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e n he tAtiAlskn dihfitirreeTif the ttrfnmiLlee on Govern- Rea- 262 Conctirrent resolution au- Q../9 ItESICTINTET. Ct5R LI POTIOAW b001606170041 -7 -AINTUSTMEN1' or rtivrEs -or OM- PENSATION OF HEADS OF EXECU- TIVE liEPARTMENTS?CIVIL SERV- oriz tie tfie Iornt Cditmittee on Atomic . ICE RE l'IREMENT TV to &int 40000 additional copies of ivi - -1,.. MURRAY of Tennessee submitted , arinMft_of- the Research and Develop- c ffit "Progress Report on the following conference report and gutiTe6--drr anirnedraiire7Biblegy7ancl Agricul- statement on the bill (H. R. 7619) to srti frEliffea7CTITTe-robsp-s--; adjust the rates of compensation of the .18FCariCiirrent-1e5olution au- heads of the executive departments and OffEr--coitres or the hearing of certain other officials of the Federal c.artomma mreigrfrof 7=ms- of the Government, and for other purposes: ? - On:ifigg:189-1"CEnietirrent-resortrtion au- CONFERENCE REPORT (h. REPT Ivo. 2935) 14 a CReireetthii-iri ehrelled bill H. R. The committee of conference on the dis- Pq-8* v : ' s ' ' - agTteing totes of the -two Rouses on the llie. iiie4gti;ie'-rit,g8 inl ha' cethVt' he illtAndhitetit-of the Senate to the bill (H. R. ' 8t0 11 atr LiaSite'W 6, MIT df the follow- 7619) to adfust the rates of compensation of the heads of the executive departments irlithrOfillie conciftrence of the and of certain ot ier officials of the Federal QUS0 Is feiiiiregted: Government and for other purposes, hay- :4184. AilAeT8-bitirld'eleii tifellPfloint- log met, after fun and free conference, have tent' r'Ntley' at "Aigirway'-Adniirtistrator agreed to recommend and do recommend 0 teofP:5t-tMll,t ?,0! :Com-Tercel Tr ,tor their respective Houses as follows: tith.ft, pirpoSeS: :. . , ., 'That the House recede from its disagree- ' 0'111g840ff4f41 disagree- ii' -' 'At tti'' ' t -to the amendment of the Senate and te16741. FIRgg"d-, Withifiehdtnetits in agree to the sane with an amendment as follows: In lieu or the Matter proposed to be fith'e*CoriCirltheellr the=llouse is inserted by the Senate amendment insert iSeeCtlitni-Orni.0-11.6ii-Se-df-the fol- the following: ' Oirrietiftes1,:' ' . --: : ,,.....--?Tri-t.r. r=trtxxtr rOMPENSATION FOR 'HEADS OF aindridetheTatfiff Act EXECUTIVE DEPAETMENTS AND OTHER FEDERAL .'aleireityNterriVr ffirifte net: OFFICIALS . kra, th'enittiZt- '(Be- internal "Sec. 1D1. This title rnay be cited as Ted- title ega 61-1151 .t6-1517vrd-6-thht the eral Execialve Fay Act Of 1:965'. acrnitslidniSVari.aPtily only if the "Snc. 102. The annual rate of basic corn- Oilltt- Ira- eirrertEigalairtferedell-; pensatioh of each of the offices or positions : -Ail' irerfoliMellti the'lliriff Act listed in this section shall be $25,000. ItYrarlEtraftlftir ramie? mat .,(1) Secretary of state. '161.1 WI-dr shOe last fin- "(2) Secretary of the 'Treasury. s illTriPc)._t:e:cr_r_ th_e F, nited, "(3) Secretary of Defense. fferaf d.,tilrii , "(4) Attorney General. :v atoxo of tide .tr.zr rii,6, icra...roca? Marine ,:,,( 561 Fostmast:T. Secretary of General. the interior. :-Ail-ezt-tor -iffileid certain pro- - ? , let,: 16,'"Ii"aitialitteZt: to "fa-ciritate private -(7) Secretary of Agriculture. i- '-1 ifieratrtht YeaStIr in the interest "18) Secretary of Commerce. -40**fOriaj'dafanaCtlin" flit-Other -purposes; "19) Secretary Labor. 44. ,,,?,,, ' 6'(I0) tecrettCry of Health, Education, and , R. 12F0, An ' ket to authorize certain Welfare. '004trfict1On. at nitiffaly Initallgions, and "SEC. 103. (a) The annual rate of basic r other :p,firPotei: coMpendithitt df etteri hf the offices or posi- lb' e rrii.'6. g,i' 5&ol diat;ti:): ' tion' sliste'd in this subsection shall be $22,500. Senate had palsied, icitfi EinefitTdients In " (1) ,Director of the Bureau of the +iv-hich 'coneltr8rIettr- thWE'ouie B,dget. (2) Comptroller General of the United ,reg.heste,o,d" a?bill Of the House Of the fol- States. ? 11, * ""(3) Director, Office of Defense Mobilize- s. 1200' An act authoi?izIng e 'Con= tinn. - enaction repair, and presettatroh orcettain "(4) 'Under Secretary of State. Ublic works on rivet's' and harbors for nay- "(5) Deputy Secretary of Defense. ktion, flood control, and for other phrp-oses. "(b) The am nal rate of basic compel- qt each at the offices or positions listed e m%s' gt".Zo"alnrHolnlegif diatI hat be $2T,000. the in this subsect (ea s ate insigts iinofi' its ainendinents to "(1) Zecretary of the Army. nn ,,sEc leoc4retary of the Air Force. 'ffi'e-rii7O'nelfgelr' thereori compensation o f - ? - (al The annual rate of basic s_wir_.(24AvEz,_*r. ft.Eidt.,"Mr. GOR2, , each of the offices or posi- , ASK tifT-S--"'Ciiffli aficr Mr* Co tions listed Ibis section shall be 21 OrjOiiigIrtr giitt feeiheMS a confer- "(2) Secretar, of the Navy. -trie'f/dirse "birthe disagreeing --64-(f0) Goternbr of the Fs-'m ere ,it Ad- ministration "(11) President of Bank of Washington. "(12) Under Secretary or t ITS or- " (13) Uneer Secretary of t Tre,1 or' hi Monetary Allaire. "(14) Deputy Postmaster I enen. "(15) Ulmer Secretary of t se In,e inr "(16) Unc'er Secretary of Agricul un :tn "(17) Under Secretary of ritree, ;e "(18) Under Secretary of t_1( ma) roe f, Transportaton. "(19) Under Secretary of Labor "(20) Uffiler -secretary of Beall Eo and Welfare. "SEc. 105. The annual rat ef ,e . are pensation oe each of the off ?es or osi wi, listed in thi section shall be $20,500 "(1) Chairman, Civil Aer mantic 13 .ar.. "(2) chairman of the Un ted Ste es ;Ay Service Commission. "(3) ChaArman of the Coil cii oi I .on on e Advisers. n ii "(4) chairma, Federal .'ornm (Ca 101 Commissior . "(5) Chairman, Board of I i-eetc F e Deposit Insurance Corpora- Board. "(6) Chairman of the F far noBoard. "(7) chairman, Federal 'ewer ;on mi - sion. "(8) Chairman, Board of ; ,verac -s Federal 'Reeerve System. "(9) Chairman, Federal Trade ?1011 mi sion. "(10) Chairman, Foreign claim ment Commission of the Un tee]. Ste "(11) Chairman of the Fe icrial me oU 1 Bank Boar?. "(12) Chairman, intere ate C tn-v e Commission. "(13) Chairnran, Nationa tabor -tel Board. "(14) Chairman, Nati( aai th e iti, Board. "(15) Chairman, Railri ad Ita Lirf , Board. . "(16) Chalrinan of tit Rees got ati.e. Board. "(17) Chairman, Securitt Commission!. "(18) Chairman, Subv4 Control Board. "(19) Caairman, Board c Tennessee Valley Authorff the Expo, t 10 oS 1 iii ven,Ouooe: Eli 'Ra'_707.,! ' ie'lr7eT:l!fren-re-e '15-fi the- 0,rt.: .,....12.1.3,,u) frimemt6isiner of Internal Re eIllEcitssi_ . the 'egnaV '- ' - ' .r . - "TST1Dirtcta? orcti _Bureau of In- 214,kila .09:RI90 .6.1ifiennetd that ' the Testigation. Ter tfie rep-6re' br the corn- "(4) Administrator of the Federal Civil r?e6iirereifet"dfrEhe D -trisarrteln-g efense Admintstration. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Die li16111,5USEchri the amend- " subsection (a), the annual rate of basic cora- l:111 Traiielbilil bill (S. 3957) pensation of the Director of the Federal Bu- auw4ri.,,,, If=6:.1:LEe.,:alle:f..of F8.11198. . TeaU, of Investigation shall be $22,000 so long ne. e rea erfiCar itS-attiefidtnent to ?Administr t of of Services. "(6) AdrainietrnatOrr e Housing and 8 1>hr H. A. MM.; entitled An act to Home Finance Agency.? 043.,end 'thF, Ea of 'AtfOrst? 31, 1954 (68 (7) .Admint;trator of Veterans' Affairs Stat.' iPtr, Felatifig 16 the acqifigition of " "(8) Direet,or of the International IapOetteral-Tfilir-iiiithin the existing is held by the present in- :Oar-we hfrfirtfIerd 'that the 711mbertit-cilitce- undarrel ol` aaTiy Eatinfiarritirlt: arid fogr ation Adminisi ration. "(9) Directo- of the United States Infor- . - - Ination Agency. er Antbgtrr-- , , ?!s- and tilxc lCt- ii rsive Act vit 1-..erea "(20) Chairman, Unite Stet -s rIA I , COMMiSSicn. "(21) Comptroller of tht rlarrei y. "(22) Assistant Comptro- Gen ral 1? United States. "(23) Deputy Administri of t ,e I- ds Civil Defense Administrai sm. "(241_ Deputy Adrainistt Ger ye Affalis. "(25) Deputy Director , f tin mreau the Budget. "(26) e -'727) Deputy Director CI the Cl -re Defense Mobilization. "(28) Deputy Director et,IeV,, Led . Infromation 'Agency. "(29) Deputy Under Se''--- ar f t -e partment of State (3). "(30) Director of the 'ederei Me ,1 and Cone illation Service. "(31) First Vice Presick nt of t le l,xp, r! - Import Fank of Washing on. "SEC. 106. (a) Tile ani 17, ;' compensption of each of -s tions listed hi this subset 1.1 = doo. "(1) Administrator, Br reau is I and Consular Affairs, Deps S "(2) Administrator of Civil. Au nas "(3) Administrator, Cce imocht St .ne.,e - tion Service. "(4) Administrator Of P Ror E ec[ cation Alministration. Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : PIA-RDP59-,0022 A000190670041-7 13520 "(5) Administrator of the Small Business AdMinietration. '(6) Administrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. ",(7) Administrator, Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Division., Department of Labor. "(8) Archivist of the, United States. "(9) Assistant Directors of the Bureau of the Budget (2). "(10 Assistant Postmasters General (5). "(11) Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 CONGRESSIONAI RECORD - HOUSE July 26 "National Mediation Board (2). "Railroad Retirement Board (2). "Renegotiation Board (4). (8), "(12) Assistant Secretailes of Commerce (3). "(13) Assistant Secretaries of Defense (9). "(14) Assistant Secretaries of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare (2). "(15) Assistant Secretaries of the Interior (3). "(16) Assistant Secretaries Of Labor (3)? "(17) Assistant Secretaries of State (10). "(18) Assistant Secretary of ,the Treasury (3)- "(19) Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force (4). "(20) Assistant Secretaries of the Amy (4). "(21) Assistant Eieeretaries of the Navy (4). "(22) Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "(23) Chairnaan of the Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Conunis- sion, Department of Defense. "(24) Commissioner, Community Facili- ties, Housing and Home Finance Agency. "(25) Commissioner, Federal Housing Ad- ininietration. "(26) Commissioner, Public Housing Ad- ministration, "(27) Commissioner, Urban Renewal Ad- ministration. "(22) Counselor of the Department of State. "(29) Deputy Administretor of the Hens- ing and Home Finance Agency. "(20) Deputy Administrator of General Services. "(31) Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts "(32) Director of the Bureau of Prisons. "(33) Director of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. "(84) Director of the National Science Foundation. "(35) Director of Selective Service. "(36) Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. "(37) General Counsel of the National La- bor Relations Board. "(38) Librarian of Congress. "(39) President of the Federal National Mortgage Association. "(40) Public Printer. "(41) Special Assistant to the Secretary (Health and Medical Affairs), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(42) Under Secretary of the Army. "(43) Under Secretary of the Navy. "(44) Under Secretary of the Air Force. "(45) Members of boards and commissions (excluding chairmen) : "Civil Aeronautics Board (4). "United States Civil Service Commission (2)- "Council of Economic Advisers (2). "Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of Washington (3). "Federal Communications Commission (6). "Federal Deposit Insurance corporation (1). "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (6). Federal Maritime Board (2). or "Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of an the United States (2). $5 "Federal Power Commission (4)? pe "Federal Trade Commission (4). ot "Federal Home Loan Bank Board (2). "Interstate Commerce Commission (10). U "National Labor Relations Board (4). fo "Securities and Exchange Commission (4) 'Subversive Activities Control Board (4) 'Board of Directors of the Tennessee Val- ley Authority (2). "United States Tariff Commission (5). "( b) The annual rate of basic compensa- tion of each of the offices or positions listed in this subsection shall be $19,000, _ "(1) Architect of the Capitol. "(2) Assistant to-the Director of the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation "(3) Commissioner of the United States Court of Claims ( [2). "(4) Governor of Alaska. "(5) Governor of the Canal Zone. "(6) Governor of Guam. "(7) Governor o Hawaii. "(8) Governor ce" the Virgin Islands. "(9) Legal adviser, solicitor, or general counsel of an executive or military depart- ment (excluding the Department of Jus- tice). "(c) The anima: rate of basic compensa- tion of each of the-offices or Rositions listed in this subsection shall be $18,000 per an- num. "(1) Commissioner of the Indian Claims Commission (3). "Sec. 107. (a) The annual rate of basic compensation of each of the offices or posi- tions listed in tele. subsection shall be $17,500. "(1) AdmInistralbr, Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture. "(2) Administrator, Bonneville Power Ad- ministration. . "(3) Administra,or, Farmers' Home Ad- ministration. "(4) Administretor, Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture. "(5) Assistant Architect of the Capitol. "(6) Assistant Dfrectcer of the Adminis- trative Office of the United States Courts. "(7) Associate Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. "(8) Chief Assistant Librarian of Con- gress. (9) Chief Forester of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. "(10) Chief of Stiff of the Joint Commit- tee on Internal Revenue Taxation. "(11) Commissioner of Customs. "(12) Commissioner, Federal Supply Serv- ice, General Servicee Administration. "(13) Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization. "(14) Commissioner of Narcotics. "(15) Commissioner, Public Buildings Service. "(16)"Commissioner of Public Roads. "(17) Commissioner of Reclamation. "(18) Commissioner of 'Social Security. "(19) Deputy Administrator of the Saint awrence Seaway Development Corporation. "(20) Deputy Commissioner, Internal evenue Service. "(21) Deputy Public Printer. "(22) Manager, Federal Crop Insurance orporation, Department of Agriculture." (b) The annual rate of basic compensa- on of each of the offices _or _positions listed this subsection shell be $17,000 per annum. (1) Deputy Administrator, Small Business dministration (3). (2) Treasurer of tee United States. "See. 108. Except es otherwise specifically ovided In this title, the Chairman or other cad of each independent board or commis- on in the eXeCtItiV.3 branch shall receive, uring the period of his service as chairman other head of such board or commission, nual basic compeneation at a rate which is 00 more than the annual rate of basic COM-. nsation prescribed by this title for the her members of sue 11 board or commission. "SEc. 109. Section 105 of title 3 of the 'lied States Code is amended to read as nowt.: " '? 105. Compensation of secretaries and ex ecutive, administrative, and staff assistants to President. ? "'The President' is authorized to fix the ? compensation of the six administrative as- sistants authorized to be appointed under section 106 of this title, of the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, and of eight other secretaries or other im- mediate staff assistants in the White House ' Office, as follows:. Two at rates not exceeding $22,500 per annum, three at rates not ex- ceeding $21,000 per annuli's, seven at rates exceedingnbt $20,000 per annum, and three at rates not exceeding $17,500 per annum.' "Sec. 110. (a) The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service receive such com- pensation, in addition to his pay and allow- ances under the Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended, as will make his compensa- tion equal to Immo per annum in addition to such allowances. "(b) The Deputy Surgeon General of the Public Health Service shall receive such com- pensation, in addition to his pay and allow- ances under the Career Compensation Act of 1949, as amended, as will make his compensa- tion equal to $19,000 per annum in addition to such allowances. "(c) The Direcior, National Institutes of Health, the Chief, Bureau of Medical Serv- ices, and the Chief, Bureau of State Services, of the Public Health" Service, shall each re- ceive such compensation, in addition to his pay and :allowances under the Career Com- pensation Act of 1949, as amended, as Will make his compensation equal to $17,500 per anhiarn in addition to such allowances. "Sec. 111. The annual compensation for each of the offices established by section 1 (d) of Reorganization Plan Numbered 7 of 11)53, effective August 1, 1953 (67 Stat. 639) shall be established by the Secretary of 'State at a rate not more than $19,000. "Sec. 112. Section 2 of Public Law 585, Seventy-ninth Congress, approved July 30, 19411 (60 Stat. 712), is amended by striking out 112,000' and insert in lieu thereof '615.000'. "SEc. 113. Section 527 (b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, approved August 26, 1954 (Public Law 665, Eighty-third Congress (68 Stat. 8a2) ) is amended by striking out '$15,000 per annum' and inserting in lieu thereof '$19,000 per annum'. "SEc. 114. (a) The compensation schedule for the General Schedule contained in sec- tion 603 (b of the Classif cation Actof 1949, as'emended, is amended by striking out: "'(35-.l7__, 13,975 14,190 14,405 14,620 GS-18__.... 14,800' and Inserting in lieu thereof: " 3143:893755 14,190 14,405 14,620 GS-18__.... 16,000i. (b) The rates of basic' compensation of officers and employees to whom this section applies shall be initially adjusted as follows: "(1) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of ehis section at a scheduled rate of grade 17 or 38 of the General Sched- ule, he shall receive a rate of basic compen- sation at the correeponding scheduled rate In effect on and after such date; "(2) If the officer or employee, immediately prior to the effective date of this section, is in a position in grade 17 of the General Schedule and is receiving basic compensa- tion at a rate between two scheduled rates of such grade, he shall receive a rate of basic compensation at the higher of the two corresponding rates in effect on and after such date; "(SI If the officer or employee, immediately prior to the effective date of this section, is in a position in grade 17 of the General Schedule and is receiving basic compensation at a rate which is in excess of the maximum scheduled rate of his grade as provided in R ti in A pr si Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 mmmmomounmimpuuwlivuumgm?i?mmmmimmmn;as.-----_ Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RD1?59-00224A000100670041-7 1956 CONGRESSIONAt RECORD L HOUSE this section, he shall continue to receive such higher rate of batic compensation until (A) he leaves such position, or (H) he is en- titled to receive basic compensation at a higher rate by reason of the operation of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended; but when such position becomes vacant, the rate e 92,909 19 20 130 , 60 14,800" and inserting in lieu thereof: "18 12,800 19 20 14,000 16,000'. "SEC. 116. Section 3 of the Act of January 8, 1946, as amended (38 U. S. C. 15b), is hereby amended as follows: "(a) The last sentence of section 3 (b) is amended to read.: 'During the period of his service as such, the Chief Medical Director shall be paid a salary of $17,800 a year.' "(b) The last sentence Of section 3 (c) is amended to read: 'During the period of his service as such, the Deputy Chief Medical Director shall be paid a salary of $16,800 a year.' "(c) That portion of section 3 (d) which precedes the proviso is amended to read: 'Each Assistant Chief Medical Director shall be appointed by the Administrator upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Direc- tor and shall be paid' a Salary of $15,800.' "Sao. 117, (a) The firat section of the Act approVed August 1, 1947 (61 Stat. 715; Public Law 313, 80th Congress), as amended, relat- ing to salary limitations on research and development positions requiring the services of specially qualified scientific or profes- sional personnel in certain departments and agencies, is amended by striking out 110,000' and 115,000' and inserting in lieu thereof '$12,500' and 119,000', respectively. "(b) Section 208 (g) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42 U. S. C. 210 (0), relating to salary limitations on research and development positions requiring the services of specially qualified scientific or professional peeeennel in the Public Health Service is amended by striking out '610,000' and 120,000' and inserting in lieu thereof '612.500' and '619,000', respectively. "Sac. 118. The salary amendments con- tained in section 116 shall not affect the au- thority of the Civil Service Commission or the procedure for fixing the pay of individual officers or employees tinder the statutes therein amended; except that the existing rate of basic compensation of any officer or employee to whom such section applies which Is less than a rate of $12,500 per annum shall be increased to such rate on the effec- tive date of this title. "Sac. 119. Section 12 of the Act of May 29, 1884, as amended (21 U. S. C. 113a), relating to salary limitation on technical experts or scientists for research and study of foot- and-mouth disease and other animal dis- eases, is hereby amended by striking out 115,000' and inserting in lieu thereof '$19,000'. "Sac. 120. This title shall take effect at the beginning of the first pay period commencing after June 30, 1956. "TITLE II--PROVISIONs EEL/4.MM TO onesseizs- =or/ OF CIVIL SthitICE COMMISSION "SEC. 201, (a) The first section of the Act entitled 'An Act to regulate and improve the civil service of the United States', approved January 16, 1883, as amended (5 U. S. C., Sec. 632), is amended by inserting imme- dietely after the firat paragraph thereof a paragraph as follows: "The term of office of each such Commis- sioner shall be six years, except that (1) the terms of office of the Commissioners holding office on the effective date of this paragraph (including the term Of office of an individual appointed to nil any vacancy in the Com- mission existing on such effective date) shall expire, at designated by the President, one at the end of two years, one at the end of Of basic comflensatinit of any subset:Nett ap- pointee thereto shall be fixed in accordance with such Act, as amended. "Sae. 115. The Postal Field Service Sched- ule in section 301 (a) of the Act of June 10, 1955 (Public Law 68, 84th Congress), is amended by striking out: 12,800 13,100 13,400 13,700 13, 900 14, 200 14, 500 14, 600 IA 000 14,300 11,18) 13, 400 13, 700 14,110)) 14, 300 14, 600 14,200 14,1)00 14,904) 15,200 four years, and one at the end of six years, after such effective date; (2) any Commis- sioner appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term of his predecessor shall be appointed for the re- mainder of such term; and (3) upon the expiration of his term of office a Commis- sioner may continue to serve until his suc- cessor is appointed and has qualified.' "(b) Such first section of such Act of Jan- uary 16, 1883, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following paragraph: "'In addition to designating a Chairman of the Commission from time to time, pur- suant to section 1 of Reorganization