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Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-003388A_ 000100020002-0. HEii OOQUI. RTJ?RS 3904th COTPOSITE ,VINr' Camp Carson, Colorado _ INTEROFFICE '11DI'ORANDU:? Sheet No. Classification or Subject: (Identify Atchd Papers, if any) This paver forms a p rmanent part of the File Copy of this correspondence, and is not to be removed therefrom. (No each separate entry in a single series MOT,!, -- TO R +J' jI:ru s b s,;innin , >vith 1, and onclicle the no.. Draw M Ti, a line comoletely across sheet immediately NAJV(E, ------ -----__ SECTION 6__-_ yy -------------b:-- ------ entry) /t 9 Use r~`@V3~Qi~~~nas.e C~~( 33.A0001000200d2 p Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Duration - ncad lecture for Trainees pi9tl*lflf l ice' 4 only by actual -physical. perforeancso. low tion is based almost entirely be acquired to a loader degree through the -intelligent spptto*tton of certain praattOes, or through obssreratiof and instrvAtion. As an ezs lo, travel routae may be established by observing the way bird fltes, the actions of wild animals, the way a shape of a snowdrift which would. indicate the direction o winds, Gompa** bearings, or the use of the sM and start implo ? observations and confirm original headings. All these aids are iufit ocattan and, physical characteristics of the territories the seasons during which; observations we primitive *Lend bavig*tloO presupposes the abili survive, therefore the main concern of this lecture will be that seating actual travel pro'bl+e** and some of the. prineeipai laver forget, however, that inimitive travel depends on of soly interrrlatod nuelber of primitive skills and erefte. Just as a fot ation to build on, let us list them beret Hunting, of Primitive 'fools in Suildi , Fires- fts, 8nar+ee: sending equipment and mkizig emergency ciotnang, needed articles. sea of the above abbreviated sills, their proper use will 4 eautton . courage and the rationed of the savage who will pproved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 6 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 in heat or cold in order to Ton i is f kevi sa Used on elrsetva prooodur.s and Ali' ntellt.nt avoliaat1cn to the eW iegr in 0 she it restest Indian killer in. the s fa1lye on his first orrlv*l an the 141a killed betty e your body reacts to the phyeioal deasa s of a a decal, einglo handed, with two Sioux warriors a ar. A few years later be we t3hief of Scouts ender endless. but no of his it beau brief It as staated, requires know l. t possessing a general tdea of Lie destination. To son should have to i try he will travel throne and the the ogle he vii act, for if the Potation to hostile,: his entire adapted to these ft 2. Wilder quires continuous use of eyesight. y view the landscape trots the top of a hill with what he Oon then say, *L*tt s got. The erperieno#d hoot having ,can his binoanlare, settle down comfortably and start surveying Approved For Release : C64-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 side, the inland side may be sestsr U. r off hill may either be caused by Srt tle after erefull; r"onnottertnd the terrain. Distent landsa s' dti*t woo ly for obarseterieties that will Insure their rags ttisn Points or angles. fanoue Indian hunter once Pointed to marks or a broken twig at your fast. wash". Careful and Intelligent observation will if the tinge you see, whether they are dean Oxide of a to may a complete owe in route finding P elates a,. Nous sins. No-utnin rages frequently a Mar in the lowlands sy be caused by a hat at its glass an you walk one hmdr.d' route *forwards and barckwards', as game may ire out of leave# sindy year back trail carefully. to watch your future movements. err ones s*id, *An antelol in turn influence Vedetatton, animal mad bird it living in those areas. To illustrate this point? the nve more fog, and. be subjected to rare rain the inland side of a mountain r t. de carefully. A distant blur of mist say be travel route for the nos may be required. 'ravel in a aoanteincue acontry oneptouous drainage lrndmar: ra 'but is eeaplte,ted 1 by the Approved For Release : Cl -RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-OQ338A000100020002-0 eleer can readily determine the flow.. However, he will have to reconnoiter to determine for ratting or a snowfield or mountainside, can be whether a traversed without danger. Mountain travel differs from travel in rolling as there are certain cardinal rules governing climbi descending into a valley that becomes increasingly lii become progressively perpendicular, may be obliged d follow one of the ridges until easier deegeent Avalanches of earth, rock and snow must be situation, repelling with a shroud lint rope say w sues on Lee fields. The survivor mus ? or low spots leading across hills or y inhabited regions natives will occasionally far more aattuous the survivor should eltee Indications of floor in order to overtook the travel route for seek cover in ease of need. Vhou a peso by natives are fowl,, the survivor should seek and use some other and safer routs. were we find the first oxompt ins travel of the vital need of disregarding l of disregarding compass lines ant traveling frsqueoi hills and swamps all play their part -- but the need for regulating Moo exists a features and Mel" Proo*Pts. sling party should be disciplined. Scouts should wozt on both wings. They will study the areas coming into view for evasive, game and travel route possibilities. 