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November 7, 1958
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Sanitized - Approved ForrRelease : CIA-RDP62S00346 000100150064-1
4.100 OOP 01.1 MO MIN
TO Assistant Director for Research and Reports
FROM: Acting Chief, Economic Research Area
SUBJECT: Activity Report for the Month of October '1958
1, Discussions were held by various ERA representatives with
on a wide range of topics
relating to Bloc economic developments, Soviet Military Economics, Bloc
Trade, Economic Penetration, Pricing Policies, and SinoeSoviet Economic
Relations were particularly stressed,
2. The ERA Branches have completed a review of their Biographic
Data requirements which is being sent to the Biographic Register/OCR for
the future guidance of that component and of the State Departmentts
Division of Biographic Information.
3. Current support activity in October cOntinued at a high level
reflecting the unsettled conditions in the Peri East and the Middle East,
Other subjects receiving significant attention included the Chinese communes
and neap forward" progrEm? Bloc area exports, Bloc telecommunication, Bloc
agriculture, and the Soviet seven year plan.
40 A joint ORR-OCI Current Intelligence Weekly item on the Chinese
communes was separately distributed at the direction of the DCI 'col:embers
of the NSC,
Efforts are proceeding on several fronts aimed at improving the
collection of guided missile intelligence. A briefing pointed at improving
the exploitation of legal travellers on guided missile targets is planned
for thE in mid-November.
The Industrial Division is engaged in selectini a P05 replacement for
to aid in the exploitation and 25X1X7
consideration is being given to having survey e current 25X1A9a
status of the program prior to his return.
?Lik .01,1 414.0 OM mow we
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Sanitized- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00346A000100150064-1
New suggestions for collection are being devised from I GMus study and
evaluation of the Soviet ICBM estimate (11-5-58). is 25X1A9a
representing the Office in an Agency group which wil visit the Ballistic
Missile headquarters to survey Brit) document output and arrange for Agency
receipt of selected reports on a continuing basis.
6. The USIB Ad Hoc Panel of Consultants is being convened on 12 November
to consider GMICge evaluation of NIL 11-5-58 (Soviet ICBM Estimate). The
Guided Missile Branch ie to brief this Panel on the production and deployment
aspects of the guided missiles program. Some reservations are being
entertained on the usefulness of the contribution which the Ad Hoc Panel
can make in a three day consideration of the whole program, which allots
one day for briefings, one day for discussion, and one day for the prepara-
tion and presentation of a report.
The Guided Missile Branches contribution to GMICIs evaluation has
been singled out for informal commendation by the ONE Staff.
7. At the equest of Dr. Kistiakowsky of the US delegation to the
Geneva meetings on inspection systems against surprise attack, Chief,
Industrial Division, prepared a study on the feasibility of developing
indications of a surprise attack from an agreed upon inspection of the
Soviet industrial system. The study concludes that observation of industrial
activities would be most useful if the agreement includes limitations on
size of strateeic attack forces.
8. Rep
building Co
recentatives of Industrial Division participated in the annual
on Bloc Aircraft Production and Land Armamento 25X1X7
nference and tie ONI-NID Conference
The Division will also bemire a e 6 p-
in November. 25X1X7
9. As previously reported, AFCIN continues to show an interest in
Military Economics Branch 9s military costing techniques. The branch briefed
Dr, Passony (AFCIN), on methods and problems of military costing. At
Dr. Passenye suggestien Military Economics Branch will participate in a
joint briefing Of the Library of Congress.Air Information Staff in November.
Dr. Passony is also for ORR collaboration
on the costing of SovIet ILtr Force expenditures.
10. The JAEIC Economic Working Group continued its series of meetings
througheut October, By monthos end coordination had progressed to the point
where a windoup of work on the contribution to NIE 11-2-59, The Soviet Atomic
EmEgy_angram9 was assured for early November,
, -Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00346A000100150064-1
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U. Analysis Division hao been provided with the substantive content
of personal discussions between flr. Hal Lary of the Council of Economic
12, Analysis Division plans to continue its interchange with leading
academicians in Soviet economic research by inviting Professor Francis Seton
of Oxford to Washington next month, Professor Seton, a visiting professor at
Columbia this semester, is noted for his research into growth of Soviet
industrial production,
13. Far East Branch, Analysis Division, debriefed
observations will contribute significantly to the research effort on
Comnunist Chiraos Commune movement,
For9110,114 Aveaca dCaseneintment ever the cisme in both quantity
and timeliness of the for its areas of interest, has irk
been expressed to the
Officer. Those sections of the 25X1A7b!'
in which items of economic interest are generally round, have
decreased in number of pages by approximately one-third,, The economic
abstract cards, which are now supposedly carrying the material which is
screened from the Danys? for lack of space, are heavily backlogged and
currently being received from 14 to 6 months following the broadcast date,
15. FDD Service has seriously declined, particulex4 in the European
Satellites area, since the FDD reorganization this past year, JPRS work
does not begin to approach the work formerly performed by FDD from a
timeliness point of view, Delays of as much as 3-6 month o are not unusual
since analysts must now await the arrival of formal publications as opposed.
to informal telephone calls which were formerly made directly to interested
analysts by the FDD tranalator in advance of the formal publication data,
There has been definite improvement in the quality of some JPRS publications
but, in general JPRS quality in no way approachee the level which analysts
have become accustomed to receive from FDD.
16. During October fear new profeseionals entered on duty with ERA
and one transferred from DD/P? Unfortunetely the number of prospective
employees currently being procevsed is quite lows and it ippears unlikely
that the special recruiting trips:, which commenced this mmth and will
continue throughout Members will produce enough candidn;:es to fill the
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62500346A000100150064-1
gap. One of the more effective sources of potential employees has been
personal referrals volunteered by analysts already on-board, Recently
several such referrals have produced good results, Analysts are encouraged
to continue to recommend potential candidates from their personal or
professional contacts.
17. has returned from a two-year PCS assignment to
25X111Miland has been assigned to the Guided Missile Branch, Induiltrial
1 - OAD/RR
1 - ea Division, Branch,
& Staff Chief
1 - 00/1/E
2 - St PR
St/PRAR:iiiiiiii:b y/2803 (7 NOV 58)
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