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Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 *DOC Exempt Letter On File* BEST COPY AVAILABLE P/ Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 App oved For Release 20 . 61A-RDP64-00014A00\010612001 llarchy 1954. Co ,!,74ITTEE CRAIRMA:O' NitT NG C 0/ZUTTL;o pocom D04?. '7 GROUP D 6t Mfiry 1253 ? 6th M.r.'re.:. TjENTS A. ;NTRODUCTION 1. Convcc:Itim t Purl/oak; of 3. Docuu.entation 4. Work Unclortaken B. MATTERS CONSIDERLD nsu1t.tiv. Group. e. Uport . 3 Pflrai--Tv.phs Os ? ? ? 4 1 I. INT"aNATIZAL LISTS a, eq a. .. .. 5 11. CONTROLS FOR LIST II ITEMS .0, .. .. 6, / 2, 3 III. CASES BROUGHT EEMak THE cOMMITEE 8 - 11 4-6 1 Trado and Barter Agreemonts and Nogotiations 8 4, 5 b Spocial Oases 9 5 0 Spootal Cases involving Ships lo 6 Wascollancous Information 11 6 IV. WORT CpRTA040 12 - 48 -14 Transshipment Controls 13 - 20 7, 8 b Financial and Transaction Controls 21 - 34 8 - 10 o JPITott Cer,tificate/Dolivery Verification 35 - 45 11 - Scheme - Scheme (d) International Watch List 46 - 48 13, 14 PARTS AND compopmk 49 - 55 15 UMMUKApApprs 56..59 16,17 VII. 'MPS 4FILS1LIPIIN0 6.0 -,67 18 - 20 A. Fishing Vessols. 61 - 63 18 B. Merchant Ships (other than Fishing Vessels) 64 19 C. Individual Cases 65 - 67 19, 20 rxra .gniszssur 0P GR Alm TURKEY 68 - 75 21, 22 IX. SECRECY 76 - 89 23 - 25 (el Policy 76 - 83 23, 24 (b Authorised Disclosures 84 - 86 24 i:), Prose Disclosures C.) Composition of Delogations 88 25 89 25 C. BUDGET P. SLCUTARIAT 90 25 91 29 Approved For Release 2001103102 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 prisOed For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 App oved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A00010012001 :2C-47,T V EXPORT CONTROLS 12. In aceoraance with paracr-Ths 51 and 52 of Consultativo Gr 4) Paper XI, various matters in tho field of uxpert controls ciyUn further study by the Coordinating Committee and y thu Sub-Cunritt on.rt Controls, as rupQrted (a) Transahiment Controls 65 Relferenc9s 1 COCCI! Docs. 1246, 1260, 1262 1266 1268, 1289, 1315, 13351, 13,,6, 1367, 13J ub (53) end 45. 1 1 13. On th9. 5t1i 4114.1 6th June 1953 (so CoCoh, ,r'oc. 1246), the . CO(*inatiiIC COilniffOU OXIPiii4 r.lna approved to uport by the Chairman of '1.1e Sub-Committee 4D IrrArleit Contr.A. (CoCCV Dec. Sb-C(53) 44) to. which were al)pondc'. the reVie4,1 ,ttat 7t the Transit :".utLurisation CurtificAte Scheme proposed by the Gorman In,: Nuthurlands -;:_.,1eanticns (Appendix ;); tocethor with a List of the fter.e s'..,lecteC. fr,r Transshipment Control, Appendix II)*; and a draft toxt f*,:r a Transit Auth-.)risation Certificate Appondix III)**. Do0.1289,para.2).SomeSoltscualifiedtheirarmrersbyexpress- _ . _ . . ( 1 14. TtePlios to iuestions as to the proposed Transit oUthoripation $c140*Ilichhilli.ev.n1"-i,Slab-C(.5.3)44:1)'ral.50.1")nnav) , t# .. . - -, t. wore Given in COCOM boos. 1260, 1264 1265, 1266 and 1268 by Germany, t'4*='.xicothetIllita-StrAtspelnr-lat-14113nprIn-Otla,=rpolcCationsoubrattoa oral replies durinc the Coim4ttetle L,;,tinc on the 29th June (see dOCOM ' -- ,inG r,. preference for other, metli,-ds ,.f,transahipment control; the Italian _ O,.