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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP55-00001A000100150024-4.pdf209.97 KB
Approved For Release ? 2000/09/13: CIA-RDP55-0000TAQ0i15*f14-4 2. CoulA rv'ide on-the-job train; tiui sind printing. for peroonel of other or activities. Instructor percc nel ? aul d be ticn or records r pn t, depending at time elemen rq I AND 3ECITt Present a iatrative art is adequate, 2. Not in a poattit' to offer any inatru of .* atever a k on duty. wort is adequa 2, Doo not agme with practice of ps frcxz outoid -few a oriel ich lend process of i rvice prwacdbicn a8 in tin clan. I mdq round ma 3. Agrow -Ath plan to a to lirh estimate of 3 af(.F I s? JOBNO... . REV NEXT RE`'Y Appro' F` ek .r. S C t` . JUST..222. Ty , 0C. _ 9/13 -rRD; %( 0001 A000100 50024-4 vorw-.w-%A 4-11-1 -- D !!O.--__. Doc. No4-KO CHANGE Approved For Release,,000/09/13: CIA-RDP55-00001A000100150024-4 Seeuri r Infor tion 1. Present administrative support is adequate. 2. Manag aente s day-to-di contacts ' all components of the Agency have resulted in these observation regarding Ad'zinistrative Officers sa a, Unquestionably there in a lack of depth, both gea r =ide and of tc uidos of properly trained and qualified administrative personnel. b, In the paaet, they have found several cases where key Agency of'f'icials a p p a r e n t 3 y eere reluctant to delegate a c t u a l a dmi n! tra- tive authorities and functions to their administrative staffs* a, A critical deficient it the overall progran might be d aided as the lack of ursdorsstanding on the part of most admen i.. sstsr'ati ve peracarmel in hat ? to utilize the services a f* adminics t.ra- tive9 pro;rwa s of the Agency, (Cffice administration vs. centr-il administration,) Most office 4tniatrativo staffs wad be ovoass3derab],y more,- succesrfi.1 in the acco plish t of their .)7wz mission if they had a :>et t;cr understanding of the missions :,r: functions probe as and 1:U-6tt tic?ns o:r the administrative of ` eea of CIA. 1. Present as sinistrative support is adequate. 2. Is in a position to provide infor! mid on the financial. -hasee of acbinistrutionj, but not in Y o3it instructors except on a to rarr, part-time basis. 1. Stron *1y in favor of an "adnstinistrative officer tra inir pro Cannot supply instructors or prepare 'instructional material at this time, recd mends the following as a present subetitittee and leg-range plans a. Ii ediate and presently operating on-the-lob traixd-ng 01 b. .on possibles the preparation of an instructional manual rain eupply proceduurss asap,' operations. bie, the part-time re'liar services of quas l! Procure went Office emplcrrees5 to ruder pertinent supply lectures. CONMIMMM Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA{RDP55-00001 A000100150024-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP55-00001A000100150024-4 Security 3ntcation 2, Roomsends that a of r4te of pMrose scum be dcvi et with the establishment of requirettent;i and grading in proi`icien7 ? mar, ification to indicate an individual's acceptable co ..etion of the .d ' edica1 Offices ad ved that their te? They had icy other eo iente P N?. d XAL Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-F DP55-00001AO00100150024-4