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Approved F" Q-?1?.A'L-?-'x'01/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 April 13, 1956 To: Director Bureau of Foreign Commerce *DOC Exempt Letter On File* Subjects Establishment of General License Applicable to European Soviet Bloc countries (QC Document No. 1214) A. Establishment of General License BFC is authorized, to establish a General License to European Soviet Bloc countries 1 for commodities set forth in the Appendix to this program determination. This does not apply to China, North Korea, and other Far Eastern Communist points including the Cn-nuziist- controlled areas of Viet Nam and the Communist-controlled area of Laos? B. Licensing Criteria Items meeting any of the following criteria shall be excluded from the General License authorized hereins (a) Items which are on USMESL or the Consolidated China Special List; (b) Items which are not rated, but are on the Positive List for security reasons, because of the special interest of another Government agency or department; (c) Items for which there is evidence of unusual demand from Communist China; (d) Items whose exportation is governed by a short-supply program determination; (e) Items whose supply and demand in the U.S. are in precarious balance; (f) Significant items of capital equipment, industrial or farm machinery; (g) Items usable as prototypes possessing advanced technical data of an extractable natures which data require protection from pirating for reasons of strategic or commercial policy; and (h) Schedule B numbers which include Commodity Credit Corporation Surplus agricultural commodities. C. BFC shall submit to the ACEP structure all proposals for additions to or deletions from the list of items. John D. Garrott Executive Secretary Advisory Committee on Export Policy 04P ve'tLRor Release 2001/03/02 00014A000100120008-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CONFIDENTIAL: To be hold STRICTLY CONFIDTTIAL and no portion,. synopsis or intimation is to be given out until officially released. APPENDIX Schedule B No. Animals, edible 001000-001990 meat and meat products 002000-004998 Animal oil and fats, edible 005000-005600 Fish and fish products 007000-008990 Other edible animal products 009200-009900 Hides and skins, raw, except furs: Sheep skins, dry and wet 023 002-023 004 Lamb skins, dry and wet 023006-023008 Other hides and skins, raw, except cattle, calf and kip skins 025098 Leather 030050-035900 Leather manufactures (except military footvrear, 999930) 060000-069900 Furs and manufactures 071300-075900 Animal and fish oils and greases, inedible: Oleic acid, or red oil 084700 Inedible animal greases and fats, n.e.c. 085898 Other inedible animals and animal products, except sorted, bunched, or Irrepared bristles (093500) 090000-099950 136 O 137400-137995 Nuts and preparations (except peanuts shelled and not shelled (137510-137550) Cocoa, coffee, tea, and substitutes Spices Sugar and related products : Glucose, licnuid, except pharmaceutical Sirup for table use, and edible molasses Candy Chewing gum Baby foods, confections and desserts 150100-151390 154901-154998 163 000 163100 163400--163500 163510 163600-163700 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CONFIDENTIAL "Y - Schedule B No . Beverages and related products 170106-178000 Rubber (natural, allied gums, and synthetics) and manufactures: Rubber and rubberized piece goods, fabrics and sheeting, n.e.c., except made of or employing synthetic rubber 201650 Rubber boots and shoes, and canvas shoes with rubber soles 203300-203400 Druggists' rubber sundries, the following only: atomizer bulbs; bath sponges; bath sprays; breast pumps; nipple shields; nursers; nursing bottle nipples; nursing bottle teats; pacifiers; sponges and teething rings 204100 Clothing of rubber or rubberized cloth, the following only: aprons; bathing caps; bathing shoes, bathing slippers; bathing suits; bandeaux, ladies; brassieres ; bust supporters; napes; corsets; dress shields; girdl es; household aprons; infants' aprons and bibs; infants? bloomers, diapers, and pants; reducers; reducing clothing; and sanitary belts 204300 Rubber toys, balls, and novelty balloons, except dollop golf and tennis balls (Report dolls in 940000; golf ba lls in 943200; tennis balls in 943400) 204610 Hard rubber ood t i g s, no spec ally fabricated for particular machines or equipment, except electrical hard