-vornmont forbulated a reServation unless Participating Gountries,reEtended,, the eontrols to cover their 0411(;n2ont, orerseas territori.os, at least ,in the Mediterranean area (CON* Doc., 1289, paras. 17 - 21; see also bees. 1315, paras. 1 - 6; 1346, par.. 3; 13671 paras. 6 - 12, and 17)1 and _the United Kinadom entered _a ceneral_reservation on the acceptability, of the Transit Authorisotien_schemt! in, its R4..ItirtAY$ 1 15,, During the dipouslion on the 29th Juno the Vnited Delegation provoked debate, as to whether pena1tiosweu1d bo inf1ict:140y ,:-- 00Unri(41 applying the scheme, in the event of their' residents making: falSo declarations in transit aeouPenta %a to tlaQ 4a0t1n4t*o:ot to94,j1L. ana also as to whether L:004 WOUld be stopped if there were - as caved , to a statement or knowledge to that effect - a mere 648Dieion tnnt 4:900.8 micht reach an undesirable destination (MOM D(.43. 1289, paras. 4 - 7; and 8 - 12). 16. The NotherlandL egatton Who reserroa their position regoird oxtonsion of the same to COW auspeeteOliversioni, asked what action would be taken on suspicion by cuntries already operating a transshipment , liconsinc.control. The interested Delegations stated that norm41 enprt, lasocodure w,ald apPly. In Canada, Danmark, rtaly and goruNi, wOcreintod (AA, special treatLont w'uld, be applicable as-far,a9 9pn- curried goods 741 a Throuch Bill of L%din.:. Should this circumstance 11,? provoke an incruJc in t1 UBL uf T"..ruzh Bills uf Lading after intr27 ducti-.,n of th, Transit Authorisati_ schkxo, ,11,1 thus - as feareC b;7tho Netherlands cp.= a (n,;Lr:us 10 ,11, 1, ia the net ,;4' contr:;,, the Dolocati-ns c ncerna ve assurances th-t their Oevcrnments wou4 reccnsider the situati.,41 ( OCOV D,Jo. 1289, - 16). COC ci 1289, prira 23, maa ,-. 1335k partte. 3.. 6 '..: Ind --,ras. 4 - Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 App oved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A00010012001 :2C-47,T V EXPORT CONTROLS 12. In aceoraance with paracr-Ths 51 and 52 of Consultativo Gr 4) Paper XI, various matters in tho field of uxpert controls ciyUn further study by the Coordinating Committee and y thu Sub-Cunritt on.rt Controls, as rupQrted (a) Transahiment Controls 65 Relferenc9s 1 COCCI! Docs. 1246, 1260, 1262 1266 1268, 1289, 1315, 13351, 13,,6, 1367, 13J ub (53) end 45. 1 1 13. On th9. 5t1i 4114.1 6th June 1953 (so CoCoh, ,r'oc. 1246), the . CO(*inatiiIC COilniffOU OXIPiii4 r.lna approved to uport by the Chairman of '1.1e Sub-Committee 4D IrrArleit Contr.A. (CoCCV Dec. Sb-C(53) 44) to. which were al)pondc'. the reVie4,1 ,ttat 7t the Transit :".utLurisation CurtificAte Scheme proposed by the Gorman In,: Nuthurlands -;:_.,1eanticns (Appendix ;); tocethor with a List of the fter.e s'..,lecteC. fr,r Transshipment Control, Appendix II)*; and a draft toxt f*,:r a Transit Auth-.)risation Certificate Appondix III)**. Do0.1289,para.2).SomeSoltscualifiedtheirarmrersbyexpress- _ . _ . . ( 1 14. TtePlios to iuestions as to the proposed Transit oUthoripation $c140*Ilichhilli.ev.n1"-i,Slab-C(.5.3)44:1)'ral.50.1")nnav) , t# .. . - -, t. wore Given in COCOM boos. 1260, 1264 1265, 1266 and 1268 by Germany, t'4*='.xicothetIllita-StrAtspelnr-lat-14113nprIn-Otla,=rpolcCationsoubrattoa oral replies durinc the Coim4ttetle L,;,tinc on the 29th June (see dOCOM ' -- ,inG r,. preference for other, metli,-ds ,.f,transahipment control; the Italian _ O,.