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Document Release Date: 
December 19, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 11, 1964
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Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8 the President .`he White House ashingtou 25, D. C. J,% 196.4 - f-r6) This is in reply to your memorandum of 30 November 1963 concerning your desire for maximum economy and efficiency in the ederai Government. In the attached paper I have stated briefly oe of the major steps taken within the Central Intelligence Agency in j,963 in furtherance of this goal. I have also outlined certain i measures planned or in process which should continue and accelerate the progress already made in this direction. 'hen I assumed the responsibility as Director of Central Intelligence, I immediately organized a task force composed of: r. Lyman Kirk trick, Executive Director-Comptroller, CIA; Executive Secretary, p'resident's Foreign 25X1 Intelligence Advisory Board; and General Cortlandt Schuyler, U. S. ,-Army (Rot.), to work under my direction and with me in examining the activities, operations and management of each and every division and directorate of the Central Intelligence Agency for the purpose of d.eterminin the need for the work undertaken and the efficiency with which the directorates were managed. The oral and written reports of this group have been most useful to me and my Deputy in admin- istering the affairs of the Agency. result of their examination, two task forces were estab- lished, one under Mr. John Bross, my Deputy for National Intelligence Programs evaluation, to study in depth manpower utilization; the jecond under Mr. Lyman Kirkpatrick on personnel management. The results of the studies of these two groups significantly improved our management functions and stemmed the built-in personnel growth. C a Di aA-p ecl r Re1(a3 iaQ0NJ&J.9 IA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8 Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8 It is pertinent to note that the Central Intelligence Agency, in and of itself, represents only between 10% and 20 of the total United States intelligence effort. The exact percentage depends upon whether certain military activities such as Air force and Naval reconnaissance units are classed as "intelligence '. At least 80% of the intelligence effort is in the Defense lntellligencee Agency, the intelligence units Of the ervices, the National Security _A gency and the communications intelligence activities of the Services. It is obvious therefore that the terms of reference of my appointment, which placed upon me responsibility for coordination and guidance of the community, is of utmost importance if our intelligence costs are to be minimized and duplication and unnecessary effort avoided. ordination has until recently been undertaken by me personally, supported by CIA staff. and it has been effective in a great many areas. Last fall I appointed Mr. John Bross as Deputy, for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation and he ow equipped with a most capable staff drawn from the Bureau of the Budget (Mr. Gerry E. Pettibone), Department of Defense ,far Ceneral John M. Reynolds), White House (Mr. Thomas A. rota) and others. Mr. Brossts responsibility is to examine various intelligence activities. to report to mo and to this United tates Intelligence Board on them, and to recommend changes and f e4ifications considered necessary In the interests of improved intelligence and economy. As of now a task force under Mr. Benlamin The level of effort in the field of intelligence is not :easurablee by any 'norms" applied to other government activities or to private enterprise. I have found that the establishment of Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8 Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8 intelligence ob scti; es without consideration of the cost or man- power required to accomplish the objectives has in the past been a serious deficiency in the manage 1ient of the intelligence com- munity. I therefore plan that the United 3tat.s Intelligence Board in establishing intelligence objectives, which is the Board's responsibility by NSC directive, will concern itself with the Issue oi' anpower and cost involved in such decisions. pectfuily yours, (.Signedl JOIN A. McCUNE John A. icCone O/BP vgd 2 Jan 1964 Orig & 1- a ressee (w/attach) 1 - DDCI 1-ER - ExPecDir-Comptroller Rewritten:JAMc Cone Final typig : O/ExecDir;kg Approved For Release 2006/12/19: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070020-8