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Approved For Releast2,001/04/04 : CIA-RDP62-00324000100500010-0 Security Information U.S. CFFICIAIS ONLY NG/R-13 Control ro. V5273 18 September1553 fiFT ANNUAL PacoRrss REPORT OF VI TWO ' August 1952 - July 1953 . 1. Authority for t-,e IntelligenceVorkingq Group The Director of Central Intelligence approved the proposal of the Director for Mutual. Security and the Secretary of State for the ertab- lizilnert of en Intlligece Working Group (TG) for direct intelligence suoport of the Economic Defense kdvisory Committee (EDAC). The proposal wan' inCorsed by thu cc.retary of Defense. NU Terms of Reference were ;',orevt:c1 by the Inte1li3ence Advisory Committel. on 25 July 1952 (LAC-)-53/1) and amenoel by TAC-D-53/3.1 of 25 February 1953. IT. Orcarization of the Intelligence Working Group The -.ING is co;Tosed of re,Abers from tie intelligence sectors of the Departments of State, Army, favy, cnd Air Force, are the Central Intelligence AzenJ:,.r. Associate membership is hele by the ffice of the AdLinistretor Defense Assistance Control of the Foreign C2eratdons 10ministration, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Foreign Operations Adninistraton, and the Departments of Commerce, Treasury, and State (Economic Defense Staff and Office of Munitions Control). Any other acency havng interest or competence in the field ? of economic defense intelligence may be invited to sit with the Group. cu/aR provides the Chairmen and the Executive Secretary. During the past year fourteen subgroups were established to provide TM with specialized research and technical advice in sp.,-cific f/elds of economic defense. Five of the subgroups arc currently operative. The otners have completed their assignnents. III. Purpose of 1HO and Relationship to EIC The ruG is unique within the U.3. Government in acting as an inter- agency service facility for the review, coordination, and production of timely economic intelligence which is directly applicable to current or impending problems of economic defense policy or operations and is not exclusjvcly within the mission or responsibilities of apy existing ap;ency or interagcncy groups. Its purpose, as stated in its TC.VmS of Reference istlo develop and furnish intelligence to the EDAC for policy making and operations in the economic defense field...and to develop closer continuous relationships among the operrAions, policy-formulation, and intelligence-research elements engaged in the economic defense program." Approved For Release 2001/diria4976ritIVI3gF00328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 SecuFiTY-IFfaM'ation U.S. OFFICIALS.ONLY The role ef the IWG differc from that of the Economic Intelligence Committee (MC) which is responsible for "fundamental economic research...relatine to the national security." The NU looks to the FTC and other research facilities for basic research support. IV. Responsibilities end Accomplishments of the TWG A list of all cases which have been formally placed before the Ar, for consideration will be found in Tab A. Most of these cases have rcaulted in the preparation of papers (listed in Tab B) which have been furnished to EDAC components. The major responsibilities placed upon the TWG under its Terms of Refer3nce, together with an indication of the 1WG's progress during the past year in meeting theme follow: A. Responsibility: Prepare or arrange for the preparation of reports which preeent the bast available economic intelligence on problems of concern to the EBAC. Progress: TheTWG has prepared twenty-one papers involv- ing research and analysis in particular fields of economic defense (Tab 13). Ten were concerned primarily with strategic commodities while six were in the field of shipping intelligence. The remainder involved export controls generally. The IWG is now being used as the mechanism through which intelligence studies of the Soviet bloc supply position and strategic uses in the bloc of specific commodities are