1 light, such of their leads will be car Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 ii likewise be re, .ated by that of its fisherman or marksman. in all cases v&ere an easy trail hiss i the slewat men way at times be the most value; b.f?re the euarvivor, but calm judVent decides against its use will be I sa $=acceessary bard" 91. In survival #very effort to escape duals in every party :o may complain, bitterly to Iii'. It will bs t is stern duty to , gn#' .. yorests grow in hamid areas. is and ridges will be the easiest to follow. forests dir eetio `ieisnt in concealing cover. Along xivers# isolated found, and these my dictate *hmngee in travel .tions are unfrieendly, it will be necessary to trams securely hidden during the day. sy and providl for a greats in certain !marts of the direction of stress. will be difficult to d.t.rsineo a with poor drainage aeay add to travel difficulties. Rain sun, and at times the sa?orrienood traveler veil his course by observing landmarks coni ion, sand or snowdrifts. 'gavel under such Condition continue to 'es so until streams a definite direction come to his aid, a be observed by travelers are given bole is (I)RIS. /in enemy hold countrys seacoas fives follow the 'be"hes and villages viii be situate Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Appioved For Release : CIA-RDP54-QD338A000100020002-0 malt water. lurthermor., hills lying well inland will grarride motet arses easier 'bi vindws; . eke travel likewi se may -prove d (2) lean. Near a seacoast where prevailing wi :s rom the ocean, thicket growth will be dead or stunted Lowly tMtssing in height towerds the lees. ?race will lean a thiakar and longer on Old drifts formed by strong winds will be more fl: esd by wind# but lot of drifts by it deeper on the lees the handing Melling direction by snea - 'ratio the prevailing wind and th ward .14.. following rulosa snow surfaces after eat o you know. railing that. Common sense at+o a psnic) will tell you ae fact that the drift is r branches will Id have learned r and wider to leeward before d "Traveling by night, if there shaaedo") or. in the event thmt it Is the drifts, stag and feel the drifts caret f ours and examine them with your hssd$s . ioe,: the traveler should proceed luences (deee rival on IS$). this sub j observations, based an the location of the near- o e and there are very few son experienced in treeveel on b Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-OQ 38A000100020002-0 polar no, sarreaeo+*sst, on wilderness travel, you can Ptak itL*W information on this fora of priaitive travel, tens offer -vssible travel routos, dross a> rev -:r--Ri ak i i9;i ww w .i V 64&U, am uvij{t 1"160% as the use of the lit# lin# am Pa hest S. gas stoves are desirable, There are, on toot in hers reutrtng a uWaeum bor of teat pe; following gleotlrs. r travel will be most dm a strooms will be in cons t use by na Ni- operations,, 1re4 crossi streass must be d=# with T that no toot corks are left in the send or itlflr nt ter Al e9n>rYA61en eS NarAdh bZ Wren=r =I A a keen eyed native. Alsost every survival Procedure should be adapted t of shelters, clothing .o Oouditio*s become highly sptoialised., .s of the ut*ost in ortana,, **-Sore V most valy ble advici to a novice is to use extrec a ution ad.n tarave Leoutd+se tepvola, one of the most experl#: l*cter coresing d*"nda spectel kaww travel is that they serve as ava 1trai i saesen, re: ravel when tsmp.rstures tell to thirty as there was soaee very i portant reason for doing so, reea below sorts may, l:easant'e? he stated, abut it anything 009 wrong in these Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-O038A000100020002-0 y * few Ogre cc below se r. Usre o: sapsrat rss, children can retreat indoors a, be In for a bad t play or ]WAY In a serious separately as they "quire indlvidsal, trseat a t. situation you etrrale on ataleesly to "a is to be ca t out a springing even vhms hind Is wet with perepirstio*, tingly bitting suicide. When you fall down to a be pass to do, if oov4ht in a blissard, is to ape a A hole or oaye hollowed out with a snowshoe will do. It Voss Then roll up in