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October 15, 1947
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Approved For Releas MJW&T" C1A-RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 IR~aao~a~ooa ~aaQ~~ ~ ~sos a 8 a gas UTA0117 TIC CHARTS SUPERSEDE ALL PNEVIOUSLI ISSUED CIA ORGANIZATION CHARTS AND AMENDMENTS THERETO AND THOSE PORTIONS OF SEPARATE FUNCTIONAL STATEMENTS PREVIOUSLI ISSUED WHICH ARE IN CORLICT. REAR ADMIRAL, USN DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 25X1A Document No. NO CHANGE in Class. [] ^ DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S C DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: ;", - . Date: By: - Approved For Re1e-DP51-00036A000100040009-9 25X1A Performs such duties as prescribed by the Director of Central Intelligence and main- tains a temporary office of record for the Director. Develops and coordinates the overall plans and policies for interagency intelligence activities including centralized intelligence services through constant liaison with IAC agencies.. Advisee the Director of their reactions to interagency pro- gram and the implementation of intelligence plans. Formulates and puts into operation the policies and procedures necessary for the coordinated collection and dissemination of intelligence and intelligence information in order to belt meet the needs of all in- telligence agencies and utiliz sthe avail- able intelligence facilities in collection and dissemination of intelligence mater- ial. Approved For R THE PRESIDENT SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY SECRETARY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE SECRETARY OF T;D; AIR FORCE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY CHAIRMAN OF NATL. SEC. RESOURCES HD. DIRECTOR by CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Subject to existing law and to the direction and control of the National Security Council, the Director of Central Intelligence: 1. Directs all activities of the Central Intelligence Agency. 2. Advisee the National Security Council in matters concerning such intelligence activities of the Government departments and agencies as relate to national security. 3. Makes recommendations to the National Security Council for the coor- dination of such intelligence activities of the departments and agencies of the Government as relate to the national security. 4. Correlates end evaluates intelligence relating to the national security and provides for the appropriate dissenination of such intelligence within the Government using where appropriate exist- ing agencies and facilities. 5. Protects intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized dis- closure. 6. Performs for the benefit of the existing intelligence agencies such additional services of common concern as the National Securi- ty Council determines can be more efficiently accomplished cen- trally. 7. Directs such analysis as may be necessary to determine which func- tions in the fields of national intelligence are not being present- ly performed or are not being adequately performed. 8. Acts for the NSC in coordinating all federal foreign intelligence activities related to the national security to insure that the overall policies and objectives established are properly imple- mented and executed. 9. Performs such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time direct. DEPUTY Performs such duties and functions as directed by and acts for the Director. 1. Is the principal staff officer for the Director for the control and coordination of the activities of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency. 2. Is the channel for all natters requiring the attention of the Director and Deputy Director. 3. Controls all liaison with the National Security Council and with non-IAC agencies. Advises the Director and other members of CIA on legal matters pertaining to the administra- tion and operations of CIA an a world-wide basis and provides essential legislative liaison ser- vice for CIA. Formulates the coordinated intelligence requirements for the collection and produc- tion of national intelligence and performs the planning, research and evaluation in the coordination and production of national intelligence, and prepares intelligence es- timates. Approved For Relea Aft s, Develops and maintains liaison with other than lAC boards, committees, staffs and agencies in order to represent the Director's interests and insures that CIA activities are appropriately informed. Directs and coordinates designated CIA agencies engaged in collection of intelli- gence information as centralized services for all the intelligence agencies of the Government. -RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 Formulates security policy and supervises the ptysioal, personnel and operational security pro- grams and conducts the Inspections and audits of CIA activities as directed by the Director. Page 2 A-RDP51-OWa1,MQADJVQP ,#J R Agency e 15 Oct. 1947 Special Assistant to Secretary for Research and Intelligence, Dept. of State Director of Intelligence, General Staff, Dept. of Army Assistant Chief of Air Staff-2, Dept. of Air Force Chief