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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP59-00882R000200340003-7 (PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) CP WHY VIRGINIANS LIKE IKE MORE THAN EVER BECAUSE It makes no sense at this critical time to re- place the most respected leader in the world and a proven great President with a once rejected candidate of limited experience and no demon- strated capacity for world leadership. BECAUSE In four short years Eisenhower has cleaned up the Truman mess in Washington ... has restored dignity to our highest office . has brought honesty, integrity and efficiency to our National a Government. Ike has been the President of all the people.. He has sought to unify Americans---not divide them into classes or special interest groups. BECAUSE i The Eisenhower Administration has correctly understood and wisely dealt with the Communist menace both at home and abroad: The Korean War was promptly ended. Formosa was saved from the grasp of Red Ch ma. Ike's plan for mutual air inspection, proposed at the Geneva Conference, won world wide ac- claim. Ike's "Atoms for Peace" program has given new hope to free peoples. Communist sympathizers have been driven from Washington. Red spies are no longer receiving assistance from soft-headed "liberals." BECAUSE Under President Eisenhower Americans are en- joying Peace and unprecedented prosperity. To- day 4 million more persons are employed than at the peak of the "Fair Deal" war economy in 1951. Our annual national production rate of over $400 billion is at an all time high. Under Truman (1946-53) the cost of living rose 49%. Under Eisenhower (1953-56) it has risen only 2? %. At the same time Ike has balanced the budget and reversed the trend toward ever in- creasing the national debt. He made the largest tax cut in history (7.4 billions), reducing income taxes 10% for the lowest and middle income brackets and 1% for the top brackets. BECAUSE The 1956 Democratic Platform again proclaims the left-wing spendthrift and divisive policies of Harry Truman. It calls for the largest giveaway program in history. It appeals to the special interests at the expense of the national interest. Despite the great period of labor peace and prosperity under Ike, it "unequivocally" seeks repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act and condemns state "right-to-work" laws like that of Virginia. I dishonestly calls for billions of new expendi- _ " Lulva -and at the same time p, omiees--4tia - ra ehIe- tions! It is a left-wing platform - contrary to every principle dear to Virginia Democrats. BECAUSE Stevenson and Kefauver have shown a shock- ing irresponsibility for the safety of our nation. by: Promising an end to the draft - in spite of the critical world situation. Urging cessation of nuclear bomb tests by U.S. -while Russia is vigorously continuing its tests. BECAUSE The Stevenson-Kefauver ticket, as three leaders of the National Democratic Party admitted prior to Chicago, is probably the worst combination that could have been chosen: Truman, commenting on Stevenson's lack of ability: "The U.S. has had three 'do-nothing' Presi dents-Buchanan, Harrison and Coolidge. If we nominate and elect Stevenson, we will have a fourth .. (Stevenson does not have the experience and ability to act as President immediately upon assuming that office without risking a costly period of trial and error." Kefauver, refa.rring to Stevenson's lack of integrity: "I don't have one speech for New York and an entirely different speech for Florida. I' won't hide what I mean behind eloquent phrases that have a fine sound, but have little substance .. Truman, referring to the dreadful possibility of Kefauver's nomination: "I don't like to discuss it. He might be nominated and I might have to support him." Stevenson, commenting on Kefauver's lack of character and incompetency: "'Keef' is proving that. he is unworthy of the Presidential nomination .. . "There may b' such a thing as wanting to be President ten badly. And that may be one of the reasons why none of Senator uver's : colic.agues in the Senate have eiiPo