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Publication Date: 
August 28, 1950
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Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : 200180042-3 A . F 28 August 1950 FROM : Chief, IID/O The following is a listing of projects or activities connected with III responsibilities wa-.ich urgently await the availallity of sufficient personnel. The list is not intended to be all inclusive, as an overall estimate of future requirements is simply not feasible on the basis of available data. Such an estimate will be r.,ossible only after certain -preliminary stems have been completed. 1. Consolidation of all index cards now held by IID (including Archives index) into one central index. This will involve the handling of approximately 1,000,000 cards and will include check- ing the indices, creation of new tie-in cards where necessary, and straight alphabetizing and filing. 2. Review, analysis, and consolidation of all documents of current value from previous systems into the resent IID system.? This refers to the accumulation of documents and files inherited from predecessor organizations presently maintained in II:D which have never been screened for inclusion in the current dossier system. In conjunction with the above, certain of these materials of historical value, but not of current interest, will be transferred to OSO Archives. 4. Processing and assimilation of all materials awaiting atten- tion in Archives. This totals approximately 53 four-drawer safes of material. In. ad?'ition, mush of the information already in Archives, because of its current value and usefulness, requires more extensive indexing. 5. Survey, screening, processing and indexing of all material now held by the Foreign Divisions and not essential to their daily operations. This will involve approximately 75 four-drawer safes full of files, documents and cards, a large proportion of which is not presently tied in to the central records system. 5. Review and analysis of nuzerous source files with the pur- pose of opening separate dossier folders on all individuals currently of interest to OSO. This ,7roject will include a reouirement for the consolidation of various scattered references on these individuals into one main dossier, which is an extremely time consuming clerical operation. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200180042-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : Cl -we jO042A000200180042-3 7. Automatic opening by IID of separate case files on all subjects of FBI and similar correspondence and all other instances where possible. This also will necessitate a large scale consolidation program as described above. 8. The assimilation and exploitation of large volumes of files from other agencies or from the OSO Field. This item might well include responsibility for integrating voluminous record systems maintained by the war time agencies. Could also include the nrocessing of intelligence records obtained from foreign intelligence services. 9. A fairly long range consideration is the revision of the cur- rent IID document flow to afford a complete index search before the documents are processed and delivered to the Foreign Divisions. A prerequisite to the efficient operation of this activity is the establishment and availability of large numbers of individual d.osEiers. The r>rocedure will include the attaching of all pre- vious pertimnt references to the incoming pieces of mail for the information of the case officer. 10. Another tending -problem is the development of suitable procedures to facilitate the maintenance of Agent Files by the foreign Division in full accord with the regular case file procedures. 11. The rechanneling of all cable traffic so that copies of all cables are afforded the full III) mrocessing and are included in the established dossier files. This will place an increase of approximately, 3,000 items per month on the III) r.,rocessing machine. 12. In connection with the servicing of name check requests from other agencies, it is intended that full responsibility for file review and preparation of memoranda will be lodged in III). A large ?proportion of this work is now being }performed by II-1i but the Foreign Divisions are still not entirely free of this burden. In addition, many Foreign Division Chiefs have -pointed out that they exoect IID to begin preparation of replies to name check requests received from the OSO Field Stations. It is believed that this rirogram is still in the beginning stages although over 10,000 requests are being received each month. Indications are that the volume of requests from other agencies will continue to increase at a raid rate. 13. In connection with the above, it is ;pointed out that IID is presently unable to index this large volume of requests from other agencies. The Chief,_ has r:ointed out that he considers such 25X1A6a indexing desirable and reouests that it be initiated as soon as personnel -permits. SCAT Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200180042-3 Approved For Release 20W/08/21 : CIA-RDPV-00042A00020018Q42-3 14. A time consuming improvement of IID will be the consolidation .of numeronns references to the same individual presently encountered in the central index. As indicated heretofore, the establishment and consolidation of more than 100,000 case files will be required in connection with this ,-project, 15. The Chief, Staff 0 has requested am estimate as to the time involved in a complete review of all existing case files. The pur-pose of this review would. be to close any inactive or unnecessary cases, to open new subjective case folders where indicated, and to correct the classification and refile -nronnerly all documents now in imT,ro er files. A result of the extended decentralized classifying function is the -problem of re-working many case files to improve accessibility to the material. 16. The elaboration and speeding ur of the -,resent messener service throughout OSO. It has been brought to the attention of III) by several Foreign Division Chiefs that the work in their offices would be facilitated by 7.irater delivery of documents and files from IID, 17. A number of straight typing projects presently need attention. For the most kart these jobs require mass -production of index cards on names of significance to current OSO operations. A complete survey of these projects has not been made to date, because the work can not be handled at this time. However, it is known that one }project involves the preparation of approximately 40,000 index cards, another will total approximately 32,000 index cards, etc. 18. In addition to the above, it is pointed out that the ;resent world situation will result in an expansion and intensification of OSO field collection activities. It can, therefore, be expected that the volume of current documents will increase, that greater demands will be made upon III) by the rest of OSO, and that it will become even more im-nortant for IID to operate on a completely current basis. It is impossible to estimate with any degree of accuracy the number of ,:personnel which will be required to cone with the situation outlined above. Such an estimate will be possible only after additional progress is made in this program and after additional surveys are carried out. However, it has been known for several years that approximately 300 people in III) will be needed to accomplish the above tasks, to keep III) operating on a completely current and effective basis, and to permit the transfer of certain additional resa)onsibilities to III). This figure of 300 is the best available estimate at this time, however, the ultimate requirement within the next several years may be closer to 400. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200180042-3 Approved For Release 2Q,aO/08/21 :;&WDOP57-00042AO0020014WO42-3 It is pointed out that even after the rending projects discussed. above have been completed there will be no disanrearance of the need for such a large number of neople in IID. If such personiel are made available to carry out the rrograr_ outlined,"OSO will have available at the completion of the program, a well trained, highly effective intelligence integration staff. It will then be -ossible to rely to a much greater extent on III) for file exploitation and analysis activities of the type found so successful for other foreign intelligence organizations. No details of this future function are being set forth here in view of the uncertainty as to how soon this program can be implemented. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00200180042-3