Plan Numbered 5 of 1949. the President shall from time to time designate one of the Commis- sioners as Vice Chairman of the Commission. During the absence or disability of the Com- missioner designated as Chairman, or in the event of a vacancy in the office of such Corn- missioner, the Commissioner designated as Vice Chairman shall perform those functions of the Chairman which were transferred to the Chairman by the provisions of section 2 (a) (2) to 2 (a) On inclusive, of such Re- organization Plan. During the absence or disability of both the Commissioner desig- nated as Chairman and the Commissioner designated as Vice Chairman, or in the event of vacancies in the offices of both such Com- missioners. the remaining Commissioner shall perform sucn functions. During the absence or disability of all three Commis- sioners, or in the event of vacancies in the offices of all three Commissioners, the Ex- ecutive Director shall perform such func- tions: but the Executive Director shall at no time sit as a member or acting member of the Commission.' "Sac. 202. (a) This section and section 201 (b) shall take effect on the date of enact- ment of this Act. "(b) Section 201 (a) shall take effect on March 1, 1957. "T/TLE in-mIl;cELLANEOLis PaoVisIONs 401. (a) The President shall here- after appoint, by and With the advice and consent of the Senate, a General Counsel of the Post Office Department, a General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture, and a General Counsel of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(b) The existing office of Solicitor of the Post Office Department and the existing of- fices of General-Counsdl Of the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare shall be abolished effective upon the appointment and qualification of the General Counsels of .such respective departments provided for by subsection (10 or April 1, 1957, which- ever is earlier. 'Sze. 802. The positions of three Deputy Administrators of the Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture, shall be in grade GS-18 of the General Schedule es- tablished by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. Such positions shall be in ad- dition to the number of positions authorized to be placed in such grade by section 505 (b) of such Act. "TITLE nr--civit SERVICE RETIREMENT "Sec. 401. The Civil Service Retirement Act ref May 29, 1930 as amended, is amended to read as follows: 1.Y 521 "'Definitions " `Srcriorr 1. Wherever used hi this - "'(a) The term "employee" thall mean civilian officer or employee an r r once ti,. Government and, except for pur poses a as. - tion 2, shall mean a person te whom th Act applies. "'(b) The term "Member" sh til mea, ti'. Vice President, a United States castor, Rep- resentative in Congress, Dale ate In In Territory, or the Resident ( ommis: ion T from Puerto Rico-, and, except for pin pass of section 2, shall mean a Men her to ;hods this Act applies. "'(c) The term "congressior at employee" Means an employee of the Ser ate or louse of Representatives or of a comm I tee of ,ith er House, an employee of a Joint commit ,ee of the two Houses, an elected offic .5 of tn. Sed- ate or House of Representatives who is 1101 a Member of either House, tl e Legi -nettle Counsel of the Senate and t Leei tat ve Counsel of the House of Repre: entat)v .s a,ict the employees in their respec) tie Milk Is, to Official Reporter of Debates . I the ien:qe and a person employed by 'a e (Moil 1 e- porters of Debates of the Sen. te in c' tion with the performance 0' their AN :al duties, a member of the Capits I Polise fotee, an employee of the Vice Fra (dent I at eh employee's compensation is di: horsed )3t lie Secretary of the senate, and en emni les of a Member if such employee's c' ,mpeoss- Um, is disbursed by the Secretary of the Sc tate or the Clerk of the House of Rep) esentateves "'(d) The term "basic sal ry" sh 11 sot Include bontises, allowances, overtin e nay, military pay, or salary, pay, or comic tsit.) Ion given in addition to the base ay of Lite posi- tion as fixed by law or regula dOkl: nnt That for employees paid on e lee ha is, the maximum amount of basic sa'ary whit -11 may be used shall be $10,000 per .nouni. Member, the term "basic sa.ary" sl.all in- clude, from April 1, 1954, to Pe truary .8, 1955. the amount received as expmse ul )rwe t lee under section 601 (b) of the begislat tve de- organization Act of 1946, as amend d, au such amount from January 3 1953, V Ms on 31, 1954, provided deposit is n ade thr rely r a, provided in section 4. "'(e) The term "average seises ' r hal mean the largest annual rate resul I Lg iron, averaging, over any period of lye cen ,eco years of creditable service, a1 at a (Item )er- option over ell periods of Men ber sert-ice un - sequent to the date of enactMent of die Leg. islative Reorganization Act 1946 useA a. the computation of an anrr rity linger tin - Act, a Member's or an emt loyee's rateee ? basic salary in effect during s,ich per Jr1, wit each rate weighted by the time a wr a 1 effect. " '(f) The term "fund" hall rf eat) tie, civil service retirement and cliealel,ty tUna created by the Act of May 22) 1920. "'(g) The terms "disab.ed" sclit - ability" shall mean totally t. in bled for use- ful and efficient service in t' Lc grad.: or ala of position last occupied by the eirl;Lio,3ee ,Lr Member by reason of disea e or a ur:- rup.. due to vicious habits, internneranee or wit,- ful misconduct on his part with': r In 11 e years next prior to becominr L-Lo dise? 31ec . "'(h) The term "widow". far pt -pa es t section 10, shall mean the urvivir wile an employee or Member wh was n.arr_ed such individual for at least two yet i's diately preceding his death or is ti _e IT all of issue by such marriage. " '(I) The term "widower ' for se rpc ',es section 10, shall mean the $ trvivile hu )1esi of an employee or Member who v.'s so ATI at to such employee or Memb, r for st lea t t years immediately precedire her doati or le the father of issue by sue marl, tge 1,1e term "dependent widower', for le .rpt ses oi section 10 shall mean a "widower" ash( is; a- capable oi' self-support by reason )1' i en el or physical disability, and itlio ree( (ve(. nit tt e Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 13522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE July 26 Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 than one-half his support from such em- desire to come within the purview of this ployee or Member. Act. " '(j) The term "child", for purposes of "'(e) The Commission may exclude from aettion 10, shall mean an unmarried child, the operation of this Act any employee or Including (1) an adopted child, and (2) a group of employees in the executive b stepchild or recognized natural child who re- ceived more than one-half his support from anti lived with the Member or employee in a regular parent-child relationship, under the age of eighteen years, or such unmar- ried child regardless of age who because of physical or mental disability incurred before age eighteen is incapable of self-support. " '(k) the term "Government" shall mean the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the United States Government, Including Government-owned or controlled corporations and Gallaudet College, and the municipal government of the District of Co- lumbia. "(1) The term "lump-sum credit' shall Mean the unrefundeci amount consisting of (1) the retirement deductions made from the basic salary of an employee or Member, (2) any sums deposited by an employee or Mem- ber covering prior service, and (3) interest on such deductions and deposits at 4 per centum per annum to December 31, 1947, and 3 per centum per annum thereafter com- pounded annually to December 31, 1956 or, in the case of an employee separated or trans- ferred to a position not within the purview of this Act before he has completed five years of civilian service or a Member separated be- fore he has completed five years of Member service, to the date of the separation or transfer. The lump-sum credit shall not in- clude interest if the service covered thereby aggregates one year or less, nor shall it in- clude interest for the fractional part of a month in the total service, " ' (m) The term "Commission" shall mean the United States Civil Service Commission. ''(n) The term "annuitant" sh 11 of the United States Government, or of the District of Columbia government upon rec- ommendation by its Commissioners, whose tenure of office or employment is temporary or intermittent. " (I) This Act Shall not apply to any tern- s porary employee of the Administrative Office i of the United states Courts, of the courts specified in section 610 of title 28 of the r United States Code, or to construction em- g ployees or any other temporary, part-time, c or intermittent employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority; and the Architect of the s Capstol and the Librarian of- Congress are t authorized to exclude from the operation of 1; this Act any employees under the office of 1 the Architect of the Capitol and the Library s of Congress, reepectively, whose tenure of a employment is temporary or of uncertain r duration. "4(g) Notwithstanding any other provision y of law or any Executive order, this Act shall la apply to each United States Commissioner whose total compensation for services ren- M dered as United States Commissioner is not p less than $3,000 in each of the last three t consecutive calendar years (1) ending prior to the effective date of the Civil Service Re- at tirement Act Amendments of 1956 or (2) h ending prior to the first day of any calendar Ae year which begins after such effective date. For the purposee of this Act, the employ- en merit and compensation of each such United se States Commissioner coming within the ti purview of this Act pursuant to this sub- pl section shall be held and considered to be se on a daily basis when actually employed; Ac but nothing in this Act h 11 bl tired pay, pension, or compensation in ad- dition to the annuity herein provided. "4(c) Credit shall be allowed for leaves of absence granted an employee while per- . orming military service or while receiving benefits under the Federal Employees' Com- pensation Act of September 7, 1916, ass amended. Except for a substitute in the postal service, there shall be excluded from credit so much of any other leaves of els- ence without pay as may exceed six months n the aggregate in any calendar year. "4(d) An employee who during the pe- lod of any war, or of any national emer- ency as proclaimed by the President or de- tared by the . Congress, has left or leaves is position to enter the military service hall not be considered, for the purposes of his Act, as separated from-his civilian peed- ion by reason of such military service, un- ess he shall apply for and receive a lump.. urn benefit under this Act: Provided, That uch employee shall not be considered as etaining his civilian position beyond De- ember 31, 1956, or the expiration of five ears of such military service, whichever is ter. "'(e) The total service of an eniployee or ember shall be the full years and twelfth arts thereof, excluding from the aggregate he fractional part of a month, if any. " '(f) An employee must have completed least five years of civilian service before S shall be eligible for annuity under this t. "'(g) An employee or Member must have, thin the two-year period preceding any paration from service, other than a separa- on by reason of death or disability, com- eted at least one year of creditable civilian rvice during which he was subject to this t before he or his survivors