of Naval Intelligence, Dept. of Navy Director of Security and Intelligence, ABC Performs such duties an the Executive Director may direct. Develops and supervises the overall budget and finance, personnel, management, adminis- trative and intelligence reference services and programs for the CIA. 1. Receives Office mission, functions and organizational requirements direct from the Director of Central Intelli- gence or the Deputy DCI. 2. Provides world-wide communications security and support for all of CIA except domestic telephone, central mail and registry, and courier ser- vice.. 3. Provides such other general admini- trative support for CIA as may be directed by the DCI. Responsible for internal office arrangements and supply, personnel requirements and admin- istration, administrative procedures, internal security measures, operation of the message center, and maintenance of office records. enry CIA-RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 Approved For Release INTERDEPARMNTAL COORDINATING AND PLANNING STAY! Coordinates interdepartmental intelligence activities involving overall policies, plans and procedures for accomplishment of the national intelligence mission. Chief Interdeoa~ental Coordinating and Planning Staff 1. Prepares for the director with the assistance of interested CIA offices, the overall plans, poli- cies, and procedures for interagency intelli- gence activities, including centralized intelli- gence services. 2. Coordinates the initial implementation of over- all plans, policies, and procedures for central- ized and interagency intelligence activities. Controls and recommends liaison policies with IAC agencies. y, Provides the-Director's representation on all IAC ad hoc committees. 5. Provides such secretariat as may be required for the Directorls intelligence advisory committees. 6. Maintains constant liaison with other agencies for the purpose of advising the Director of their reactions to CIA and interagency activities. 7. Coordinates with the Executive for Administra- tion and Management in connection with overall program planning and development to determine the availability of administrative support. Approved For Release IA-RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 W L- %W CIA-ICAPS ?15Oct. /947 CIA e Exec. forAAl f e 15 Oct. 1947 A-RDP51-00036AO00100040009-9 1. 2. Performs required administrative (including internal security) functions and liaison for 3. the Executive for Administration and Manage- sent. 4. 5. 6. 1. Prepares Annual budget and handles all CIA budget matters with Bureau of the Budget and other agencies. 2. Furnishes accounting and fiscal sup- port to CIA. 3. Coordinates with Chief, Management Branch in establishment of personnel ceilings. Interprets rules, regulations, and procedures of the General Accounting Office, Treasury Department, and Bur- eau of the Budget as need arises in the administration of CIA. 1. Furnishes logistical support to CIA activities. 2. Prescribes property accounting proce- dures and maintains property accounts. 3. Procures supplies and equipment and provides warehousing, storage, trans- portation facilities, building and telephone maintenance, and space con- trol. Provides central mail and registry, courier, messenger, reproduction, domestic telephone, and allied ser- vices. plans, coordinates and directs budgetary notion, accounting and fiscal support, 1pgfeties and personnel services. provides agency-wide organization and management service to coordinate agency- wide administration and operations. Directs the CIA Reference Center which provides library and reference service for intelligence data. Maintains continual and close coordira- tioa with ICAPS for program planning with relation to overall administrative support. Maintains personal coordination with ADSO in connection with above responsibilities. Provides such administrative liaison with other agencies an may be necessary in the performance of his duties. 1. Recruits and develops standards for the placement of personnel in sArvie- ing personnel needs of all offices of CIA. 2. Plane and effects a classification and salary administration program. 3. Provides training and indoctrination for CIA employees as needed. 4. Maintains personnel position control system to reflect budgetary, classi- fication, and organizational status of all positions. 5. Provides medical and employee rela- tions services. CENTRAL INDEX Approved For Relea CONTACT CONTROL RAGISTES Provides a repository for intelligence material and files and records intelli- gence materials received and collected by the Central Intelligence Agency. Maintains records of the location, quali- ty and potential of all available intel- ligence materials and sources in such form that these materials and sources can be quickly made available for ex- ploitation by authorized agencies. Operates an Intelligence Reference Library for the Central Intelligence Agency. FOREIGN INDUSTRIAL REGISTER BIOGRAPHICAL INTELLIGENCE REGISTER GRAPHIC MATERIALS DIVISION RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 1. Conducts overall management surveys and procedural review. 