-vornmont forbulated a reServation unless Participating Gountries,reEtended,, the eontrols to cover their 0411(;n2ont, orerseas territori.os, at least ,in the Mediterranean area (CON* Doc., 1289, paras. 17 - 21; see also bees. 1315, paras. 1 - 6; 1346, par.. 3; 13671 paras. 6 - 12, and 17)1 and _the United Kinadom entered _a ceneral_reservation on the acceptability, of the Transit Authorisotien_schemt! in, its R4..ItirtAY$ 1 15,, During the dipouslion on the 29th Juno the Vnited Delegation provoked debate, as to whether pena1tiosweu1d bo inf1ict:140y ,:-- 00Unri(41 applying the scheme, in the event of their' residents making: falSo declarations in transit aeouPenta %a to tlaQ 4a0t1n4t*o:ot to94,j1L. ana also as to whether L:004 WOUld be stopped if there were - as caved , to a statement or knowledge to that effect - a mere 648Dieion tnnt 4:900.8 micht reach an undesirable destination (MOM D(.43. 1289, paras. 4 - 7; and 8 - 12). 16. The NotherlandL egatton Who reserroa their position regoird oxtonsion of the same to COW auspeeteOliversioni, asked what action would be taken on suspicion by cuntries already operating a transshipment , liconsinc.control. The interested Delegations stated that norm41 enprt, lasocodure w,ald apPly. In Canada, Danmark, rtaly and goruNi, wOcreintod (AA, special treatLont w'uld, be applicable as-far,a9 9pn- curried goods 741 a Throuch Bill of L%din.:. Should this circumstance 11,? provoke an incruJc in t1 UBL uf T"..ruzh Bills uf Lading after intr27 ducti-.,n of th, Transit Authorisati_ schkxo, ,11,1 thus - as feareC b;7tho Netherlands cp.= a (n,;Lr:us 10 ,11, 1, ia the net ,;4' contr:;,, the Dolocati-ns c ncerna ve assurances th-t their Oevcrnments wou4 reccnsider the situati.,41 ( OCOV D,Jo. 1289, - 16). COC ci 1289, prira 23, maa ,-. 1335k partte. 3.. 6 '..: Ind --,ras. 4 - Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 ????-?:100'111?111111111111111:11111M11! 1E1 I 11Ig1 NITN.itt-Nigic 0 0 110,01111,1 111111 1 li 1 c 0111:11111.1101,N .., ci .. 1. ,11 m. cm 0,00 cc "cmcc 2MIONNCruall161 1117 '''''" ,,CH 1 1111? I' i 111111 h.,. lc crclIC1 11111114 CICC1C11111C111,111111111111g 11411h,, 1., 11 illM111 . 11 1 $ dig 1111111 10111 c ' 1R1100111 0 1 1 Inc 0[1 i0m01101 , ? mik..00,:0,cio 1111101 1 ,,, Ili' 11011 .1 c ? , ch .0 . JE!,.: :gm, ? 1, ichmi 1 . 010I 11 ii11111111 00 fifi 0 0 0010 Hi 10 ( ., . l' rl I La h1111110101.1.111cILM.1.111i,11M11,k0 c cm0,0!cmc0-00 .... oer4 na w onr: ee 11111c,:ri.uovurnno s':".--00C07 ,. -tiara, ? t,...... r.-!, u q.',1W/1 U r V OWS .rio ti,L, 0,?01,0- $,,, ,J. '''t; -13UEIMT -17-117TR731; -Tinanci -1 any.1 transaction c.--,ntrols; ,,,...,:: ....??.??.,,...?..,,cpc?. v.... 00111111101010110001011111 00ii ili . 0111MIIIIMPRI MIIII 1111041.111r, ... .,m-mmr. .---.? ,,- . -?-? , c.? ??????-??? ,,?-????,,..- ? ? - ??????a ?t,?,;int.