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Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 ? OJQ'ir SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION July 24, 1952 COMPARISON OF SELECTED ITEMS IN JAPANESE EXPORT CONTROL LIST WITH COCOM CHINA LIST AND UK SUPPLEMENTAL Pert II (Item 14 through Con lusion) SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION State, Commerce declassification & release instructions on file Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 _ Approved For Release 2001/0877 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Jappnese Lis t COCOM Chir ke Mst. and UK Supplemental Items jo. Definitio 1 All fertilizers and mate- rials: Intermediate , 2) Finished No. Definition 2741 Nitric acid; ammonium nitrate; potassium nitrate. i:emerks: Japanese coverage broader. 16 All seentific, precision or professional instru- ments, apparatus, parts, attachments, accessories and supplies (except hand -operated Office machines) 1501 Communication equipment of a kind exclusively designed for use in an aircraft; and specialized parts therefor. 1502 Communication equipment of a kind using.infra-red rediatiou. or ultrasonic waves; and specinr- ized parts therefor. 1505 Ionosphere recording apparatus, fully automatic. 1507 'Jamming' apparatus (i.e., ap- paratus specially designed to jam or otherwise interfere with radio reception); and special- ized parts therefor. 1509 Location apparatus, as follows: a) Apparatus of a kind used for detecting objects or for de- determining the relative direction, position, or mo- tion, of objects - by means of the constant velocity or rectilinear-propagation characteristics of electro- magnetic waves haviBg fre- quencies between 10? cycles ,per second (3 meters - 00 megacycles) and 4 x 1014 cps (0.75 microns); b) Specialized parts and acces- sories of such apparatus; c) Specialized equipment for testing or calibrating such apparatus. 1510 Location apparatus, under-water: apparatus for detecting or locat- ing objects under water (exclud- ing specific civil items, e.g., apparatus for detecting shoals of fish). 1512 Radar equipment, navi- gation equipment (other than direction-finders), operating at frequencies below 100 mega- cycles per second. 14 Pulse modulators capable of pro- viding electric impulses of peak power exceeding 10 KW; and pulse transformers and pulse-forming equipment being specialized parts of such modulators. 1516 Radio receivers, panoramic (be- ing receivers which search auto7 matically a part of the radio- frequency spectrum and indicate visibly the signals received); and specialized parts therefor. 1518 Telecontrol equipment suitable for controlling pilotless air- craft and guided weapons. 1521 Amplifiers, as follows: a) Amplifiers, high gain, stable linear pulse designed to oper- ate within the range of 50 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - 3ECURITY INFORMATION 'dIALRDA2i00)847igati Approved For Re 200110010-8 Japanese List COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No. Definition. No. Definition 16 (Cont.) 1521 cyles per second to 10 mega- cycles per second, and atm- put resistance not less than 10 megohms; b) Direct-current amplifiers (el-ctronic or magnetic); c) Amplifiers (electronic or magnetic) with gain control calibrated to indicate change in gain to an accuracy of a quarter of a decibel or bet- ter; d) Amplifiers (electronic or magnetic) with a monimal logarithmic relationship be- tween gain and input voltages 1522 Antenna pattern recorders for use at frequencies over 250 megacycles? per second. 1525 Coaxial-type cables, as follows': a) Cables of very low attenua- tion and high uniformity, as used for frequencies of the order of magnitude of 3000 megacycles and above; b) Cables of all types with poly- tetrafluoroethylene dielectric (i.e. teflon). 1528 Frequency meters of the follow- ing kinds: a) Frequency meters designed for measuring frequency of 600 megacycles per second or above; and specialized com- ponents thereof; b) Frequency meters of the fre- quency-synthesis type (being instruments by which signals with adjustable frequencies, known to an accuracy of one isp, part in a minim), are pro- duced by the heterodyne com- bination of signals from 'cry- stal-controlled oscillators). 1531 Radio field strength meters of a kiEd used at frequencies over 60 megacycles per second; and spe- cialized parts therefor. 1532 Radio...frequency signal genera- tors (being screened electric oscillators associated with at- tenuators of a kind used to pro- vide signals having frequencies exceeding 300 megacycles per second and magnitude less than 1 microwatt or 10 millivolts peak value); and specialized parts therefor. 1533 Radio spectrum analyzers (being apparatus capable of indicating the single-frequency components of multifrequency oscillations having frequencies exceeding 30 kilocycles per second); and specialized parts of such analy- zers. Approved Foe-Viags; 200eigigigAgoiAlgifilkdiNGMIN1000200110010-8 Approved For Rdiii"W200111:18,27i1CIM-RDP762,016:47A1300200110010-8 - 16 - Japanese List COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No. Definition No. Definition 16(Coot.) 1537 Special tuned circuits, as fol- lows: a) Electromagnetic waveguides, resonant circuits, and radia- tors of a kind used at fre- quencies exceeding 600 mega- cycles per second; b) Articles or equipment incor- porating, or designed to be connected to or to be incor- porated in, any such wave- guide, circuit, or radiator. ? 1541 Cathode-ray tubes, with screen afterglow longer than 1/2 second. 1544 Diodes and triodes, as follows (and specialized parts therefor): aTUrystal diodes of a kind used at frequencies of 500 or more megacycles per second; b) Crystal triodes, regardless of frequencies. 1548 Photoelectric cells with peak sensitivity at a wave length longer than 7000 Angstrom units. 1549 Photomultiplier tubes; and specialized parts therefor. 1552 Rectifier or amplifier tubes, cold-cathode types. 1555 Television camera tubes; and other tubes in which provision is made for the storage of elec- tric charge in a spatial pattern. 1558 Valves (tubes), electronic, of the following kinds and special- ized parts therefor): a) Those of a kind used with potential difference exceed- ing 9000 volts between elec- trodes; b) Those of a kind used at fre- quencies over 250 megacycles per secend; c) Those of a kind that can be passed through a circular hole 1/2" (1.27 cm) in dia- meter; d) Those designed to withstand severe mechanical vibration or shock. 1561 Absorption meters, infra-red. 1563 Balances, as follows: a) Balances, electronic - capable of detecting differences in weight smaller than 10 micro- grams; and specialized parts therefor; b) Balances of sensitivity of .01 milligrams or better. 1565 Computors, electronic (except business-type calculating 4 machines). 