shall be eligi- e for annuity under this Act based on such separation. If any employee or Member, Other than an employee or Member sepa- rated from the service by reason of death or disability, fails to meet the service re- quirement of the preceding sentence, the amounts deducted from his salary during his period of service for which no eligibility for annuity is established based on such separation shall be returned to him upon such separation. Failure to meet this serv- ice requirement shall not deprive the indi- vidual or his survivors of any annuity rights which attached upon a previous separation. "'(h) An employee who (1) has at least five years' Member service and (2) has served as a Member at any time after August 2, 1946, shall not be allowed credit for any service which is used in the computation of an an- nuity under section 9 (c). " '(i) :In the case of each 'United States Commissioner who comes within the pur- view of this Act pursuant to section 2 (g) of this Act, service rendered prior to, on, or after the effective date of the Civil Service Retirement Act Amendments of 1956 as United States Commissioner shall be credited for the purposes of this Act on the basis of one three-hundred-and-thirteenth of a year for each day on which such United States Commissioner renders service in such capac- ity and which is not credited for the pur- poses of this Act for service performed by him in any capacity other than United States Commissioner.? Such credit shall not be granted for service rendered as United States Commissiener for more than three hundred and thirteen days in any one year. "4(j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any military service (other than military service covered by military leave with pay from a civilian position) per- formed by an individual after December 1956 shall be excluded in determining the aggre- gate period of service upon which an annuity payable under this Act to such individual or to his widow or child is to be based, if such individual or widow or child is entitled (or would upon proper application be entitled). , o er- wise -than for the purposes of this Act, the any former employee or Member who, on the basis, under applfcable law other than this basis of his service, has met all requirements Act, on which such United States Commis- of the Act for title to annuity and has filed sioner is employed or on which his coal- claim therefor. pensation is determined and paid. "'(o) The term "survivor" shall mean a person who is entitled to annuity under this "'Creditable service Act based on the service of a deceased em- " 'Ser. 3. (a) An employee's service for the ployee or Member or of a deceased annuitant. purposes of this Act including service as a "'(n) The term "survivor annuitant" shall substitute in the postal service shall be Mean a survivor who has Med claim for credited from the date of original employ- annuity. merit to the dats f ? (q) The term "service" shall mean em- ploynxent which is creditable under sec- tion 3. "(r) The term "military service" shall mean honorable active service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marnne Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States, but shall not include service in the National Guard except when ordered to active duty in the service of the United States. "'(s) The term "Member service" shall mean service as a Member and shall include . the period from the date of the beginning of the term for which the Member is elected or appointed to the date on which he takes office as a Member. "'Coverage "'Sem 2. (a) This Act shall apply to each employee and Member, except as hereinafter provided. ? "(b) This Act shall not apply to the Presi- dent, to any judge of the United States as defined under section 451 of title 28 of the United States Code, or to any employee, of the Government subject to another retire- ment system for Government employees. ," (c) This Act shall not apply to any Mem- ber or to any congressional employee until he gives notice in writing to the officer by whom his salary is paid of his desire to come Within the purview of this Act p ra ion upon which title to annuity is based in the civilian service of the Government. Credit shall similarly be allowed for service in the Pan Americans Sanitary Bureau. No credit shall be allowed for any period of separation from the service in excess of three calendar days. " '(b) An employee or Member shall be al- iovved credit for periods of military service prior to the date of the separation upon Which title to annuity is based; however, if an employee or Member is awarded retired pay on account of military service, his mili- tary service shall not be included, unless such retired pay is awarded on account of a serv- ice-connected disability (1) incurred in com- bat with an enemy of the United States or (2) caused by an instrumentality of war and Incurred in line of duty during an enlist- ment or employment as provided in Vet- erans Regulation Numbered 1 (a), part I, paragraph I, or is awarded under title III of Pula ic Law 810, Eightieth Congress, ex- cept that for purposes of section 9 (c) (1), a Member (A) shall be allowed credit only for periods of military service not exceeding five years, plus any military service per- formed by the Member upon leaving his of- fice, for the purpose of performing such serv- ice, during any war or national emergency proclaimed by the President or declared by the Congress and prior to his fl tion (d) This Act shall net 'apply to any not temporary congressional employee unless Whic such employee is appointed at an annual retire rate of salary and gives notice in writing to law. the officer by whom his salary is paid of his right para-- from service as Member and (B) may receive credit for military service for h credit is allowed for the purposes of d pay under any other provision of Nothing in this Act shall affect the of an employee or a Member to re- Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 1956 CONGRESSIONA REtORD ?'- HOUSE 'at the time of such deterriiihation, to Month- pe12Sation,4 in theteaSe cdan elecied'official, ly old-age Or surYiVors benefits under section from such appropriation or fund as may be 202 of the &WM Security Act based on such available for payment of other salaries of individual's wages and self-employment in- the same office or establishment. The come. It in the case of the individual or amounts so deducted and withheld by each widow such military serVice is not excluded department or agency, together with the under the preceding sentence, but upon at- amounts so contributed, shall, in accordance taming retirement age (as defined in section with such procedures as may be prescribed 216 (a) of the Social Security Act) he or she by the Comptroller General of the United becomes 'entitled (or would upon proper ap- States, be deposited by the department or plication be entitled) to such benefits, the agency in the Treasury of the United States Commission shall redetermine the aggregate to the credit of the fund. There shall also period of service upon Which sueh annuity is be so credited an deposits made by employees based, effective as of the first day of the or Members under this section. Amounts month in which he or she attains such age, contributed under this subsection from ap- so as to exclude such service. The Secretary propriations of the Post Office Department of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, upon shall not be considered as costs of providing the request of the Corninission, inform the postal service for the purpose of establishing Commission whether or not any such indi- postal rates. vidual or widow or child is entitled at any " "( b) Each employee or Member shall be specified time to such benefits, deemed to consent and agree to such deduc- " 'Deductions and deposits tions from basic salary, and payment less ? * ? - such dednetions shall be a full and " 'See. 4. (a) From arid after the first day com- plete discharge an acquittance a all claims of the first Pay period which begins on or and demands whatsoever for all regular serv- after the effective date of the Civil Service ices during the period covered by such pay- Retirement Act Amendments of 1956 there ment, except the right to the benefits to shall be deducted and withheld from each which he shall be entitled under this act, employee's basic salary an Mount equal notwithstanding any law, rule, or regula- to 614 per cent= of such basic salary and tion affecting the individual's salary. from each Member's basic salary an amount "'(c) Each employee or Member credited ,equal to /1/2 per centum of such basic salary. with civilian service after July 31, 1920, for From and after the first day of the first day which, for any reason whatsoever, no re- period which begins after June 30, 1957, an tirement deductions or deposits have been equal sum shall also be contributed from the made, may deposit with interest an amount respective appropriation or fund which is equal to the following percentages of his used for payment of his salary, pay or corn- basic salary received for such service: ?1,Persenfais of basic salary Service period Employee 21/2 ' August 1,1975, to Junc30, 1926 . . 34 July I, 1926, to .1une 30, 1942 July I. 1942, to June 30, 1948 6 July 1, 1918, to October 31, 1916 After October 31, 1956 Member for Member service August 1,1920, to June 30, 1926 . July 1, 1020, to June 30, 1942 July I, 1942, to August I, 1944 August 2, 1046. to October 31, 1950 After October 31, 1956 criminal laws of the United Ste ter. Inc :11ch 15 any employee engaged in such withal w 10 has been transferred to a s iperviis ry or administrative position, who a tams I me ge of fifty years and completes tt enty v, ars oi service in the performance o such outses, may, if the head of his department or get cy recommends his retirement an the (Jr nm,s- sion approve:, voluntarily re ' ire fro it 'be service and be paid an annuit comot ted as provided in section 9. The head of I le .me- pertinent or agency and the Co amiss-lc mci all give full consideration to the di gree of tag .rd to which such employee is su >retest in he performance of his duties, re leer te on he general duties of the class oi the mut On held by such employee. The word ' dot lo- tion", as used in this subse s ,all be construed to include the duti ef-- " '(1) all employees of t le But au of Prisons and Federal Prison snclustr in- corporated, "(2) all employees of the Public Her lilt Service assigned to the field servitie ol he Bureau of Prisons or to the leld se. Vie/ oi Federal Prison Industries, Inc trporatt d, " '(3) all civilian employer 3 empl ,yes in the field services at Army or Neve dist, pin ary barracks or :it confinement end reh ta- tion facilities operated by an; of the Un ted States armed services, and "'(4) all employees of the Depart) sten ao Corrections of the District o Colun bia its industries and utilities, whose duties in connection :iota pe son; la detention suspected or colon ted or ale Ise.. against the criminal laws of tl.e Unite I St ole-- or of the District of Colon- ma or ,fie against the punitive articles sf the "Intl orn. Code of Military Justice requ re (req tent ta.. determined by the appropri ? te ado ink era - tive authority with the con -urrenc- of th ; Commission > direct contact with st,ch per. sons in the detention, directam, sup .rvi tor Inspection, training, ernpicarmen? . -are transportation, or rehabilil ation .ms persons. " '(d) Ana employee who ornplet -s teen - ty-flve years of service or wle attain tin ag of fifty years and completes twenty yea s service shall upon involuntary se