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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ?411411401.041.1mem101# ittfurltf leformation JrR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO, ,5e2 SUBJECT PREPARATION OF OTR REGULATIONS 10 GENERAL 11 April 1952 This An the format and oequential arrangement wickle has been ieviaed aa a guide to assist in the preparation of OTR Rogulatiome and Hatless,. Drafts should be forwarded tc the Chief, Support Staff .or final oheiking assignment of iseeemee numbers reproduction, and dimeemination, 2, PARAGRAPH STYLE an The style and numbering of paragraphs will lonform to the style as shown herein, be If slieject matter leede itself to outline fora, paragraph headings will be usecle Where paregrvph headings are deemed advisablo. they will be used throughout the Regulation or Notice. The sub=division of pr graphs will be identified by appropriate letter or number symbol in accordance with the following systemt. Double-sealing between all paragraph sub-divisions will ed, 3. REGULATION -AVENGE Where applieebto, the rivet Regulation in each ueries will be a baste ieemance establesfalne OTR pelieles for each category of admini- strative activity, as well as the reaponeibilitiea for implementing these policies? Detailed oroledares covering specifie functions or activities Mould be issued in separate Regulateoss to avoid frequent revision of the baste Regulations, Y;AT''"IiEV BAND fiotor of' Trii oing Distribution OIRqell rPITRAO) Ala Division, Braaetten eotion Chiefe Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A It shall be the policy or m(o) to iirtth of the Offloe of Training (General) in Order , a. information on act,Ivitios -proiecti and , 9 . 'by the Staffs taxi Divisions of IlfttG),, , b. Information on th number of trainees of T11(0). Peale informatio tbe hrioring oiTinining LialSon Officer/sic, 2 \ Ofea ion for tlle ori ntation 9 personnel e. Basic inrormation available tot1ptif 2_,,....*1,14,013pwcisr 1,11(G) aecou'ttr Ic retrospeot end prospaist? at. The Flaw o Tkt(a) 'rsopprisit40 for tosinuthltamg - a our t history of T.Iti(Ci)0 b. Staff acid Divielop) Ciliats of 111(0) wille every weeke turas& the Plaxits suld volley wila2 a copy of t.heir Weekly Status Report for inalusion tbe.111(G) history' file. do Stuff %Dd'.31a4V--)41 ;-PAers of TR(0) 1411 ma4o ava.4.0ble to the Plano and Nati*, ;Aaff al,,,ch other inrormation a woad he: useful, to Int:ludo iza t.tTit;(G) histor,7 The liegistrar furtish the Ilnrke end PolleY Staff with month:kr rv,AcIriA U115 umber of new treineee who have been entered in 'sty/46 or the training pcputprunn Th(G) diming the month, 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/01 CIA-RDF'56-06403A00000640013-1 order, to develop ,uniromity the preparationp now, awl eirerriaisi ,correapondence originating 14ithin the_Office of -creative ..iptiettieet479, correeponderse onanating' in the OTR ? quirtera arrieet,viii be ,prepared. mor the ma of the Director of RESPORSIBIL/TIES Thei.DAIR ifilragTonsible fr i'rz leaVing OTR s Oreone117`signiil?fries headwartess correspondence in ollowing eategoricin (I) U.organisations andher ?indivichntlee, goverment or a seal& the Agency? (2) Correepondertee airettett to the beads or CIA offices ?adlsajor cirgsnisational comporants as designated in CIA ? - 25X1A Regulation No=1, as revise& - . (1) Correspondense involving' ,Oler deterv , (4) Such *thew eirri9PC.41461100 as the D 47 from ime .to time desire to revieu,, b,?, It will be the ro '211ity or the Dept7 Dtreetwo et end the Chief; Suppr terf to take suah steps may te 7 to ineure that al elleresporsience in th Aces ontegcrits it directed to the D OY OigtittUrn, ? In the absence oe the DifRo the nveti Direct? 6 and the Support Staff are eutheA5ce, to sign correspondmes of the type within their rompeedv4 areas or responsibillt4,0 the Informational coulee oZ all emsh torresposdenso shoUld be to tho'cofriee of tho DAR, roved 1or1eieas 2t102105101 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100640013-1 ? CIA-RDP56-00403AO0600 K1 A The:DepnAuDirsotore of,Trainingeand thfeChief, Support Staff are hereby authorised to vim for the DAR4:141 CoPres0,040Pail within their appropriate areas of resporicibility, not in the above categoriem, a,. Special delegations to sign eorrespondeneeter the DAR may be made by the D/TR WhereTexpedienoy or specialiestion warrauts? Th e delegations shall be in writing and eicoV delegate to eipropriate bens of TR(S), TS(12), and the Support Staff each :signing anther-4%e ea the DAR conaiderm nee eery in order to expeditiously:handle largo volume correspondence such as requisitiont0 travel :orders, requeete for adVance? travel -mutters, course aenouncement*, and personnel actions? 4.? PROCEDURES A, All correspondence shall be preps over the name of the Di ector of Tralnlet, .Correspondqnge affirmed by paragraph Pea vill be igamd personally by the D/TR, All other correspondence abell be signed by the Depaty Direotore of Training and the Chi -Support Staffs, within their respeCtive areem of .?poneibilitt, For informational purpoesse torreapoadenee prepared for .the pommel signature of the DAR shal be moomnpaniod by the incoming eorrempandence or the basic sago m:aterial on which action'im being taken. Such metwial will be returnmd to the originating off100 aftim zignature by the D/tR, The term and Preptee e instructions of the CIA Co oorrespondence should follow t Henual as revis April d, This regulation superoedes the &tar M o end= ftOM the Dm' dated 18 Jun 3.9519 Subjeetg Signature on ofticial eerrespondenee6 ()Moe of Traleigg? cz.2c;) EnE4-2-14 