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Approved For F e+ease 20001O,8/2~ RC RDP62-00647A00020006b001-4G 4 JOC DOCUMENT NO. 49 (Revised) November 3, 1954 TO: Chairman, Joint Operating Committee FROM: B 'C- Member *DOC Exempt Letter On File* SUBJECT: Consolidation of international China Embargo List (ICEL) 1. Subsequent to a discussion held in CoCom on July 27, 1954 regarding the administrative difficulties inherent in the use of numerous uncoordinated but inter-related lists to accomplish a single purpose,. the US Delegation accepted for the United States the task of editorial simplification and consolidation of the` International China Embargo List. 2. This project entailed the collation of three separate lists, as follows: (a) the China-Special List,;? (b) the International List prior to the major revision adopted on August 16, (CoCom Doc. 700.1, .2 and .3); and (c) the-current International List (CoCom Doc. 1700.1, .2 and .3) It was also necessary, in drafting a consolidated list, to devise some simple means of indicating which items were subject to'CoCom Document 471 (revised) exceptions procedure (Items which appear on either 2(b) or (c)). 4. There are forwarded herewith, for the consideration of the Joint Operating Committee, three documents as follows: (a) A consolidated International China Embargo List, made up of all items covered by the three lists mentioned above; (b)' An Appendix to the International China Embargo List which lists the items which are subject to CoCom Document 471 (Revised) exceptions procedure; (This includes all items which appear on either old or new I/L and II); and (c) A cross index between the International China Embargo List and the three lists mentioned above. 5. The means used on the International China Embargo List to indicate which items are subject to CoCom Document 471 (Revised) exceptions procedure, is to asterisk the item number. This shows that all or part of the item, as listed in the Appendix under the same number, is subject to the ex- ceptions procedure. Actually, therefore, the Appendix covers all items for which the source is either CoCom Doc. 700.1, or 700.2 as amended, or CoCom Doc. 1700.1 and 1700.2, as amended. 6. The numbering system used is based on that used for the International List. That is, the zero series covers metalworking machinery; the 100 series covers chemical and petroleum equipment, etc. In order to avoid confusing ICEL items with International List items, however, each ICEL item number bears the letter "CU as a prefix. SECRET CVMM-DC 5507 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200060001-4 Approved For ,Release 2000/O02% RGFiA-RDP62-00647A000200060001-4 JOC DOCUI NT NO. 49 (Revised) - 2 - It will be noted that the number of an item on the ICEL is rarely the same as the number which that item has on the International List. This situation arises partly from the fact that the ICEL contains a consoli- dation of several lists, and has much greater coverage than any single International List. 8. In drafting the consolidated list, BFC also attempted to rearraige the items into more logical sequence. This resulted not only in rearranging the sequence of numbers, as for example in Appendix 0, where each type of related equipment, such as lathes or grinders is put together, but also in the transfer of items from category to category, as for example the transfer of optical curve generators from the 500 category (Electronic and Precision Instruments) to the 300 category (General Industrial Equipment) and of steel wire and cable from the 400 category (Transportation) to the 600 category (Metals, Minerals and their Manufactures). The "Administrative Principles" rhich precede the International China 'mbargo List are'the same administrative principles which apply to the International List, with the text changed only as necessary to make them appropriate to at follows. For example, the word "List&'is changed to- "Listn, and the mention of quantitative deleted, since this 'concept does not apply to controls toward China. 10.. The "Source" column which appears on both ICEL and on the ICEL appendix gives the` China Special List., old I/L or new I/L item numbers 'which are the authority for the inclusion ofthe item on ICEL. All of these background items are not si,own as sources, however, the notation being limited to no more than enough to authorize the item. In each case, the most recent authority is cited. For example, if the old item and new item1501'are the same, the "Source" column will show N-l501. If the old item were broader than the new, as in the case when old 1563 is compared `with new 1563, the "Source" column will show 0-1563. 11. if, on the other hand, it is desired to find which item on the ICEL covers any item included in afty of the lists. mentioned in paragraph 2 above, the Index should-be consulted. 12. It was not possible in all cases, when combining items, to adhere exactly to the language of the existing definitions. As an example, the more general coverage of N-1529 gbssrbed a number of old I/L items. Neverthe- less, the actual coverage of ICEL is exactly that-of the combined lists mentioned above, no more and no less, with the single possible exception of ICEL item C613 (d)(ii), which is discussed below. 13. ICEL item 013 is derived from CoComDoc. 700.1 item 1648 and CoCom Doc. 700.3 item 3703, as follows: 1648 (d) Cobalt, as followss` Compounds (including cobalt oxide, but excluding (i) paint driers; (ii) cobalt-organic artificial coloring matters containing less than 20% cobalt, as covered by item 3703; and (iii) other paint pigments,. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200060001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-0'0'647A000200060001-4 S E C R E T JOC DOCUMENT NO. 49 (Revised) -3 - Metallo-organic artificial coloring matters of cobalt, molybdenum or tungsten containing less than 20% of any of these metals. It is not clear from the above what is meant by "other paint pigments". For the purpose of the ICEL Appendix, it was assumed that Item 1648 (d) was meant to cover paint pigments containing more than 20% cobalt. Approved For Release 2000/08/23 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200060001-4