if out into effect at full strength, wool d entail
a ci.bility of omnloyment. In the lid;- t of this concept the Director
of Training proposeS,tto i'nves't twenty action instructor
positions (ten civilian and ten military) in the Action Operations
Unit. At the time Me original proposal was race Viese positions
;;ere all filled with qualified action instructors some of whom have
since returned to the T. ilitar-y and the Clandestine Services.
6. As a further means of overcoming the difficulty of the per-
sonnel cei_linn ~;s it affects the activation of the Unit, the Director
of Training now proposes that:
a. You authorize the Director of Training to convert an
additional ten vacant military positions, currently within his estab-
lished personnel ceiling,to civilian positions for transfer to the
Action Operations Unit. These positions a r- to be filled by the Clan-
dr stnne Services as rapidly as suitably qualified ca ndidated can be
found? either arnong* Headquarters, or Overseas returnee personnel.
b. You authorize an increase to the T/O of the Office of
Training of an additional twenty civilian positionsfor the Action
operations Unit, as not chargeable against the Headquarters Ceiling.
These positions are to on fillet' by Clandestine Services personnel
at the rate of ten in FY 19'B and ten in FY 1959.
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030064-3
Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030064-3
7. AS a result of has trip last. Spring the Director of Training
becawe more convinced of the validity of his original proposal. He
reports that current planning in DD/P, particularly in the NEIL Division,
clearly indicates the need for greater emphasis on action training both
The existence of such a unit would
facilitate fulfillment of there training requirements and. provide the Unit
with valuable experience in preparation for emergency duty assignments.
B. For your information I am enclosing a copy of the Director of
Training's original proposal together with his cost estimate, and the
comments on the proposal made by the DD/P and 25X1A9a
9. In view of the foregoing, and subject to concurrence of the
DD/P, I recommend that;
You approve the transfer of 30 action instructor podtions
and 10 civilian) which are currently within the 0Th persnnel ceiling
to the proposed Action Operations Unit; and the conversion of
ten of the military positions to civilian positions.
b. Ybu authorize the establishment of 20 additional ci vilian
personnel positions for the Action Operations Unit in the Office of Training
T/O as not chargeable against the Headquarters ceiling.
c. You autorize the provision of fuhds required to meet the
capital and annual operating costs of facilities for the Unit in appro-
priate Budgetary submittals.
Depu Director
Approved For Release 2001'/ I. F iJ 3-00309A000100030064-3