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Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000010005-7 12802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE AUGUST 27 LAND ON HE FLATHE INDIA the sale- r and Insulai, Affairs strike out ` Al- id In line 10, 41ter "to be agreed and the pur- Kootenai ation." The Ivmend nts were afire i to. The endm is were ordere~dd to be engrosse , and th bill to be read' third time. The bill was read the third tim'and passed. ENLISTMENT OF ALIENS IN THE REGULAR ARMY The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (S. 2269) to provide for the enlist- ment of aliens in the Regular Army. Mr. HENDRICKSON. Mr. President, since the purpose of the bill is apparently to take aliens into our Army, I think we should have an explanation. Mr. SALTONSTALL. Mr. President, In the absence of the chairman of the committee [Mr. TYDINGS], let me say that this bill was introduced by my col- league [Mr. LODGE]. It is quite similar to S. 2016, which was adopted by the Senate last year as an amendment to the Selec- tive Service Act. It is somewhat more restrictive in its provisions, and to that extent meets the objections which were advanced last year by the State Depart- ment and Immigration. It permits the enlistment or reenlist- ment in the Regular Army of not to ex- ceed 10,000 aliens. Specific provision is made which requires that the Secretary .of State concur in the manner in which the program is Implemented. The enlistment period is 5 years, and the program expires at the end of 2 years. At the end of 2 years this type of enlist- ment will stop. There is no suggestion of a foreign legion in this bill, In that the restriction in last year's bill that this personnel should be only for service over- seas has been removed. The bill is drawn so that persons who enlist as a result of this Program may become citizens of the United States, provided they qualify. A technical qual- ification of the 'bill specifies that if the Individual is ordered into the United States by military orders, this shall be deemed to meet the technical term "per- manent residence" used in immigration laws. Otherwise the individual'could not begin to.qualify until after he completed his enlistment. Special provision in the bill limits the program to persons who have no married dependents. This is in accord with pres- ent recruiting standards, so as to insure that these individuals are not given an advantage which we deny our own people. Also, it eliminates the danger of persons using such dependents as a lever against an individual, should he enlist. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. SALTONSTALL. I yield. Mr. ELLENDER. Is there a limit to the number who can enlist? Mr. SALTONSTALL. The number is limited to 10,000, and the program ends in 2 years. In other words, this Is good for 2 years, but not beyond that. Mr. ELLENDER. How long do they serve? Mr. SALTONSTALL. They serve for 5 years before they become eligible for citizenship. Mr. THOMAS of Utah. Mr. President, I should like to associate myself with the Senator from Massachusetts in his remarks about the bill. This is an old question. We have had It before us in the Committee on Military Affairs time and time again. The wisdom behind the bill cannot be challenged, neither can its purpose. I think it should become a law, and we should make it possible for these men to serve when they are worthy and meet all the requirements. The bill has every safeguard which I know our Gov- ernment is interested in. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed, as follows: Be it enacted, etc., That, with' the ap- proval of the Secretary of State, the Secre- tary of the Army, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Army may prescribe, is authorized until June 30, 1951, to accept original enlistments in the Regular Army for periods of not less than 5 years of not to exceed 10,000 qualified unmarried aliens (without dependents as defined in section 4 of the act of June 18, 1942 (56 Stat. 361), as amended), who are not less than 18 years of age or more than 35 years of age; and with the approval of the Secretary of State, to accept reenlistment of any such alien upon the expiration of his original term of enlist- ment for such period or periods as the Sec- retary of the Army may determine. SEc. 2. Provisions of law prohibiting the payment of any person not a citizen of the United States shall neither apply to aliens who enlist In the Regular Army under the provisions of section 1 of this act nor to their dependents and beneficiaries. SEC. 3. So much of section 2 of the act ap- proved August 1, 1894 (28 Stat., ch. 179, 216; 10 U. S. C. 625), as amended, as reads "; and in time of peace no person (except an In- dian) who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has not made legal declara- tion of his intention to become a citizen of the United States, shall be enlisted for the first enlistment in the Army" is hereby sus- pended until June 30, 1951, with respect to enlistments made under section 1 of this act. SEC. 4. Notwithstanding the periods set forth therein, the provisions of section 324A of the Nationality Act of 1940, as added by the act of June 1, 1948 (Pub. Law 567, 80th Cong.), are applicable to aliens enlisted or reenlisted pursuant- to the provisions of this not. Any alien enlisted or reenlisted pursuit to the provisions of this act who subsequently enters the United States or an outlying possession thereof (including the Panama Canal Zone, but excluding the Phil- ippine Islands) pursuant to military orders shall be deem?d to have been lawfully ad- mitted to the, United States for permanent residence within the meaning of such sec- tion 824A. SILO, PASSED OVER The bill (S. 7) to authotize the Secre- tary of the Interior to iss a patents for certain lands o certain s ttlers in the Pyramid Lake Indian Rese vation, Nev., was announcedlas next in order. Mr. MURRA+. Over. The PRESIDING OFFICIR. The bill Is passed over. GRANTS FOR SaHOOL CONSTRUCTION, , ETC.