Security Information Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 P56-00403A000100040013-1 2 September 1932 ,Copiee'of al/ external or internal correspond dealing vith matters of palter or operational cover siva/ be feruarded pniA ve60,7 basin to the D/TR via the Dp/rR(s)0 _ 25X1A MiTTORW DA/RD fkizr of. Training DISTxrnrnc ll OTR Divisione Steffo Dram& ?and Section Chiefs tor ranting to all OTR pereottnel for initiallugo 14-044.? Security Information Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ReEee-T-R-Z-CeT-E-) Security Informaiiou OTR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO. 20=2 2 July 1952 SUBJECT: LEAVE, MILITARY OFFICERS ASSIGNED TO OTR 1. GENERAL a, In accordance with regulations of the Armed Services.of the U. Sep all military personnel agorae 2i deye of leave per caleneee month. Annual leave, which it not used by militery perseeeel duriee a fiscal year, Wall accumulate for use le uneceedieg years until le -totalep (but not to exeeed)p 60 daye at the end of the fiscal year, b. Every attempt will be made to permit military personnel to vas accrued leave above the 60-dey maximee in order that no leave. will be forfeited. 2. ORDINARY LEAVE L, Iedividuals req sting leave elll Beloit writte to their Division Chief through their immediate euperviscr, leave requeet forma are available at Pernommel Office, 'OTR, A approved leave requests will be foevarded to Administrative ?Meer, OTR for proceseing. . Leave orders will be plaratAaad by the Military Personnel Division and will be pieked up be- iedividuni concerned at SergeantePajors Office in Military Pareonmel-Division, Room 1002, &lading. Individuals must sign out when go iag on leeve and sign le whem returning from leave. Sign get regietere are maiatained !Le Sergeant-Majors Office. 3. EMERGENCY LEAVE a, In the GI, nt an emargeney nonditioo arias:op requeeing immediate leave, supervieors are emeewered to great emergenoy leave either verbally or in writing provided the recessary Isere forme (se outlined in 2. above) are eeepleted as coo as preeticableo 40 PASEZ ee Supervisors are e.thorized to rant military pereoezel Yvan= (vet to eevevd 72 hevrei Vttleeet oherge tn ammued leare; Femme may not be _granted to Amin& thm da4y dey teeediately pre-leveeing oz f need. a weekend or beadAy? Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ty Information Approved For Release 2005/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A00010004001'3- ? Divialozt Chiefs will estAiblish procedures for the approval of ova& peaces within their units to er.sure proper contra and disc:rot/on is exercised in'tbeir me00 tcL Officers win sign out idiom going on pass and sign in when aftetuning from pass. Sign out registers are mantained in Room 1002,, noDildtino 5. 'All unitary personnel assigned at field installationawhere t and persennel recerda aro taintainelp will abide bY regulation and/ Ur directives concerning leave polioy as establish by the Gonna:A:int of the installations. Distribution: All OTR Division Staff, and Branch Chiefs 25X1A 24ATTIONV BA Direetor of Train*: r41 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/015WWW56-00403A006100040013-1 0 &amity Information OFFICE OF TRAINING REGNLATION NO. 20-3 SUBJECT: OFFICE OF TRAINING CAREER SERVICE BOARD 1, POLICY 13 August 1952 Effective 13 June 1952, the Director of Central Intelligence approved an Agency-wide Career Service Program intended to identify, develop, effectively use, and reward individuals who have the skills required by CIA; motivate them toward rendering maximum service to the Agency; and eliminate from the service, in an equitable manner, those who in spite of the Program fail to perform as effective members of the organization. The Agency-wide Career Service Program will be administered by the CIA Career Service Board which will be responsible for developing policy governing the Program subject to approval by the DCI. The Agency-wide Program provides that each Office establish a Career Service Board to assist in the oneration of the Program by performing certain functions subject to approval of the Office Head. 2, ORGANIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of the CIA Career Service Program, there is hereby extablished the Office of Training Career Service Board which shall consist of the following members: Chairman - Director of Training (ex officio) Member - Denuty Director of Training (General) Member - Chief, Plans and Policy Staff (TRG) Member - Deputy Director of Training (Special) Member - Asst. Deputy Director of Training (Special) Member - Chief, Sunport Staff Seeretary- Assistant to the Director of Training (non-voting) Should any of the positions comprising the membership of the Board be vacant, the D/TR will designate a temporary member of the Board for the period of such vacancy. Four voting members will constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Board will be held on the first work day of each month and at such other times as the Chairman may determine. The Secretary will provide staff sunport for the Board including preparation of agenda for regular and called meetings, coordination of activities of this Board with the CIA Career Service Board and with the Boards of the several offices And nrenaration and maintenance of minutes and other records of Board actinns. .RET ecuritv Infcrmation Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/6E0-4kDP56-00403A000100040013-1 -Security Information OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO. 20-3 13 August 1952 3. MISSION The Office of Training Career Service Board is responsible to the Director of Training