1567 Densitometers measuring direct- ly by photo-multiplier tube. 1569 Electrometers (except student type). SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - INI4146aN Approved For Release 2001/011/ 7: cjA-RDP 9 7A000200110010-8 Japanese List COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No. Definition Nc. Definition 16 Cont. ) 1571 Geophysical prospecting equip- ment, as ,follows: 8 Seismeters; b Gravimeters; c Electronic or fluxgate mag- netometers (including air borne magnetometers); d) Complete seismic exploration recording equipment, portable or designed for truck mount- ing; and the following units when specifically designed and/or designated therefor: 1) Amplifiers with automatic volume control; Variable filters; ) Synchronized timing-photo- graphic recording equip- ment (including recording oscillographs), and parts specifically designed therefor; 4) Geophones; and parts spe- cifically designed there- for; 5) Electromagnetically-damped galvanometers; 6) Equipment for surface shooting, employing shaped charges. 1573 Impedance-measuring apparatus (apparatus of a kind used to measure electric impedance at frequencies over 60 megacycles per second); and Specialized parts therefor. 1575 Leak-detecting instruments (in- struments capable of detecting small leaks of gases under high vacuum or high pressure). *1577 Meteorological sounding balloons, 11.0,0 grams or larger. 1578 Micro-hardness testers. 1.579 Microscopes of the following kinds: a Electronic; b Metallurgical - consisting of microscopes (whether or not in combination with a camera and mounted, or capable of being mounted, on a rigid optical bench - i.e. a metallograph) which possess, or are capable of adaptation to include the following: i) An illumination system by which the light beam en- ters the microscope axial- ly and is projected through the objective lens to the specimen under observa- tion; and ii) A tube of a length which, when used with a lens cap- able of magnification. to 75 times or greater, will obtain, a flat field of view wherein all parts of the specimen under observa- tion are simultaneously Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP6i-180N-Mb0C60146010-8 SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION. LEORET SECURITI INFORMATION Approved For Helease 2001/08L27VpIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Japanese-List No. 'Definition COCOM China List end UK Supplemental Items No. Definition 16 (Cont. 1.582 Optical curve generators (grind- ers, surfacers, and polishers) and. parts, capable of producing: a Aspherical curves,; b) Toric, cylinder,/or spherical surfaces on glass or other ma terial without the use of mating surfaces or laps. 1583 Oscillographs, recording. 1584 Oscilloscopes (cathode-ray) and accessories, of the following kinds (and specialized parts thereto-177 a) With time basis shorter than 2 microseconds; b) Designed to incorporate 3 or more cathode-ray tubes; c) Oscilloscope cameras. 1586 Pyrometers, as follows: a) Optical pyrometers - disap- pearing-filament types; b) Radiation type pyrometers wit sensitive receiver consisting of either a thermocouple (wit or without protecting tube) or a "sighting" device where- by heat iS focused on a ther- mopile by a lens or mirror. *1587 ,4uartz crystals and plates. 1589 Resistors, temperature-sensitiw_ (of a kind used in bolometers or in the tfleasurement of electric power below 10 milliwatts but exc1u6114' electric lamps. 1591 Spectrographs, spectrometers, and monochrometers as follows: a) Gratidg types with, or de- sigr,e,3 for use with, diffrac- tior2 gratings (originals or replicas, plane or concave); end gratings therefor; b) -Prism types, (1) capable of a spectrum length of 20 cms be- tween 9000 and 2000 Angstrom units, or (2) designed for use with prisms having re- fracting face 35 mm or more in width; c) Infra-red types, having, when of prism pattern, an effectiv, tot4l prism base length over 2" (5 cm). 1592 Strain gauge equipment, electric recording; and specialized parts therefor. 1594 Voltmeters, as follows: a) Portable DC vacuum tvbe volt- meters with full scale range of 1 millivolt or less, with or without AC adapters; b) Portable AC vacuum L-Ibe volt- meters of laboratory type wit. full scale range of 0.01 mil- livolt or less. (Note: This excludes voltmeters specially designed for testing telephone lines.) 1596 Warburg apparatus for the exami- nation of living tissu. -ray 11,T. Approved For Release 2001/08/27 RDP62- 000200110010-8_ un:4. SECRET SECURITY INFO ION . , Approved For R?N#A00-1/MitgRA2- Ia2an.qat List No. Definition SI 1TA9J02001 COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No. Definition 16 Cont.) 1598 X-ray diffraction equipment, as follows: 1X-ray diffraction units; X-ray tubes designed or in- tended for use in X-ray dif- fraction analysis. 1599 X-ray tubes 1000 PKV and over. 1910 Optical glass (slab or rough mouldings), as follows: b1Raw optical glass; Raw optical filter glass. *1920 Paper or synthetic film for di- electric use (condenser tissue), coated or uncoated, 0.0015" (.038 mm) or less in thickness. 2521 Sub-miniature electronic-circuit components. 2541 Crystal diodes incorporating ger manium or silicon of a kind used at frequencies below 500 mega- cycles per secOnd. 2545 Vacuum valves (tubes), electron! capable of conducting a peak cu] rent greater than 10 amperes (except those covered by Item 1558). 2570 Electric or electronic impulse registers or counters designed to operate at over 20 counts per second. 2580 pH meters, end pH control ap- paratus, for industrial processL 3561 Bridges for measuring capacitanc impedance, inductance, and/or re sistance - precision types. 3580 Voltmeters, ammeters, and micro- ammeters (including portable tea type) precision indicating types with an accuracy of 0.5 of full scale deflection. Nue Sum). Telescopes and binoculars. Supp. Precision scientific and optical instruments capable of being used in the development, produc- tion and testing of military equipment. - 6ECJRITY r1014MAJ Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RbP62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved For 0:Wage Japanese List No, Definition afftITY: afQW044o647A00o200110010-8 -20- COCOM China List and UK .?zplemental Items 17 All machinery, equipment, ' parte,. accessories, attach- menta, apparatus and controls Of the following types: (1) Construction, excavating, dredging, loading or surfacing. No. Definition *1130 Compressors, as follows: a) Compressors capable of delivering air, gases, or vapors at pres- sures exceeding 300 psi (21 kg per sq cm); b) Compressors, n.e.s, and parts, regardless of delivery pressures and aapacities, when fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion- resistant material. (For other compressors see item 1380). 1321 Tractors, diesel or gasoline powered 60 belt h.p. and over (50 drawbar h.p. and over): a) Wheel; b) Tracklaying. 