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Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61 S00750A000700070003-3 Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61 SO075OA000700070003-3 Approved Foi' Release 200110&/1? .CIA-R P61SOO750A000700070003-3 REQUIREMENTS 1. The DCI assigned responsibility for coordinating collection guidance to this Office on 4 June 1951 and, in addition, to deal with problems arising from OCD's handling of ad hoc requirements. 2. Status: a. The Interagency Priorities Committee, a subcommittee of the IAC and chaired by FI, is providing the type of guidance which , appears to be reasonably satisfactory to the IAC agencies Z AWOL b. Foreign Service Reporting ^~'""' (1) In the economic field ORR and EIC are charged with and are working on the problem of coordinated guide requirements. The State Department has requested the EIC to review the periodic Economic Reporting Guides as they are developed for the various areas. (This is in effect the implementation of Executive Order 102.9 giving authority to the Department to decide priority requirements between civilian departments needs and national security needs.) (2) Scientific reportin on the part of the State Department has recently been gone into in an exchange of correspondence between Park Armstrong and DD/I. There should be further developments at the working level on this as a result of this interchange. (3) The State Department is now consulting with OCI with respect to area guide-type requirements and peripheral guides issued by the Department to the Foreign Service in the political field of the Department's responsibility. OCI is free to comment and add requirements. This has developed on an informal basis and will be watched closely to see whether something more formal is required. (4) On DD/I's request 00 has prepared a paper on the problem of the adequacy of collection from overt sources abroad. DD/I has appointed OIC to head an intra-Agency committee to examine into the adequacy of collection from overt sources abroad and report and to consult with the other IAC agencies as necessary. FOIAb3bl c. Requirements for _ are in pretty good shape, such guid- ance for the most part arising from OCI and the State Department, although there is some guidance also on economic and scientific matters proportionate to the resources available to this particular medium. Approved For Release 2001/ - DP61S00750A000700070003-3 Approved FoRelease 200 1/ 7 CIA-RDP61 SO075OA000700070003-3 25X1A8a I~w d. For requirements OCI has developed N &. OP (2 25X1A8a quarterly guides which while too new for complete appraisal are believed to be ver useful and will be improved by OCI as 25X1A8a revisions occur. is collaborating in this. (Copies of this same material have been made available to the State Department FOIAb3b1FI, - Army, Navy, and Air Force for their information and use.) 25X1A8a ORR and OSI relations with _ are very satisfactory and the two production offices are planning guides similar to that of Pa '407. 1 e. Requirements problems in respect of FDD are currently 95X1A8a approached lAC-wide through consideration of anti NSCID for FDD. i Sovmat. Excellent relations with JMIA and with Military Departments participating in JMIA have resulted in agreements whereby the Sovmat Staff is informed of all acquisitions of material objects and all plans for testing them and whereby requirements of the Department of State, AEC, and CIA are accepted for incorporation in all such plans. Continuing efforts to locate sources for required Soviet products are showing results. Help has been received from all intelligence-producing agencies, and especially from the Foreign Service and FI. Within recent months a representative of Sovmat has completed a European field trip undertaken to develop these sources and stimulate collection. h. OIC is currently examining with OCD, ORR, OCI, and OSI proposals for making more effective the handling of ad hoc require- ments through OCD. i. Statements of intelligence deficiencies in SE-27 (Director's letter to the agencies) ORR, through the EIC, and OIC, in cooperation with all interested parties are preparing requirements with regard to what can be done to improve collection and more effectively utilize intelligence information on Communist China. (There exists a standing procedure for OIC to pick up the results of the ONE post- mortems and to design action to correct the intelligence deficiencies revealed. Approved For Release 2001/08/17 .:-CILRDP61S00750A000700070003-3 Approved For R Iease 200110811.7 :_ CIA-RDP61 S00750A000700070003-3 j. Special Intelligence. USCIB Intelligence Committee prepares requirements for special intelligence, representing the interests of all using agencies. OCI is the CIA representative on this committee. Guide requirements are reviewed on a monthly basis under a system which has become well established and is in general satisfactory. OCI believes that the requirements should be supplemented by greater detail. This has recently been accomplished in one area of agency interests. Current efforts of CIA are being directed along the following lines: .(l) To provide more specific requirements where necessary; (2) To ascertain the collector's recommendations regarding the effectiveness of current requirements media; (3) To increase the understanding and use of special material within CIA. Approved For Release 2001/08/173_ CIA-RDP61S00750A000700070003-3