for the operation of the Career Service Program within 0/TR and for collaboration with other Office Boards on inter- Office Career Service problems. As enumerated in the Career Service Program, general responsibilities of the Office of Training Career Service Board are to: a. Serve as advisor to the D/TR on all matters pertaining to the Career Service Program. b. Direct within the 0/TR the application and functioning of the Career Service Program, including but not limited to the following: (1) Executing relevant decisions of the CIA Career Service Board and making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board for imnrovement of the Career Service Program. (2) Sponsoring, developing, and executing the Career Service Program of the Oa, including an intra-Office rotation system, and rerorting periodically to the CIA Career Service Board. (3) Reviewing Personnel Evaluation Rerorts and proposed development plans for individuals in terms of training, assign- ment, advancement, rotation, and promotion. (4) Recommending cancellation or continuance of career development actions. (5) Participating in the development and execution of approved extra-Office rotation systems. (6) Submitting to the Sponsoring Office a semi-annual Personnel Evaluation Report on each rotation appointee from another Office. (7) Ensuring that the rotation appointees detailed by the 0/TR to another Officie are not overlooked for warranted promotion and ensuring that rotation anpointees received by the 0/TR are productive and their assignments commensurate with the pur- pose of the annointments. SECRET %a-airily Information - Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release /3CIT,R5131 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 security Information OlikiCE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO. 20-3 13 August 1952 (8) Reviewing continuously conditions of service and duty with a view to making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board concerning working conditions nnd benefits that can strengthen morale and increase "esprit de corps." (9) Reviewing continuously the personnel intake of the Office, especially at the junior professional level, with a view to ensuring the acquisition of highly-qualified, versatile persons with long-range potentiality. c. Supervise such subordinate Boards and Committees as may be established from time to time for handling specialized functions, assigning to them Office personnel as necessary. 4. FUNCTIONS The 0/TR Career Service Board shall: a. Review and recommend final action regarding plans proposed for the development of individuals including, but not limited to: (1) Annual, special and reassignment Personal Fvaluation Reports. (2) Initial Evaluation Reports on all new emnloyees prior to completion of the trial period. (3) Appointments, assignments, transfers, promotions, and resignations of heads of organizational components of 0/TR. CO All appointments and promotions. (5) Intra-Office transfers and reassignments. (6). All extra-Agency training. (7) All rotation-training assignments outside 0/TR. b. Perform such other functions aid duties as may be required by the DTR. /s/ MATTHEW BAIRD MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training DISTRIBUTION: ALL 0/TR PERSONNEL SECRET Security Information Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ' 470'0* IN THAJPING RROUUTIOR NO, 20=3/1 iFebruary A953 ,UBJC M ylcartmws TO CAMEO. 53RVICR BOW ) The Chiero asseverlatt and Evaluation Sterra OTR R la hereby .1...,*7icfirited a POIITIfitilrA fitatber at? the OTR Career Service Bo:wt.. apotolateld * Zeiversry Member at timemd pargana the appoit,taeat at a bow Ansietart Deputy Direottair -T h1 v**3J:- !ATT.= n.11107) 71t1101111n* OTR Pow*I,F,4*1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 laniqa 34curity Information OFFICE OF TRAINING REGUIATION NO, 20=4 16 January 3.953 SUBJECT a PROMOTION RECOMNENDATION FORMAT RECISIONS; (1) OTR Notice No. 28-52 TR(G) (2) OTR Notice No. 25-52 TRW, paragraph 6 1. The attached format has been designed to standardise promotion recommemdations for all cogponetts of OTR and will be followed by all supervisors in preparing such recommendations. 2. The memorandum will be prepared in seven copies by the immediate supervisor and transmitted through appropriate channels to the Deputy Director concerned or the Chief, Support Staff, for recommendation and presentation to the Career Service Board. 3. All recommendations, whether endorsed affirmatively or negatively by reviewing officers, will be submitted to the Secretary, Career Service Board not later than two working days prior to the data on which the Board convenes. After final action of the Director of Training, the promotion recommendation will be placed in the employees OTR personnel file. 25X1A tmarm BAIRD Director of Training Distributions All OTR Staff, Division, Branch, and Section Chiefs Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/01MEMP56-00403A000100040013-1 Security Information Date NWO MBHMUUTMWFOR; SUBJECT a Promotion Recommendation of On the basis of the information furnished loslcm, it is recommended that the subject individual be promoted to the grade indicated. a. Title of present position; b. Present grade, including periodic stop increases; co Date of last promotion and time in grade: d. Time in present positions e. Length of time individual has performed the work at the grade level to which promotion is recommended: fo Title and grade to which promotion is recommended: g. Age of subject individuals h. ROD date with CIA or its antecedents; Now; i. Chronological history