1325 Excavating and moving equipment as follows, when specially designed for airborne transport: a) Excavators; b) Power shovels; c) Cranes. *1380 Compressors and blowers, as follows (also see item 1130): a) Turbo compressors or blowers capable of operating at either (1) speeds of 8,000 rpm or over, or (2) with internal air flow at any point exceeding a Mach. number of 0.7; b) Compressors or blowers capable of an overall compression ratio of 2:1 or more, coupled with a capacity of over 35,000 cu ft (991 cu mL) per minute; c) Compressors or blowers capable of handling a mass flow of over 2500 pounds (1130 kg) per minute and designed for operating with intake above atmospheric pressure *1822 Pneumatic tire casings for soil com- pactors of 10 tons or over net vehi- cle weight, whether or not mounted on the vehicle. *2210 Welding sets for ferrous and non- ferrous metals, electrical (includ- LIE high frequency), all types, *2326 Off4itemillad trucks, wagons, and ? trailers. 2401 Dredges and specialized dredge equipment and components, such as grabs, buckets, cutters, ladders, centrifugal pumps, and floating and shore pipelines. *3131 All pumps (except vacuum pumps) ? delivering liquids separately or in combination with solids and/or gases, with all the following char- acteristics: (a) designed for work- ing pressures of 75 psig and under 300 psig; (b) designe0 to operrt3 continuously at temperat':res ur 200 degrees F; (c) not fabricItc:, of or lined with any corrosion-res- tant materials. 3321 Road and airport machinery: a) Concrete mixers (stationary and portable, ihcluding truck and trailer mounted) and concrete ? transport truck mounted agitators 18 cubic feet capacity and over; Approved For Release 2001/08/27 LCIMEM28a47A000200110010-8 SECRET - SECURITY Approved For KVA; meikiiiindiVikrgiVigia647A000200110010-8 Japanese List Zefinit on Co um China List and UK Supplementary Items tion 17 (Cont..) Remarks: Japanese list broader. Sum. 17 Cont. (2) Transportation, communi- *1255 cations, conveying or agricul- tural, including supplementary and service (except bicycles *1256 and parts only, childrents vehicles, water craft under 18 feet in length and hand- powered agricultural ma- chinery. Cranes Excavators including power shovels. Bulldozers, angledozers, and trail builders. Diesel engines, marine types, of 1500 h.p. or over, with rotary speed of 200 rpm or over. Diesel engines, all types, with the following characteris- tics: a) 200 to 300 h.p. with rotary speed of 1,000 rpm or over; b) 300 to 800 h.p. with rotary speed of 600 rpm or over; o) Over 800 h.p. with rotary speed of 400 rpm or over. *1260 Electric motors, reversible types, over 1,000 h.p.; and auto- matic controls for starting, stopping and reversing such motors. *1265 Internal combustion marine engines, carburetor types, outboard over 50 h.p. 1401 Floating docks. 1405 Ice breakers (i.e., ships con- structed specifically for the pur- pose of breaking ice) of 2000 total h,p, or over. 1410 Tankers; tank barges, whaling factories. 1415 Warships (whether or not converted to non-military use and regard- less of current atate of repair or operating condition); ang hulls, or parts of hulls, for such ships, 1425 Batteries (submarine). 1430 Cables (multicore) suitable for harbour defense purposes and mine- sweeping. 1450 Automotive vehicles, or chassis, in which power may be applied to all wheels; and specialized components thereof. 1470 Flat cars with a load capacity of 40 tons or over 1475 Tank cars (rail) with a load capa- city of over 10 tons. 1480 Well cars with a load capacity of over 10 tons, 1485 Gyro-compasses; gyro repeaters. 2250 Diesel engines, marine types, of 1500 h.p, or over and less than 200 rpm. 2251 Diesel engines of over 65 h.p. not over 200 h.p. 2255 Internal combustion marine engines, carburetor types, inboard over 100 h.p. 1435 Mineswpeping equipment (magnetic and acoustic). SECRET.- SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved For RelesmEMOVONA ,29...22.0..q2 List Definition TARIffONMOWTA000200110010-13 - 22 - COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No Definition 17 (2) (Cont. 2260 Marine steam boilers of 3,000 sq ft (2S0m2) heating surface3 or greater and designed to operate at 450 psi (32 kg per sq am) or over; and feed water heaters for such boilers. 2470 Locomotives and locomotive parts, the followings a) General service (line), switching and industrial locomotives of a guage greater than 3/ or with an individual axle load greater than 5 metric tons; b) Parts specially designed for the above locomotives; c) General service, switching and in- dustrial locomotives of 3/ guage 0 less or possessing an individual axle load of 5 metric tons or less. d) Mine locomotives (surfac ?and undo) ground), all types and sizes; e) Parts specially designed for the types of locomotives defined in paragraphs (c) and (d) above. 2475 Railway rails: a) Railway rails of 40 pounds or more per linear yard (2- kgs or more meter). (Note: This item covers transportation and industrial type only, including but not limited tc general service railway rails, grooved rails, mine rails, and light-railway rails, if within the above specification.) 2480 Automatic (block type) railway signe systems; and parts specially designee for such systems. 2405 Ice-breakers (i.e. ships constructed specifically for the purpose of breaking ice) under 2000 total h.p. 2415 Other vessels, as follows (and hulls, parts of hulls therefor): a) Merchant ships having (1) a gross tonnage over 700 gross registered tons, independent of speed; or (2) an operating speed loaded of over 12 knots; b) Fishing vessels as follows: (1) of 100 feet (30M) in length or over; or (2) having apparatus for genera ing electrical power of 20 KW or over; c) Merchant ships, n.e.s.; d) Other vessels, n.e.s. over 40 feet (12M) in length or over 50 shaft h.p.(or equivalent). 2440 Propellers (marine) of 12" (30 cm) diameter and over; and blades for su propellers. 3250 Diesel engines 25 to 65 h.p.; and diesel engines, n.e.s. 3450 Automotive vehicles or chassis, 10,001 lbs. and over OW, powered by rear axle drive, gasoline, diesel or semi-diesel motors. 3451 Automotive parts and gasoline engine (except battery boxes, ball and rol- ler bearings and parts, tires, inner tubes, and fan belts). 3471 Railway freight cars, all types, eve 10-ton load capacity (ex those those Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP622666WilAM018811110010e 1475" 8' 1 SECRET - SECURITY INFORM:MON No, Approved For Relmit-2109.1/e2EifiAli,NMA)847A000200110010-8 Loose List Definition -23- cOCOM China List and UK 2112leault11 Items No Definitions 17 (2) (Cont.) 3475 Components for railway freight cars, all types, over 10-ton load capa- city as follows: a) wheels, tires, axles and assem- blies thereof; b) brake equipment (except hand brakes), and parts. 3477 Railway rails: b) Railway rails of less than 40 lbs. per linear yard (20 kgs per meter) (Note: This item covers transpor- tation and industrial types only, including but not limited to gene- ral service railway rails, groovec rails, mine rails, and light-rail- way rails, if within the above specification.) Slip.R. Internal combustion engines. allpx. Motor vehicles (including tractors and motor cycles); trailers and com. penults and spares, servicing equipment and materials. Lam. Rails, locomotives and railway roll- ing stock, and parts thereof. virr 41?1.12. Water craft and important components. *Supp. Cranes. Remarks: Japanese coverage broader. 