Teti him, atttt srr1evr of the-- -3~rr y's leaders .. BECAUSE While the decision of the 15.5. Supreme Court in the School Segregation Cases created momen- tous problems for Virginia and rest of the South, you as an intelligent voter must soberly asSs yourself "is it an issue in this presidential cam- paign?" REMEMBER the School Cases were unani- mously decided by a Supreme Court composed of eight appointees if Roosevelt and Truman-and one appointee of .Eisenhower. THE REAL QUESTION IS: Had you rather deal with these grave prob- lems under President Eisenhower's honest, mod- erate and sympathetic leadership - OR would you prefer that these problems be "solved" for you by Stevenson. Kefauver, Reuther, Truman and the radical "Americans for Democratic Ac- tion" who sponsor Stevenson's candidacy? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE ANSWER FROM INTELLIGENT VIRGINIANS W?a KNOW THE FACTS: IN 1952 MANY THOUSANDS OF VIRGINIANS BELIEVED EISENHOWEF WAS A GREAT LEADER--NOW THEY KNOW IT! Mr. Edgar J. Ballard Dr. John R. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Clover Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Hayes Dr, and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. S. Sorce Mr. Joins A. Gihnore &thefr Dr. and Mrs. Dan O. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. D. Farley Cox, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James Hills Mr. and Mrs. Allen Battle 1%lrs. Constance H. Easton Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Scott Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Walker Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ruffin Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Vest Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. Alger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Derwood Chase Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brady, Jr. Mr. and Dirs. Walter G. Rabe Miss Virginia Bowen Mr. Hunter Perry Mrs. Jack Compton Mr. Ray C. Fisher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Peirce Mrs. Estelle Highfield Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stewart Mass Susan Carter Mrs. John N. Stearns Mrs. Beverley F. Parsons Prof. Martin Lindsay Cowen Dr. and Mrs. W. Harry Muller, Jr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cooper Mr. William P. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Moss Mrs. W. Gayle Crutchfield Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Henderson Mrs. George Cook, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Barnes Mrs. Gunn Sharwood Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson McNeely Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rinehart, III Mr, and Mrs. Alexander J. V. Thelen Mr. and Mrs. Courtiandt Van Chef Dr. Douglas Eastwood Mr. and Mrs: John Craft Mrs. Edward R. Dyer Mrs. Edward R. Dyer Mr. f}iay W. Warrick Mr. Ashton C. Miller Mr. Henry A. Haden Mrs. J. H. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Holzbauer Mrs. Hugh McLennan Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Caperton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. S. Craven Mr. Ernest J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Catlin Mr. Jack McKelvey Mrs. J. Nelson Purvis Mr. Ellis Jones Miss .Elizabeth Butzner Mr. and Mrs. Leon Duren Mrs. E. C. A. Broome Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Drash Jr. Mr. ryid Mrs. Ramsey Martin Mrs. T. G. Lupton Miss Anne B. Gill Mr, and Mrs. H. Lyman Bright Mrs. George Gilmer Mr. and Mrs. William B. Dolph Dr. Preston B. Lowrance Mr. and Mrs. Magruder Dent, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shaughnessy Mr. B. L. Bradley, Jr. Mrs. J. S. Galban Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Armstrong Mr. F. Winston Johns Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wieboldt Mrs. C. Nelson Beck Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Bean Dr. Julia Edmonds Mrs. C. McGhee Baxter Mrs. Ray Jones Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Wanner Mr. and Mrs. Pierson Scott Mrs. Robert F; Jones Mr. and Mrs. F. Anthony Iachetta Mr. N. R. Ruffin Mr. Carlton A. Barrett, Jr. Mr. Ray C. Fisher B.11ogan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Hyde Mr. said Mrs. T. K. Woods Dr. Dean Warren Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnes Mr. and Mrs. S. Astoon Lloyd. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. McIntyre Col. and Mrs. Henry Goodloe Mrs. Edwin Burton Mr. Frank H. Addington Mr. and Mrs. H. Victor Crawford Miss Mary Berkeley Dr. S. P. Decker Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wilde, IH Mr. and Mrs. Linden Stuart Miss Slade Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Foster Mr. and Mrs, Earl D. Wise Mrs. Catherine H. Parr Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Knickerbocker Dr. Vincent Archer Mrs. Isabel A. Nunnally Miss Carolyn Carter Dr. Patricia Andrews Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Harper Miss Viola Shields Prof. and Mrs. J. b. Forbes Gen. and Mrs. Harry K. Pickett Mrs. Rea Sully Mr. Everard Meade Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Pettey Dr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Devine Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bogert Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Stone Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bleeker Mrs. Graven Winslow Mr. J. M. Ewing Mr. John V. Coekcroft Mrs. John Wendt Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Madison Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Thorne Mr. Donald Hostetter Mr. Thomas B. Tisdale Mr. and Mrs. Lamed Randolph Dr. and Mrs. James Baker Twyman Miss Catherine F. Young Dr. David C. Wilson Mrs. E. Howard Figg Dr. Oliver B. Bobbitt Mrs. E. K. Reed Mrs. Esther Anne Ross Mrs. James Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. William St. Mr. C. M. Beatty, Jr. John Dr. and Mrs. Glen Updike, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wieboldt, Jr. Mrs. James G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Flood Mr. N. S. Martin Dr. Randolph Catlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frazier, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Englander Miss Elsie Oaldey Mrs. C. Ray Phillips +~r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch Mr. W. M. Currier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Edwards Miss Frances Carter Dr. and Mrs. David Oursler Mrs. Clifford Spicer Mr. Eben Speiden Col. John C. Heidenreich Mrs. Hope J. Heath Mrs. Lester A. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Pietsoh Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Miller Mr. Alfrn,i nr a'~isebr, .I.. Mrs. F. Bradley Peyton, I$ Dr, aaul Mrs. John Si. Nokes Sir. and Mrs. Paul B. Raulet Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Wise Mr. and Mrs. G. Warren Nutter Mrs. Channing W. Daniel Dr. and Mrs. Martin Ii. tIrner Mrs. Ada Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Van Chef Mr. and Mrs. Howard Y. Haffner 1Fir. asui,1ra,.}Ioamalll_ Dr. Woods Howard Mr. and Mrs. Doc L. Lawson Mr. and Ines. W. L. Clover Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff IL Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ted Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Linton Mr. C. D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, Jr. Mrs. Dirties H. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson Mr. and Mrs. H. T. VanNostrand Mr. Morland J. McMurry Mrs. Ruth Anderson Vermilye Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Vilee Dr. Leonard Bogaev Mrs. W. W. Waddell, Jr. Mr. William J. Watson Mr. and Mrs. William H. White, Jr Mr. Floyd Johnson Dr. Paul S. Derian. Mr. and Mrs. Langhorne Gibson Dr. John Kroll Mrs. Eleanor Johnson Dr. and Mrs. James C. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. James H. Blackwell Mrs. William E. Craddock Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Gorrell Dr. Kenneth Grim Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keane Mr, and Mrs. Harry Guest Mr. and Mrs. William L. Frazier Dr, and Mrs. Walter O. Kiingman Mrs. Harry B. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barnes Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fierro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benno Janssen Mr. Perry Raulet Dr. William W. Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Carter Coghill Mr. and Mrs. Albert Humphrey Dr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Allan Mr. and Mrs. M. Jack Rinehart Miss Ruth E. Balluff Mr. and Mrs. James E. May Miss Ellie Wood Keith Mrs. Constance L. Hanson Mr. E. H. Bain Mr. and Mrs. W. Albie Barksdale Mrs. Charles Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Noble T. MacFarlane Mrs. Albert Balz Gen. and Mrs. A. A. Vandegrift Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brawley Mrs. John P. Brooks Mr. Richard Byron Dr. Benno Janssen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Gardner Mrs. B. W. Bullock Col. and Mrs. Clark J. Lawrence Or. and Mrs. Charles Frankel Mr. and Dirs. A. E. Cutright Mr. J. Leonard Hartman, Jr. Dr, and Mrs. A. Page Booker Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Avery Catlin Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ingersoll Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Kelley, II Mrs. Edward Fla.rman Mr. John J. Kent Mr. and Mrs. William F. Long Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Flora, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Andrews Mrs. R. V. Long, Jr. Mrs. Ashby Kennon Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. S. Wither a Mr. and Mrs. W. Bedford Moore Dr. al:d Mrs. T. H. Daniel Mr. John G. Me(rory Mr. Q. H. McDaniels Mrs. ('Ilarles A. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Deinlein Mr. amid Mrs. L. E. Hutchinson, Jt Mr. and Mrs. George L. Res 4r.->elti Mrs. Rodger Rinehart, Ji Mrs. W. Ford Haviland Miss Jacqueline Young Mrs, folly P. McGavoek Mrs. Albert T. York Mr, and Mrs. Norman Read Mrs. Thelma Si. Baber Mrs. 1d. A. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barksdale, Jr Mr. an! Mrs. W. Alonzo :Rinehart Mr, and Mrs. A. Patton Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ilardeen Dr. and Mrs. James P. Raker Mr. and Mrs. George S. Maverick Mr. and Mrs. James R. Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sawyer Dr, aiW Mrs. Hugh Warren Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Allen Mrs. Hollis Rinehart Mrs. J. Malcolm :Firth Miss Florence Littlefield Mrs. Jane H. Garth Mrs. Joseph Dennin Mrs. Willisim A. Powe Mr. L. Watson Jones Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Euglehy Col. anal Mrs, William H. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. George I. Proctor Mr. anti Mrs. W. G. Cassady Miss Jean Hinsdale Mr, and Mrs. Jaque Si. Meredith Mrs. William N. Berkeley - Miss Mary Patton Janssen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Flower Mrs. Le.,n White Mr. Lin?len Shroyor Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cutright Mr. J. :1. Flick Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Jarman, Jr. Miss Arivutus Deihl Mrs. Page Jennings Dr. and Mrs. William H. Marsh Mr. William Davis Mrs. Walpole Davis Mr, and Mrs. Earl W. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wise Dr. Vincent P. Hollander Dr. Virginia Moore Mrs. Chine B. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. George Cooper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller Mrs. Alice Blair (h.et:ex Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Hagmu Mr. and Mrs. Woods Stringfellow Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Cushman Mr. and :Mrs. John Sel $vab Mr. and Mrs. James Walton Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wyllie Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilde Mr. and V'lrs. A. M. Casey Mr. and firs. H. M. Bowen Miss Mar:, Ahibrendt Mr. Fred Moyer Mr. George Durfey Mr. Frank Sutton Dr, and Mrs. Harry Smith Mr. and :sirs. Charles T. Evans, Sr. Mr, and Mrs. John N. Dalton Dr. and Mrs. Henry B. Mulholland Miss Betty Shields Dr. E. L. Corey Dr. and Mrs. HRrrv Smith. ,Ir. PUT PATRIOTISM ABOVE PARTY-.