tart do t from the service not by rem( vat for -au, a ea charges of misconduct or ielinqu ncs , e paid a reduced annuity co nputed as prt - vided in section 9. " '(e) Any employee who a stains t a o;e or sixty-two years and comple is Ass yea -s at service shall, upon sepan tion f om ti s service, be paid an ennui y comouts provided in section 9. "'(d) Each employee or Member who has sixty days in advance thereof: Prbvided, That received a refund of retirement deductions subsection (at shall not take effect without Under this or any other retirement system the consent of the employee until sixty days eetablished for employees of the Government after he has been so notified. covering service for which he may be allowed " `(c) The President 'may, by Executive credit under this Act may deposit the order, exempt from automatic separation un- amount received, with interest. No credit der this section any employee when, in his shall be allowed for the seleace covered by judgment, the public interest so requires. the refund until the deposit is made. "'(d) The automatic separation provisions '(e) Interest under subsection (c) or (d) of this section shall not apply to any person shall be computed froth the midpoint of each named in any Ac1; of Congress providing for service period included in the computation, the continuance of such person in the serv- os from the date refund was paid, to the ice to any Member, to any congressional date of deposit or commencing date of an- nuity, whichever is earlier. The interest shall be computed at the rate of 4 per centum per annum to Deceinlier 31, 1947, and 3 per centum per annum thereafter compounded annually. Such deposit may be made in one or more Installments. " '(f ) Under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Commission, amounts de- ducted under subsection. (a) and deposited under subsections (c) and (d) shall be en- tered on individual retirement records. "'(g) No deposit shall be required for any service prior to August 1, 1920, for periods of military service or for any service for the Panama Railroad Company prior to January 1, 1924. "'Mandatory separation "'See. 5, (a) Except as hereinafter pro- vided, an eneployee who shall have attained the age of seventy years and completed fifteen years of service shall be automatically ? separated from the service. Such separation shall be effective on the last day of the month in which such employee attains the age of seventy years or completes fifteen ears of service if then beyond such age, and all salary shall cease from that day. " '(c) Any employee the duties of who " `(b) Each employing office shall notify position are primarily the investigation, a each employee under its direction of the date prehension, or detention of persons sus t d of offenses against t employee, to the Architect of the Capitol or any employee under the office of the Archi- "'(f) Any Member who a tains t oe a se et tect of the Capitol, or to any employee in sixty-two years and comp:etes C ie 'ca i the judicial branch who has been appointed of Member service, or who attain: th. 44.. ' to hold office for a definite term of years. of sixty years and comple es tea yea- s 1 "'(e) In the case of an employee of The Member service, shall, upon separa' 'on frost Alaska Railroad, Territory Of Alaska, or an the service, be paid an ar nutty 4 0111./Ut.,i employee who is a citizen of the United as provided in section 9. a ny Mer 'be; who States employed on the Isthmus of Panama attains the age of fifty-five years ; ad cot by the Panama Canal Company or the Canal plates thirty years of ser ice sit 11, up, et Zone Government, the provisions of this sec- separation from the service prior 1., a, taio - tion shall apply upon his attaining the age ment of the age of sixty yetis. be t aid a I of sixty-two years and completing fifteen duced annuity computed as pr( gicit ti o years of service on the Isthmus of Panama section 9. Any Member who - orn oleo es or in the Territory of Alaska. twenty-five years of service, or wi 3 a taiai; "'Immediate retirement the age of fifty years and . onsplet is t semi: yi years of service, shall, upot eepara ion from. " 'See. 6. (a) Any employee who attains the service (other than ses tration by res; es the age of sixty years and completes thirty nation or expulsion), be pi al a las, 1.10E a 5r- theyears of service shall, Upon separation from nuity computed as providet in sect on a so service, be paid an annuity computed as Member or survivor of a Me ober el di es e ,;- " `(b) Any employee who attains the age titled to receive an annuit s undo tit s I ? provided in section 9. of fifty-five years and completes thirty years unles,s there shall have 1 e.b de. UM .d tl deposited Ihe amounts spe; (fled in sec tar 4 of service shall, upon separation from the with respect to his last five years t i NI -mese service prior to attainment of the age of service. sixty years, be paid a reduced annuity com- puted as provided in section 9. ' 'Disability rett ement se . ii- ' ' y ho co. st- See. . (a p- pletes five years of civiliaa service an I 'e r' . is found by the Commis ion to ha- e aes he come disabled shall, upoo lois 0 tin spiels of such separation from the service at least pected or cony e? e Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 13524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 Cation Or upon application by his depart- anent or agency, be retired on an annuity completed as provided in section 9. Any Member who completes five years of' Mem- ber service and who is found by the Corn- raltelon to have become disabled shall, upon his Own application, be retired on an an- nuity computed as provided in section 9. " i(b) No claim shall be allowed under this section Unless the application is filed with the Commission prior to separation of the employee or Member from the service or within one year thereafter. This time limi- tation may be waived by the Commission tor an individual who at the date of sepa- ration from service or within one year there- after is mentally incompetent, if the appli- cation is filed with the Commission within one year from the date of restoration of such Individual to competency or the appoint- ment of a fiduciary, whichever is the earlier. "'(c) Each annuitant retired under his section or under section 6 of the act of May 29, 1930, as amended, unless his disability is permanent in character, shall at the expira- tion of 1 year from the date of such retire- ment and annually thereafter, until reach- ing age 60, be examined under the direction of the Commission. If the annuitant fails to submit to examination as required under this section, payment of the annuity shall be suspended until continuance of the disabil- ity is satisfactorily estalzeished. "'(d) If such annuitant, before reaching age 60, recovers from his disability or is re- stored to an earning capacity fairly com- parable to the current rate of compensation of the position occupied at the time of rer tirement, payment of the annuity shall cease (1) upon reemployment by the Government, (2) one year from the date of the medical ex- amination showing such recovery, or (3) one year from the date of determination that he la so restored, whichever is earliest. Earn- ing capacity shall be deemed restored if in each of 2 succeeding calendar years the in- come of the annuitant from wages or self- employment or both shall equal at least 80 percent of the current rate of compensation of the position occupied immediately prior to retirement. '(e) If such annuitant whose annuity is discontinued under subsection (d) is not re- employed in any position included in the provisions of this act, he shall be considered, 'except for service credit, as having been in- voluntarily separated from the service for the purposes of this act as of the date of dis- continuance of the disability annuity and shall, after such discontinuance, be entitled to annuity in accordance with the applicable provision of this act. '(I) No person shall be entitled to receive an annuity under this act and compensation for injury or disability to himself under the Federal Employees Compensation Act of September 7, 1916, as amended, covering the same period of time. This provision shall not bar the right of any claimant to the greater benefit conferred by either act for any part of the same period of time. Neither this pro- vision nor any provision in such act of Sep- tember 7, 1916, as amended, shall deny to any person an annuity accruing to such per- son under this act on account of service ren- dered by him, or deny any concurrent bene- fit to such person under such act of Septem- ber 7, 1916, as amended, on account of the death of any other person. "'Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the right of any person entitled to an annuity under this Act shall not be o affected because such person has received t an award of compensation in a lump sum e under section 14 of the Act of September 7, t 1916, as amended, except that where such t annuity is payable on account of the same fl disability for which compensation under ( such section has been paid, so much of such p compensation as has been paid for any pe- s nod extended beyond the date such annuity t becomes effective, as determined by the De- partment of Labor, shall be refunded to the Department of Labor, to be covered into the Federal Employees' Compensation Fund. Be- fore such person Shan receive such annuity he shall (1) refund to such Department the amount representing such commuted pay- ments for such extended period, or (2) au- thorize the deduction of such amount from the annuity payable to him under this Act, which amount shall be transmitted to such Department for reimbursement to such fund. Deductions from such annuity may be made from accrued and accruing payments, or may be prorated against and paid from accruing payments in such manner as the Department of Labor shall determine, whenever it finds that the financial circumstances of the an- nuitant are such as to warrant such deferred refunding. "'Deferred retirement 'SEc. 8. (a) Any employee who is sepa- rated from the service or transferred to a position not within the purview of this Act after completing five years of civilian service may be paid an annuity beginning at the age of sixty-two years computed as provided in section 9. " '(b) Any Member who on or after Janu- ary 1, 1956, has been or is separated from the service as a Member after completing five years of Member service may hereafter be paid an annuity beginning at the age of sixty-two years, computed as provided in section 9. Any Member who is separated from the service after completing ten or more years of Member service may be paid an annuity beginning at the age of sixty years, computed as provided in section 9. " 'Computation of annuity "'Sec. 9. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the annuity of an employee retiring under this Act shall be (1) the larger of (A) 1 la per centum of the average salary multiplied by so much of the total service as does not exceed five years, or (B) 1 per centum of the average salary, plus $25, multiplied by so much of the total service as does not exceed live years, plus (2) the larger of (A) 1% per centum of the average salary multiplied by so much of the total service as exceeds five years but does not exceed ten years, or (8) 1 per centum of the average salary, plus $25, multiplied by so much of the total service as exceeds five years but does not exceed ten years, plus (3) the larger of (A) 2 per centum of the average salary multiplied by so much of the total service as exceeds ten years, or (B) 1 per centum of the average salary. plus $25, multiplied by so much of the total service us exceeds ten years: Provided, That the annuity shall not exceed 80 per centum of the average salary: Provided further, That the annuity of an employee retiring under section 7 shall be it least (1) 40 per centum of the average salary or (2) the sum obtained under this subsection after increasing his total service by the period elapsing between the date of separation and the date he at- tains the age of sixty years, whichever is the lesser, but this proviso shall not in- crease the annuity of any survivor. " i(b) The annuity of a congressional em- ployee retiring under this Act shall, if he so elects at the time his annuity commences, be (1) 2% per cent= of the average salary multiplied by his military service and service as a Congressional employee, not exceeding a total of fifteen years, plus (2) lee per centum I the average salary multiplied by so much of he remainder of hie total service as does not o xceed five years, plus (3) 1% per centum of s he average salary multiplied by so much of n he remainder of his total service as exceeds s ye years but does not exceed ten years, plus 4) 2 per centum of the average salary multi- v lied by so much of the remainder of his total a ervice as exceeds ten years: Provided, That he annuity shall not exceed 80 per centurn July 2G. of the average salary. This subsection shall not apply unless the congressional employee (1) has had at least five years' service as a congressional employee, (2) has had deduc- tions 'withheld from his salary or made deposit covering his last five years of civilian service, and (3) has served as a congressional employee during the last eleven months of his civilian service: Provided further, That the annuity of a congressional employee re- tiring under section 7 shall be at least (1) 40 per centum of the average salary or (2) the sum. obtained under this subsection after Increasing his service as a congressional employee by the period elapsing between the date of separation and the date he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is the lesser, but this provision shall not increase the annuity of any survivor. "'(c) The annuity of a Member retiring under this Act shall be an amount equal to? "'(1) 2% per centum of the average sal- ary multiplied by the total of his Member and creditable military service; " ' (2) 21/2 per centurn of the average salary multiplied by his total years of service, not exceeding fifteen, performed as a congres- sional employee prior to his separation from service as a Member, other than any such service which he may elect to exclude; "'(3) 11a per centurn of such average sal- ary multiplied by so much of his total serv- ice, other than service used in computing annuity under clauses (1) and (2), as does not exceed five years, performed prior to his separation from service as a Member, and other than any such service which he may elect to exclude: " ' (4) 13/4 per centuni of such average sal- ary multiplied by so much of his total serv- ice, other than service used in computing annuity under clauses (1) and (2), as ex- ceeds five years but does not exceed ten years, performed prior to his separation from service as a Member, and other than any such service which he may elect to exclude; and " '(5) 2 per centum of such average sal- ary multiplied by so much of his total serv- ice, other than service used in computing annuity under clauses (1) and (2), as ex- ceeds ten years, performed prior to his sepa- ration from. service as a Member, and other than any such service which he may elect to exclude. In no case shall an annuity computed Under this subsection exceed 80 per centum of the basic salary that he is receiving at the time of such separation from the service, and in no case shall the annuity of a Member re- tiring under section 7 be less than (A) 40 per centum of the average salary or (B) the obtainedsum under this subsection after increasing his Member service by the period elapsing between the date of separation and the date he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is the lesser, but this provision shall not increase the annuity of any sur- vivor. " '(d) The annuity as hereinbefore pro- vided, for an employee retiring under section 6 (b) or 6 (d) or a Member retiring under the fist or second sentence of section 6 (t), shall be reduced by one-twelfth of 1 per centum for each full month not in excess of sixty, and one-sixth of 1 per centum for each full month in excess of sixty, such em- ployee or Member is under the age of sixty years at date of separation. -,'(e) The annuity of an employee retiring under section 6 (c) shall be 2 per centime. f the average salary multiplied by the total ervice: Provided, That the annuity shall ot exceed 80 per centum of the average alary. "(f) The annuity as hereinbefore pro- bled shall be reduced by 10 per centum of ny deposit described in section 4 (c) re- maining unpaid, unless the employee or ember shall elect to eliminate the service Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 , ? .ved? ,,? ate42 195.6 It SS t'" t 1 I P4A A0cloieo617004:1 -7 ; strisS('',A4 fOr annfiltY ''ilecnatillaie Off Ae iticloste & vanWitr, br ln6n Witting 'Tledeited in the "Corierfr mior to ? ttleti,,.'e - ? ' 'i5i ii j,? eltlae widoysez's beco.nung capable of sele-sup- his death; ? Any-anit.ffiflee dr Member retiring port. r. ,..tafxopp_p j-eieut a reuucss'hell five years of civilian service c ? ) ..00be,axinnitya.? lieFerribffore Mori-tied, and dies after ?completing five years of Member " 'Third, if -1.120Tate' in Writinehls-vfife -(5Y-husband to service, or an employee or a Member dies or children o reye'ap.'ariritrity-tiffer'the retired individ- after having retiree under any provision of descendants 414 Cbintuted iie'prOviderl in section the Act, and is survived by a wife or by a sentation; HZ,,nEiTITtref-the-erritileyge or hitshend, each surviving child who received "'Fourth, i t uch ents of the e - ^ I; there by no su e bees ,en. ' ;t1 or' -B MAY at -the time of "'(d) If arm w UCeoloyee dies after completing to the widow or widower of r , ? /r a Member Member: 1!, r Iderriber making'stiefireleetion-eetclUnding any More than one-half of his suppor rom s b- hied- 'fif-fettfettie-rir under sec- employee or Member shall be paid an annuity vivor of then ; " 'Fifth if none of the abcr c to e ci ev 'lone of the abov the employee o d deceased chile ? to ''i et 1)Senst tet reps-, ? none of the abe et to 7, e Tre nployee or Meml er or i? e rnushall- be-fel:10:66r by 2-y2 per centurn equal to the smallest of (1 40 per Gen , *Pt; ,09,ch 4 tfie designatedthe employee's or Member's average salary solder sectioh id a) 0.) -as dein not-emend divided by the number of children, (2) $600, d Ari 6F-ft/It'll/it-Of so much of br $1,51,0 divided by the number of chil- _the portion sol .4..e'igriatecr as''eXceeds $2,400. . l'", bi Any, , Unit arriecr emplo. ng yee or Me- 10 rp rh-,i,g Under section 6 or 8, and found - -,..?by tie' CorniiiiShial-To -15e In -good health, Slep,y. at the time or fefiteitatift elect a re- AttlfteO'd anmilty, -in lieu- Of the annuity as herelnberOrev0ridecr,-afid. designate in writ- Ail a, perSori haVing an 'I/lain-6151e interest in . tlie ,enijiloyee- or-Member to receive an annu- ltY r after the" retired indMdualrs death. The . ,pity pasrahle to the einployee or Member 1:#1fIns area' election shall be reduced by 10 Per',Ceptnin'Or rin'aiitiliny ConSpilted as pro- ssteled in; Section'n aim- '4'5 pet terittim- Of an sitirlifity SO 68Minfted-f6Feaeli Tull five years . tr rferadit VeSHiriated Is younger than the i ti_tig dinrOYeedrICT6hibet-,1511t such 'total -rS)411d ion s pl.-Mit '65-Eceed 40 per centum. ? ,,,. 1.) 'the' --atinfiTtE Srs- TielZInbe-fore - pro- tdek-fbir ail- l5ToTee *lid Is' a-citizen of the ti1110 Set:a.t7S7 s i tetribf?'ell by $116 rnul- " 'le) In case a Member separated from '0151lea by 7t-6141 gr"171:61-iii 'Th-6 '6ffillu517 15f . service with title-51 a deferfed annuity under . either the Alagki11-Ehglrieerting Commission this Act, either prior to, on. or after the S, 9 betreattaanehl.n. 'MT& and July 1, effective dete of the Civil Service-Retirement Act Amendments of 1956, shall hereafter glil/ria?011i-e- t e Alaa' Ai aa lfi -Territory of '. 0, Or' in he eriroTor either the isthmian die before having established a valid claim anal' CernonOT frie-Pariatha-Railroad for annuity end is survived by a wife or mpanY OE tf:it ratlifirds'Orrahrri aA'between - husband to whom married at date of sentare- 1/04 al:1,1 7Vf5511_1,:1914.-- -1 tion, such survaiing wife ar husband (1) ef"RipnlvISAr:iiirsiiiiires'liefl be Oeld arfnanninty equal to one-half (4 ('1" a efn13`er "dthtioree i4of *le deferred at ntilty bf such Member be- ilea after haShigAtettiatlinderailrprommn - ginning the first day of the month following vet s 'e ' d- `Vfor-d is- 1 wife 6f hue_ the death nf such Member and terrninating 1*MA' Cleaidiateer Urideit `Seatioh '9 -(0- such -upon the death Cr remarriage oi such sur- , , Wife or ',hetishaisid sTiiiir he paid alt annuity - 'riving wife or husband or (2) may elect to ettilM' io 5t11:0?. -totmaki try- -sti inirdh 'of an -receive a lump sum credit in lieu of annuity finntilty cot/it ifted1S-pfdviderin-s-tibseetions ? -if such wife or husband is the person who la) (b) (c), id) (e) ' and (f)Of -Seetion 9, would be entitled to the lump-sum credit and ,. ?, __ v roy EiniTy- With reSidebt to the annuitant, files application therefor with the Commis- - *1 IS destii riated in writing for such purpose el-on prior to the award of such annuity. dren. If such efriployee or Member is no survived by a wife or husband, each surviv- ing child shall be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of (1) 50 per centum of the em- ployee's or Member's average salary divided by the nuniber of children, (2) 9720, or (3) 92,160 divided by the number of children. The child's annuity shall begin on the first day of the month after the employee or Member dies, and inch annuity or any right thereto shall terminate upon (1) his attain- ing age 18 unless incapable of self-support, (2) his becoming capable of self-support -after -age -18, (3) his marriage, or (4) his death. Upon the death of the surviving wife or husband or termination of the an- nuity of the child, the annuity Of any ?the?' child or children shall be recomputed and paid as though Thai wife, husband, or child had not survived the employee or Member. "by each&inkier 'or l'nalf1657be the time hue "rIkkes the -,eIettiOn-,proVIded kir by section 9 " 'Lump-sum benefits "'Sc. 11. (a) Any employee or Member i selS'aiffteettirdni fle gerVicE, eir is trans- f",(2) An annuity computed under this ferred to it position wherein he does not con- ect ev.h. on the lirSt-fi-al+of the thine subject to this Act, shall be paid the drith WhIcri' the ietifeef Eni1516Srea- or lump-sum credit provided his ?eparatiOn or ersiber'dreg, &rid 'aircfiltrifilifty transfer occurs mid application -for payment &hereto shall tefrniiiafe' upon,: thepitylvor's filed with the Commis sion at-least thirty- de4th rtmOhlaae? ihie days berbre the tafiThst 'cohnthencing (b) 'fie ailltitty sttrdvoilreslknatert date of any annUity foe vvIiich he is eligible. tinder section 9 (11 sliftTI 'be '50 per ceritum The receipt of paymerit of the lump-sum ,Or t4e tqditeed ann. ty computed -SS provided credit by the individual shall void all annu- In subsections (a), ('),, (c), ('d)'. (ti, 1), ity rights under I Ills Act, unless,- arrd until he and (11) 4 settion 13 as May 'aptiTy with re- shall be reemplOed in the servtee subfjet to open to the aritibtrilif. 