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Sanitized - Approved For RSEC - el ase : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 IAC-M-336 8 April 1958 I N T E L L I G E N C E A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E Minutes of Meeting Held in IAC Conference Room, 25X1A Central Intelligence Agency, at 1045, 8 April 1958 Director of Central Intelligence Allen W. Dulles Presiding* Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Lieutenant General Charles P. Cabell Presiding* MEMBERS PRESENT 25X1A Mr. Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., * Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Mr. Robert H. Thayer,' acting for Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State Major General Robert A. Schow, * Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army Colonel Harry Lemley, * acting for Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army Rear Admiral Laurence H. Frost, Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Major General Millard Lewis, Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, United States Air Force Brigadier General Richard Collins, Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint-Staff Mr. Harry S. Traynor, Atomic Energy Commission representative to the IAC acting for Federal Bureau of Investigation representative to the IAC, * Part of meeting Sanitized - Approved FogBffq': CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 Sanitized - Approved Fo Velease : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 IAC-M-336 8 April 1958 1. New Chairman for Committee on International Communism The Chairman announced that Mr. Richard A. Johnson of the Department of State had been appointed to succeed Mr. Allan Evans as Chairman of this committee. 2. Approval of Minutes 1 April Meeting (IAC-M-335) Approved as written. 3. Situation Review a. Watch Committee Report No. 400 b. Review of Sensitive Situations The Chairman noted that the Indonesian situation remained sensitive. He and the members then discussed intelligence and in- formation bearing on a buildup of Central Government forces for an amphibious invasion of Sumatra, the probable timing of any attack and the capabilities and will of the rebel forces to resist such an invasion. Mr. Cumming informed the members on the consensus of the recent meeting of US Ambassadors in Taipei with respect to the probable effects on anti-Communist forces in Asia of a defeat of the Indonesian rebels. During the course of this discussion the Chairman noted that he proposed to publish at an early date in the Central Intelligence Bulletin a review of pertinent order of battle information on air, sea and land forces in the area, and solicited the assistance of the military members in the preparation of this material. Mr. Cumming and the Chairman referred briefly to the Tunisian situation. The members then exchanged views with Mr. Kent on recent developments in Cuba? particularly on matters such as the probable. longevity of the Batista government, the nature and Sanitized - Approved Fq9 Jp2 : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 Sanitized - Approved FoIeT: CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 IAC-M-336 8 April 1958 possible effect of the rebels' activities., and the political orientation of Castro, including the question of whether he was receiving support from left-wing elements or Communists. 4. Proposed Subject. for Critical Collection Problems Committee Consideration (IAC -D -117, 1 April) The. members reviewed in. considerable detail various con- siderations bearing on General Schow's proposal. In particular, the proposal was discussed in the light of the general mission of the Critical Problems Collection Committee (CCPC) and the high priority Air Force project for the development of an earth satellite recon- naissance system which was already underway, including the steps planned or taken by the Air Force toward determining the intelligence requirements for such a system. After discussion it was agreed not to assign the mission suggested by General Schow to the CCPC at this time but to note his proposal with the understanding that he might raise this matter again at such_ a future date as he deemed appropriate. It was also noted that the Air Force would establish an ad hoc committee, which would include representatives of appropriate com- ponents of the intelligence community, to review the question of intelligence collection requirements in relation to the Air Force reconnaissance satellite project. During the course of their consideration of 'this matter the member.s_.unanimously..c.oncurred in the view that the development of an earth satellite reconnaissance system was highly desirable and that it would significantly increase the.. intelligence collection capabilities of the US. In this connection, the Chairman informed the members as to the contents of a letter by to the 25X1A Executive Secretary, NSC (in which the Chairman had formally concurred), which emphasized the importance of the development of such a system by the US. Sanitized - Approved Fc8LMftP_W : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 Sanitized - Approved FJf R` I~Se : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0 IAC-M-336 8 April 1958 5. 'Report of 1957 25X1 C Electronics Intelligence Conference (IAC-D-81/8.4, 2 April) After discussing this report with the members noted the report and approved recommendations a and b set forth in the SEC's memorandum, as amended. However, it was agreed that SEC and GMIC should review recommendation c (as 25X1A stated in report) in the light of the IAC's discussion of this matter and submit a re-draft of this recommendation for consideration at the next regular IAC meeting. 6. Coordination of Intelligence Activities at 1958 Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (IAC-D-10/26, T April) After exchanging views, the members noted this report and approved the actions recommended by JAEIC, as outlined in the report. 7. SNIE 30-1-58 Implications of Recent Governmental Changes in Saudi Arabia a. Approved as amended. b. Noted the findings, as amended, and approved the action recommended in the post-mortem on this report. c. Agreed not to release this estimate to USIA. 8. Executive Session At 1245 the Chairman requested an executive session. During the course of this session the members agreed to reexamine the validity of existing estimates on Soviet long-range bomber strength, in the light of evidence presently available, and to determine within a period of no longer than one month whether to initiate a special estimate on this subject on a crash basis. 25X1A Sanitized - Approved F, ' _Wgse : CIA-RDP61-00549R000300100011-0