prepared, reviewed arid coordinated. B. Responsibility: Provide current intelligence to the !DAC in response to specific requests or on its own initiative. Progress: Tho TWG has boon instrumental in providing current intelligence to assist action agencies in mecting.their current or impending problems of economic defense policy or operations. Of nineteen papers of this nature prepared by TWG', fifteen have been significant items of intelligence in the shipping and commodity move- ment fields contributed by the ONI member for use by E)AC (see Tab C). In addition, several urgent requests ky. action agencies have been handled under the aegis of the rwG directly by analysts in the several intelligence agencies, time not having permitted the matter to be formally placed on the TWG agenda for mview. -2.. 8 L "Ls Approved For Release 2001/04704-:"CT ":n'P62-00328A000100500010-0 1Wt Approved For Release 2001/04/04 CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 jIitjt Se cui:ilintSrEati on U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY The effort nude by IWO to establish procedures for the collation of current intelligenco for the purpose of providing notion agGncies with the procossad intelligence they require as a battle for prevcntivc and/or ramcdial action is covered in the statement of progress under subsection D and Tab El, following. C. See onsibili Dotormine the necossity? desirability, and feasibility o?bt thing rther informntion or intelligence concerning the subject matter of specific reports or to fill specific gaps, and recommend action by appropriate agencies to meat theft needs. Frogrosst 1. An IMO subgroup was ettablishod in rosponeo to a specific request of tho EIC Subcommittoe on and Facilities for Collation. to prepare "a consolidated set of requirements for collection...on East-West trade". This subgroup was instructed to ascertain avisting guidance to collection agoncios, formulate recommenda- tions for ovor-all priority rcquirements for ca3.s.:U=6 identity critical deficiencies in fulfilling such requirements, and ike appropriate corroctive rocommendations (sec Section V.). . 2. An WO paper, neport on COCOMI Statistical Reporting," pointing out inadequacies and deficionCieS it the reporting system, was forwarded to ESAC to be used hy that Committoe as the basis for the preparation of an instruction to the U.S. recgste to COGOM. 3. Various agencies have tormatated. and served detailed collection requirements upon appropriate collection agencios to obtain flirt/it-r information or intelligence comprging tale subject matter of specific reports or to fill specific mgp$. D. Respetaitdlityt Arrango for the mobilisation of the economic data =almanacs relevant to appropriate tamdssof the MAC. Progrosst four principal development* (sea Tab D) having beftring on the above responsibility, Moro* 1. Recommendation tor the establishment in CIA of a unit to process current economic dates= intelligence and to collate such intelligence for use of the operating agencies. This rocommnda. tion was approved and the unit has been set up. 2. Establishment of tmdfaralfroccdures for thb production and appraval for release of VG papers. - 3 - 41010elemenlimi u.s.?OPFTCLITSMWIT Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 ScetiTuras ILS. ?MCI= olUS 3. Preparation of rocciando1 isstauctions to lho ric1.1 for the lateral disbrihotion of earront intolliscage cc ourPootol 'ay:asks+ of ocartrolled convocation to the Soviet bloc was 000rdisatod area& the 25X1 cu ozioiale of ttsl of a lasorandoo tOer==too liatiog tow catogoriss Abut soviet bloc pant that is of sigatficamco to tin IWO and the MO rigcneine and requcating tribotioa to NO of all aostroca faLling thin ti dis ne oatogories. V. oftz pro. As.......aftlas.wa and ? ran A. Statement of LS. 1iqy Pertincat to Ze Ahtivitios The an J. 'racy dirsotivo m ths field ot 4Idendold defocus till guide ?NO add WO actilitior awing the *Was year. PeIrticularl: partial!