of employment with CIA (indicate office, division, title and grades of positions held): j. Description of duties in present position: k. Manner of performance of duties in present position, and, if known, in previous positions; 1. Growth potential of subject individual within on and C/As m, CIA training received and evaluations per courses n. Other training, education, and experience qualifications of subject individual: 00 Other relevant facts for evaluating this recommendations p. Present Tb C position number of subject individual (to be filled in by appropriate supervisor); 7/0 position number and grade for which subject individual is reoom mended (to be filled in by appropriate supervisor): Signature and Title of Initiating Supervisor Signatures and Endorsements of Supervisors; RE3TRICTED Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 R Security Information OTR OFFICE OF TRAINING EMULATION NO 25..1 11 April 1952 SUBJECT: TRAINING RECORDS AND RMISTRATION 1. POLICY The following policies shall govern the administration of the Records and Registration functions of OTR: a. All CIA personnel selected for training either in Agency facilities provided by OTR or in approved non-CIA facilities will be subject to OTR Records and Registration procedures? b. Training registration procedures of OTR shall provide a centralized registration system. Such procedures will be designed to insure that: (L) Proper distribution of announcements and class schedules is made. (2) Personnel selected meet established prerequisites for the course in question. (3) The capacity of any given course is not exceeded. CO Course Chiefs are given, sufficiently in advance of starting dates of courses, information concerning enrollments and materials required for the administration of the course, such as photographs, copies of Training Requests, etc. 00 A centralized training records system shall be established within OTR to include all training requests, selection board actions, class rosters, stmient evaluations and, as aFteropriate, class papers, student notes and related materials, 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 25X1A a. The ChiefL is responsible for the Records and Registration activities of OTR in accordance with the policies stated above, This Officer is further responsible for the pre- paration of routine and special reports on training activities as may be required. All Staffs and Diviqions of OTR mill cooperate mith the 25X1A un carrying out its responsibilities? - 1 - RES'IRICTED Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 RI,MTRICTa OTR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULNTION NO. 25-1 11 April 1952 3. PROCEDURt Detailed procedures for each particular course or group of related courses mill be issued in separate OTR Regulations. 25X1A MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training Distribution: ALL OTR FERSONNLI RESTRICTED Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Sev.iiity Information 25 Larch 1953 CFF10E OF TRAINING ILIZULATI011 NO0 25.,3 SUBJECT: BASIC INTELLIGENCE TRAINING REPORTS 1, CIA Regulation I Idated 13 March 19532 concerninc the nevi proeran of Basic IntellAgence Training stipulates in para- graph 4. a, (3) that the Director of Training shall: "Provide for training reports appraising the perforaance of all personnel in basic in- telligence training and transnit reports to the Office Head concerned and to the Assistant Director (Personnel) for their information and action,m 20 Responsibility for the implementation of this function has been delegated to the Assessment and Evaluation Staff o the Office of Training, Accomplishment of the assignment will require the help of all components of OTR concerned vith the basic telligpnce courses NATTHEW BAIRD Dizootor of Training Distributions All on StaffDirisii and Branch Ciliate Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/056-00403A000100040013-1 Security Information OTR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO. 40-1 11 April 1952 ? SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICY, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND PROCEDURES FORI OUPPORT STAFF 1. The requisitioning or coordination of requisitioning, for the Office of Training of all equipment, services, supplies procured through CIA facilities other Government sources, er non-Government sources, except as othelwise specified, will be performed by th I 25X1A Support Staff, OTR. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 25X1A The Chief,I will be responsible for; ao The formulation of procedures and the execution of policies established for the Supply end Services Section. b. The compilation of estimated tables of equipment and supplies for units and projects of OTR. e. The ascertaining of space requirements and the coordination of requests for assignment and equipping of space. d. The provision end coordination of transportation and travel services for the Office of Training. e. The development and use of a suspense syetem to assure timely foilene.up actions on pending requests. PROCEDURES a. Requests for services and supplies may be made directly to the Suppler and Services Section either orally or by memorandum. Depend- , 25X1A 25X1A ing upon the nature and scope of the request, the Chiefel Iis authorized torequire whatever official approval is necessary. b. Procedures concerning specific supply and services items eill be covered by separate OTR Regulations. Distribution: ALL OTR PERSONNEL RESTRICTED a11.011.10.1. 