rubber goods 205900 Solid tires, except truck and industrial 2067C'0 Rubber tiling and flooring Rubber mat d tt 209410 s an ma ing 209420 Natural and synthetic rubber manufactures, n.e.c., not specially fabricated for particular machines or equipment, the following only: artgum erasers; basin plugs; bath plugs; beach bags; buffers; bumpers; caps for millinery racks; chair tips; closet tank balls; concave cushions; cord undershoes, rubber-impregnated; crutch tips; cushions; door bumpers; door weather-strip; door-stops; ear pads; easier (cord undershoes, rubber-impregnated); elastic bands? stationers'; erasers, including pencil plugs; eye guards; eyelets; grips; gum erasers, of vegetable oils; hand pads; hand stamps; handle grips; hat bags (for hat manufacturing); hoof pads; horseshoe pads; mallets; masks and false faces, except novelty; mat patches; mauls; mud shields; nose clips; pasterollers; pencil plugs; plungers; rubber bands; safety gripper attachments; shoulder pads; shower curtains; sink plugs; skate strap pads (rubber chief value); soap dishes; soap erasers; table tops; tank balls; top lifts for heels; typewriter erasers; weatherstrip; and window weatherstrip. 209990 Approved For Release 20&U 3 ~ 'A-RDP64-00014A000100120008-1 It Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CONFIDENTIAL Commodity Drugs, herbs, leaves, and roots, prude; Cascara bark Other crude drugs, herbs, leaves and roots, except cinchona bark, pyrethrum (insect flowers), and rotenone-bearing roots Vegetable oils, fats, and waxes, crudes Peppermint, spearmint and other mint oils, natural Citrus oils, natural Cassia oil, and aniseed oil Vegetable waxes, crude Nursery and floral stock Vetable fibers and manufactures: Hemp;) unmanufactured Oth:P.r unmanufactured vegetable fibers, except jute, Schedule B No. 220100 220988 226800-226900 227110-227150 227998 229000 manila or abaca, sisal or henequen 320598 Handkershiefs, linen 339935 Vegetable fiber manufactures, n.e.c. (including straw or grass manufactures, and articles of mixed fibers, vegetable fibers chief weight) (excludes cordage, cord, twine, yarns, and other manufactures of jute, flax, and ramie) 349998 Hair and manufactures, n,e.c, 369070-369900 Silk and manufactures, except parachute cloth (372005) 370200-379900 Man-made (synthetic) fibers and manufactures: Rags and clips of rayon or other man-made (synthetic) fibers, and used civilian clothing, including hosiery 384084-384086 Broad woven goods, wholly or chiefly of man-made (synthetic) fibers by weight, except parachute cloth 384600-384990 Knit fabric in the piece 384992 Ribbons and other narrow woven fabrics, except nylon webbing; fringes, trimmings and braids; wearing apparel.; and house furnishings 384996-385890 Man-made (synthetic) fiber manufactures, n.e.c., except nylon fishing line, unfinished; nylon twine; and nylon rope Miscellaneous textile products : Linoleum, felt base coverings,, and oilcloth for floor, shelf, table, and wall 390100-391100 Window-shade cloth (all types) 391300 Book cloth 391410-391420 Coated or impregnated fabrics, except those treated with or containing polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g., Teflon) or monochlorotrifluoroethylene Textile manufactures, n.e.c. 391500-391790 391800-399900 Wood, unmanufactured, except Port Orford cedar (401700) 400100-403900 Approved For Release 2001/03/02: C lot8PJ .4 jQ014A000100120008-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CONFID1 NTIAL -4-- Commodity Schedule B No. Sawmill products, except Port Orford cedar (405720) 405111-415920 Wood manufactures: Wood containers and shooks, cooperage and cooperage stock 416000-420990 Veneers 421601-421609 Softwood plywood, interior type 421740 Shingles 422500 Millwork 422620-423990 Wood pipe, conduit, vats, tanks, and wood components for cooling towers 424070 Furniture and specially fabricated parts, noose., chief value rattan, reed, cane, willow,'grass, fiber, wood or upholstery and wood 424300-424600 Shoe lasts 427000 Handles (including pulls, knobs, helves, hafts, grips and backs) 428500-428900 PeLCi1 slats 429150 Used or salvaged building and construction materials of wood, except fuel wood 429600 Woodenware 429850 Paper base stocks, except pulp 469803-469998 Paper? related products and manufactures: Paper, except building paper: Groundwood paper, printing and converting 480300-480400 Book paper, printing and converting 480600-480700 Fine