** ere OmM1mii jaattne rogoirbig game IMPPolet as outlined la Una dime rot CO nr tap alvela., tatty and uttlintion ot carroot istallig000e is ralatiag to enforcement of control, chich lona boon *Mot Itt the free Writ C2) Devslop ancillary ansurvi including ocatrol over *molt trace and transshipments tree port olitivittret tinunnisa coatligis tr6 alackm lis tinc, to improve lapleuantati.en nod infacconst et avr?oi oontoki systemise particulariy. control over otroiagio oossmoditini ()) tighten thc aostrol list criteria fad mks the otratagic rating of comedian on the oontrol 1-:sts to prasidla Sir the selection of commoditioa which eaotribato siguitissoily to Vie 81091114 podsdAlial. 13.Di t4 .12a 1. 'to provide Um intaLligarpo iampart siausttial to tato taploceatation of tho nos 11.3. platy. tam 311111 oat tatemity its ottarta to *Wm ourreat coosooto &Soft littellipmeo made* to want amain. A Najor formard atop boo boon tho oreattoo, at the mutat of Ms of the currant intolligoaao nit within CU. This sat sanoot opera* at anion offectivouns hymn, velem ago aro Anne to Judge ittablur Priorities to the oollaction et totoriettio rams* cooncada derma. it also mg be nippropititin taw WI to intptiro Into tio eicses of day is the tramodasion to bimetal of lastitost trade infornattaa ani its dissenLeation to * agesica. approval out trplascrttation of pavan imam:4i for lateral distribution of East-weat trade internam in the stoolid facilitate the prevention of trade control viotatLons. u.s."-01,11b oNLT Approved For Release 2001/04/04: Cl DP62-00328A000100500010-0: Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 ammpoimmiliasm. SecuFiTy7Trif3rgation U.S. oFFIcias ONLY 2. The tightening of the criteria for the selection of commodities which contribute significantly to the Soviet bloc war potential will place an additional work load of commodity review and analysis upon the TO. It will require increased vigilance on the part of the intelligence agencies in the detection of changing economic vulnerabilities within the bloc. The extent of this work load will be dependent upon the outcome of the programs being developed by the action agencies having responsibilities under this now policy directive. 3. The full potential of the TWO for intelligence support has not ytt been utilized by motion agencies or working groups of the EDAC structure. TWO/AM-8, distributed in, E)AC as MAC D-48, establishes a mechanism by. which MAC agencies (and working groups within the E)AC-ACEp structure) may request direct intelligence support from thc TO. These established procedure mare assisting the action agencies and interagency work groups in drawing upon the TWO facilities. In furthering this effort to MAXiIMIZO the contribution of thc 'Iwo as the focal point of intelligence support for economic defense, CI& is now putting through the Group for review and coordination most of its intelligence, including commoditr analyses, which formerly went directly to other working groups. It is hoped that the objective of realizing the full potential of the MO will be reached during the coming year. A. 25X1 A9a enair Intelligence Working Group Approved For Release 20044/ Mr4kbP42-00328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 SecuTiTy-IrifUr7ation U.3. OFFICIALS ONLY TAB-A 113T OF ALL rwo CASES August 1931-:-July 1953 TgG nesignatri'm- Title BJC, Case No. 1 Proposed Shipment 2,000 Tons Copper from Turkey to Communist China TJG Case No. 2 Soviet Bearing Production and Procurement TJG Case No. 3 Prior Commitments _NG Case No. 4 Greek Shipping Cartel IWG Case No. 5 Greek Flag Merchant Ships Trading with Communist Far East TgG Case No. 6 DDR Procurerent Efforts NG Case No. 7 Collection Requirements on East-West Trade IWG Case 147. 