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Approved For Release 2001104/23: CIA-RDP61-00274A000200110012-1 Management Survey of OR. SUBJECT: CIA Situation Room 1. The responsibility for maintenance and operation of the CIA Situation Room is currently charged to the Assistant Director for Reports and Estimates. The detailed statement of functions is contained in paragraph 2 of the statement of functions of the Presentation Staff, ORE, approved by the Executive 8 Septem- ber 1949, which is here quoted. "2. Operatee and maintains the Situation Room of CIA, providing an integrated national intelligence portrayal of selected areas of the world of particular interest as indicated by the Office of the Director. Such portrayal will be shown through the media of aartographic displays, graphic studies- and charts, pictorial presentations, and audio-ivisual programs." 2. in order to provide an integrated situation room which will meet the needs of CIA and remain within the available personnel MA space allocations, it is suggested that a. plan substantially as indicated below be adopted. 3. Content of the CIA Situation Room. a. Wali mar - largo, area maps attao the walls of the room and Alerting as over-all treatments of the indioated subjects. (1) General Orientation (a) Expressed by edited summer es of DIA estimates graphically oriented to a world map. CO Expressed by graphic tie-in between adjacent "headline board" and this world map. (2) USSR Satellite end Peripheral (a) Military (Army, Navy. Air, and Security). 1. Strengths, dispositions, installations and oFiler of battle to army level within USSR. 2. Same for satellite areas. Peripheral area countries' strength only. (b) Political. 1. Administrative divisions and headquarters. 2. Such other related aspects as suggested by ORE, 7PC and OSO. Approved For Release 2001/0d" rimrsr*.i fiAn7AA 100200110012A 4 II Approved For Release 2001/04/23 : CIA- DP6142274A000200110012-1 ao y as al resew ? .2e Industry (preduetire and pe Oonnerea and utilities. Agriealture. (d) SeientiTio. 1. Centers of researsk and dsvslojxnt. Other related subjects as suggs Or; I Topographic. 1. Towels. genoralised. 2. *Whirr stations and *steioloji.&l data. mkt (Serth), (a) 8oiittfi,. 1. Rada* le ens and soaps. 2. Other related subjeets as suggested by or/. tary - Topographic. 1. leather stations and met.orolojieal Military Installations and strengths* (e) Politisal - Eeenomie. 1. Air dietanaes and eooreta2 airlines. 2. Amble rail and read teellities. Political sphere* of influence. Worldiinowitt may- (s) /oduistry. (h) Agriealtmre. *i $$t1 Movie**, Approved For Release 2001/84g3 : CIA-RDP01-09274A000200110012-1 Approved For Release 2001/04/23 : CIA-RDP6 on 0110012-1 - ? $ b ourity. of (b) Corm" Status (0) Cu. Notioatoo. 41140 71 to projoot 41 *(441 et lootaro dr prolooatotioo saw a* (2). 121 fimOdublookboord to trump avalls baloptioes or slit* viaaar and amp* in soa =AMU artjoa piataro projoa Approved For Release 2001/04/23: 0200110012-1 Approved For Release 2001/04/23: (4) A games produstisuo (7) La, 2140 reeserohe and sepal* adziatere supplemental 0200110012-1 0 x 4019 tor is safes, Also f use as exhibits. 44 Assistant lar0OtOri 4L44 Staff Chiefs will fUrnish auc ass 40 is nosessery to ensure that tho parties et tho tuation Rime portant their part/solar lunation refloat' the ours*** thinking of that CIA componoat. 5. It will be noted therefor*, that this Situation loon providos an intogratlea of national intelligenoss bys sae ass presentation of * partioular impost of th* world situation mith esmolmoions and emphasis indioetoda by Ts exhibit *fa number at related aspoets of a partioular sltuatiom to produoe an rvaluatioa or treed in $ new medial, siotesit birocior tor lioro7iso Approved For Release 2001/04/23 : CIA-RDP61-00274A000200110012-1