-PRINCIPLES ABOVE POLITICS! Citizens For Eisenhower of Albemarle County and Charlottesville HEADQUARTERS: 214 E. 5th. St., N.E., Charlottesville ? Telephone 3-3914 Harry K. Pickett, Chairman Mrs. Randolph Catlin, Co-Chairman Mr. and Mrs. William Snead Mr. and Mrs. John Hassler t!9t POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) (!D POLITICAL ADVERTISEENT) Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP59-00~82R000200340003-7 CPYRGHT XXXTV I opened the door and went in fast. I could see from the corner of my eye that Gruss had done as I told him. Oderbruch, Henri and the two j Russian officers were seated around the table which was spread with papers. Henri immediately pushed back his chair and moved like a cat away from the table.. "Henri," T said, "what about those accessories?" He grinned and threw some- thing. It came hurtling into my hands. It was a small, flat auto- matic. "Do we give him one?" Henri asked, nodding toward Gruss. "Yes," I said. Another gun arched across the room and Gruss caught it. A PwvLMou t: ` NOW throt:?gh Sat.! 1ou'll Be Part Of An EXCITING EXPERIENCE IN SUSPENSE! SPENCER TRACY ROBERT WAGNER. THE MOUNTAIN 1 a,n x CIAIRE TREVOR BARBARA DARROW RICHARD ARLEN In TECHMCOLOR! Hippety Hopper In "Too Hop To handle" News Review! VERY SOON! "WAR and PEACE" IIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WCHVE THURSDAY 3:00 PM- 12:00 AM 3:00 Martin Block 4:00 1260 Club-'-Records 5:30 Kids Club & Sleepy Joe, 6:00 News, Sports, Stock Mkt. ' 6:29 Club Melody-Weather 7:05 Mel Allen, Quincy Howe 8:00 Famous Mysteries News 8:00 Dinah Shure - Star of the Day 8:25 Westminster Concert - News 9:00 Classical Varieties + ews . 10:00 Nightwatch 11:00 News-Clock Radio-Music F R I DAY News--- 6:25, 6:55, 7:25, 7`55, 8:55, 10:25, 11:55 & 12:30 Commentary 8:00 AM, 1:00 PM Drama 10:30, 10:45, 11:00 AM Women's News 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM Sports 7:30 AM-12:20 PM. 1000 WATTS ? 1260 KC IIIIIIIII11111111IIIIIIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ? ART CINEMA Eye filling SPECTACLE Thrilling ACTION Tender ROMANCE Dazzling COLOR WITH DAVID POOLE AND MARYON CANE BY PERMISSION AC SArtr ER'S WELLS TRUST LTD MAI ZETTERLING With TERENCE MORGAN GUY RODE MANDY MILCIli Free dance lessmn. nonrteey of T.ff ne . c`udi FIRST SHOW FRIDAY... - 'young ieu enan o the MVD who o that's how you got so~THE DAILY PROGRESS CH ,. gets lost in the shuffle." I turned j chummy with Oderbruch and got i Thursd;V Afternoon, 4 to Henri. "How did you turn up I brought here," I said. I - - ---- - - "By good luck, Martin Lane, our security officer=you will recall hbn-comes into the office while I am there. So I punch him in the Cepyriph~ 19556yKendallfomrGossp, 6&trb5e by NfA from his pocket. "This morning's nose and make off. I went directly t Senipl. Berlin" fffi th MVffi i .rom our oceo teD oces third naprared iaHenri's paper from West here on Unter den Linden. I ar- rived there at 8 o'clock. And al- ready they knew that I wa coming hand. Oderbruch looked as if he were about to have an apoplectic stroke. LISTEN to this VITAL PROGRAM! I VE AND INTEGRATION INCLUDING Congressman Powell's Speech Quoting Eisenhower! TONIGHT! 550 On Your Radio Dial WSVA 7:00 PM State Democratic Headquarters Thomas H. Blanton, Chairman Mrs. Wm. Page Williams, Vice-Chairman -TONGIHT- DOUBLE FEATURE FIRST SHOW ------------ 6:46 ?- CLAIRE THELMA TREVOR' RITTER so opportunely?" "it was nothing," he said with exaggerated modesty, With his left hand he whipped something I could see the hed1ine: Frenchman Takes New Drug to Reds The major's right hand had j "I got the message concerning been stealthily working its way to- i the young man from Provence ' yesterday afternoon." Henri said ward the inside of his uniform jacket. "I wouldn't do that, Major," I said in Russian. "Not only is it dangerous to you, but I might miss you and kill the colonel general by mistake." He stopped and I could tell that the colonel general approved of his decision. "It's the American syp," Oder- bruch said. "Dr. Oderbruch is off his trol- ley," I said. "I am Lieutenant Nalyevo of the Russian MVD. Herr Gruss 'is a famous Com- munist convert. My friend Henri "Right away I put on my old clothes and Slipped over here. I went to see the one who had sent the message. He told me where you probably were and gave me all the information you had told him about Oderbruch's drugs. I went to West Berlin and