'The tintuitty of such this Act. This subsection shall also apply to 9nfetivbr shairbedii o'n' the first day-of the any employee or Member separated prior to -.. pOrith iri-Ndliefi.,, tig 'retirea aititired (sr - ? die effective daft of the Civil Service Retire- 14111,ber cites, and stet annifity or anY right ment Act Amendments of 1955 after corn- Mart ,thapeto skill:1 tenni ate upon the survivor' appointed ex,)ciitor or admin streatket 0. I estate of the employee or Me ober; " 'Sixth, if sone of the abor ,11 011 ,r of kin of the employee or Mer )?.()r naN determined by the COMM/SEW-3 lu be ? ? crui under the lays of the domici e of Ii s is di- vidual at the time of his feat) . " If ae employee or M mber ( ,55 1^, without a su,vivor, or (2) wit 1 e site ivc. survivors and the right of all S -s s oil terminate before claim for st.ret %/Or '1111 .11 is filed, or 11 a former emplc %et, or leo be, not retired d ,es, the lump-sun erect, I, ha,: ie. paid. "'(e) If a:I Cal nutty rights under his sel based on the service of a dee ,aced or Member :hall terminate 1 store I ,e ) annuity paid equals the lump sum ei?-?dit in) difference shall be paid. " (f) If an annuitant dic ane int, ? accrued and unpaid shall be end. " (g ) Any annuity acorn U and un ,se upon the termination (other than icT!,. desist) of the annu.ty of any annub ant or .ur,) annuitant shall be paid to so Ii -pees( n. to survivor annuity accrued ar I imps d i))0. the death of any survivor air ,u) t b paid in the following order of pre -e(1.- tse and such payment shall be s bar to cis eei by any other person: " 'First, V. the duly appob ted ev.f r administrator of the estate at the -.ur ivi annuitant; ? '4 'Second, if there is no s err -Liter ( administrator. payment ma's 1,e 51 -1 le, it.r the expiration of thirty day i on) he a of death of such survivor an natant to ,.it next of kin tf the survivor a .1 1 LitTV ti ? as nt be determir ed by the Conan ,u'.tol I,0 Cl titled under the laws of t en: ), ? vor at nuitant's domicile at the ti is of la s 0 at. 'Additional ann tenets "'Site. 12. (a) Any emplc ale ,t may, uncles regulations pr seribee Its ti e Commission, voluntarily cee trib .1 e - 'clonal snips in multiples if 925. bee t, e total may not exceed 10 p1 cente n r- basic salary for his credita its sir' cii LTO and after August 1, 1920. The olu its y contribution_ account in ed ,h case shr the sum 01 such uniefinicli ii cont.) ibUsioes, plus interest at 3 per cell: uni -pc, mese a compounded annually to (1) it- of s emelt, .1 or transfer to a position noi within tin i')L view of this Act or, in case -r,1 an i udlu diee who is seen rated with title S. a Chi ?rre I it - nuity and does not claim 11 voles .are ce?? tribution eceount, to the i LI in,e- de ?t- fixed for such deferred an :ty )7) U Is death, whichever is earlier. " '(b) Such voluntary ar,Lri,,, tio - count shall be used to pi: 'chase Li--' merit an virility in additie a to h.! LILA otherwise' provided. rOf tb rp, smell voluntary contribution ac t , tional annuity shall consis to $ inc ea, d by 20 cents for each full 'eat, ii ny Si, ? employee or Member is eve the 111 ? five years 'it the date of re aremer "`(c) A retiring empleyee or 1).4 ere eu may elect a reduced addit ()nal 3 Inis ty lieu of the additional anr ilty de cri eci L' subsectior (b) and desigi ate in seri .int person to receive after his let th 1 1 a ii of 50 per centum of his r duced .dd in annuity. The additional a en. lite r i= ployee or Member making ho sl ), s feting at least twenty years of civ ? ? 't 'a I I. t 1? :11 4 an ernilibAt died'. after '(lu) Vies exit dr former employee or 1110at leaSf fli7e 'Seared! Civilian service, or a -Mernber-tday, -vmder regulations prescribed im.gpier 'after-coritpleting at least five by the Commission, designate a beneficiary o member Settae, th'e Vddo*" or de; of-benelteitiries-ior the-purposes of this Act Ondent wldow? dr sixth empoyee or Mem= ?cc) 'Lump-worn benefits authorized un- 'ASO "Pall 13?id art atrintlity equal td 50 pet der subsections 16), (e), and (f ) of this see- 'rap; otian'riniyi ,aty` borriptited'at provided tion shall be paid in the following order of .41besec setp., (4; '(5):, (0, ind (t) of precedence to such person or persons surviv- sspption 'May aptly with res'peet to the lag the employee or Mernber and alive at the exp.pldyeear Mernter. The anfitfity hi SUth date title to the payment arises, and such widow or detietitfefit Widower shall begin on payment shall be a bar to recovery by any the first 4.$: & th-ein'ofith- after- the employee other person: 'of Memlogr 410;Ifia 'Snell annuity 'or any ?First. to the beneficiary or beneflciarie ' designated by the employee or Member in ; t-tlieret6 stialt tip' 'O death o ? I 7' , pprqveg Fpr R I,ea,e 2 02/0 /31 ? C 4 It 'itIt ? a t Ili 1 , I ? 1 41 '10111 A 11 I 41 13526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE be reduced by 10 per centum, and by 5 per ice as Member during such period shall be Approved For Release 2002/01/31: CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 Centn Et for each full five years the person 0.0sigIted is younger than the retiring era- theyee Or Member, but such total reduction *hall not exceed 40 per centum. " `(d) Any employee or Member who is aeparated from the service before becoming eligible for immediate or deferred annuity or who transfers to a position wherein he does not continue subject to this Act shall ' be paid the voluntary contribution account. Any employee or Member who is separated from the, service after becoming eligible for a dererredXklf 4W,aWeTe1841iTZIrat-fiarff,-6-01-d fEtcts coining to Congress I have urged that either have no income e f then m a r tooiy wre'S trIT Ire- TE-Tit- grT-Mring old the retirement age in general, for men receive less than $1,000 o year? 'I us - iarlriga'ortit draalid -to-rfirtrattons and women alike, be lowered to age 6(:), a sad commentary on our , col on *larch 'Weiffril reSI the Strength of the I have introduced a bill, H. R. 4471, with While storage bins bur t wilt Si,pi I 'youhOst-'61111'st- thriVe?t or us much less such a provision. I hope the day is not food, many of these old( r folks am ua ?y 'the, of the older peiton. ton as off whert we truly face up to the live on marginal or sub oa rgin 11 i ?yees. ,,,, e'piehtlem44( brela "aga-ls of not-tiringl problem and 'lower the retirement age I am convinced that ot ?? i?con irn, cssi atp?o',,,,,trii." -If tbuclids eaer ef us, young to 60 for everyone. withstand the expense t a re il oc 101 'old,arilie: Coe's-Mei...Tor ft Moment Allowing disabled persons to obtain security system. ' ' the ? tiller or persons benefits at age 50, another provision of In order for this Natio 1 lo co itil ue ich as our ca ,m, er 6orrirne tb-C7511-greSs- 10 ye oped two decades ago. Present law and social to its oldei calm is WI a tilar s nce e, Oet: fit has qiiattrelPiTed Whfle the total H. R. 7225, is a tine, progressive improve- ipti latitin 'ha? -CITY- 'dfinbled. From ment in present law. It is estimated that it '19 , taelgg the POptilation aged 65 and in the first year of operation disability ;? ' ; MnredOff ail' altradgt unbelievable insurance benefits will be payable to Ill'iI,el!betit While the total population in about 250,000 workers, amounting to . ?that Sanirf,finalfiefeaSed-Only 5 percent. $200 million in benefits. Under the cour- lay I9I5Thele-WYMIelfibre than -20 mil- ageous leadership of Senator WALTER , . ;; 111 AM:eriablfir 65 and ofer. 'There are Gzoacr this provision was retained in -,, eiV , 14 itilliOli"thaffd -thee 'average the Senate version of the bill in the ' ayHdifeeit'ITte-14 -Million?is only administration and an almost solid bloc ' '?4niardf rer a 'ffiffirefferfift Wffe-over 65 face of determined opposition from the ? AIL WI Vh-611.-attfatra'artnrgs ale less of Republican votes against it. Actu- ' Allah ,t,51:10.: Millions of -old folks, Mr. ally, one could ask himself why must .??!' Oakerpiving on gtfell pitifully small in- there be a disability age limit at all. ? '? ? 1 int-thOSO-TddlS--Orbigh costs of When a person becomes totally disabled, E. -111i6 gititation ES -beCOMing,elf- it bedridden, and unable to work, he is de- "Ir-a ' ,WhationaI disgrace. serving of assistance. What we seem to ' etaald'iieliMtttf trktkinal. be saying in H. R. 7225 is that a disabled ?A`gag-IffblVd?rifont-tirre- based person over 50 needs help, but a disabled ftlfflifiarffiff-d-ted social problems, 'rt. Yet the solution to the problem is free and able to enjoy he lib? rtit s I ' thilaili Vith-FeSlitat to our older shackled with this completely unrealis- rights w hich our form of ee ter im n , ,a011-SWO arabeing shUnted more and tic age requirement. Disabled Persons provides. Such proble ns as the _;e Ica -Or': miC:Inse :Otte ,- ifieriendent and of whatever age need and deserve social Franklin D. Roosevelt to obs -ry t t s 447tior)erege girl helpless a post- security coverage and until such is the "in order to preserve a,- dem -iraic ,ii- . ,i'lcirr rn ':Our sin-dieff.--The-Y are-Wing- de- case, we will not be adequately dis- stitutions we need to pre -le thai the pr a- - ' veva. ervia-k-beca-tiee tif their age and charging our duties to them. My bill, tical opera.tion of den Derail g ,ye it- , 0OTC"E'd tO refire pre-ittftirely When H. R. 4471, would entitled a disabled per- ment is equal to the tr sk oi . ?roi tic, apt 4y )iae7gted-,4 ffelisTe-yeafg- ahead of son to assistance at any age, and I am the security of the peen le." I ine gnasa ;l*.heM...; *Aa'a";irtift, Marry -of- our older pleased to see such able leaders as Sena- in America, Mr. Speak( r sore y i . 11 -e i ' Pie '45aiT'e iiihde-ciiiate- ftriandlal re- tor OrroitcE, of Georgia, take a similar of help in protecting su h seri) .it:i, is o4 ltiatitifn ' thernSelyes and stand on this issue, older and disabled citize ,is, Vi, e n us; f7afieS ag-ticlependent and self- I was extremely pleased to see cover- be aware that millions 0 ' them aro e b l' , :OtriernathherA of their coinmuni- age extended to over 250,000 self-em- watching and waiting tt see wi ett er ta:Iffs, alF:fe?.146 find Adequate hous- ployed individuals and their families Congress would accept is resp, nsassi, li , 4 ttierEanie's?-atirttiefr- 'families, under H. R. 7225. This, again, is a great and enact legislation tr-ily ben fic al :iai ' affftiirited-iv4ith 'disabling health improvement and one I have long striven helpful to the older Wets S ?mi pi .,.- 7,ffigtear-afibTehiS',--are-"driven by for. But we see once more the piece- ress, indeed great pr igress ma b ?en traiibif ifia-Cre-sfi ? air to pnvate and meal approach to the problem. The real made with the enactm, Tit ot , t. I . . Tmental ifigfifittloin? 'afid general solution is to extend coverage to all per- But we should not stoa am e ia, ??- Sit tOS,:atitl ard 'pladad In increasing sons--to enact a truly overall and corn- made such excellent p.licrest tb s 7 e,_, .,_ prehensiye, social security program for I am confident that in t et noi no lac 1 ''? , '. 044,0orifigrehAelteirtf fft-fielif'db1"--- 'till today and not wait another few years future we will see the iream of i t_ ee, era &I 4blitt-are agSTStbrice rolls. ? 