-t?tive?? :7., 'tti--4 7 - ...r -rn, uct 1 ?,n ,._c f tn.n..:,31:11.0?N_Irt INNENINNINNIqmploommuNNERINNINELFNENA:mmumoyammilmoNNENNNNIINNNN,N,NrmccNNNNFNmw-NN-NN-NN4,,,..NN---NN.N.NNmt:NN-is N., t 9! .p ni.; in 1.11n.... .. T'...0 intr. c.ue, trars...ev-1,11-eH ro? ,. '' ,...:icf.......c. cc.. Tcosicsoc........cillIMIUMMENIMMIIIEINII!ncmciP0A, N,!,,,,,]],:Ni.ATii]r!,0011,MN100110,11111000,,NiiiiiN0A0,N,NN",?::,10ins,,,,,i118,,:..M040,NANNOME0401i0iIM10,,M1101111101011111,100,0,101,11,11111111111111100011101000011101110100101 10 SO 1lMve grp,, 0.1vms:171?1,11,.1,i pc Dr111 Illy hIll II 11111 110 Iv 11011111Frm0;1' 0011$11ME1111111111710!?11Mi4111.1111110911111?0111 11111111111111110111q111'1101T11irglitlif 10110110011111111111411111111111111111 NNN,INN,A? Ar -1411, (A,NIVOINM ,.,, ' ? lb ,I, ', ditiA,,,1 ilimiihrleri ,,IpMANNIV?4', ',,-TmAA' ' '"'"' ',I'M- Mh " 14 1 m","0,1 [VQ,Agm "':H.] - --- ?11:1,, , I , ?A Ilyi]i],lilAmiiii camtairliTmmmimmil!pfmITT.A.71.... wriii-1... N....,,,ftic -I, i in transac.i n al-- - willsecicsiclicesciiiiiitic........memmoccicci.c.#4,#,###in.,m' w ,..-.-.. .......???,??...,.?,,?,:yrirt.ty?...-............ . c. . .......... ..... *0A0-010:01Utc ly r....des.c,..1r-i-in tt)... turuszs I tmmmIrmmmmrm=900:mwzgmmnr-mmumm.9::22t=00Tn....::=0=:mr"mr!:mn: -mtm=mmmm0222::::m:T0m::::mm2rm=mmtmmr...1=1=0=mm.m00000::=0:mm=ram........mmr.r.r2nto [dmI11, '1"11,01,11 111" 111111 "my 111 11111 oulai itionassmarpotioammaRiporpill Roil (5 Rc:,taatic,n irvtor. .:Tho L-res's r et.: c stc .t th, t . MEW 1000000111100100101101001101P0000, . M[0, 110150,,], ?.2.1 Z.. 1 laws cu rtt Nc..)u1,1 prv ent Vriii,r1717"""3";f5""(7."-5VIT6S-nunri-F-IT4Titie tine in out sic? shipments 1,7 11 1 , --CT -W"('-..'ii111 be inconsistent With 044)74OPf$71),Itr11;""": Fartie ii1.1cItin, ? C 4ntrivs were rtsiu.d on thc: it iusb - or -77.6%. -T3E5 Unitua States Government ic " 10110m0mgtiamAcommr" mommikeitommo m Elmo immpu lig Ralik 10 n . a es en n oc# teci, . 111101,111111111 ?-?-?mg,11 ..i."?]N]l]. .g..c.pc, ,-,,,,, cm eso li.W c...-.511trols by pr,,l,ine any available ?,.?.,,,,i f ?%,-,94!..i.Prtc.'rn f,,, jv-linsn's""rill"'"HurAltrarw"f7te-ii"-1;iirtie i prtt ..i Si in trInfic^..c ti ens ir-H:Tritlilomwmwmammi cm....-- "I Q.-Ilaistont % -11 : se riPul-ti- ,.. " ''4 ?'!'.ic,.4!!!,,!,L,:??1.,..,,,,,!.t..,:11,b0.36 Iiii4Limo:ffill IN111111 1111811MINVIIIIR:411111116ilikill',:. ....' :P'i:',11i, ,,:i!'ili'like:, tii,'!ic,.,:.:',.14., q"fliglilgerMMI q MP ''.''''',,,liaqiZ4t61 '4i1X"11:11=1:V4,;AEY:L::,, ';:... .. mi liCan,,-.- Yrench ane. NethurIanLS Delecations, a% he mee 1/1C, ifi.....6?....??????......., .........m ,..... ...... , ___ A0c. ptl q4nc 1_,,,9A, mr,,,,c, thiiir Fi.Ec-CrTFincc of the Transit Auth,J-ristion ,..4pPY.1;,.:9n51 mion Ito .1;:oktion of Financial or Transaotin Controls ....2...\ , ,, ?,..r lcipatin4;,.. (worm:lents COCO!! Doc. No. 1289, '.Lrt. ). 27. /n rorly tu'o,..q4usi.,In fr-m the Netherlands Delocate, the nitod Kiniem Delecate Baia tl.),Fi.tin his Government's view, tr%nsctirli controls would be su;plemontary ei'physical transshipment controls, which they rcaraoa as the :crincii,al:mjans of preventin,: aiversi_ns; they woula therefore rear a as appre:1,rito for Transaction Contr is %ny list accepted by all l'rticiratinc GovernOntS f-r Transshipment Contr-1. The Nether- lands Delucate exresseaailappeint...lent : tho rr.