2. Supervises organizational matters in- cluding preparation of organization charts and T/C's. Establishes personnel ceilings in coordination with Chief, Finance Branch. 4. Supervises the overall allocation of personnel. 5. Provides overall operations analysis and uniform reporting. 6. Maintains continual and close coordi- nation with ICAPS for program plann- ing with relation to organization and functions. IDTELLIGEIi N DD2UMSNTS DIVISION Page 4 Responsible for internal office arrange- ments and supply, personnel matters, ad- ministration, administrative procedures, internal security measures, message center and maintenance of office records. Approved For R 1. Provides for special inspections and investigations as directed by the Director. 2. Provides for examination and audit of all CIA fiscal transac- tions, including procurement and transportation actions and reports findings and recommendations to the Executive Direc- tor. a, Formulates and supervises the implementation of security policies pertaining to the safeguarding of classified information, the security of operations, personnel, equipment and installations of CIA. b. Formulates and supervises the implementation of security policies relative to the eligibility of other agencies to receive CIA classified information, and determines the adequacy of security controls in such agencies. a. Undertakes such planning for security projects as may be directed by the Director. a. Is responsible for the security of all CIA installations, with certain exceptions which are stated separately, in- cluding inspection of offices for security enforcement. b. Is responsible for the investigation and security clear- ance of all personnel employed by or assigned to CIA, with certain exceptions which are stated separately. o. Is responsible for all contacts with the FBI and other agencies on all personnel and physical security matters pertaining to CIA. d. Will receive reports of all violations of security poli- cies and regulations on the part of CIA personnel and initiate appropriate action in each case. a. Will maintain a central record of all security reports on individuals investigated in connection with possible employment or other utilization by CL., with certain ex- ceptions which are stated separately, and will insure the restriction of access to such records to only those individuals specifically authorized by the Director to have such access. 1. Maintains liaison with boards, committees, agencies, and other bodies (not under IAC jurisdiction) for the purpose of, a. Advising the Director of activities requiring his cognizance or atten- dance. b. Obtaining papers and documents of interest to CIA activities, and preparing briefs and recommenda- tions to the Director in connec- tion therewith. o. Maintaining an office of record for distribution and file of such papers and documents. 2. Coordinates with appropriate CIA activi- ties in connection with above responsi- bilities to insure adequate and timely assistance and action when indicated. 3. Establishes procedures for and renders necessary assistance to accredited representatives of foreign governments in their relation with CIA. 74- 1. Develops and enforces security regulations governing CIA personnel, property, installa- tions and intelligence materials. 2. Is responsible for the investigation and security clearance of all personnel for assignment to and on duty with CIA. 3. Conducts special security investigations of CIA offices and buildings; carries out the security indoctrination program; main- tains the pass and visitor control and the guard force. Maintains direct liaison with the FBI on personnel security matters. 1. Conducts audits of the manner in which spe- cial funds are used and accounted for and makes reports of financial transactions involving special funds and regular funds. 2. Makes inspections to ascertain the manner in which intelligence activities are being per- formed at certain installations. 3. As directed by the Director, conducts in- spections of operations to ascertain the adequacy and effectiveness of service end support. 4. Makes special reports to the Director as requested. 1. Develops in cooperation with other security agencies of the government, uniform security control policies and practices on matters of mutual con- cern. 2. Prepares overall security control policies for the collection and dis- semination of intelligence materials. 3. Develops coordinated security pro- PHYSICAL SECURRiTY DIVISION INVESTIGATION DIVISION grams for regulation of internal security practices. Plans specific security projects as may be directed by the Director. AUDIT DIVISION Approved For Rele INSPECTION DIVISION IA-RDP51-00036A000100040009-9 Page 5 RDP51-0~106A0~egDftoj(b_9 a Adv. Council e 15 Oct 1947 Approved For Re ease 36A000100040009-9 Provides centralized service for and coordinates the interdeperUsntal collection and dissemination of intelligence information and intelligence. 1. Supervises activities relating to adminis- trative and personnel matters, including internal security. 2. Coordinates the requirements for services with Executive for Administration and Management. 