4 04 searitir-stteni al-bad-be briatted. there: The- problem exists right now. ,. ,5yen jurther ri..eprovenraits in the to make a change hei?e and a change comprehensive and acirsouase so. iai curity program becom. Lt, rel.. it rt. ,. Hon today is not We should not postpone the solution 'Ittiff-lfi- btail - Mr. KNOX. Mr. Spe ,:,,ter, ,1 is a ,y n ICI -adaditately ' aSSist the Na- which we know to exist. Every moment pose to support the ad t poor, , it ,e , ,,,,- Tder'''''dThibred, and dOpendent lost just adds to the misery and tragedy ference report on tl e soeI il-: eei , ,, y ,., _4 . ? maintain the kind of libe Is anc fre al we have become accut tamed to a. :- Speaker, the Governmer t mos pr rt. -- pate in programs which trovidt se ur for the individual age nst r- ;los o" which he he has no control. It is ml negative concept of libi rty fr, which gives us ou'r an ..1 c lective strength, but lath er the a ior ? pos- itive approach involving the ite ice oi those economic and s. dial e 4nebtie necessary to enjoy the t ood id exercise the privileges of fre s ,ee 1, press, and citizenship. We all no-e? ti, a a man who is unemploy ,d for ins ar is far from free?that te him f eeron a hollow word hedged about, wita rw misery which accompar ies po ert c 1,1 insecurity. By the sam ? taker we kriaw likii"-ffttittfiture to one of person under f;() can take care of himself. that our old folks who live on niise lv rly 'fficTultriaff-fallon, creating' many Such is not the case, and everyone knows old-age assistance pensi in are sot res :"13egleany operat- of many of our older and disabled amendments of 1956, 11. It. 't 25, an Or a "1935 laTtrng---to--$01-Ve the citizens. As Secretary of Health, Edu- doing so would like coil knead rem 6ff-dr 19O6. We do cation, and Welfare Folsom has said, House conferees in tl e I nour'? ettifte our laws ''Social legislation must change with with the Senate cool, teks a I t ,is Ise-- changing social arid economic condi- portant and meritorio- is lege alum. t Sirer`thlti--a5iffiflesS others, tions." These are fine sentiments, but It is any view that w tmn si.e I ,ni co rs'llfTIE-e -tract -Of-social we do not seem to be living up to them. the matters germane o tia,? ior' .Pa,,, ,?? ie-ealergartgrArrtY-Welreefri Sat; - Apparently there are those who think a very desirable bill 'ats bei ii xtr tent rnirs'llie-wacr they are. It we are unable to afford, from a financial back to the House of P iiresin tat ye t r Ta-tkirtfiFfrelifentfotis standpoint, to take such a step toward final approval. In ma :1111,,,r s - 144 11! 4 :at I ? 11 4H, .14 11 iiI I 2. ? Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7 ' 1,355o CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE .. July 26 itien I would like to express the opinion Another amendment that would be pant in the labor market and who are that certain improvements that should made to the Social Security Act by the without means of support because of the have been accomplished during this Con- conference agreement that I regard as death of their husbands. The amend- gresS are neglected in this legislation. particularly significant is the amend- ment contained in the conference report The improvements that I have in mind ment providing disability benefits for the lowering the retirement age for women that were not taken care of by the bill as totally disabled individual upon the at- is a step in the right direction. Women agreed 'to in conference include such tainment of age .50. A serious benefit will now be able to make an election as Meritorious Amendments as a liberalized gap has existed in our social-security to whether they will retire or will con- retirement test so that America's aged program to date tn that disability bene- tinue working at an earlier date than is citizens could lead more productive lives fits are not payable under the OASI sys- possible under the present law and in through employment without loss of tern. It has always been my view that this way the old-age and survivors in- their social-security entitlement. .- ,the family of a worker who is disabled is surange program is made more realistic I also believe that consideration should as much in need of disability benefits as and more adequate. have been given to blanketing-in the is the family of a retired worker in need I would also like to commend the con- present aged who are not now covered of retirement benefits or the family of ferees on the action that they have taken under social security so that those per- a deceased worker in need of survivorship to preclude the payment of benefits to sons who have reached i' e t i r em e n t age, benefits. One of the principal purposes persons convicted of crimes that are and are not now eligible for benefits of the social-seculty program is that its traitorous in their nature and that would through no fault of their own, cotild be- benefits are the )rieans whereby family deny recognition for coverage purposes gin to receive them. In this connection ties have essentially remained intact to employment by communistic-front ' I would point out to my colleagues in the where the untimely death of the princi- organizations. I also subscribe to the House that I introduced legislation, H. R. pal wage earner of the family has oc- action of the conferees imposing more 9272, on February 13,1956, to provide for curred. I would point out to my col- stringent limitations on the payment of the blanketing-in of the present aged on leagues in the House that the loss of in- benefits to aliens. It has always been a basis that would guarantee against come is just as complete under circum- my view that the old-age and survivors' impairment of the actuarial soundness stances of total disability as it is under insurance program was established to of thee trust fund. If my proposed the circumstancea of the death of the provide for the welfare of American amendment to the Social Security Act principal family provider. For that rea- citizens and I strongly believe that it had been adopted, our aged American son it is appropriate that disability bene- should be so limited. The payment of citizens who met the eligibility require- fits would be payable under this confer- benefits to aliens constitutes a drain on ments could have begun to draw benefits ence agreement, the trust fund and results in the denial without ' concern over the iniquitous It is true that the disability benefits of benefit increases that, might otherwise "needs test" and the humiliation that provided by the conferenec agreement be possible for our American citizens. attends the acknowledgment of poverty are available on a more conservative basis that is required in order to be eligible than benefits payable to the retired and An amendment to public-assistance titles that merits the support of all for public assistance today. to survivors undee existing law. How- Members of the Congress is the amend.. In supporting this legislation I would ever, the conference agreement estab- ment that would provide on a 50-50 like to make particular reference to four lishes a separate trust fund and allocates matching basis medical-care benefits. improvements provided by the confer- a separate tax payable to that trust fund This amendment will do much to assure ence report that I regard as particularly so that as experience with this new aspect to our aged citizens the medical care significant and meritorious. The first of the social-security program is gained that they, perhaps more than any other .of these improvements pertains to the a liberalization of the disability portion category of our citizenry, need so direly. reporting of earnings by farm operators of the program may be undetaken if it and tenant farmers. The legislation as is warranted. I aredict, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Speaker, I regret that in the time allotted to me I do not have a more ade- modified in conference would provide a that the disability benefits that will be- liberalized income reporting method so come payable under the conference quate opportunity to discuss this confer- that small fare may receive credit for agreement on H. R. 7225 will do much ence report, the social-security program, and the changes must be accomplished a higher portion of their total income o make the old-age and survivors' in- in the future to make the program more and thus become entitled to larger bene- surance program more adequately _meet fully meet the needs of our American fits than would be available to them un- an urge.nt need of the American people, der existing law. This change will re- The third aspect'of the report filed by citizens. It is my view that the social- sult in more farmers becoming eligible the conferees on the Social Security security law more vitally affects our for OASI benefits and the benefits to Amendments of 1956 that I regard as American polity than any other Federal which they will be entitled will be higher partictilarly significant pertains to the statute. For that reason I think the Congress of the United States should be than they would have obtained under Public-assistance titles of the Social Se- particularly attentive on a continuing present law. Tenant farmers will be re- curity Act. I am gratified to observe that garded as self-employed individuals so the amendments provided in the confer- basis to effecting changes and improve- that both the tenant farmer and the ence agreement tc these public-assist- ments in the law as they prove feasible. tinder- landowner may obtain coverage under ance titles will insure to our aged, our I am confident the Congress will the OAST program, disabled, our blind; and our dependent take such attentiveness and will review the operation of the program to make Agricultural workers would also be children a liberalized benefit level that sure that it is fiscally sound, economi- benefited under the conference agree- more realistically recognizes the cost of merit. Such workers would not be sub- even the barest subsistence today. It cally adequate, and humanely equitable. ject to social-security taxes if they are should be recognized that people who Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to urge only casually engaged in employment and are compelled to avail themselves of pub- my colleagues in the House to support are not paid $150 or more in cash wages lie assistance are.entitled to an adequate the adoption of the conference report on in the calendar year by one employer or benefit commensurate with the costs of H. R. 7225, if they perform less than 20 days of their living requirements in our present- Work for an employer during the calen- day economy. For that reason I would Liar year. This change will not exclude observe that the benefit increases pro- AUTHORIZING SECRETARY OF from coverage those agricultural work- vided under the conference agreement AGRICULTURE TO PAY THE EX- ers who should have the benefits of theare most meritorious. PENSES OF AN ADVISORY COM- OASI program but will save the employer The fourth aspect; of the bill to which MITTEE ON SOIL AND WATER CON. of the occasional farmworker from the I would like to specifically refer pertains SERVATION need of keeping records on casual em- to the lowering of the retirement age ployees that he hires for a very short for women under the old-age and sur- Mr. POAGE. Mr. Speaker, I ask time. In this respect another improve- vivors insurance program, from 65 years unanimous consent for the immediate ment that was adopted by the conferees to 62 years. I am convinced that this consideration of the bill (S. 3314) to was the exclusion from- coverage of agri- retirement age should have been low- authorize the Secretary of Agriculture Cultural workers from foreign countries ered even further with, respect to women to pay the expenses of an Advisory Corn- who are admitted to the United States who are unable to obtain work because Mittee on Soil and Water Conservation. on a temporary basis, they have not previously been a partici- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Approved For Release 2002/01/31 : CIA-RDP59-00224A000100670041-7