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July 25, 1958
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P 25 July 1958
N MORANDUM FOR: Chief, Psychological and Paramilitary Staff, DD/P
REFERENCE : PP Staff Memorandum, subject: CIA Task Forces,
dated 12 June 1958
1. I concur in the Task Force concept expressed in your memorandum.
However, I believe the standby group should include overseas personnel as
2. As I see it, there are two parts to the support element of the Task
Force: first, there is a headquarters ing ggu which must be assembled
during the earliest planning stages of any project requiring its services.
This would, in effect, be a project support planning group whose activities
would be coordinated by a senior project support planning officer. Second,
there is a field support ou which would be comprised of representatives of
those elements o a DD S necessary to support the operation. This unit
would be headed by a Senior Support Officer who would be able to provide,
through his organization, technical guidance and required services to the
operational elements of the project in the field.
3. I believe that the detailed planning of the organizational structure
of the DD/S component should be integrated with that of the DD/P Task Force.
Since this may be some time away, as an interim measure I intend to establish
Vthroughout the DD/S. world-wide standby lists of personnel whose current
assignments and experience qualify them for one or more jobs in the DD/S
component. Where. necessary, documentation and immunizations will be provided
to the individuals concerned. As rotation and reassignments occur, this list
will be expanded, and when necessary, members will receive specialized train-
ing. Also, I intend to have selected from the list a "hard core" of senior
officers who can fill key positions.
4. The ramifications stemming from the application of the Task Force
concept are extensive and intricate. To mention a few, the location of
supply bases from which to support an operation will not be ent ely certain
unt the over-all base problem being studied within the Agency is completed.
Even when these places have been determined, the effective use of them will
depend directly upon the transportation and lines of ccmmanunication to and from
the bases. For this we depend largely upon the military; special courses
will have to be designed and given, perhaps at the expense of some current
training activity; the matter of CPX-type operations must be considered.
These and other equally important matters must be carefully examined in order
to determine the total impact of the Task FWe type o ration upon the Agency's
`ent No. ____
NO C E in Class. []
DDA Memo, 4 X77
the DDA REG. 77
Approved For Release 200110,x/05 : CIID6j3
Approved For Re-ase 2001/04/0 RDP63-9AO00100030054-4
SUBJECT: CIA Task Forces
operation as a whole. This, in my opinion, is an extremely important part of
the planning which must be done if a real Task Force capability, supported by
the best resources of the Agency, is to be developed. To this end, I request
that this office be provided with the details of the action you propose to
5. Members of my Staff are now available to work with your representa-
tives in the preparation of a detailed, coordinated Task Force plan which I
hope will embody the principles outlined in your letter as well as those
stated above.
Deputy Director
SPA-DD/S :mrf (24 July 1958)
Orig. & 1 - Addressee
1 - COP-DD/P
1 - SSA-DD/S
1 - Dir/Personnel
2 - SPA-DD/S
Approved For Release 200"