3. Performs the office security duties of the offices of the Assistant Director and the Deputy Assistant Director. 4. Maintains an office message seater and registry. 5. Is accordance with overall CIA security policies controls the classification and declassification procedures, and other requisite security control amanaes, relative to the collection and dissent- motion by CIA of intelligence material. 6. Ascertains the capabilities of various agencies to collect required intelligence information) initiates appropriate recommendations when there is no aganay capable of performing a re- quired collecting missions and initiates appro- priate action for the development of now and improved collection techniques and procedures as appropriate. 7. Assist. ICAPS I preparation of plans, policies and prooedures'for inter-agency intelligence activities and centralized intelligence service. 1. Conduct@ surveys to ascertain what intelli- gence information and intelligence are desired by the federal agencies concerned with nation- al security) furnishes the Office of Reports and Estimates information to assist that Office 1. Formulates policies and procedures relating to collection mad dissemination of intelligence information sod intelligence required for national zegg.ityl and implements procedures established is accordance with raA policy for oaordiattiiuugg Mllection and dissemination. 2. By surveys and contacts among the federal agencies concerned with national security, ascertain what intelligence infor cation and intelligence they need but cannot supply from their respective resources. In accordance with requirements determined as a result of the foregoing surveys and contacts, determines the collection and dissemination requirements fir intelligence information and intelligence to meet those needs not currently satisfied. Determines whether collection and dissemination accomplished by CIA action has been adequate to satisfy the requirements of authorized agencies. 1. Formulates policies mad procedures pertain- ing to the coordination of the collection of intelligence material affecting the national security. 2. In accordance with requirements defined by the Requirements Branch, a. Issues necessary CIA Collection Direc- assigning collecting mission. to tives the several governmental intelligence collecting agencies and to the CIA oper- ating offices. b. Maintain, an appropriate control system to insure full compliance with Collec- tion Directives. 3. Constantly analyses and assesses the collec- tion capabilities and limitations of govern- mental and CIA reporting services to obtain and make available adequate intelligence in- formation and intelligence upon request. 4. Recommends corrective action if no existing agency is capable of performing a specifically required collection mission. 5. Conducts studies and prepares recommendations leading to the development of now and im- proved means of collection and the coordina- tion of collection techniques among the col- looting agencies of the government and the CIA operating offices. in determining what intelligence should be produced to meet requirements) and recommends other appropriate action. 2. Receives, coordinates and processes all re- quirements for intelligence information and intelligence, and defines, for the use of the Collection Branch, the requirements to be not in procuring intelligence material. 3. Defines, for the use of the Dissemination Branch, requirements for the dissemination of intelligence material based on the ascer- taind requirements of federal agencies aid of CBS. 4. Ascertains from CIA offices the adequacy and timeliness of intelligence material furnished them, and initiates action to remedy deffioi- emies. 5. Conducts necessary investigations and renders reports on the adequacy of CIA intelligence material disseminated and extent of utilisation thereof by the recipients. 6. In accordance with overall CIA security policies controls the classification and declassification procedures, and other requisite security control measures relative to the collection and diesat- nation by CIA of intelligence material. 7,. Conducts studies of special problems affecting OCD overall operations and formalates plane to resolve these problems; recommed@ policies, procedures and special controls (other than security controls) of CIA dissemination ad, in accordance with approved policies, supervises operation of all controls. 8. Surveys the interdepartmental dissemination of intelligence by all government agencies, and makes appropriate recommendations to inure adequacy and eliminate undesirable duplication. Appi CIAe0CDe15Oct.1947 1. Formulates coordinated policies and proce- dures pertaining to the dissemination of intelligence information and intelligence required for the national security. 