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Sanitized - Approved For Rel SrAH"RP RCRM NO. a DP62500231A000100100081-4 Office Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO ? Chief, Industrial Division, ORR DATE: 2 June 1958 FROM : Acting Chief, Electronic Equipment Branch, Industrial Division, ORR suBJECr: Monthly Report, May 1958 1. Accomplishments a. Branch Projects Submitted None. Project 36.905, Costs, Prices, and Labor Productivity in the Electrotechnical Industries of the USSR;, was cancelled. b. Other Projects Submitted 10.1806 - Evaluation of the Industrial Reorganization in 10.1806 - USSR Commodity Trade. 30.1864 - Production of Specified Industries in the Sino- Soviet Bloc. 30.2107 - Contribution to AFCIWCIA Paper on Security Threat to the US from Sale of Certain ILS Equipment. c. Special Research 25X1 A5a 1 Review of 1955 Ruble-Dollar Ratios for Transformers. Full Sample of Electronics Enterprises and Installations in the USSR and European Satellites - A Listing for 2. Train~ag 25X1A9a RR Statistics Course, completed 8 May 1958- Advanced Russian Seminar (continuing). 3. Trips 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 ontinues on TOY in 'Western Europe. 25X1X7 Sanitized - Approved Fo R1P62S00231A000100100081-4 Aggil Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100081-4 SUBJECT: Monthly Report, May 1958 3. Trips (Continued) 25X1 A5a 1 inspected the NIKE installation at Waldorf, Maryland, on 16 May 1958. 4. Administration 25X1A5a1 was hospitalized with a broken ankle on 18 May an is now confined to his home. 25X1A5a1 25X1X6 25X1A9a b is to go to France for two weeks TDY beginning 9 May , connection with 25X1 C4a 6. Problems The quality and volume of foreign document exploitation for elec- tronics industry information continues to show no improvement. A Branch memorandum requesting the transfer of this reporting function for JPRS back to FDD, dated 2 April 1958, and addressed to St/I/RR has not yielded any concrete results. 7. Reconanendations None. 8. Other Information Projects Due in D/I During June 36.1556 - The Electron Tube Industry of the Sino-Soviet Bloc. 36.2081 - Trends in the Reorganization of the Soviet Elec- tronics Industry. 38-.?'2O29 Electrical Machinery Production Series for the Index of Soviet Industrial Production. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62