8 Belgian Ships for USSR IWG Case No. 9 Merchant Shipping Intelligence NO Case No. 10 Danish Tanker APSHERON PIG Case No. 11 Chinese Communist Trade TgG Case ro. 12 Radar Carried by SS FRYDRYK CHOPIN TG Case No. 13 Sale of TAVIRA (foruerly ATIANTIC II, now PRACA) to Poland TG Case No. 14 Activities of INTERCONTINENTAL AIRWAYS TG Case No. 15 Alleged Refuelling of Polish Ships with Iranian Oil TgG Case ro. 16 Delivery of Antimagnetic Schooner by Finland to the Soviet Union IWG Case No. 17 Cargoes of Oil Carried by Polish Ship RYSY, Rotterdam to Gdynia IWG Case No. 18 East-West Monetary Transfers in Germany IWG Case No. 19 Exploitation of Intelligence on Soviet Materiel (Foreign Equipment) RIG Case No. 20 EDAC Operational Memorandum for IWO Activities IWG Case No, 21 Diversion of Korean Scrap to Communist Destinations IWG Case No. 22 Western Repair and Construction of Merchant Vessels for Soviet Bloc /iv 4) ma Case No, 23 Activities of FRITZ DIEPENv?cor IWG Case No. 24 Chinese Comnunist Procurement of Power Generating Equipment 114G Case No. 25 Illegal Sale of MDAP Armament to Eastern Europe IWG Case No. 26 Bunkering of Vessels in China Trade IWG Case No, 27 Soviet or Satellite Chartered Vessels and Merchant Vessels Trading with the Communist Bloc IWG Case No. 28 N. V. Philips Co., Eindhoven, the Netherlands TWG Case No. 29 Spectrograph for Institut for Anorganische Technologie dcr TechnischenHochschule, Vienna, Austria - 6 - mmilMiloolivesolmm Approved For Release 2001/04164 9trarregili60328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 IiJG Desienati.on TAG Cnse No. 30 Sale of Italian-Built Ship to Bulgaria 114G Case No. 31 EDS Request for Technical Analysis of Repairs to Soviet Vessels in Port of Antwerp, 1949-1952 rim Case No. 32 Request for Intelligence Evaluation of Soviet Bloc Cobalt Production Capabilities vs. Requirements IWG Case No. 33 Request for Intelligence Study on the Movement, Including Transshipment, of Strategic Commodities from the Middle East to the Soviet Bloc TAG Case No. 34 Smuggling from the Ryukyus Din Case No. 35 Polish Coal Situation TgG Case No. 36 Intelligence Data for U.S. Delegate to CHINCOM FAG Case No. 37 Intelligence Requirement - Transit Trade Involving Sweden and Switzerland TAG Casc No. 38 Finnish Tanker Fixture for China Run IWG Case No, 39 U.S. Yining Equipment for Upansion of Spanish Pyrites Production DIG Case No. 40 Reported Movement of Rails from ,Antworp, Belgium, to Constantsa, Rumania, by Costa Rican, Tarkish and Italian Vessels TAG Case No, 41 Dissemination of Economic Defense Intelligence in the Field DIG Case No, 42 Communist China - French Barter Deal for NitrOgenOW Fertilizer TgG Case No. 43 Request for Information on Strategic Importance of . Hides and Leather to Soviet Bloc, Particularly Communist China IWG Case No, 44 Financial Operations of the Soviet Bloc in its Economic Relations with the Free World TgG Case No. 45 Soviet Efforts to Procure Aircraft Parts and Components IWG Case No. 46 Strategic Importance of Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) to the Soviet Bloc IWG Case No. 47 Swiss Bank Financing of Strategic Exports to the Soviet Bloc IWG Case No. 48 The Tractor Situation in the Soviet Bloc TgG Case No. 49. Diversions to the Soviet Bloc of Strategic Materials Originating in Non-COCOM Countries (South Africa: lead; Bolivia, tin, tungsten) IWG Case No. 50 Strategic Importance of Magnetic Recorders and/or Reproducers to the Soviet Bloc TWG Case No. 51 Strategic Importance of Kyanitc to the Soviet Bloc IWG Case No. 52, Pharmaceuticals: Communist China's Supply Position in ;intibiotics, Anti-Malariale and Sulfanomides -.7 - 11.1111slimlilmli Approved For Release 2001/04/04s.?MW1226628A000100500010-0 SectifiTi-Inforiltion U.S. OFF1CII-LS ONLY Title TAB-A Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-003281A000100500010-0 Seed:1E11Ni'ErFation U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY TAB-B LIST OF ALL DIG SMIES COMPLETED OR IN PROCFSS August 1952 - Jull'1955 Wri Designations - T4G/AM-9 "r-fr' - PIG/AM-10 ji.g,4-7 DIG/D-1 elc (72 TIG/D-2 DIG/D-3 DIG/D-5 ' PIG/D-6 DIG/D-7a 114. 