4.1.641011010... MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A 25X1A14a Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ' Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 ge+aleieft?NeleIeAele Security Information CTR OFFICE OF TRAINZNG REGULATION NO. 5D4 SUBJECT t WEEKEND AND HOLIDAY STANDBY DUTY OFFICER 30 April 1952 25X1A 10 in accordance with CIA Regelationr------lohich requires Office Heeds or their appointed representatives to be on cell during off-duty hours* a system of Weekend and holiday Standeby Duty for OTR is hereby established? The Duty Officer designated will act for the Director of Training on all official matters that may ariee during his tour of duty. 2. The Director of Training will select a roster of Stand-by Duty Officers based on the recommendations of the-Deputy Directors* OTR. This rester will be pebliehed in the OTR Notices serieaby the Administrative Officers OTR. 30 The Administrative Officer's OTR will provide the CIA Watch Officee with the OTR Stand-by Duty Roster which will include the home addresses and home telepho numbers of all Officers listed0 ee a. The Weekend and Honda* Standeby Duty Officer will be available for duty from the lose of business (1703) on the day preceding the weekend or boli day to 0830 on the dgy following the weekend or holiday? The Duty Officer will be available* by telephones to the CIA Watch Officer at all times during his tour of duty. He will inform the Witch Officer where he may be reached if other than at home? b. Personnel assigned Weekend Standeby. Duty will be on duty in Room 1024 "I" Building.* CIA Extension :3521s during the hours 0810-1230 on Saterday in order to handle OTR matter's for the Director of Treiriug. c. WeekendeHolidgy Stand-by Duty Officers may be relieved of that portion of duty as outlined in b) above* if another master of the staff will be on duty these hours and can perfore..his work in Roam 1024 "I" Building? The alternate staff member most be one eho is also subject to WeekendeHoliday Standeby Duty. , d. All Officers scheduled -for Standby Duty will be responsible for performing the duty on the date assigned. In the event the designated Officer cannot carry out the assigned dutyvhe will arrange for a substitute from among the Officers on the duty =stele The Administrative Officer* OTR will be notified of ell such substitutions. Distribution All Stargeby Duty Minors 'MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training --kq-?-114:144 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 5X1A Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 awity Infomation (TR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO, 60-1 (TIM SUBJECT: BRIEFING OF TRAINING LIAISON OFFICERS RECISION: 0/TR REGULATION NOV. 60-X CrR(G1 dated 21 May 1952 L, POLICY 16 June :19q. Briefings shall be conducted by TR(G) for each new4 appointed Trainirg Liaison Officer (T.L.0,) of the Agemay in order to acquaint him with,the Staff and Division Chiefs and to inform him of 1,-,he plans and programa of TWO. 2. RESPONSIBILITY It shall be tha responlibility of the Plans and Policy Staff to administer and coordinate within TRW thc briefings of newXy appointed Train- ing Liaison ?Moog's. 3? PROCEDURES (0/TR(0) a. Briefings willnomally be canducted on Thursday afternoon rld Friday mornings. . b. The following schedule wi'1.1 be used as a guide: 1. Thursday Afternoon 2 1:30 Chiefs- Plans and. Policy Staff 2:00 Deputy Direntor of Training, (General) 2:30 Chief, Support Staff 3:00 External Training Programs Staff 3:30 Chief, Testirg and Evaluation Division (Personnel Office) 4100. Chief, General Training Division Friday Morning 9;00 Chief, Langrageibermioes Diviaion 10:00 Read, CIA Intelligence School 1%:00 Chief, Orientation and Briefing Divisien? c. On Thursday afternoons the limber of the Plans ard Policy SLaff conducting the T.L.O. tour will escort and introdwo the T.L.0, to the named Officers at the stated time. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Security Information OTR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION NO. 60-1 CER(G) d. The member of the Plans and Policy Staff conducting the tour will make appointments for the T.L,O. to see the named Officers at the stated times on Friday morning, e, Each T.L.O. will be informed that his briefings will require all of Thursday afternoon and Friday morning so that he will be prepared to spend the tine necessary for proper briefings. I% So far aa possible? T.L.O's will be briefed in groups? so as to lessen the time TR(G) must spend in briefings g. TR(G) Officers concerned will be given timely advance notice by the Plans and Policy Staff of proposed briefings and they will hold open, as far as possible, the time slated for their briefing in order to minimize changes to the schedule. 25X1A Distribution: ALL TR(0) PERSONNEL /i r,eTT . BAIRD Director of Training S-E-O-R-E,T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A14b Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 S-E-C-R-E-T Security Information 12 November 1952 MEMORANDUM FOR : 0/TR Staff and Division Chiefs SUBJECT : 0/TR Regulation No. 70-1 Each Staff and Division Chiefof TR(G) shall be respon- sible for the fulfillment of the mission and functions of his Staff or Division as indicated in the series of statements at- tached hereto, as 0/TR Regulation No. 70-1, dated 12 November. MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/0MGEtaDR-REP56-00403A000100040013-1 Security Information COPY NO. AiL 12 November 1952 OFFICE OF TRAINING OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATION 70-1 SUBJECT: MISSION AND FUNCTIONS OF THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING AND STAFF AND DIVISION CHIEFS OF THE OFFICE OF TRAINING (GENERAL) 1. Organization Chart of the Office of Training 2. Mission and Functions of the Director of Training 3. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Plans and Policy Staff 4. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Orientation and Briefing Division 5. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Junior Officer Training Division 6. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Intelligence Training Division 7. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Programs Division 8. Mission and Functions of the Chief, Language Services Division 9. Mission and Functions of the Chief. Management Training Division DISTRIBUTION: ALL SECTION, BRANCH, DIVISION, AND STAFF CHIEFS OF 0/TR S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05A1c11044-igegg000100040013-1 DIRECTOR OF TRAINING MISSION The Director of Training shall develop and direct Agency training programs and review Office training programs; represent the Director of Central In- telligence on subjects related to training; participate in the formulation of the policies and plans of the Career Service Board; determine require- ments for Agency training facilities in the United States; in accordance with the applicable provisions of Public Law 110 (81st Congress, 1st Ses- sion), provide for Agency participation in training programs at appropri- ate external facilities, public and private, in the United States and abroad; and establish and maintain standards of achievement for Agency personnel in Agency training programs. FUNCTIONS The Director of Training shall: A. Serve as permanent member of the CIA Career Service Board. B. Serve as advisory representative on the Professional Selection Panel. C. Formulate and carry out training policies, plans, standards, and pro- grams to increase the capabilities of personnel to serve the Agency. D. Develop and direct, in coordination with appropriate Offices, train- ing programs in the United States relating to the skills and techniques required in the specialized operational activities specifically charged to the Agency. E. Develop and direct within the Agency training programs relating to the principles, methods, and objectives of national intelligence. F. Determine the physical facilities in the United States needed to meet the requirements of Agency training programs. G. Provide for the training of personnel in language, area, and special- ized functional fields. H. Conduct indoctrination.for new personnel and orientation for Agency, governmental, and other personnel, as required, in the mission, func- tions, and organization of the Central Intelligence Agency. I. Provide management training for executives, administrators, and super- visors to improve their skills in conserving the human and physical re- sources of the Agency. J. Direct a comprehensive program for the selection, professional training and career preparation of junior officer personnel in cooperation with the various Offices of the Agency. 12 November 1952 -1- 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 :?1t-J5INZ.-90403A000100040013-1 Security Information K. Indoctrinate and train clerical personnel in Agency office practices and procedures and other clerical skills. L. Establish the standards of performance to be met by Agency personnel in Agency training programs, and, after consultation with the appropri- ate Office Bead, terminate the training of personnel for failure to meet prescribed standards of performance. M. Review Office training programs, including on-the-job training, and ad- vise and assist the Offices in the development, direction and conduct of such training. N. Maintain, in coordination with appropriate Offices, relationships with officials in governmental and private institutions in the United States and abroad for the purpose of providing training programs. 12 November 1952 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 -2- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CtAltlfrP511=00403A000100040013-1 CHIEF, PLANS AND POLICY STAFF (TR/9) MISSION The Chief, Plans and Policy Staff, shall act as planning officer and policy advisor to the Director of Training and the Deputy 'Director of Training (General). FUNCTIONS The Chief, Plans and Policy Staff, shall: A. Identify Agency training requirements, both immediate and long range, in collaboration with the various office heads Of the Agency and ap- propriate division chiefs of the Office of Training. B. Formulate and recommend training policies, procedures, plans, stan- dards, and programs to meet Agency training requirements and to in- crease the capabilities of personnel to serve the Agency. C. Review and make recommendations on the poliCies, procedures, plans, standards, and programs developed by the division chiefs of the Of- fice of Training (General). D. Develop and. recommend solutions to organizational and training prob- leMs of the Director of Training and the Deputy Director of Training (General) relating to the conduct of the Office of Training mission. E. Design plans and make recommendations regarding the organization, mis- sion, and functions of appropriate components of the Office of Training. F. Establish and maintain relationships with governmental and non-govern- mental institutions of actual and potential support to Agency training programs. G. Establish the scope and terms of reference for the production of train- ing manuals and other aids required in the training of professional per- sonnel in the Agency. H. Provide the secretariat for meetings with Agency Training Officers. I. Serve as a member of the Office of Training Career Service Board. 