17 Coht. (3) Mining, quarrying, well *1131 Pumps (except vacuum pumps) deliver- or pumping. ing liquids separately or in combina- tion with solids and/or gases and having an of the following charac- teristics: ? a) Designed to produce pressures of 300 psi (21 kg per sq cm) and eve. or b) Designed to operate at temperature of 220 degrees F (104 degrees C) and over; or c) Fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. (Note: This does not include diesel and fuel injection pumps, or pumps destined for compressing the liquid in hydraulic presses in conjunction with woodworking planing machines,) 1310 Separators (electrostatic) having voltage of more than 1,000 volts ac the air gap; and parts. 1351 Mining equipment: 'Rocker' shovels (i.e, mine car loaders fitted with shovels or buckets operating on rocker arms); and component parts thereof, 1381 Core drill bits (excluding those covered by 1150(c and (h)). *2326 Off-the-road trucks, wagons, and trailers. 2350 Mining equipment, as follows: a) Loading machines, all underground types for rock, coal or ore. (Thi includes duckbill typo self-loadi shaking conveyers, but excludes "rocker" shovels as covered by 13' b) Underground tractors, self-prope3 only, tracklaying and rubber-tyr( types specially designed: (i) for hauling of minerals, rock, equip- mont, or supplies, o7 (ii) as Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62Q of theIMIMOOdet1140004-6 SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved ?For RIftglUnWaramTrannWinai47A0002001.10010-13 - 24 - ?)W0.1 tow aim List UK...1121042MairilIMI 17 (3) (Cont.) 2350 (b)(ii) (Cont.) following auxiliary underground min- ing equipment (whether or not mounted with such equipment): drills, timber setters, post pullers, rock dusters, compressors, conveyers. .*3131 All pugs (except vacuum pump8) delivering liquids separately or in combination with solids and/or gases, with all the following characteristic (a) designed for working pressures of 75 psig and under 300 psig; (b) de- signed to operate continuously at temperatures under 200 degrees F; (c) not fabricated of or lined with any corrosion-resistant materials. 3150 Core drills, n.e.s. (ipcluding those used for blast-hole drilling, but axcluclUg (i) chilled shot,typ.2.gsilt,. Uiiall care (Oil bits, as covered by 1150 (c) and (h), and 1381) '351 ?or driven hoisting equipment for mines, and controls for such equip- ment 500 h.p. and over. *1380 Conveyor belting (interpreted to in- clude rubber balata, asbestos and woven wire conveyor belting). , 3381 Crushing equipment the following: a) crushers, grinders and pulverizers; ap. types except for food pro- cessing; b) colloid mills. lug. Mining maehinery. 17 (4) Petroleum field, refining. *1133 Valves and cocks with pressure parts pumping, processing Or' handling. wholly made of, or wholly lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. *1134 Valves, electrically controlled automatic types. *1135 Pipe valves, n.e.s.? designed for workAng pressures of 900 or more psi (63 kg per sq cm). *1141 Stainless steel tanks with capacity of 2,000 Imperial gallons (2,400 US gallons. or 9,100 litres) or over; and piping and allied fixtures for such tanks, 1150 Oil well drilling and exploration equipment. (see also item 15710 for- merly 100A.) (Interpreted to inallvie the following: a) Casinghead and Christmas tree assemblies; b) Cementing equipment; c) Coring equipment; d) Gun perfoniting equiprent; e) Photoclinimeters. f) Power pumping units, bottom hole pumps and working barrels; g) Blowout preventers; h) Drill bits (rock bits); i) Draw works and rotary tables; 1) Well logging instruments and equipment; k) Drill collars, tool joints, Kelly's and Kelly substitutes. 1) Crown blocks, traveling blocks for oil derricks). Approved For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SlArRrT INXTPTTY Twv0PuA9ON Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - S7CURITY INFORMATION - 25 - AJapanese List No, Definition COCOM China List and UK awlemntal Items No Definition ..r/ (4) (Cont.) 1151 Oil refining equipment, the following units for refining lubricating oils (and complete plants including any of these units): a) Solvent processing units (1191291- la/ phenols duosol, furfural, and nitro-benzene solvent extraction and propane de-asphalting units); b) Dewaxing units (including centri- fugal and solvent dewaxing units, such as methyl-ethyl-ketone and propane units); c) Filtration units (including perco- lation filtration, contact filtra- tion, and filtrol frantionation units); d) Fractionating, rectifying, and dephlegmating oolumns, aaq parts therefor. 1152 Oil and natural gas production equip- ment, as follows: a) Units for treating, separating and stabilizing, and natural gas extraction; b) Complete plants including any of the above units; c) Items of equipment specially de- signed therefor (including, but not limited to, the following: stabilizing, absorption, and strip ping vessels; separators; conden- sers). 1153 Fuel production equipment, as follows: a) Processing units of types suitable for the production of components pf aviation fueld for reciprocating engines (includes alkylation, thermal, and catalytic cracking uhits; isomerization, hydroforming, aromatization, dehydrogenation, Now hydrogenation, polymerization, polyforming and platforming units h) b) Complete plants including any of these units. 1154 Welded or seamless steel casing, drill pipe, tubing, and line pipe conform- , ing with API specifications for oil country tubular products. (This 24- eludes gas, water, and steam pipes of ordinary commercial quality; spigot and faucet pipes; flange tubes,) 1155 Heater return bends for petroleum ,refineries. *1571 Geophysidal prospecting equipment a. rolieWii a) Seisometers; b) Gravimeters; c) Electronic or fluxgate magneto- meters (including airborne magneto- meters); d) Complete seismic explloration re- cording equipment, por?Able )1. co- signed for truck mounting; an he following units when specificJ.'Ly designed and/or designated there-for: 1) Amplifiers with automatic volume control; 2) Variable filters; Approved For RelemREOMErpliatIMA269?47A00020011001 0-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION - 26 - Lamm, List COCOM China List and UK Supp1ement7rtems No Definition No Definitio 17 (4) (Cont.) 17 (5) Chemical, manufacturing, handling or storing. *1571 (d) (Cont.) 3) Synchronized timing-photographic recording equipment (including recording oscillographs) and parts specifically designed therefor; 4) Ceophones; and parts specifically designed therefor; 5) Electromagnetically-damped galvanometers; 6) Equipment for surface shooting, employing shaped charges. *1386 Al]. tools, including dies and slugs, incorporating diamonds. *1845 Rotary drilling hose, high pressure (with test pressure 3000 psi (210 kg per sq cm) and over). *2110 Heat exchangers (tubular) for indus- trial processes, n.e.s., and components therefor. *2131 Pipe valves (except automatic control or corrosion-resistant) designed for working pressures within the ranges of 300 to 900 psi (21 to 63 kg per sq cm). *2132 Valves, controlled automatic types (except