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February 8, 2000
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Publication Date:
August 1, 1951
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Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000100190036-4
August 1, 1951
Agreement between the Department of .1tate,
the Depax- x:ie-,i:, of Defense and the
Central intelligence Agency
This agreement is entered into pursuant to the President's
directive of April 4, 1951 establishing the Psychological Strategy
The purpose of this agreement is to provide the necessary funds
for staff COnipsnsation and the other necessary expenses for the
Psychological Strategy 3oard.
1, The Departments of State and Defense', and the Central
Intelligence Agency each agree to furnish financial support for the
Board and the Director's staff, The coat of the progran shall oe borne
in equal amounts by each of the three agencies unless a different scale
of distribution shall be mutually agreed, Program costs will include,,
but not be restricted to, such costs as employment of personnel; the
hiring of temporary experts and consultants; the procurement of
necessary supplies, services, and eqipnient; travel expense for the
Director and members of his staff, for other personnel assigned to
the work of the Board and for temporary experts and consultants "chile
engaged on business for the staff in accordance with travel orders
issued by the Department of State,
2 e The Department of State undertakes to provide full a3dmixxi s-
trative support for the Dir(ctor, Personnel ernployeu for duty with
the Board will normalLy be appointed in and paid by the Department
of State but may, at the request of the Director of the Psychological
Strategy Board, be appo' n-ted in and paid by the Department of Defense
or Central Intelligence Agency, and any such expt nditures by State,
Defense or CIA shall be offset against the total costs agreed as
chargeable to the respective: agencies, In addition, the Department
of State may secure equipment and material for the Director from
Defense and CIA. The cost of such equipmcn: and materials may be
handled by direct pa;iment to Defense or Lk, or by offset consider :lion
at the time of final adjustment of costs,
3. The members of the Board shall approve for their res)ective
Dei>artinents and agencies, subject to availability of funds, the amount
of fuadi; to be reserved for the work of the Board and the bta.ff after
review ` of a buaget develo;;pec by the :Director,
1 r?'
J-[:. ii
Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000100190036-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA-RDP57-00384R00010Q190036-4
4. Expenses incurred by State which are directly attributablh
to the Board, such as equipment, supplies and materials provided to
PS13 or consumed in production for PST3, contractual services, and
communication shall be offset against the total costs agreed as
chargeable to State. No charge will be made for the general impact
of PST3 requirements upon the central services and facilities of
State except by agreement among State, Defense, and CIA.
5. This agreement is entered into pursuant to'the authority
contained in Section 211, Public Law L9, 79th Congress, lst Session,
approved May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 106), and Section 601 of the ;c.onomy
Act of June 30, 1932 (31 USC 686), and shall remain in force until
June 30, 1952.
6. Funds will be advanced by each participating agency pursuant
to Section 601 of the Economy Act, as amended, in such amounts as may
be necessary for the operations of the Board under.the provision of
Section 1 of this agreement. Final distribution and apprgpriate
adjustment of costs will be ma:e at the close of the fiscal year,
For the Secretary of State:
ke Director, Psychological
Strategy Board
For the Secretary of Defense:
For the Director of Central
Intelligence Agency:
Deputy Director
Approved For Release 2000/08/25 : CIA f4" R000100190036-4