applied my mind to the problem." fivers had stripped off their uni- forms. Grus:: put on the colonel general's uniform and I put on the "I thought you looked a little major's. They weren't perfect fits, strained," I said. I but they'd do. __"So last night, I got to the CIA We made the two Russians take office in P'arley's office and I take off their underwear. We used some ..samples of _a new .drug' those to gag them and tie them to which is supposed to _make in- the table. is a more recent convert. We sanity. I think it is _samA drug Oderbruch stood by, looking ex- are now staging a new revolution." I that Oderhruch has. 1 hide it well ceedingly unhappy throughout all "We have nothing to lose but in my own office ..and take _an- this. our chains," Henri said happily. other little bottle which I fill with The vague idea I'd had earlier water. It is this which t have been I searched him until I found the was now bloomi?ig. "I really hate coyly promising to turn over to '.little metal case I'd seen two nights to do it, but I mL:st ass the major Herr Doctor." before. I opened it and look out and the colonelen gera? to remove their uniforms." "This will mean war," Oder- bruch said. "A Frenchman and an American crossing national borders and idnapking people." "Nothing of the kind," I said "There are two Germans and a Frenchman who deserted to the East, then changed their minds and went back. There is not American here at all-only a Opp. Lafayette Theater Open Till 9 P.M. You'll have to admit they deserve the best! And don't let the lack of ready cash stop yoo. Let us show you how payments can be arranged to fit your budget. Get in toue h with us today, for fast confidential service. Get This Amount of CASH GIVE THEM A BIGGER CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR! $600.00 $37.53 Your $150.00 $28.56 Monthly $350.00 $22.45 payments' $250.00 $16.09 will Be " 20-month plan. Loans under Virginia small Loan Law limited to $600 with charges of 2'i% monthly on balances not exceeding $300 and 11/2% njonthly on the remainder. AMERICAN FINANCE CORP. 119 FOURTH STREET, N. E. Phone 2-7135 Between' E. Market and E. Main CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA KING T E MONSTERS! Mightiest MELODRAMA of them all! CIVILIZATION CRUMBLES as its death rays blast a city from the face of the earth! AWESOME! -and then some! Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP59-00882R000200'340003-7 the eye dropper. It was almost fu of .the colorless liquid. I poured water into a glare Then I dropped a generous portic of the drug into the water. "For you," I said. "You put in at least a trip dose," he said weakly. "I know," I said. "You're g and what I had stolen from Far- ing to drink this now, Oderbrur ley's office. Somebody had called Then the four of us are going them." walk down out of here and get i I whistled. "So Lane has beento your car. We'll still shoot y the leak all along. Very pretty. if you try to give a warning, b Did Farley know what you were not to kill. Only where it w doing?" hurt you. With this big dose "As of this moment they still lysergic acid diethylamide in yo think that I t m the traitor." even If you get to the chlorprom, By this time the two Russian of- I zine you'll still have to go throug For Homes Beyc Escota i u BOTTLED C for cooking ... hot water . . ATE 1NSTALLATI[+N. pros Love;rove 213 Garrett St. SEE an PRES EISE'NI 9:30 PM ' Channel 12 CITIZENS FOR EISENHO' TY AND CHARLOTTES' GENERAL HARRY PICKE' DOLPH CATLIN, Co-Cha JEFFERSON - RESTAUR, !i :~:: s>t::: Es::>t s::>.::: nl::: ^::: E:: sins l:=: OLD I Rt. 250 1-2 mile Atmosphere - Appointmc Reservations lie 317 E. Main St. Open 6:30 era. to Table d'hote & a la e HOLID Rt. 250 East 1-4 mi. from Steaks - C BREATH-TAKING THE Car. East High St & Rt. 25 "Home of the Worm's Best All Din nets MORTICE Diningroc F?" N EST Foo Compietely UNIVERSIT Opposite Uni Free MONTICELLO GRIT 206 5th St. NE Just WE CURE VA. HAMS - Irlene Marshall ITALIAN 1108 W. Main St. Din CHARLOTTESVILLE'S Or Spaghetti A-Pizza THE ATH EY'$ Rt. 250 West 5 mi. west of FAMOUS FOP Virginia Ham - HOWARD unction Rts. 29 & 250 "THE RAVkN