-.1yAblu roction of his Government in the event ot 4c.ich,a limitation by the linitua KinL-a,m Gevernment would he, ho tho4cht? to limit to tho shk.;rt list their own financial controls, whit, for several years, ha-1 covered thu whole exi,crt list. 1111111111IC 2E1. The Boluian D lecateas:;ociated himself with the Netherlanas statement. 29# . The Committee were unable to reach acreorient as to the coVerace of the list Gf itoms ti be made Fibl cct to Financial in Transacti,)n Controls (COCOM Doc. 1289, para 37. tl) ). , 30. On the 11th Aust, Dele(ations stated that their Governments' positions romainecl unchanL7L,d# In -the United Kincaom, it was stated, Ministers woula wish ti see the schumu for Transit Authorisatins, Financial an:. Transacti,)n,ccntr-ds in its final f,,rm beforN, -Lakinthoir JoCinin : as reardca the lattur;' curt: in Nlifficulti,s hal boen enec,untor- odand remainefl unresolved (cocor 11:)c. 1315, 1,%nrs. 19 all. 2%) , 31. On the 29th. SeptemLor (CueOL lq.;1(.477te, st-.-ted th-A- theintr.)ductin an Transction C, in his c 4ntry ra ;rn.[c ,that tine and study were r(NNIIIirlc,1 bcfN t-iN:cn. A st',tutNry in:itrurent wula h-vo t financi%,1 clItrcls cf. Western Eur ,C::'7 stfti,ns in ntric hb3, ,0-1 en .1 u 13(7) thc, Uni Tr-.nsit Auth re the t ici 1-1! hef itt- w ,c r, - tl T'nit tea Kin:ac,m risati n Sch,mo hlers of te:os cculfrI"oo tf, ere ai:lioN! t f tINN.:Nt NNrt t' . a Ki1.1:-?'7-N Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012=6 ffl I, III im ihi,111,0' ,hh!' [11111 I 1, Ill 11 Ihh .! 111 .11111''11 11111111 1111. I4P''''1111 hIrl? I 11F PIID IIIIII FF1 IF FI Pb IIhI ijp ,!?-?,!!*!, 11111 id0.1111 '111111I 1111 ? ,, 1111111111h1 411 111! 41111 H !!!!!!!!!1111 II 0 11II 0111 illI. IDIP I! 111,1h 4MWO 1111111. hrh',' LI 1 ? IL , _ h.._ Ith 1111hIlehlhli hilo.,,,hhhior. ', ? I IDI ifi Ii II 111,1 'RPM 10 10 00 lb I 0 : gI,ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !"I'"III!!!!!!g4 i!!!I!! li!!!!Mii!iii! qi!!!'!!,!! '!;!!!!!!!!!. I!!! ITI!!!!111 ii[ m, ? I 1! 11,',!!!!!,!,!!!!!! di! IIpii I ! h III II' I HE h, .. .. ,. , 1101111110911 11,1 k""' hhhhivichh. ,hhhhr 1111,1 . li!!!!!!1,1! !!!!!IRI.T!!! m PhD 11Wir : ah,h,.01h.hhhhh::.,h,hhh.,h1z4hh.h?hihhhhhhhhhhh,?-h-h::: 1!!!::!1 11;:h7Fliprh;:u7hhh!h;:;,:hhhh;!!!h!l!!!!!1 !h;!E":h 1111,!::"07" 1001 ,!IP rOhi'l Ph!!!!!!!'!!!h!!!!!!!1!!!biR!!!!!!IIIIiiii'!!!!!!!!!'7!:!'.1,Tqh h,;thi!1411y4111",11 oildITIRER11,00 ill0101C1F0t0:; ::""71lich 7,14,,Trzhvahhht:thp,.74;,44;.?.. orthhhhhhhhh; hh.hhh, h,171, ?hht,7,7., ? a 1 '4 T rr, Thh,,,,ar, ? ' h ? ? : ih.:107:.; altly 1, t pu ? : LI (11: tftl, _ Jilts ? ? ? ? . s t r t hh +* TI h, n tu -htrl.i -412-411h i finnirci -I c .ntrh:hls, , c',--hvorrl:Auntc c-uld n, th-3%Y thhih-iA "?v01-f-h:r purphAschs. CchT.hh_ittoc. tho point c,111h1 t by The ?rient thc ihff,ccht-t-thh,h-ht: Thhil Chvoril:f.,,litchh, ..rhhhnshht.c.ti, n' reo, 2inco tho h,7.1c Jhf was'wiao, it c,..huTh7- 1-he'-h-oumothhihhh-that tb.,:hhy v c-h.'crot.1 tr7.,11h7J-xt'h?hhhnhhl in L-thr.O.t trs i i Thc Unith.. 1 hhh.7trhh,t,h.c DolochAo said tlihit thor, wh-1.11:!_ Ihhh ulh'j4ption to i.cfLrencc to Unito4 ch'n'th,r-h117h, wer0 public ?7 ?