2. Receives and reviews for dissemination all intelligence information and finished intel- ligence received in CIA or prepared by the component offices of the CIA. 3. In accordance with requirements and con- trols established by the Requirements Branch, senses the adequate and timely dissemination of available intelligence information and intelligence. Prepares drafts of dissemination orders and prepares distribution and mailing lists for the use of the office of the Executive for Administration and Manage- amt. 5. Maintains a Reading Center where Branch personnel, aside ted by Reading Panel per- sonnel from other appropriate agencies, screens and determines required imme- diate internal or external distribution of intelligence materials. where appro- priate refers intelligence information produced by component offices of CIA to the Office of Reports and Estimates for specific evaluation and decision as to urgency and scope of distribution. Coordinates with the Office of Reports and Estimates to aerie regular review of distribution of intelligence material. In coordination with the Office of the Executive for Administration and Manage- ment, maintains records and control of production, distribution and disposition or destruction of stocks on hand of CIA materials published or reproduced for dissemination. Supplies the Requirements Branch with data pertaining to dissemination required by that Branch in the performance of its duties. e 20011031 1 : CIA-RDP51-00036A00011000 0009-9 71- 6. Furnishes analyses and statistics pertaining to federal collection activities and main- 6. tains data on the current and projected col- lection capabilities of the governmental reporting services and CIA operating offices. 7. 8. s oved For Relea DOCUlEN1S SOURCE SURVEY DIVISION Approved For Release 2001 Responsible for internal office arrangement and supply, personnel requirements and admin- istration, administrative procedures, internal security measure., operation of the message center, and maintenance of office records. 1. Exploits foreign language documents and foreign periodicals for intelli- gence information. 2. Prepares accession lists of documents and upon request makes abstracts, compilations and translations of specific material from foreign lan- guage documents. 3. Coordinates with CIA offices and other goverment agencies in the continuous exploitation of foreign language material in order to most established requirements. 4. Makes continuous surveys to discover additional sources of foreign lan- guage materiel having a foreign intelligence potential. USSR AND SATELLITES DIVISION Approved For Release 2001 36A000100040009-9 1. Determines the foreign intelligence potential of U.S. organisations and individuals. and develops information on such organizations and individuals needed to exploit them as sources of information. 2. Develops and maintains contacts with U.S. organizations and individuals having connections abroad, and coor- dinates with IAB agencies in the collection of foreign information from these sources. 3. Prepares foreign intelligence infor- nation reports from data obtained from U.S. business firms, scientific, religious, educational end other organizations and individuals. 4. Coordinates closely with OCD and ORE in reporting and recording informa- tion and sources. OFFICE OF OPERATIONS Provides coordinated centralized collection ser- vices to exploit sources of intelligence information required for the production of national intelligence. ASSISTANT, DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS 1. Controls and coordinates the services of CIA, ex- cept the Office of Special operations, engaged in exploiting directly original sources of foreign intelligence information. 2. Coordinates and assigns collection missions to the various branches to meet requirements for information received from Office of Collection and Dissemination. 3. Negotiates with ORE to coordinate collecting operations with ORE production plans. 4. Coordinates with OCD to insure prompt transmittal of information collected to all interested reci- pients. 5. Assists ICAPS in preparation of plane, policies and procedures for inter-agency intelligence activities and centralized intelligence services. DEPUIT 000100040009-9 CIA ? ~O.15at.1947 1. Studies the operations and methods of the several branches to assist in the develop- ment of coordinated plans and programs, and coordinates activities of the branches with other offices of CIA. 2. Analyzes the output of intelligence infor- mation by the several branches. 3. Recommends to the Assistant. Director for Operations such changes in methods or pro- cedures as may improve branch operations, total collection functions, and the quan- tity and quality of production. 4. Gives direct assistance to the branch chiefs as is mutually considered appropriate. 25X1A 2. Acts in purely advisory capacity. L _j POLICY ADVISORY BOARD Fl-. A Board consisting of Branch and Staff Chiefs I and such other persons as say be designated by the Assistant Director, It offers advice on all utters pertaining to the fulfillment Approved For Release 2001/03 1. Provides the overall administrative and ear vice facility. 2. Handles matters of organization, administra- tion, supply, services and management. PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION DIVISION PRESENTATION DIVISION CIA- ORE 15 Oct. 1947 Provides expert epeoialised'consulting ser- vice on functional subjects to regional branches and other interested activities of CIA. Constantly studies all pertinent intelli- gence in order to promptly detect and bring into focus world develbp.ents affect- ing the national security with special er phasis upon strategic implications of multi- national situations. Produces World Situation Estimates. 