those electrically controlled and those made of or wholly lined with corrosion-resistant material, as covered by items 1134 and 1133 respec- tively) as follows: Any pipe valve having partially or wholly integral with it a mechanism actuated by hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical or other means which regulates or con- trols its operations, except (i) check, non-return and float; (ii) pressure relief valves designed for working pressures of less than 300 psi (21 kg per sq cm); and (iii) valves specifically designed for milking ma- chines and for household refrigerators and home freezers. *2140 Drums(metal) of 5 or more US or UK gallons capacity (20 litres), made of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material, except containers designed for the transport of milk. *2141 Chemical process vessels (with or without stirring gear and with or without jackets) and piping made of or lined with any corrosion-resistant material. *2610 Metal pipe and tubing, seamless, as follows (cast iron not included): (a) Steel, n.e.s., (b) Platinum. LER. Petroleum refinery equipment. 142. Containers suitable for use in storing or transporting petroleum, of capa- city of 4 gallons or more. 1101 Acid (mineral) concentrating equip- ment, as follows: a) Complete installations; b) Unit components; c) Items of equipment specially designed therefor. SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved For BMW 2801108/7711012M1E6Z-00647A000200110010-8 ielm_lese List COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items No Defnition No. Definition 17 (5) (Cont;) 1102 Ammonia oxidation equipment, as follows: a) Copplete installations; b) Catalyzers suitable for ammonia oxidation. 1103 Anti.obiotics production equipment, as follows: a) Complete installations; b) Specialized components thereof. 1106 Centrifugal counter-current solvent ettractors.: 1107 Chlorine production equipment (for producing gaseous and liquid chlorine) as follo*s: a) Complete installations; b) Unit components; c) Items of equipment specially designed therefor. 1109 _Freeze-drying equipment or plant. 1110 Giis-liquefyi,Verre7frear ' for handling liquefied gas, designed for operation at pressures of 300 psi (21 kg per sq am) or over. (Notes , This includes steel cylinders for compressed or liquefied gases, wheth- Alr_or not with welded bottoms. , 1112 Hydregen produci-A4-equipment (WAIT-- gas, electrolytic, gas cracking, gas extraction proces5es9. 1113 Hydrogenation equipment, as folloKs: a? Complete installations; ' b Catalyzers suitable for hydrogena- tion. 1116 Methanol oxidation equipment, as - follows: a) Complete installations; b) Catalyzers suitable for methanol oxidation. 1118 Nitrators 1120 Processing equipment operating at pressures over 200 psi (14.0 kg per sq cm) as follows: a) Complete installations; b) Unit components; c) Items of equipment specially de- signed therefor (including, but not limited to, autoclaves and digesters). 1123 Sulphur (natural) extraction equip- ment, as follows: a) Complete installations; b) Unit components; c) Items of equipment specially designed therefor. 1124 Sulphur burners and pyrites roasters. 1127 Water-treatment equipment, industrial (Except (a) anti-sealing equipment, as covered by item 2120; and (b) stationarY equipment for the treat- ment of drinking water. *1130 Compressors, as follows: a) Compressors capable of delivering air, gases, or vapors at pressures exceeding 300 psi (21 kg per sq cm); b) Compressors, n.e.s. mil parts, regardless of delivery pressures and capacities, when fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion- resistant material. (For other compressors, see item 1360). Approved For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 ,SECRET *SECURITY INFORMATION Approved Forgiit?-di6 20646?It. atikaqigib647A000200110010-8 Japanese List COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items Definitions Mo Definition 17 (5) (Cont. *1131 Pumps (except vacuum pumps) deliver- ing liquids separately or in combina- tion with solids and/or gases and having aay of the following character- istics: a) Designed to produce pressures of 300 psi (21 kg per sq cm) and over; or b) Designed to operate at temperatures of 22Th degrees F (104 degrees C) and over; or c) Fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. (Note: This does not include diesel and fuel injection pups, or pumps destined for compressing the li- quid in hydraulic presses in con- junction with woodworking planing ? machines.) *1132 Vacuum pumps (and parts), all types (including mechanical diffusion and objector) which: a) Are designed to produce a vacuum of 2mm of mercury pressure abso- lute or less; or b) Regardless of vacuum produced, are fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. *1133 Valves and cocks with pressure parts wholly made of, or wholly lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. *1134 Valves, electrically controlled automatic types. *1135 Pipe valves, n.e.s., designed for working pressures of 900 or more psi (63 kg per sq cm). 1140 Vacuum-insulated storage or transpor- tation containers for liquids or liquefied gases, 25 litres (26.42 US qts or 22 Imperial qts) capacity or more. 1141 Stainless steel tanks with capacity of 2,000 Imperial gallons (2,400 US gal- lons or 9,100 litres) or over; and piping and allied fixtures for such tanks. 1145 Gauges for measuring pressures over 100 atmospheres (gauge pressures of 1470 psi or 103 kg per sq cm). 1146 Moulding machines for plastics (extru- sion, injection, and other). 1330 Calenders (rubber-working) with 3 or more rolls and capable of handling fabric 55" (140 cm) or over. 1331 Master batch mixers, with automaticallw controlled time cycle, chamber volume " 130,000 Cu an or more. 1332 Tire-curing presses, single or multi- ple cavity, capable of accommodating tire moulds of a total outside depth of 10" (25.4 cm) or over. 1350 Carbon black manufacturing plants. *1380 Compressors and blowers, as follows (also see item 1130): a) Turbo compressors or blowers capa- ble of operating at either (1) speeds of 8,000 rpm or over, or (2) with into-nal air flow at any poin', exceedloi-, a Mach. number of 0.7; (Cont.) Approved For ReleSAN6017011eFa-kilkigaiA000200110010-8 Approved FizgEINtesegReypittalFH-00647A000200110010-8 - 29 - Japanese List COCOM China List and UK71,1420m.ental Zrb*ems No. Definition No. - Definition 17 (5) (Cent.) *1380 (Cont.) b) Compressors or blowers capable of an overall compression ratio of 2:1 or more, coupled with a capacity of over 35,000 cu ft (991 cu ra) per minute; c) Compressors or blowers capable of handling a mass flow of over 2500 pounds (1130 kg) per mine,e and de- signed for operating with intake aboe-e atmospheric pressure. 2101 Distillation equipment (industrial), as follows: a) Fractionating, rectifying, ahd dephlegmating columns; and parts therefor (except those covered by item 1151d); b) Destructive distillation equipment; and parts; 0) Stills designed to operate at abso- lute pressure of 5mm and lower of mercury; anq parts therefor. 