--" ? ? Thk. Gr,...7Ph-1,htzic-(7%:tc-infchrmul tho ch)mmittuo .00ntroltr' cti( h th.h? k in Crook hrh.rlhh:h1h;.r,1 woro sul,joct th) Licn (CCC OM P11h67, .A.s not chl. t (-Tort unt?hur the 1.1-1dinp7--1!If Trn.ao41.14-p, _merit Contr,h,13 thz-hh C;h.hmmittoo wore untIllh.: tG _ 'hhhh -61-11i tea lu r , ? "h,'h:r?-h7 hhhhh"' ,Shhh:hchh4htitorh IV, Scotian (a) ) ? . ? hhh- ,, h h?? hh?, .ihzzgh7th...7. , !!!!! !!!!! Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120012-6 App ovedForRelease2001/03/02:CIA-RDP64-00014A0001001200121-6 -11- IV EXPORT CONTROLS (contd.) COCOM Dec. 1555, (c) Import CortifAuje/ Delivery Vertficatien Scheme, Referenoes COCOM Dees. 1207, 1214 Revised., 1215, 1218, 1224, 1229,-123C, 123241.136, 1344, 1369, 1373 and Annexes, 1384-13954 179 Sub-C(53) 54 and 4:tddendum; Dods. 100, 1470, 1478, 1485, 1500, 1505, 1513, 1517. During the period under review, the Coordinating Committee an its Sub-Committee on 'Expert Controls devoted a considerable number of meetinos te the IC/DV system. In examining the system, and in making recommendations for neaeures te strengthen its efftctiveness and make its application more unifzrm, the Committee and the Sub-Committee were assisted by experts of MLeiber Governments who cam: to Paris on several o oasions. The major results of tEe Committee's deliberations are bicfly summarised below : _ 3. Responsibiliiiea,ef 14xovrtine. end Importing Governments The Committee affirmed that the primary responsibility for the security of strategic experts rests with the Government issuing the eXport licence, anti that in normal circumstances the IC/DV system provides a !,means of simplifying the task of the exporting Government in disoharging its responsibility. The Committee adopted a statement briefly outlining the respective responsibiliti_s f beth the experting and importing O vernmenta under the seheme, and defining the practical consequenees o these responsibilitiee4 The Committee also made a recommendation relating to the special oase of "triangular" transactions. (See COCOM loos. 1279. Para, 12; Sub-C(53) 't,4, paras. 3 - 51 1485, para. 2(a); and 1517, para. 45. See also below, i'rw 42). 37. , Following extensive discussion, and eonsideration of speoial problems raised by Several Delegations, the Committee reached the following agreement t "With the exception of cases where Participating Governments had re ieved all nPoofiMary guarantees as to end-use of the strategic goodi for which exP9PtJiminces_nacineon requested, Governments should require Import Certificate; and. Deliver' Verification forms to be produced for items on t L t mt a. o Lists I and II. Mport ertifioates migb,tH a so be 1 or in Xspoct of items which, owing to "marginal.dit rrhoes" in definition between national nate, an4 tho Internat4.044 444tr_(see para. 13 of COCOM Dot. 1517), did not ap ear to be cerrerWb, the latter, Import Certificates need not be required in respect of List I items when qumntitios were so small and the nature of the seeds Aims such that the Government were satisfied that the consignment did not constitute a security risk," (See COCOM Doe. 1517, paras. 7 - 20). 38., Coverage '; thijapert Cio;.t;fioste Scheme with Respect to Hong Kong and Subject L the gmk,cial pestti matter of ime;egentetlen, thv C Governments ? r.6, slaking 4*e thw