31 Tairl/n-8c - PIG/D-12 //7 8,1 v-DIG/D-19 /fi3-2 DIG/D-31 , IWG/D-33a -IWG/R-1 eft (7) dIWG/R-5 PPII/cAi 1WG/R-6 )2 /: *IWG/R-8 'it-rviG/R-9 /1 01 4 IW /.7 ? s' Title Table of New Construction in Hand and on Order in Western Countries for USSR Merchant Fleet - June 1952 Glycols - Item IL 1727 Conveyor Belting and Item 310b - Power Driven Conveying Equipment Danish Tanker APSHERON Utilization of Soviet Bloc Merchant Shipping Intelligence by the Urdtcd States Coast Guard ONI Report on Western Shipyard Services to Soviet Merchant Fleet, 1 January - 30 June 1952 Soviet Metallurgical Techniques Chronology of COM Transit Trade Control Discussions Specification Sumnarics for Soviet Ships Repaired in Antwerp Yards, 1949 - 1952 Response to ODMS Questions Regarding Soviet Bloc Cob-qt Position Jnpancse Security Export Controls on Trade with China - 1945/1952 Movement of Scrap Metals from the Middle East - 195261r Strategic Importance of Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) to the Soviet Bloc Strategic importance of Magnetic Recorders and/or Reproducers to the Soviet Bloc oat- Alleged Refuelling of Polish Ships with Iranian Oil Communist China's Imports of Antiontum Sulfate Report on CCCOM Statistioal Reporting Soviet Bloc Kyanite Position Examples of the Role of Sass Banks in Financing of East-West Trade Since 29 August 1952 The Tractor Situation in the Soviet Bloc Material for Use in China Committee * All of these studies lik-re completed in the period August 1952 - July 1953 cxcopt those marked with a single asterisk. Approved For Release 2001/04/0uetiMRAIS28A000100500010-0 i? - es) Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 mmamamimMilmilm, Sectiiity-Irif3r7ation U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY LIf'T OF .ALL TWG CUiLirNT INTELLIGENCE CONTRIBUTIONS ????? 4?? ???=. w?rimem.? Luelst?M2 =Minn PIG Decifination -'7PTO/AM-7 PL/D-13 JG/D-114 rY)/D-15 rz/D-16 In/-l7 It. JO /D -18 TIG/D-21 r rip -22 BIG/D-214 - 25 pm/D-26 r -27 IWG/D- 28 r TG/D-29 IWG/R-3 TJG/11-14 raVID-f Title Finnish Tnnkrr Fixture for China Run ONI Infornation on Movements of Specified Ships CNI Information Regarding Mership 9OLGH MERCHANT ONT Contribution - Cargo Information on Vessels in China Trade ONI Information Regarding SS MUZAFFER ONI Inforvation on Greek Mership T* Txas oia Information on "Shipments of Strategic Materials through the Bosphorus to the Soviet Bloc from 28 August to 31 December 1952" ONI Information on Movement of Strategic Materials from China to Poland ONI Contribution - Shipment of Strategic int,I.rials from Beirut, Lebanon on, Contribution - Metal Ecrlp Novements to Poland ONI Information Regarding lierchent Vessels in the China Trade On Contribution - Cargoes Transshipped at Hamburg for Czechoslovakia ONI Contribution - Strategic Commodity Movements to Soviet Bloc ONI Contribution - Voyage of Portugese Mership TIMOR from Europe to Hong Kong and Macao, January - February 1953 ONI Contribution - Cargoes Transshipped via Hamburg for Czechoslovakia ONI Contribution - Transmittal of Mrchant Marine Intelligence Regarding Bunker Controls CIA Statement on Rndar Reportedly Carried by SS FRYDRYK =FIN Shipment of Steel Plates from Japan to Eastern, Germany Foreign Sale of Fastax High Speed Film ? - 9 - ammrapeOMOOmems Zsa r I kb ao Approved For Release 2001/04/_ . - k - 328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 mmilmimemimimfimmlimp Scciaty-iiirdr7lAtion U.S. OFFICLIS ONLY PrZINCIL TDEVELOPI-LITTS IN THE MOBILIZATION OF EcoNmac 15-7,t771t117:Firl-6- VITT Or talc 1. Establishment of Procedure for Processiu Current Economic Defense Intelligence In responsc to a request of the Steering Oroup (new Executive Committee) of PDX, TWO prepared and forwarded to CIA a paper (]WG/CI-2 of 5 February 1953, as amended 3 March 1953) which pointed up the deficiencies of then-existing arrangements "for processing the .:onsiderable amount of raw intelligence and incompletely-evaluated intelligence now being received regarding Soviet bloc procuremnt activities." This pap-r recommended that "the CIA designate a unit within that Agency to process current EasteMest trade intelligence for the purpose of serving through the 140 the needs of the EDAZ structure." By memorandum of 16 March 1953, the Assistant Director for Research and Reports, CIA, approved the establishamnt of such a unit. It is now functioning on a limited basis and is expected to be in full operation by mid-September. 