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Approved For Releas.2Q40/0gt"C - 0001AO W00150020-8 REPORT OF TRAINING ACTIVITILS CONDUCTED BY TH.; PEIWNNNEL OFFICE I. The Personnel Office toes not conduct training in Categ_ories I, II, and III. II. Training activities in Category IV (Administrative training - clerical and professional). A. Formal training is conducted by the Personnel Pool, located in the Personnel Testing Branch, Personnel Division (Overt). Individuals trained are employees in clerical categories who are assigned to the Personnel Pool on a provisional, temporary basis pending "secret" or "full" security clearance. B. The purpose of the Personnel Pool traininf program is: 1. To increase and help maintain the clerical skills which the new employee is presumed to possess to a reasonable degree before entering on duty. To teach the proper use of English to those employees whose test scores indicate the need, emphasizing the vocabulary and phraseology peculiar to the Government and to CIA in particular. 3. To acquaint the new employee with methods and proce- dures practiced in CIA offices, emphasizing the security requirements peculiar to this agency. 4. To instruct the individual employee in skills and practices relevant to his future work assignment, wherever and to the greatest extent possible. C. Training Courses: 1. Typing. Classes are set up according to the varying de&ree of student proficiency, as follows: Class Title Speed Elementary 20-40 w.p.m. Clerk-Typing 30-50 w.p.m. Steno-Typing 50-70 w.p.m. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP55-00001AO00100150020-8 Approved For Releastr2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP55-00001 ADOQ100150020-8 2. Shorthand. Students are enrolled in either an Intermediate or an Advanced Shorthand Class., according to their skill. In addition, all advanced students are required and a few inter- mediate students are permitted to attend the class in Shorthand Transcription. The classes are nominally divided according to speed groups as follows: Class Title Speed Intermediate Take dictation at less than 30 w.p.m. Advanced Take dictation at more than 80 w.p.m. 3. English Usage. This course is not sub-divider. according to student proficiency. It is given as an integrated course to all persons for whom a need is established. 4. Office Practice. This course has not been sub- divided according to student experience or previous training. It is given as an integrated course for all clerical personnel. D. Duration of courses: 1. Typing. Given on a continuin?,. basis. However, on each F~-iday instruction is given in the use of dittoes, stencils, dictaphone, electric typewriters, multilith mats, carbons and typing shortcuts; the complete cycle of this special instruction is covered every three weeks, 2. Shorthand. Given on a continuing basis. 3. English Usa?'?e. Cycle completed every three weeks. 4. Office Practice. Approximately 13 days are required for one presentation of the entire syllabus. E. Number of instructors: two full-time clerical skills instructors. F. Number of students: Formal training programs following the course pattern outlined in this report was initiated in June 1951. Since that time, 53!. individuals have participated as students. Approved For Release 2000/09/134: C~~{[3P3101A000100150020-8 Approved For Rgleae 2000/09/1 :;CIA-. P55-0Q.O04A000100150020-8 III. Training activities in Category V (on-the-job training). A. Rotating assignments throughout the Personnel office are scheduled for a group of junior administrative or management assistants. B. The purpose of this program is to provide training for persons whose background. shows special promise for effective performance in personnel administration. C. Scope: Under the sponsorship of the Personnel Studies and Procedures Staff, the employees designated to participate in this program are assigned to various parts of the Personnel Office (and occasionally to other administrative staff or service offices) to become familiar with the functions and operations of those offices through firsthand observation and work performance activities. D. Duration and frequency: The training program is of approximately one year's duration, and is conducted on a continuing basis, i.e., not all participants are inducted simultaneously. E. Instructor: The Chief, Personnel Studies and rrocedures Staff is director of this program. F. Students: Since the initiation of this program during the summer of 1951, six persons have been selected for participation as trainees. I lAt. SLC mill WIMMAT1ON Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP55-0000lA000100150020-8