2110 Heat exchangers (tubular) for indus. trial processes, n.e.s.j :kid components therefor, 2120 Water-treatment equipment, industrials Anti-scaling types. *2130 Vacuum pumps (and parts), all types (including mechanical, diffusion, and ejector) meeting both of the follow- ing specifications: a) Capable of inducing a vacuum within the range of 50 to 2 mm of mercury pressure absolute; and b) Not fabricated of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material. *2131 Pipe valves (except automatic control of' corrosion-resistant) designed for working pressures within the ranges of 300 to 900 psi (21 to 63 kg per sq cm). *2132 Valves, controlled automatic types (paRlat those electrically controlled and those made of or wholly lined with corrosion-resistant material, as cov- ered by items 1134 and 1133 respec- tively) as follows: Any pipe valve hav- ing partially or wholly integral with it a mechanism actuated by hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical or other means which regulates or controls its opera- tions, except (1) check, non-return and float; (ii) pressure relief valVee designed for working pressures of less than 300 pi (21 kg per sq Cm); and (iii) valves specifically designed for milking machines and for electric . household refrigerators and home freezerr 2140 Drums (metal) of 5 or more US or UK gallons capacity (20 litres), made of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant material, imaat containers designed for the transport of milk. 2141 Chemical process vessels (with or with- out stirring gear and with or without jackets) and piping made of or lined with any corrosion-resistant material. 3105 Multiple-effect evaporators. ? 3110 Liquid solvent extraction equipment, n.e.s. Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved FVReiealse-2001'1/0''811. 644A5AY-#0647A000200110010-8 - 0.- COCOM China List Japanese List and UK Supplemental .Ites po, jieftnition No. _______ Definition.6 lt (5) Cont.) 3140 Tanks and vats, n.e.s., and piping and allied fixtures made of or lined with any corrosion resistant material; and piping and allied fiXturos for such tanks and vats, 3102 Priors for chemical processes the fdllOWing: continuous screen; cylinder; drum; rotary; spray; vacuum. 3101 Industrial distillation oquipment, the following: stills operating at absolute pressures between 760 and 5 mm, of mercury, and parts. *3131 4A11 pumps (except vacuum pumps) deliver- ing liquids separately or in combination with solids and/or gases, with all the following characteristics: (a) designed for working pressures of 75 psig and under 300 psig; (b) designed to operate continuously 4 temperatures under 220 degrees FahrenheXt;(c) not fabricated of or lined with any corrosion-resistant materials. 17 (6) Mill, foundry, forging or any 1301.,- as follows: other metal working a) Die-casting and centrifugal casting machines (except special artillery casting machines as covered by item 1086h); b) Equipment or plants for continuous casting of metals into partially- processed mill product forms. 1305 Metal rolling mills, all types; and controls _therefor. 1311 Sintering equipment for metallurgical purposes. 1315 Tinning units, electrolytic-automatic continuous. ?2301 Furnace equipment: pressure-top equipment (i.e., top equipment for blast furnaces designed to facilitate the retention during the recharging process of the pressure and temperature generated during the pre- ceding heat for use with the now charge.) Forming Machines 1070 Forging hammers, as follows: a) forging hammers, having a falling Weight exceeding 3.5 tons; (English or metric); b) steam, air, or mechanical hammers, rated size 1800 lbs. and over. 1071 Forging machines, as follows: a) forging machines capable of opera- ting on bar stock of a diameter exceeding 3.5" (8.9 cm) or of equiv- alent cross-section; b) Heading and/or upsetting machinery (horizontal); c) Nut forging machinery d) Forging rolls; e) Swaging machinery. 1072 Presses, mechanical or hydraulic, with a rated pressure of over 1,000 tons (English or metric). SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved FAEgASe-204/0-8-ii7CIT'Al3kii-066?4iA000200110010-8 No, Japanese List No. Definition 17 (6) Cont. 1073 1074 20/b 2071 2072 COCOM China List and UK Supplemental Items Definition Wire, tubing, and strip machin- ery, as follows: a) Machinery for drawing and/or tempering wire and tubing .015" (.381 mm) in diameter or less; b) Wire and strip forming mach- ines, horizontal, multiple- slide. Thread rolling machines (except those capable of thread rolling on sheet metal only). Forging hammers and drop ham- mers, n.e.s. Pipe and tube flanging machines, power driven. Presses, mechanical and hydraul- ic, rated pressures between 500 and 1,000 metric tons, inclu- sive. 3072 Presses, mechanical and hydraul- ic, rated pressure under 500 metric tons. 1085 Balancing machines (dynamic) of the following types: a) Machines for locating and correcting unbalance; b) Machines for automatically locating and measuring the amount of unbalance. 1086 All machines and equipment specially designed for manufac- turing armaments (i.e., arms, am- munition, and implements of war), including: a) Shell lathes; b) Cartridge case trimming and head finishing lathes; c) Special spinning lathes for bombs; d) Hydraulic presses for shell Noe banding (tire setters); e) Special forging machines for bomb nose and tail; Shell tappers; Armour plate drilling mach- ines (not including radial); h) Special artillery centrifugal casting machines; i) Special boring machines for aircraft bomb nose and tail; j) Gun-jump screw lathes; k) Rifle working machines. 1087 Broaching machines. 1088 Gear-making machinery: All machinery designed for the manu- facture and/or finishing of machine-cut gears. (This does not include machines for cast- ing, moulding, stamping, or forging, but does include mach- ines for the precision finish- ing and testing of these gears.) 1089 Honing and/or lapping machines (except gear). SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved FoisaglRalb 200133311417IZIA113W14146381R000200110010-8 Japanese List 0000M China List and UK Supplemental Items No. Definition 17 (6) Cont. No. Definition 1090 Profiling and duplicating mach- inery, as follows: a) Die-sinking machines; b) Profiling machines for merin and aircraft propeller bladL (planing, shaping, milling grinding); c) Profiling and duplicating milling machines (except 1)1, peller types covered by par graph b); Profiling machines, n.eos. ) Attachments to center lathes capstan lathes, milling mac ? ines and vertical borers, which make them capable of carrying out profiling and duplicating. 1091 Shaving machines (except gear machinery as covered by item 1088). 2085 Contour band sawing and filing machines. 2086 Portable machine tools, over 2 metric tons in weight, so de- signed that they must be at- tached to the work to be operat ed. 3071 Power-driven plateworking machinery of the following kind punching, shearing, bending, straightening, stretching, forr ing, cropping, scarfing, plate edge planing, press brakes. 