2. Establishment of rwo Procedures Administrative Memorandum, r4o/sui-8, prepared by IWO and distributed by the Executive Secretary, EDAC, throughout the MAC structure, provided: (a) uniform procedures for the production and subsequent approval for release of DIG intelligence; (b) furnished a sumnary of current pertinent Approved For Release 2001/04/84S:'enBRAY328A000100500010-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-0032aA000100500010-0 .mmemels4040111411110 Security Information U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY TAB D instructions covering diseamenation of econoeic defense intelligence to U.S. Government ag,ncies and foreign nationals; and (c) outlined proce- dures to be follow d in the establishernt of TUG subgroups and in the production of IWG reports. 3. Lateral Field Dissemination of East-West Trade Information At the request of the Chairman, EDAC Steering Group (now Executive Committee), the ING undertook to coordinate the interagency preparation of instructions to field representetives for lateral distribution of current intellisence concerning suspected diversions of strategic con- eodities to the Soviet bloc. It is understood that the Department of Defense will issue similar instructioes to its intelligence representa- tives oversees upon receipt of agreed 'instructions to the foreign Service covering State, Commerce and CIA. 4. Intelligence Exploitation of Soviet Bloc Equipment 25)(11i4ae INC distributed to each of its three Service members, to Chief, CIA, and to the Director of the Joint Material Intelligence Agency (naw Joint Technical Intelligence Subcommittee of JIC) a ix:reran- dum listing four general categories of information about Soviet bloc Lquipment of significance to the I nd the EDAC agencies. Cooperation of the Director, JTIS, was requested to and intelligence prepared by his Agency analyses have been useful in connection gcncc on the quality and composition of tion within the Soviet bloc. Approved For Release 2001/04/64 . u.S. .11- insure that relevant analyses were furnished to the ING. Such with the development of intelli- commodities and methods of produc- tAloya328A0001999810-0 t oirT pt4 Approved For Release 2001/04/04: CIA-RDP62-00328A000100500010-0 IWG INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT TO THE ECONOMIC DEFENSE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR OF MUTUAL DEFENSE ASSISTANCE CONTROL ACT (P.L 213, 82nd CONGRESS) SECRETARY OF STATE I ECONCIMIC DEFENSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EDAC) (1, 6-16) tl, 7-9, 15. 161 (EDAC/E0 10.? MAC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EOM INCOMING SIMON tort PEW Nismois Nosiback. mcd IEMaimmaset OR Tommomt CmONsii Terme ffaimmt Magnimes OmmONING 111411mms For EimIent laroxile Wefts NOTE: Dashod floss erwhosto Row of intolkonos support boo AM GR1470 CiA, 9-53 A I.74w- 0/PreRfAva ?=e,.. 0 , ,.., r r re.? 41-0CN- / xer =ramie IWORMS fOIOUP MING Ihmid)en Respomitie - - Is Ms INC 11.5) Amosoiale Naiders (7-10, 15.171 PARTICWATING AGENCIES PRAISERS ON OtAIT ONXICAN AleaTICIPANTS I. CIA 2. STATE CR) 3: G-2 4. ONI 5. AFOIN 6. AEC 7. DEFENSE (050) 13. AGRICULTURE 9. STATE (E) 14. INTERIOR 9. COMMERCE 15. MDAC IO TREASURY 16. FGA 11. ODM 17. STATE (OMC) 12. EX-1M BANK SECRETARY OP COMMERCE (P.L 11, 81st CONGRESS) I ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EXPORT POLICY CACEPI t1, 640. 13-161 . OPERATING COMMITTEE 11. 6-10. 13-16) I iN" r77 //Vs ..1?1419 ,T J-vp e ty dri..-velri INA./ COORDINATOR TECIONCAL TASK GROUPS Climulivetiem *Ad haft Tramapommem MiNGO4MmItins IrOmolOaI GsmimmeNt IMO .ftwilorsoui IMO) - MN INN44441 ? -0144414.11) awl 0010611NO ANON* Moolraigies ElediNgsl WNW Approved For Release 2001/0410r talikeRDP62-00328A000100500010-0