-BILL PASSED O ER The bill (S. 231fi) to autho?ize grants to the States for sklrveying their need for elementary and secondary school facili- ties and for planting State-wide pro- gramp of school colstruction; and to au- thori a grants for: school construction, for a4vance planning of school facilities, and fpr other purposes was announced as net in order. Mr. DONNELL. Mr. President, reserv- ing thy: right to object, I desire to call attention of the Senate to what I `con- sider t~ be some exceedingly important misstatements in the report which has been printed to acco*lpany this bilk, I am referring to report No. 948. I as- sume, of Scourse, therd was no intention to make 11isstatements? in the report, but obviously;to those of us who have p '- ticipated fin the consideration of this bill, there comes home a very clear realiza- tion of thq fact that the report does not correctly state the situation. This bill' consists of what may prop- erly be termed, I think, two parts, one of which is~ declared in the report to be "the long-range program provided for in sections 201'` to 205, inch4sive, of S. 2317" as originally introduced; The second portion of the bill is purely an emergen(v measure, bnd appears in section 206 add perhaps fl following sec- tions, as the: bill was originally intro- duced. The committee consider d with great care the two questions in Ived. Many other questions, 'I take it, ' ere likewise considered with equal care. The two sections tp which I refer In particular were as to whether there thould be a lpng-range program by which the Fed- eta] Government should recognize and carry out any obligation for contributing toward the construction of school build- ings in the United States. The second proposition which was considered was whether the Congress shoul0 give attention to emergency situ- ations',arising where war activities and the transition from wartime to peace- time cGnditions had resulted in various schoolistricts being overburdened with school rollments; and whether the Federal .government should, in such emergen situations, recognize the obli- gation to.assist in the construction of school bui ings. Notwiths `ding the report of the sub- committee lch advocated the long- range progra as well as the emergency situation proaln, the committee itself determined to ktrike out the portion re- ferring to the Ipng-range program, but to leave in the ill the portion which pertained to the mergency program. So .Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000010005-7 1949 Approved For Release 2000/08/25.: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000010005-7 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12601 motisly reported by the Committee on Rules and Administration. It would put into effect in the Senate, the same rule which was adopted by the House in 1929, requiring that when any com- mittee reports a bill or joint resolution repealing or amending any statute, it ehall include in the report the text of the statute to be repealed, and show ex- actly what is proposed to be substituted for it. Mr. Rice, the legislative counsel, sug- gests that inasmuch as the members of the committee staffs are not entirely familiar with this rule, it might be bet- ter to amend the resolution in line 1 on page 1, by inserting after the word "that" the words "effective January 3, 1950." I offer that amendment to the resolution. Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, re- serving the right to object-and I shall not object, because I think the rule is a great improvement-I wonder if the able chairman of the Committee on Rules and Administration, during the course of the remainder of the session and perhaps early in the next session, will give some thought to the possibility of including a notation on the calendar when there is a divided committee vote. For ex- ample, in a committee with a member- ship of 13, if a bill is reported by a vote of 7 to 6, I think it would give notice to the membership that it is highly a con- troversial bill, whereas if it is a unani- mous report, the situation is different. In going through the calendar we could note at a glance the vote by which a bill was reported. I believe that is a sugges- tion for the improvement of our legisla- tive process. It might, be well to show the vote by which the committee re= ported tho bill. Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. President, I be- lieve that is an excellent suggestion. The VICE PRESIDENT. The ques- tion is on agreeing to the amendment offered by the Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN ] . The amendment was agreed to. The resolution, as amended, was POSTHUMOUS PROMOTION OF THE LATE VICE ADM. JOHN SIDNEY McCAIN, UNITED STATES NAVY The joint resolution (H. J. Res. 281) to authorize the President to issue post- humously to the late John Sidney Mc- Cain, vice admiral, United States Navy, a commission as admiral, United States Navy, and for other purposes was con- sidered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE, ST. LOUIS, MO. The bill (H. R. 3478) to extend the time for completing the construction of a badge across the Mississipi River at or near a point between Delmar Boulevard and Cole Street, in the city of St. Louis, Mo., and a point opposite thereto in the city of East St, Louis, Ill., was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. PURCHASE, OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN MORGAN COUNTY, OHIO The bill (H. R. 3071) to authorize the Secretary of the Army to purchase cer- tain property in Morgan County was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. CONVEYANCE OF LAND TO NORFOLK COUNTY TRUST CO., STOUGHTON, MASS. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 5356) to provide for the con- veyance of land to the Norfolk County Trust Co. in Stoughton, Mass. Mr. HENDRICKSON. Mr. President, I do not object to the bill, but I send to the desk an appropriate amendment, which has been agreed to by the spon- sors of the bill. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, as I understand the amendment, it seeks to require that the full value be paid. That is the intention of the purchasers. This has to do with a narrow strip of land to be utilized in a building. It can be spared from the post-office site. The Govern- ment agencies have agreed to it. There is no thought of giving anything away. Mr. HENDRICKSON. I assure the distinguished Senator from Florida that that is the only purpose of the amend- ment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment offered by the Senator from New Jersey will be stated. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. On page 1, line 4, after the word "sell" it is proposed to insert "at an appraised fair market value." The amendment was agreed to. The amendment was ordered to be en- grossed, and the bill to be read a third time. The bill was read the third time, and passed. SALE OF LOUISVILLE MARINE HOSPITAL, JEFFERSON COUNTY, KY. The bill (H. R. 3197) relating to the sale of the old Louisville Marine Hos- pital, Jefferson County, Ky., was consid- ered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. TATION ACT OF 1946 The bill (S. 2374) to amend the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, was announced as next in order. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is an identical bill before the Committee on Foreign Relations, House.bill 5535, a bill to amend the Philippine Rehabilita- tion Act of 1946. Without objection, the Committee on Foreign Relations will be discharged from the further consid- eration of House bill 5535. Is there objection to the present con- sideration of the House bill? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 5535) to amend the Philippine Rehabili- tation Act of 1946. Mr. HENDRICKSON. Mr. President, I think the Senate should have an ex- planation of the bill. Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, in 1946 the Congress passed legislation for the rehabilitation of certain areas of the Philippine Islands. The bill was intro- duced by the Senator from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS]. The Committee on Pub- lic Works, to which the bill was referred, has recommended that the bill pass. The bill provides for the extension for 1 year, from June 30, 1950, to June 30, 1951, of the time of completion of cer- tain construction programs authorized by sections 302 and 303, title III, of the original Act of 1946. The programs con- sist of restoration, improvement, and construction of roads, essential streets and bridges, and port and harbor facil- ities which were destroyed during the war. We had just granted the Philip-' pine Islands their freedom and the right to exist as a republic, and it was felt that the United States was obligated to help in the program of reconstruction. The bill carries no further appropria- tions, but merely extends the time. Mr. HENDRICKSON. Can we rest as- sured that this will not cost any addi- tional money? Mr. CHAVEZ. Yes, the report so states. If the Senator will read the letter from the Department of State ad- dressed to the Vice President, and signed by Mr. Webb, he will be satisfied that it will not cost any money. The bill simply extends the time for completing the work. Mr. HENDRICKSON. I thank the distinguished Senator from New Mexico. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on the third reading and pass- age of the bill. The bill (H. R. 5535) was ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, Senate bill 2374 is indefinitely postponed. SALE OF LANDS IN FLORIDA TO ALBERT M. LEWIS, JR. The Senate proceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 2475) to authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell to Albert M. Lewis, Jr., certain land in the State of Florida. Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, this bill simply provides for the sale to a Purple Heart veteran of 21/2 acres of land upon which his house, where he has been living for many years, is located. It was put there by mistake. I under- stand that there is no objection to the bill. The PRESIDING - OFFICER. The question is on the third reading and passage of the bill. The bill was ordered to a third read- ing, read the third time, and passed. BILL PASSED OVER The bill (S. 1596) to authorize the Postmaster General to enter into special agreements for certain switching service by railway common carriers, and for other purposes, was announced as next in order. Mr. HENDRICKSON. Mr. President, by request, I object. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill is passed over. CHANGE IN CLASSIFICAT:[ON OF CROW INDIANS The bill (H. R. 2170) authorizing changes in the classification of Crow Indians, was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00384RO01000010005-7