12 November 1952 00/TR REGULATION 70-1 -3- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/0134JecgrA6-00403A000100040013-1 Security Inrination CHIEF, ORIENTATION AND BRIEFING DIVISION (ILO MISSION The Chief, Orientation and Briefing Division, shall develop, direct and pre- sent briefings, lectures, indoctrination courses, and orientation programs on national intelligence activities and on the mission and functions of the Agency and its components, for selected Agency and governmental personnel and for designated non-governmental individuals and groups. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Orientation and Briefing Division, shall: A. Conduct an indoctrination course for new personnel entering on duty with the Agency. B. Conduct a comprehensive orientation program for selected personnel of the Agency and of other governmental agencies. C. Administer a program of presentations by key Agency officials to senior personnel Of the Agency on plans, programs, objectives, and problems arising out of the various activities of the Agency. D. Provide for briefings of outgoing service attaches on intelligence sub- jects essential to their mission. E. Present special briefings to high-level personnel, consultants, selected governmental and foreign officials, at the request of the Director of Central Intelligence, Deputy Directors, Director of Training, or Assis- tant Directors. F. Present special lectures at various Department of Defense schools and Colleges, the Foreign Service Institute of the Department of State, and other institutions, as directed. 12 November 1952 00/TR REGULATION 70-1 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 S-E-C-R-E-T - Approved For Release 2002/05/14e&000100040013-1 CHIEF, JUNIOR OFFICER TRAINING ravIsIoN (12/.2) MISSION ?????????1011.1?MWM? The Chief, Junior Officer Training Division, shall develop and direct a com- prehensive program for the selection and career preparation of new junior of- ficer personnel of exceptional qualifications in order to meet current and long range requirements of the Agency for professionally trained personnel. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Junior Officer Training Division, shall: A. Identify, in collaboration with the various office heads of the Agency, requirements for junior officer personnel. B. Assess, evaluate, and select personnel and arrange for their entry into the junior officer program. C. Develop, prescribe, and supervise programs of combined training and duty assignments for the purpose of increasing the professional competence and further the career preparation of junior officer personnel, in coop- eration with the various office heads of the Agency and appropriate di- vision chiefs of the Office of Training. D. Correlate assessments and evaluations of the performance of junior of- ficer personnel in training and on-duty assignments, in order to pre- scribe appropriate modifications to their career preparation programs. E. Recommend, in collaboration with the Office of Personnel and appropri- ate office heads of the Agency, the placement of junior officer person- nel in permanent duty assignments in the Agency. F. Arrange for the entry into the Armed Forces of selected junior officers WithOUt'prior-militar Service for training and specified active duty, and on their return ta the Agency, prescribe a program for the comple- tion of their career preparation. 12 November 1952 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 S.E-C-R-S-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/4pS1#466-00403A000100040013-1 5ecuri y n orrnation CHIEF, INTELLIGENCE TRAINING DIVISION (TRIG) MISSION The Chief, Intelligence Training Division, shall develop, direct and conduct training programs in the principles, methods and objectives of national in- telligence designed to relate the professional competence of selected Agency personnel to the profession of intelligence, and to increase their profes- sional competence in the field of national intelligence. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Intelligence Training Division, shall: A. Identify, in collaboration with appropriate'office heads, requirements for intelligence training at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. B. Sevelop? direct and conduct a basic intelligence course for selected professional personnel of the Agency. C. Develop, direct and conduct refresher and intermediate intelligence train- ing courses in specified intelligence methods and techniques for selected junior and senior professional personnel of the Agency. D. Develop, direct and conduct an advanced course in the theory and princi- ples of national intelligence for selected senior professional personnel of the Agency. E. Establish and Maintain performance standards to be met by Agency person- nel in intelligence training courses, and assess and evaluate such per- sonnel for career development purposes. F. Establish and maintain relationships with appropriate otficers of the Agency and of the 14C agencies concerning intelligence training. G. Direct and supervise a reading improvement course designed to increase the reading speed and reading comprehension of selected Agency personnel. 12 November 1952 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 -6- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/0191A000100040013-1 ualr-Lv.r- CHIEF, PROGRAMS DIVISION (212) MISSION The Chief, Programs Division, shall plan, develop and arrange for programs providing specialized training in area, area combined with language, and technological, industrial and other substantive fields, within the Agency and at appropriate public and private facilities, in the United States and abroad, in order to increase the knowledge-in-depth of selected Agency per- sonnel in specialized fields subsidiary to the field of national intelligence. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Programs Division, shall: A. Identify, in collaboration with appropriate office heads, immediate and long range requirements for specialized training. B. Evaluate the capabilities of external facilities providing specialized training and designate those suitable for Agency use for various pur- poses. C. Plan, develop, and arrange for programs of specialized training for se- lected Agency personnel within the Agency and at designated external fa- cilities. D. Establish standards to be met by external facilities designated for Agency use and recommend termination of the use of such facilities for failure to satisfy prescribed standards. E. Establish and maintain achievement standards to be met by Agency person- nel in training at designated external facilities and recommend termina- tion of the training of personnel for failure to satisfy required achieve- ment standards. F. Review, with the aid of a panel or consultants, as appropriate, all re- quests for specialized training and recommend action to be taken. G. Arrange for the entry of selected Agency personnel; in accordance with Appropriate security and administrative procedures, into institutions providing approved specialized training facilities. H. Administer and supervise a program for the training of selected Agency personnel in the various Department of Defense schools and colleges. 2 November 1952 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 -7- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05e 2A 3M000100040013-1 CHIEF LANGUAGE SERVICES DIVISION (TR/G) MISSION The Chief, Language Services Division, shall develop, direct, conduct and arrange for language training programs within the Agency and at appropri- ate. public and private facilities, in the United States and abroad, in or- der to provide appropriate levels of language proficiency for selected Agency personnel. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Language Services Division, shall: A. Identify, in collaboration with appropriate office heads, requirements for language training. B. Evaluate the capabilities of external facilities providing language training and designate those suitable for Agency use in various languages. C. Develop and direct language training courses and operate a language lab- oratory within the Agency to provide basic and advanced language train- ing for selected Agency personnel on a group, individual, and self-study basis. D. Plan, develop and arrange for language training programs at designated external facilities. E. Represent the Office of Training at various language institutes and meetings of learned societies in order to adapt for use in the Agency the best current methods and techniques of language instruction. F. Represent the Office of Training on all inter-departmental language com- mittees and maintain relationships on language training activities with appropriate officers in other governmental agencies. G. Develop linguistic methodology and training techniques, and training aids based On the best experience available in the audio and visual language training fields. 12 November 1952 0/TR REGULATION 70-1 -8- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 S-E At0B4W3A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002A5j it CHIEF, MANAGEMENT TRAINING DIVISION (TEL) MISSION The Chief, Management Training Division, shall develop, direct and conduct training programs designed to advance the techniques of effective manage- ment and to increase competence in clerical skills throughout the Agency. FUNCTIONS The Chief, Management Training Division, shall: A. Identify, in collaboration with appropriate office heads, the require- ments for training in management and in clerical skills throughout the Agency. B. Recommend policiesand develop and provide programs for the training of executive, administrative, and supervisory personnel with reference to their management functions, within individual offices or Agency-wide, as required. C. Develop and provide induction training for new clerical personnel, re- fresher training for clerical personnel on the job, and specialized clerical training to meet the specific needs of individual offices. D. Represent the Office of Training at meetings of the American Management Association, the Society for the Advancement of Management, the American Society for Public Administration, the Society for Personnel Administra- tion, the American Political Science Association, and other similar asso- ciations for the purpose of adapting for use in the Agency the best prac- tical thinking in the field of management training. 12 November 1952 00/TR REGULATION 70-1 -9- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 OR OFFICE OF TRAINING REGULATXON IO 704/1 SUBJECT RECISION, TRANSFER OF THE ISSESSMENT AND EVALUATION STAFF 9 FebruarY 1953 Paragraph 2ob0s, OTR Notice Noo 26-52 TRW, dated I Deem:Mbar 1952 Effective this date the Assecuraesst and Evaluation Staff ts transferred from the Office of Training (Special) and estab- lished as a Staff under the Director of Trai'mirgo 2o The mission and functions of the Staff are hereby extended to include the suppoxt of all notivities of the Office of Trainingr, MATTHEW BAIRD =rector of Training Distributions All Section, Brencho Division9 tnA Staff Chefst OTR iT Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP56-00403A000100040013-1 25X1A