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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 8, 1955
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tirOS Approved For Release 2003/09/0n-CIA-RDP801301676R000700140059-8 8 SEP 1955 The Honorable Lewis Straus! /" Chairmen, Z. etemrnergy Commiseden 'clabiagton 25, D. C. Deer Lewis: oi ?.1-. F9.16. 25X1 ereeee,f4. As. you are are ? there are at present a considerable nueber of eme ployees of the Central Intelligence Agency who have been granted clearances- for access to Restricted Data information in order to carry out intelli- gence activities having a bearing on the field of atomic energy. et thn present time the need to 13111V4 42001,445 to Restricted Dete is first determined within this Agana', end requests for the necessary clear- ances are than processed to the Atomic Energy Commission Security Office. In amoordanes uith current procedures, sada request is than subject to a Atli-field investigation conducted by the Civil Service Commiesion et- the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This. procedure for grentiag cleerences appeared to be required ender the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 as emended. However, it is py belief that Section 145(b) of the Atomic Peergy Act of 1954 is someehat less restrictive in that it permits en authorisation for ROOOOS to Restricted Data without the necessity or an investigation by the Civil Service Comaissionupon a determination- by the Commission or the eeneral Manager that such action is clearly consiatent With the national interest. Also Section 243 enthorizee any employee of an agency of the Department of Defense or any member of the Armed Forces, under certain broad comditions, to have acmes to Restricted Date required in the performance of hie duties. Tech employee of this Agency prior to entering on duty is the subject of a fUllefieId investigation through the investigative facilities of CIA. The coverage of this investigation is at least the eeeivaIent of the Civil Service investigation for access to Restricted Data and the investigative requirements of Teecutive Order 10450. In addition, our evaluation of the investigative results conforms with Executive Order 10450 and pertain special emPloiment requirements of thie Avow. You art also advised that the handling ar Reetvicted Data within CIA, including stoma,* facilitiet4 ia in till accord with the security requirements of your Commission and is- regular4 reviewed by AEC representatives. OGC Has Reviewed Approved For Release 2003/09%02 : CIA-RDP801401676R000700140059-8 ee _r""` Approved For Release 2003/09/02*MIN-ROV 76R000700140059-8 delay amdckiplicstion or effort s occasion field investigations of CIA employees when access to Restricted Data. In vies of the apparent WOO of your Act, it is requested that the repriete arrangements with CIA to permit 4enqy secess to ilastricted Data-without the necessity of 1 Service Commission or ?:ederal I-211-reeu or :security certification by this Agency to your or sech ep1oye. granted access or pmvision for Al system of -ch czees can he established to meet arof rewirenante yeti deer Ln this regard. inforlation is desired, I-onid irity confer with the ayiroprIats Ath kindest OStRlassms Rewritten 5-31-55 COCIJSW:meo 6.2945 Rewritten OS:ACS:hp 7-27-55 Rewritten 8-1S- Rewritten OC1RLB:sms 8-26-s Distribution: Orig. & I - Addressee 2 - DCI - 2 - DD/S 1 - DD/1 1 - Leg. Coun. 2 - EAB/OS interely 316NED C. CAbela Lieutenant General, Aetin Ldreetor CONCUR: s-cr, ate j bewty Direc ? (Support) 25X1 25X1 5X1 Date ea epu y ree5=`71-="-(ir-=?'Ttel.g-2mce) "7 Date 1,-;7=sa-t:174---Co 4-1 --I-4 i'c';. - , 7 _ .1 Zit, ,,,/,e1Ap"),--ii: , 4---- . _, .i.:?..,,,,.. e /4 1,7,1-,491. ,7ifido,04*_, e.-{4,,tidofet 94P- Approved-- For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP8_01301676R000700140059-8 CONFENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700140059-8 CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR The attached letter to the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission requests that he use the authority granted him in Section 145(b) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to authorize Agency employees to have access to Restricted Data with- out the necessity of a fuil field investigation by the Civil Service Commission. It is indicated that the investigation carried on by the Agency is at least the equiva- lent to that conducted by the Civil Service" Com,- mission, and that we are complying with the requirements of e tiWO?rcilF110450. This proposal was initiated at the request of the Deputy Director (Intelligence), has the concurrence of the General Counsel, Office of Security and myself, and your signature is recommended. FORM NO. I AUG 54 101 H. GATES LIJOYDI Assistant Deputy Director (Support) RAPREPLACE WHICH MAY BE USED. IAL AUG 4 1955 (DATE) (47) Approved For Release 2003/09/02 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700140059-8