1. Prepares the Intelligence Production Plan and other plans and programs in execution of the mission of the Office of Reports and Estimates; and upon their approval provides for supervision and coordination of execution. 2. Coordinates the formulation of the Nation- al Intelligence Requirements and the assess- meet of adequacy of available intelligence information and intelligence. 3. Enters into the formulation of intelligence plans and policies with other agencies as authorized. 4. Coordinates and executes intelligence plan- ning as required by pertinent Central In- telligence Asmgr policies and directives. 5. Arranges for and supervises liaison between ORE and other agencies. 1, Correlates the requirements for, and coor- d 1. Correlates the requirements for, and coor- 1, Correlates the requirements for and coor- inates the production and maintenance of, dinates the production and maintenance of, , dinates the production and maintenance f Basic Intelligence. current Intelligence. o CIA Staff Intelli ence 2. Coordinates and integrates the production 2. Coordinates and integrates the production g . 2. Coordinates and Inte rates the roductio of basic intelligence beyond the scope of of current intelligence beyond the scope g p n of intelligence estimates be ond th regional treatment. of regional treatment. y e scope of regional treatment 3. Edits and arranges for the review, publi- 3. Edits and arranges for the review and pub- . 3, Edits and arranges for the review ubli- cation and dissemination of Basic Intelli- lication and dissemination of Current , p cation and dissemination of CIA St ff gence. Intelligence. a Intelligence. NUCLEAR ENERGY GROUP AIR GROUP 1. As the fundamental intelligence evalu- ation, research and production unit dealing with scientific matters acts as the intelligence agency 'of the Research and Development Board and of the Atomic Energy Commission and such other scientific agencies as my be assigned. 2. Formulates the National Intelligence Requirements relating to scientific matters and forwards requests for in- telligence information calculated to fulfill these requirements. 3.Evaluates all available intelligence information and intelligence relating' to scientific matters;'aaeesses its adequacy, accuracy and timeliness and utilizes it in the production of scien- tific intelligence in accordance with the Intelligence Production Plan. MUNITIONS GROUP CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL GROUP ELECTRONICS GROUP TECHNICAL GROUP CPFICE OF REPORTS AND ESTIMATES In carrying out the intelligence research and produc- tion mission of CIA, plans, directs and supervises the Coordination, planning and research in the form - lati of requirements for and the production of national intelligence. Assistant Director for Reports and Este t' 1. Produces and presents national intelligence re- quired for national planning policy and opera- tional decisions. 2. Assesses the adequacy, accuracy, relevance and timeliness of intelligence information and intel- ligence, and formulates intelligence requirements priorities to assure that an significant fields of intelligence bearing on the national security are adequately covered. 3. Coordinates the development of intelligence re- quirements of the Intelligence Advisory Committee agencies and reocomeds plans, policies and pro- cedures for coordinating the production of intel- ligence by government agencies to promote a coordinated national intelligence effort. 4. Assists ICAPS in preparation of plans, policies and procedures for inter-agency intelligence activities and centralized intelligence service. DEPUTY 1. As the fundamental intelligence evalua- tion, research and production unit with. in its assigned geographical area, each regional branch formulate. the National Intelligence Requirements for its assigned area and forwards requests for intelligence information calculated to fulfill these requirements. 2. Evaluates all available intelligence in- formation said intelligence relating to its assigned are.; assesses its adequacy, accuracy and timeliness, ad utilizes it for the production of intelligence in accordance with the Intelligence Produc- tion Plan. 3. In carrying out their functions, regional branches will constantly make use of the expert advise and guidance of the Armed Forces Branch and, where appropriate, of the Scientific Branch. 1. Evaluates US foreign map holdings and develops interdepartmental require- mento for procurement of foreign maps and related map data. 2. Prepares map presentations and non- topographic specialised intelligence subject maps of intelligence required for the national security. 3. After appropriate research and evalua- tion, prepares map intelligence reports and reference data on suitability of maps for stated purposes, on US foreign map holdings and on foreign map compilation agencies and map holdings. MAP LIBRARY DIVISION MAP INTELLIGENCE DIVISION CARTOGRAPHY DIVISION Approved For Release 2001/0 A000100040009-9