Briefing of Military Security Officers by USIA Security Office
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October 12, 1954
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Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61 S00750A000100150032-8
12 October 1954
SUBJECT: Briefing of Military Security Officers
by USIA Security Office.
1. Pursuant to telephone conversation yesterday
between yourself, and me there follows a brief
resume of a meeting on or about 16 August 1954 between USIA
and the security representatives of the military agencies:
a. The USIA Survey (IAC-D-8Z/1) contained a
recommendation that "USIA inform the intelligence agencies
as to USIA's present security practices". The IA.C agencies
were asked (IAC-D-82/2 and IAC-D-45/55) to concur in pro-
posals to release to the USIA the National Intelligence Survey,
and National Intelligence Estimates.
b. On receipt of these proposals, each of the four
military intelligence agencies notified office that
they felt it necessary to be briefed as to USIA's security practices
in order to develop a departmental security recommendation on
the proposed releases. Accordingly, on or about 16 August 1954
a meeting was arranged at which a security representative of
each of the four military intelligence agencies was briefed by
Mr. Noone, Chief of USIA's Security Office. Present also at
this meeting were
staff and Mr. Loomis, Special Assistant to the Director, USIA.
c. Mr. Noone related that USIA was governed by
the same executive orders which are binding on all executive
departments; he outlined the steps that had been taken by USIA
to screen its personnel and provide physical security; and he
arranged to provide each of the agencies' security representa-
tives with copies of USIA's pertinent internal security regulations.
It was also pointed out that USIA participates in sensitive actions
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Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61 SOQ750A000100150032-8
and handles classified material pertaining to those actions in-
1 g NSC. 'GCB, State and CIA, and that the Joint Chiefs of
authorized release to USIA of pertinent classified
anon, After consideration by the military
agencies' security representatives of Mr. Noone's briefing,
and without further questioning, those agencies (Navy and
bitch previously had had doubt as to USIA's security
epresentatives from the Joint Intelligence Group
Force in affirming that USIA's security practices
ed sufficiently complete so that these representatives
from the security point of view, to their
military intelligence agencies concur in the
meet. This concurrence was reflected in
? military agencies of the proposed releases
USIA. (IAC-D-82/3 and IAC-D-45/12.6)
shed for your information is a copy of the DD/A's
comments on the draft USIA Survey Report dated 6 July 1954. The
Dt approved the USIA Survey Report on' 23 July 1954. Copies of
irector, USIA, containing the DCI's approval,
teed to all Deputy Directors. All pertinent IAC
ve been distributed to DIVA and SO.
hat the security practices of USIA (or
agency) may from time to ties change, and recognizing
SO's role in CIA to watch these matters on behalf of
,cy, the progress report (IAC-D-8216) on the USIA Survey
may be considered in error in that it inferentially includes CIA
25X1A9a a+r an a ency "informed" as to USIA's security practices. As
suggested, we could get out an amended IAC document;
such a document aright insert the word "military" before "intelli-
gence agencies" in the security item. However, you felt, and we
agreed, that such action is not necessary.
4. The main point now, as you indicated, is to take a
next steep and, as you further indicated with regard to security,
s best done directly between security offices.
S. I believe it helpful to note Tab A of the USIA Survey
IAC-D-82/1) which provides that any intelligence provided to
Approved For Release 2000/05/2 ? , 's 00750A000100150032-8
Approved For Release 2000/05/22 : CIA-RDP61 S00750A000100150032-8
USIA would be subject to whatever controls the originating
agencies might place u non it.
25X1A9a 25X1 Aga
6. Recently QCD/LD,
and I discussed the question of security vis-a-vis USIA with
the following result:
a. That 50 had no objection at this time to
releasing material to USIA.
b. That, with regard to USIA's security, -
would check with you and to determine if SO
was satisfied with USIA security and, if not, he would deal
directly with USIA security office.
7. Although SO had previously discussed U aIA's
security practices with USIA in connection with the pre-survey
dissemination of intelligence from CIA to USIA, it might be
that SO may wish at this time and in view of the recommendations
of the USIA survey, to consider again the security practices of
If we can be of any assistance, please let
Office of the Director
Planning and Coordination Staff
1 Addressee
1 Courtesy
1 PCS (file)
1 Chrono
Approved For Release 2000/ 5,/ ..:,, C ,IA-R_DP61 S0075OA000100150032-8