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Document Release Date: 
August 1, 2003
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Publication Date: 
September 5, 1963
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Approved For ReI '~(se 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80B0l676ROQW00030006-8 b September 1963 The Honorable McUeorde Buad.}F" Special Assistant to the Ereei ent for National Security Affairs the White House The attached letter has been reviewed with Secretaries Rusk. McNamara, and Ctlpatric, who are in agreement. I am planning to issue this statement, but I should like to have your views on it first. Sincerely. Is/ John Sohn A. McCone Delivered by hard - September 5, 1963 (a. m. WE/J, t)istributic>n: Uric; - by hand w/attch. lcr ER wi c.y attch. lc:c - UC:i c hrono ~~v~(-tl}~tch. icc - DCl Wtrite-tyu Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700030006-8 Approved For Relt+rase 2003/08/05 :`tFA`-'IIf$0$bt676R9i1e700030006-8 4 September 1963 C',AN f'L':=1 e ecretary of -ta e -,-a 3s-cretary of '.)efenae e Attorney General C?,zi-n,an. A-on:ic Energy Cornmission 1 'l.l`lG E i..er-_oran:zttr; dated 16 January Ir?tiZ, fro' t?,e: 'resident to DCI At t'_e tir~A of r y aj}ointment ae Director of Central ntellt.!,ence and later by letter of 1 January 19bZ, the -resident cl,rec.tes;t that t r.:atntain, with the -eac;3 of t^e "?e?artrnents and A-,e,ictes conce r?c1?~:, a continuine, review of the iro rams and ac- tiitios of all t-le,)artn e i s and .~~.enciesn a cage(; in foreign intelli- 9ence actL cities. The anrpo:le o this directive wt_s to ensure proper :-c+or-Iinatioa of all e1~r :entg of the Intelii;ei:ce Co:nr_:unity and fie +rovid'e effective galcla~ice to then -i in the interest of ensuring nfftciency and co.:~let-nes of coverage with a minimu-n of waste and {lu-Aication. 1'o date i .ave 'iscl argeld these ies~onsibilities POT: onally. working d=rcct1y w A), you or year representatives on the United States Intel'i e:.)ce Board. I now feet that to carry on this work more effectively a etx-:-t!1 staff renortia- directly to r e is necessary. Therefore I fi-n a-ipoiatin ',r, Jo'-au N. l;ro,,s no. r.:y 1>tputy for National Inteili- c sore Pro+:.: a- 9 ..a1.,a -ton knd have directed him to organize the n y^ssrtry staff. . e .w,i1: b. rea~,on.stb.e fo the review and evaluation ,?f 'rnjrar: _s of t: a :nte1li:;e:te:e Community as a whsle. He mill ment me in --,y cana.:ity as Diro-tor of Central intelligence ,,s '.Onttrasted with r.-y rea:,ow3ibility as Oitector of the Central ata llie c:! '\r e nCy. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700030006-8 -4 .. a up Y'RT 1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676ROW700030006-8 ittltiaily it i- r y intention that `-;r. Pram-, and his staff caacern w,th t:.e developr. ent of a cornriunity- t,1*e111'cnc. act' ?.-it't inventory to estabi.ah t.te totality of the `zta?es fore.,,:t tnte'r?;ence effort in ter; -s of -:ctivitiea fort. o.i, tl,,ni Q t'C Ctl:ea_ a^rl t'-,e reaourcea coni2. ltted to their t1`! --,rt. '.txcn art nv-'.ntc`v a/i?i ier,:e as a 1tasi for con.:n:nity- v-ide -;r-,rran a,,i a: on .gin w_il facilitate j._idgr.?.ente concerning ativr- cos' a.n?i ~?-7'1 en,3ss o? :)artictar v':ss e! .- era :rams, thereby C:r-" tt 2i?tl 1 to i t'-!d Gt' -i= ion a co:icernlnl a.:r in'1a-st*1.ent of r O ney And rt st?^_*); Y.,.er It., r,.: r ta:.:. ill . z e of ort. 'dition, 'r. ?. ro.3:- "ill review and eval'iate for me t1.e &.L-dons of t..e? Con is ittee 3 an'l r e,-ber5 of he Intelligence Grsr Irnu.nW; ta'ke' to eat t? e. .- riority National Intelligence bjer,v?vt9s as es-~bt