3072 Presses, mechanical and hy- draulic, rated pressure under 500 metric tons. Supp. Foundry plant. SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET Approved For Release Japanese List No. Definition - SECURITY INFORMATION - 33 - 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 COCOM China List and UK 1121aanIALILIER. No, Definition 17 All machinery, equipment, parts, . accessories, attachments, apparatus and controls of the following types: 7) Machine tools 22Eina Machines 1001 Vertical boring and turning mills, as follows: a) all types with table diameter 72" (183 ems) or over; b) automatic types (automatic feed) with table diameter under 72" (183 ems). 1002 Jig boring machines 1003 Horizontal combination boring, drillinc, and milling machines, as follows: a) Rotary table type; b) Floor type; c) Planer type; d) Multiple head type. 2002 High precision (fine) boring machines, production types only, capable of an accuracy of .015 mm (.0005") or bettek. Drilling and Taping, Machines Now 1006 Deep hole drilling machines; and deep hole drills. 1007 Multiple-spindle drilling and/or tappizE machines having a cluster of a number of spindles driven from one or more power units, as follows: a) All automatic and non-automatic types with clusters of 7 or more spindles; b) Automatic horizontal and automatic combination horizontal-vertical types with clusters of loss than 7 spindles. 1008 Unit.-head typo drilling machines, as follows: a) Single-spindle; b) Fixed center multiple-spindle 1009 Verticle inverted spindle drilling machines. 2006 Multiple spindle drilling and/or tapping machines consisting of a cluster of less than 7 spindles driven from one or more power units, as follow a) ,Horizontal and combination hori- zontal-vertical, non-automatic; b) Verticle, automatic 2007 Radial drilling machines, 13" (33 ems) column diameter or over and 44 (122 ems) arm or over, plain or traversing type. 3001 Vertical boring and turning mills - non-automatic types under 72 inches. 3006 Multiple spindle drilling and/or tapping machines consisting of a clusto! of less- than 7 spindles driven from ono or more power units, vertical types, non-automatic. Grinding Machines 1015 External cylindrical grinding machineL. conterless (whether or not automatic- sizing). 1016 Internal cylindrical grinding machines, fully automatic, as follows: a) Automatic-sizing; or Centerless. Approved For Release 2001/08/27,: CIA-RDP62-0p647A000200110010-8 ShCRET - SECURITY INFORNATION SECRET -SI. T.JhflY INY0111TI0N Approved For Release 2001/08/2j4 CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 Japanese. List =OM China List and UK Supplemental items No. ,Definition, No 17 (7) (Cont..)'. 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 ? 1022 ? 1023 1024 1025 1026 ?machines 1027 2015 2016 M.N.m.1??????.. Definition Surfade grinding machines, multiple- spindle (automatic and non-automatic). Crankshaft, crankpin, cam, and camshaft grinders. Contour Profile grinders. Gap gauge grinding machines. Jig grinders, Lap radial grinders (automatic oscil- lating types) i.e. machines for grinding concave or convex surfaces such as those in ball beating races. Roll grinding machines (machines fitted with, or capable of being fitted with, cambering device only). Spline grinders. Thread grinding machines Combined internal and external grinding Capable of grinding irregular contours on both internal and external surfaces. Grinders for broaching tools. Internal cylindrical grinding machines, mechanical and hydraulic feed, produc- tion types only (i.e., automatic feed, automatic sizing, or centerloss. . Combined internal and external clindri- cal grinding machines, except those covered in item 1026. 2017 Automatic single-spindle surface grinder. 3015 External cylindrical grinders, plain standard and plain raised, 18 inches and over between centers (excluding machines fitted with or capable of being fitted with damering device only). 3016 Surface grinding machines, non-automatic single spindle, Lathes 1035 Axle lathes 1036 Crankshaft and camshaft lathes 1037 Hollow spindle (oil country type) lathes. 1038 Relieving lathes: machines specially designed for the "backing off" of rotary cutters to provide clearance behind the cutting-edge. 1040 Turret lathes, of bar capacity of 3" (7.5 ems) and over or swing-over-bed of 18" (46 ems) or over. 1041 Automatic lathes (screw machines) of the following kinds; a) Multiple-spindle, bar or chucking; b) Single-spindle, chucking and/or between center. . 1042 Surfacing and boring lathes, 104 (25 ems) center height and over. 1043 Combination boring and turning lathes. 1044 Combination lathe, drilling, and milling machines, specially designed for mobile military workshops or for naval craft. 2035 Engine and center lathes, as follows: a) Over 16" (400 mm) center height, or over 61 (1830 mm) between centers; b) Over 10" (250 mm) up to and including 164 '(400 mm) center height, and not exceeding 61 (1830 mm) between centers. 2036 Automatic lathes, single-spindle bar type only. 3035 Turret lathes which are (a) less than 3" bar capacity and, in addition (b) less than 15" swing over bed. Approved FarMeas_e 2a2dawq :19R- IL Fr'91-4210647A000200110010-8 Approved FoArigge7se 20044#44T.YCRUNNA4V6dIt47A000200110010-8 Japanese List List COCOM China List and UK Suillomental Items No, Definition No. Definition 17 (7) (Cont.). 1142211mand Planing. Machines 1050 Thread milling machines, 6" (15 cms) work diameter at the thread and over (except gun jump screw lathes covered by item 1086j). 1051 Spar millers 1052 Combination miller and planer with double housing and/or open side 48" (122 ems) width of the table and over. 1053 Armour plate planers. 2050 Automatic Milling machines (cycle typo) 2051 Milling machines, planer type, incor- porating one or more verticle spindles, or vortical and horizontal spindles or capable of incorporating vortical spindles, n.e.s. 2052 Planing machines with table over 6' (183 cms) long. 2060 Shapers of the following typebt a) Hydraulic (vertical or horizontal); b) Horizontal, traveling head (inclu- ding draw-out). Thyead-cutting Machines 1060 Automatic or semi-automatic cam-operated thread cutting machines, single or multiple spindle. 1061 Pipe threading machines: a) Combination threading and cut-off, 8" (20 ems) and over diameter; b) Nipple threading machines, 8" (20 ems) and over diameter. ? Attachments and Accessories 1065 Military-type jigs, fixtures and plate metal working accessories (except machines). 2065 Chucks, expanding arbors, and collets for machine tools (air operated; hydraulic operated; magnetic; permanent magnet). 