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Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R290100490004-4 9 COMMITTEE -MEETING NO. 238 19 eLISSUARY 1957 1. The folloviing were present: Mr. D. J. Clinton Mr. R. S. Hain Lt.Col. D. H Smith Maj. J. W. Jacobsen LCdr. H. W.. Holschuh 25X1A9a Lt.Col. H. K. Avery State State Army Army Navy Air Force CIA (Chairman) CIA (Vice Chairman) CIA (Secretary) The chairman announced the appointment of Col. Sam A. Carnes as the Senior Representative for the Department of the Air Force on the NIS Committee effective 24 January 1957, vice 14. Col. Hamilton K. Avery who is appointed alternate USAF member of the NIS Committee and the Air Force HIS Coordinator. The chairman expressed the appreciation of the Committee to 1.4. Col. Avery for his valuable contribution to the work of the NLS Committee during the period he acted as the Senior Air Force member. 2. NIS Outline Guides The Committee approved the revised outline guides for Sections 31, 32. and 33 which were submitted by the Army member on 5 February 1957 (refer to item 2 NCM 237). The Navy member reported that upon further examination Navy still requires more information on the internal security of foreign countries than is called for in the present outline guide or appears in the published Sections 56 (Intelligerice and Security). He therefore renewed the proposal contained in memorandum dated 5 February 1957 that a. working group be appointed to develop a revised outline guide for Section 56 (refer to Item 2 NCM 237). The chairman thoUght it proper that a working group representing interested agencies be appointed to look into this matter, but cautioned against including transient detail that could only be satisfied by direct operational intelligence support. He asked the Navy rnewber to arrange for and conduct the meeting. At the request of the State member it was agreed that a working paper will be circulated by the Navy member before the working group meeting. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-IRDP60-00346R000100490006-10R nir 0 1 41 Cr" Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-0034JR000100490004-4 The Arzw, member submitted a. progress ter.e., *Ai ea. int.& - agency wurking level conference held on 11 February 1157 to consider proposed changes in portion* of the outline guide for Settion 64 (Manufacturing and Construction), and noted that another meeting of this group edit be necessary to fern:m.11de a draft proposal for NIS Committee consideration (refer to item 2 NCM 23?). The State member proposed by memorandum dated 19 February 1957 a modification to Section 64D (Aircraft Production) which tne chairman referred to the Section 64 working group for consideration. 3. Elc2encii.111,21.421,fv:coptits ana The Navy member reported that a meeting oi interested agency representatives wee held on 18 February 1957 to discuss, a proposed outline guide for a new supplement on Coasts and Landing Beaches (refer to Item 3 NCM Z37). The proposal which is still under coneideration by the working group, does not change the total substantive requirement* for Comas and Landing Beaches, but separates them into (I) a revised Section 22 comprising textual material and selected charts maps, and photographs, and (2) a new Supplement compriaing a briefer text and all of the bulkier beach tables, charts, reaps, and photographs. The principail advantage of this proposal is a reduction in the detail of Section 22 comparable to that of other Sections of Chapter II for those users who want & less extensive coverage of the topic. Its principal disadvantage is that the proposed Section 22 and the stew Supplement would be interdependent and. consequently, both would be needed by users who require full coverage of the topic. The chairman said that the OBI staff will prepare samples of the proposed Section 22 and Supplement from a published Set tion 22 in order to determine the practicability and usefulnees of the proposal. 4.iii221._ei_nent1 The chairman proposed by memorandum dated 12 February 1957 the integratton of "Comments oa Principal Sources" into each of the substantive sections of Supplement I (refer to /tem 4 NCM 237). This is particularly desirable since Supplement 1 is now generally being processed and published by individual sections to provide for more rapid issuance and more flexible niaintenance production. The sine of the present Comments averages about one and one-half printed pagea so that even when the 'Comments require common treatment their addition to each section would not materially affect Lt s size. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : ClAaDP60-00346R000100490004-4 intstiOPPre.". Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60,00346Z000100490004-4 25X1A6a The Committee discussed the vacation laid deferred decision until the next meeting to permit the Army and Navy eembers more time to study the proposal. The chairman requested the State member to see what could be done with regard to a somewhat similar problem concerning Comments of Supptereent VI (Cornanweism). 5. 2ha...aratin_Ltr.N1 oduction Schedule The Committee approved additional changes in the NIS Production Forecast for Fiscal Years 1958-1960 which will &Wear "Chtmge Sheet No. 2" to lae issued shortly (refer Item 5 NCM 237). The current production schedule is affected by the rescheduling of Section 23M (Weather and Climate) on NIS 30 (Iraq) from May 1957 to August 1957. 6. Report of Releause of NIS tro.Lanlitalt_eirimita.til The members were banded copies of a memorandum dated 5 February 1957 listing th.e NIS sections released during 1956 in 25X1A6a corn liance with Committee decision that would conaolidate the reports of NIS releasee to foreign representatives made by U.S. officials as required by paragraph 3 of IAC-D-45/12 (refer to Item 4 NCM 207 and Item 3 of NCM 208). The chairman noted that this was the first such report made to the Committee even though quarterly reporting was stipulated. /n view of the difficulties and delays inherent in these arrangements, the Committee decided to have future reports made on an annual toaats and requested the chairman to so inform the CIA reporting office. 7. NIS Area Name Changes The State member reported that the name of the "Crold Ccaet" will become "Ghana" on 6 March 1957 (refer to Item 8a NCM 230), Since the new state will include former British Togoland, the Coneneetee approved change of name designation for NIS 50A from "Gold Coast and Togoland" to "Ghana" The State member &leo reported that the British Caribbean Federation had been formalised with the site of the capital city to he located on Trinidad (refer to Rem 6 NCM 229). Neither the Baharaee nor Bermuda' is included in the Federation, although both may join it later. Since the Federation will tot become .effective for another year, the State member recommended, and the Committee concurred, that name change for NIS 81 "British Weet Indies" be deferred until Appre~rgilfzetutibwVeocnE02 OtA-iR1311160/0t3Alt RtOttehebv2Pg0#64-4 composition a the Federation may be clarified. Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490004-4 8. Other Matters a. The vice chairman reouested the members to submit by 19 February 1937 nominations 'or attendance at the next CIA intelligence Products Exhibit to be held on 14 March 1957. The quota for NIS person.nel is 60, all of whom must be certified for Top Secret clearance (refer to Item fla NCM 234). The vice chairman undertook to set up procedures to provide for lest-minute chan.ges in the list of nominations. b. Notification was made of a new issue of the Directory of NIS Personnel and members* requiremente were indicated as follows: State 150; Army 75; Navy So; Air Force 30. e. The Committee agreed to review Chapter I on NIS 39A (Communist China) on 5 March 1957. 4. The State member distributed copies of procedures for production of Key Personalities on NIS 14 (Poland) and NIS 21 (Yugoslavia). e. The Committee approved & State proposal to delete from the outline guide on Subsection 551) (National Defense Policies) the second sentence beginning "Diecuseion of civil defense policies..." since this subject is adequately covered in the new Subsection 54D (Civil Defense). f. The State :norther said that in the course of a. visit to the Far East the State associate on the Advisory Panel on Research for Special Operations had reported instances where Special Operations Units in the field had prepared extensive basic intelligence studies without apparently realising that NIS coverage of greater depth and better research was available. It was the consensua of the Committee that the responsibility for servicinr lower field echelons with needed NIS rests with the major theeter staffs who regularly receive full NIS coverage on their areas. g. The Stgtte member reported that State's directive on NIS control and coordination is reader preparation (refer to Item llb of NCM 236). Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-fkDP60-00346R000100490004-4 4mOole1eemi Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490004-4 'ffm?1?85011.10111momrsh 9. The next meeting of the NIS Conurittee will be held at 1000 hours on Tuesday, 5 March 1957. 25X1A9a Distribution: 8 - NIS Committee I - Secy.. JIG 1 SA/PC/DCI 1 DD/4 1 - DD/P - AD/Si 1 - AD/RR J Ch/E/RIt 1 - St/PB/IIR 4 - Ch/G/R11 8 - D/EIBI 1 - 13/11 /BI 1 - D/P/BI 5 - OBI ? Nrithase? figratam Approved For Release 2000/08/22 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100490004-4