Information for ERS Report No. 5

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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
February 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 1, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP61S00750A000100150055-3.pdf116.59 KB
Approved For Release 2000/05/22 CIA-RDP61 S00750A000100150055-3 I October 1954 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, External Research Staff Department of State ATTENTION; Fred. H. Sligh SUBJECT: Information for L R3 Report No. 5 1. Notations on the attached list indicate c status of CIA projects previously listed. Z. In addition, the following new projects were begun 'rely - 30 September 1954: 25X1A5a2 25X1A5a2 "Soviet Finance and De- 25X1A1a preeciaation's (Unclassified). Initiated June 1954. To compile information relative to (1) Soviet financial and accounting systems; (2) Soviet definition of terms such as current repair. capital repair and d.prociation.; and (3) norms for these terms as applied in the Soviet accounting system. b. Railroads" (Unclassified). "Assessment of Soviet Data on ated August 1954. 25X1A1a mate certain small but basic problems with the accurate assessment of Soviet data on railroads. 25X1A5a2 C* "Analysis of U.S. Industrial (Unclassified). Initiated September 1954. - 25XlAla To organize and analyse unclassified U. S. cost data, industry by industry. as an aid in the ap- of the Soviet industrial cost structure. Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61SO075OA000100150055-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61 S00750A000100150055-3 25X1A5a2 &eseearc. "Trends in Soviet Medical .al}. Initiated August 1954. - 25X1 Al a To provide' continuing cognizance of the de- volo ents. trends and programs of Soviet and Sat the medical research in the form of summaries, re- views, and statistical studies prepared from informa- tion derived from available literature on medicine and allied sciences. Also to assemble and collate the primary source material in the form of a corprehen- sivee file organized *pacifically to provide ready refer- ence under the detailed functional subject classification required to facilitate medical intelligence research. 3. The Office of Naval Research should have listed the fol- lowing, project. If It has not, you ould check with ONR.. to be sure that it is listed: 25X1A5a2 "Survey of Soviet and ch in Selected Fields of Mathematical" (Secre ad in August 1954. - To prepare, from available open literature. authoritative analytical surveys of Soviet and Satellite research in selected fields of mathematics. 25X1A9a Uffice of the Special Ago! to the Director for Planning and Coordin, C.EH:aml (1 October 1954) Distribution: 1 & I - forward I - C ER I - File v-~ 25X1A1a Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61 S00750A000100150055-3