2066 Metal cutting and working tools (not incorporating diamonds) for machine operations: a) Broaching cutting; b) Carbide and carbide tipped; c)- Gear cutting; d) Porming roll sets; e) Lapping, honing. *2375 Abrasives, as follows: a) Silicon carbide, crude, hnd in grain of grit sizes 180 and coarser; b) Natural corundum; 0) Eused aluminum oxide; d) Grinding wheels of silicon earbide, grit sizes 180 and coarser, and other articles incorporating those grains; e) Grinding wheels of natural corundum, and other articles incorporating these grains; f) Grinding wheels of fused aluminum oxide, and other articles incorpora- these grains. ApprovedValinlease 26011101071WINEIR62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010- &MET SECURITY INFORMATION 36 - Japanese List Definition No. pocoh ChintyDist and UK t'upplementarrEems 17(7) (Cont.) *1374 Definition ..11.???????????????.410 OD ? ? .1 lb ? ? ...???????? Al????????111?10 Abrasives, as follows: a) Silicon carbide, in grains of grit sizes finer than 180; b) Boron carbide; c) Grinding wheels of silicon carbide of grit sizes finer than 180; and other articles incorporating these grains. 1386 Al]. tools, including dies and slugs, incorporating diamonds. 1387 Diamond grinding, lapping and polishing wheels, and othel articles incorporating diamond abrasives. Supp. Metal working machine tools Supp. Portable hand-hold power tools (Pneumatic, electric and petrol) including parts. Supp Welding machines and equipment, and parts including welding rods and electrodes. 17 (8) Electrical (except house- Electrical Louipment hold and ornamental light bulbs and household appli- 1201 Eleetric furnaces, as follows: *gni' ances1 a) induction furnaces, vacunm metai molting; and electrical component parts therefor; b) Infra-red and induction annealing and haat-treating furnaces, and component parts therefor; c) Electrical equipment designed for electric industrial molting and re- fining furnaces (whether for, or as part of, a complete furnace) for the production of the following commodities: sodium, magnesium, artificial graphite tungsten carbide, silicon carbide, boron carbide and metal alloys con- taining 1% or more of any alloying element. (Includes all electrical generating equipment designed for ? induction type furnaces). 1202 Electrodes for underwater cutting (covered tubular steel or ceramic types). 1210 Searchlight control units. *1260 Electric motors, reversible types, over 1,000 h.p.; and automatic controls for starting, stopping, and reversing such motors. 2265 *Rotating electrical machinery (including ? AC and DC generators, motors, rotary condensers, and. rotary converters) of 500 h.p. or 500 KVA and above; and prime movers for such generators. 3255 Electric generating sets. Supp. Electric motors Supp. Power equipment as follows: a) electrical generating, transforming, rectifying and converting, trans- mission, power distribution, control gear and accessories including sub- station equipment and parts thereof; b) plant for the production of fuel gas; c) boiler house plant for use with (a) and (b) above. SECRET - SECNIT/ minavimaa Approved For Release zuui/u8rit : uAk-Kur62-00647A000200110010-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP62-00647A000200110010-8 SECRET - SECURITY INFOMATION - 37 - COCOM China List and UK Lipplemental Items No, Definition Japanese List, No, Definition 17 (9) 'Rayon and synthetic fiber manufactUring? preparing, spinning; twisting, fila- ment and band-forming. - (10) Textile dying and finishing (11) Ball and roller bearings and components (12) Industrial or manu- facturing not speci- fically mentioned. 1359 Rayon Manufacturing equipment, as follows: a) Spinning pumps and motors; b) Filament extrusion and spinning machines (except pumping units and spinnerets, 1360 Spinnerets for yarn of 150 denier and greater. None Metal and Mineral Manufactures 1601 Anti-friction bearings (ball Or roller) and parts, as follows: Steel alloy bearings with inner- ring bore diameters as follows: 1) Ball: 15 mm and below or 60 mm . and above; 2) Roller: 20 mm below or 70 ram and above; b) Bearing parts, as follows: 1) All steel alloy rollers and balls (except 'low quality' balls made of 'normal' chrome steel, as defined in interpre- tative Footnote No. 2 at end of List I; 2) All stool alloy outer rings, inner rings, and separators (except any such parts useable only for bearings not covered by subitem 1601(a) above. 2601 Anti-friction bearings (ball or roller) and parts, as follows: Zr steel alloy bearings with inner-ring bore diameters as follows: 1) Ball: over 15 ram but under 60 mm; 2) Roller: over 20 mm but under 70 mm; ) Bearing parts, as follows: 1) Steel alloy outer rings, inner- rings, and separators useable only for bearings covered by sub-item (a) above. Equipment for other Specific Industries 1355 Radio valve manufacturing machinery 1375 Air-conditioning units, packaged (except window-mounted types). 1388 Dynamometers capable of absorbing more than 300 brake horsepower. 1395 Precipitators (electrostatic), capable of removing 90% or more (by blackness test) of all airborne particles down to sizes as small as 1/250,000 of an inch; and specialized parts therefor. Electrithal and Power-Generating Equipment 2270 Turbine S over 300 h.p. (except these designed for driving electric genera- tors). ? Approved FsoErcliNease 2ST8ORTF :15141-.1 tWO647A000200110010-8 No. Approved ForlBetfte 20011MinialAtikiblf4466117A000200110010-8 - 38 - COCOM China List Japanese List and UK-71171ementarrtems Definition 18 All textile equipment, ma- chinory, parts, attachments and accessories not specifi- cally mentioned. 22 Wood products: I) Telephone poles 2) Railway sleepers and cross 3) Mining timber 4) Piling logs 5) Softwood (coniferous) logs 6) Softwood (coniferous), lumber... 7) Hardwood (broadleaf) logs.? 8) Firewood and gasumaki... 9) Charcoal 10) All wood pulp No. _ ties Remarks: Japanese coverage broader 23 All pyrethrum flowers and products. 2) -1t weapons and war materials of ery rature, gun powder and explo- Liv e (including industrial ;:yres, explosive stabilizers, puison gases, incendiaries, pyrotechnics and component parts of weapons and war material and ingredients for the manufacture of the foregoing. i,emaeks: None None None None None None None None None None *2720 None Definition Purified cellulose containing not less than 88% alphacellulose. a-(1) All arms, amunition, etc. *1701 Detonators: mercury fulminate; lead styphnato; lead thiocyanateilead azide. *1703 Stabilizers for explosives, as follows: a) Ethyl and methyl centralites b) Diphenylamine; c) NI N-diphenylurea (unsymmetrical diphenylurea); d) Methyl-N, N-diphenylurea (methyl - unsymmetrical diphenylurea) e) Ethyl-N, N-diphenylurea (ethyl unsymmetrical diphonyluroa) f) Ethyl phenyl urethane; g) Diphanyl urethane; h) Diortho-tolyl-urethane *1729 Hexamethylene-tetramine *1731 Hydrazine; hydrazine hydrate.; hydrazine salts. . - *1741 Nitro-guanidine *1742 Guanidine nitrate *1744 Pentaerythritol; pentaerythritol-tetra- --11?Trates. (Note: Tetranitrates con-- trolled by State Dept.Munitions List) ,.748 Picric acid (trinitrophenol) *1756 Sodium azide *2741 Nitric acid; ammonium nitrate;potas- sium nitrate *2742 Dynamite *2764 Teluene *3733 Glycerine *3701 Explosives, n.e.s. Japanese coverage broader. Some ingredients for manufacture of items in Japanese list covered elsewhere in. COCOM - UK Lists under snecifee categories of chemicals, metals, etc. 31 All imported goods -not else- where mentioned. 32 All goods unladen Approved For Release 2001/08/27: CIA-RDP62-00647A0_00200110010-8 SECRET - SECURITY INFORPIATION