your abut t of It under yno? elf you fall a an old vise e s tale, 'boast 0 you are csapletely szhu"ted, a10ap *gain* ewe y vorr'ias, es that you do not get of ;et too then yon. The eid t without s .eter. h ' efore 0e0 you should have a codortable snow a#Ta boilow , other steps taken to insure your objaotion to den blissard 1 doted the bast time for laM travel bsoaus r :m~ree~4-asde Fie: si +~339Q Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 b* if the mast difftoelt t# a for txsr rsbsae,. With a good raft, experieaaeed man can naflg areas in frtandl;r ao entry. S refer, do rtng the river navigation to dangerous. at tit b7 night is Prefer- 3 asd will dry out and rive" hats returned to Under these conditions IVA travel ri moon big gaas is dispersed, as the aovo are in zobllou a sad. U-aeaat posts d* sinrb then. Llfowx. &M their sue will fish an inexh ustiblo food s plft p&rtlovaarly slog the northern beaches where the seat owl gather and inland ae free tb medusas the ti a s well as bode of sdiltls ebol fts a in the shallow bars .will time, (dos bas he necessity of sonstmt bent; required for fer.gtng and allows an tnereaee in travel Lecture No. M. 22). The long hours of mmor sit will - the need for fires. lisequttos ant wear insects will be otherso e, greatest travel irritations, natives prefer wince de, but the s iral irate will be easier. Svs*pe will hats dried sad bec frosts, ivere lakes Seater, of the wild fowl sad t ho hiber. will increase dependent, on large 000 but sutu de aoarea snts of caribou and one Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-OU38A000100020002-0 foraging. geavy Queen of berries is Lets to the food supply. The lndt** $ er e or is still for *nys but no s G%U a Was sense of security as. hss $new a sir tall at sag atton for the approaching winter should be asst ss play an Important part in the $01#4tLON, The timberline traveler will descend to the WPTWO seacoast traveler will vatob for a, good. On the southern coast tail but also as a staple fuel. Green willow ant alder generate d in the farm of a grill will add in starting a coal raing. Pl.nty of good wood makes a h* ass , fine constitatee the survivor's best friend, it can dew. esy w it turns I"* lover leave a fire without lot Wwory p taa.tion A safety sawaasure followed by old Dien soon L r* until darknesi had fallen. string Sea out crops of was to remain on 'atch s will feral seh good fire proteetiou, firs son be difficult. ScA can be out a&A an. rooks be a licated with water. to Dry stream the Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 an Travel) . wept for the never pays. the differences is I# when the last aesquito has departed mad. a sky full are depsn4e on proper shelters and an order a a clear night, fold your sleeping beg under a tarp (to keep ate rest predicates an early start the next mooing. er fails stop early en to It you find everything you need to make & you intend to step traveling Rivers ale the easiest and feetest avenue of commusicatil site is negligible. in the *opcn but such nights are usually rare. el while in winter the frown level river surfaces wil systems a s 04' stem sir shelters do not small, for the re and could be ro03 - built ountry. in the sneer the use of rafts will a ice an both lakes and st Last this dancer the level shoes 11 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 altars will be Ileand in losture, Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 es to prone to foil the lin, be filled with winUalls or that a smooth, green e Use. the a erie shorter and easier; that an a, of least resistance impenetrable line of heaver ids. 2 t. bon are frequently extensive slideee, eOOtain,*eeep tra i tr&ble thiolrets or steps. Zezally preemie: routes b finding preoticee taxying prospeeeet#, such as the chance of "awing gees or of locating water holes. lm other words, route finding In wild count rm ition, knavlodge of wilderness "road . yort'ta.te a pregraeaeeively end tnsttstetively with tine, cad a altar nind will 9 and tars de .uctione almost, subconsciously. as, self- o !deuce, co aevtsnt aeutiort, end =limited patience which are possessed outdoor m en# will also ds rsl . On* last word of i ng. In every travoling party thers ill not conform to travel wisdom. Of the trained oatdoorsaewn in the selection hey foll-ov your *nroliable send tregeently lead in solvri some of the corn develop during travel. No is less scion be one t skill in order to wtold the slightest error in u n , Approved For Release : CIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0 esstrey 400 r att~- for or say 'p"i O the l .v. 'a lhieb st . 1s` e We is old try you obftU ions ssssr %h# nat+stssar y i t eearlatten*, will ItM that lderses trs,.l is sot trar#l flan R f a $ s travel, wit %* Iss* Approved For Release : GIA-RDP54-00338A000100020002-0