paper: Writing paper 480900 Bristols 481000 Cigarette paper on bobbins or in sheets 481100 Cover paper 481300 Coarse paper 481650-482200 Tissue paper 482950-483000 Absorbent paper and products, n.e.c. 483100 Paperboard and building paper 483300-484750 Flexible wood and vegetable fiber thermal insulation 484900 Art corners, albums and paper tags only 489900 Coal and related fuels, except coke (500400).and charcoal (5005.00) Stone, hydraulic cement and lime: Building and monumental stone, and manufactures 510100-512700 Standard Portland cement 516400 Concrete and cement manufactures 517000 Lime 517100 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA5RDP64-00014A000100120008-1 COIV.[ODITY Schedule B No, Glass and products: Flat glass: Plato glass, and shoot and window glass, except colored and, laminated 521210-52.1.5 i.O Flat glass and products, n.o,c., oxcopt laiminatod glass and manufactures 521800--523098 Glass bricks and blocks 523150 Unfilled glass containers, now and used 523210-523600 Table and kitchen glassware 523710-524018 Lamp chinmoys, lantern globos, and globos and shades for lighting fixtures 525500-526100 Clay and products; Clays, except fire clay 530907-530912 Pottorys Table and kitchon articles and utensils for use in cooking, preparing, serving and storing food and drink. 532010-532050 Sanitary articles 533210-533400 Othor-pottery, oxcopt chomical and industrial 533800 Structural clay products (oxcopt pottery and refractories) 536900-537600 Other nonmetallic minerals (precious included): Abrasives: Grindstonos.and pulpstonos, natural 540600 Pulpstonos of manufactured abrasives 541220 Asphalt tiles 546000 Manufacturos of natural asphalt and bitumen 547100 Gypsum and manufactures 548350-548700 Rook wool, and other somi-rigid and "Fill" mineral insulating materials, n.o.o., except glass fiber and glass fiber products 549010 Salt, crude and refined 572400 Gravel 596033 Stone, crushed, ground, or broken 596035-596037 Other non-metallic mineral products, the following onlyt agate articles, except jewelry; agates; blast furnace slag; carbon clinkors; oindors; crude chalk, except precipitated; crude vermiculite; dantoro plaster aggregate; foldspar; firostone; fluxing stone; glazing stones; ground coal (sea coal); lava, unmanufactured; meorschaum, imitation and natural, unmanufacturod; obsidianite; sea coal, slag, except basic; stucco; and volcanic ash and earth 596098 Precious, semiprecious, synthetic and imitation stones, except genuine and synthetic diamonds, jewel bearings, rubies, sapphires, and diamond bearings 599098 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : GW1 Cp00014A000100120008-1 App TI Jr Release 2001/03/e2-: CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 COTu OBITY Schedule B No. Dotal manufactures: Cutlory and parts (other than table flatware) except 611200-611890 machine knives and blades (611820) Table flatware and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c.: 611920 Silver plated 611940-611950 Metals, except precious Hollovuware n.o.c., solid or plated, and specially fabricated parts, n.o.c.z 611990 Metals, except precious Cooking and kitchen utensils, and specially fabri- parts, n.e.o. catod Kitchen appliances and tools, hand-operated, and 612010-612355 612356 specially fabricated parts, n.o.o. Vitreous enameled products, n.e.c., and specially 612360 fabricated parts, n.o.o. Tinware and other sheet metal ware, n.e.c. (including 612370 galvanized), and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c, Metal partitions,, shelving, lookers, eases, cabinets, counters, and other fixtures, n.o.c., and specially-613010 fabricated parts, n.o.c. 612910612910-613010 Metal office equipment Metal household furniture, and specially fabri" 613610-613650 sated parts, n.o.o. 614310-614340 Domestic cooking stoves and ranges Hardware (except stainless steel): Furniture hardware, and specially fabricated parts, 618410-618460 n.e.c. Hardware, n.e.a., all metals, except copper-base 618800-618840 alloys (618830) Metal plumbing fixtures and fittings, and 618851-618859 specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. Wire products, n.e.a.: Picture cord only, iron and steel, except stainless steel 619061 Picture cord only, iron and steel, except 619065 stainless stool Other wire products, n.e.c., not specially fabri- cated for particular machines and equipment, the following only: fasteners for paper milk bottle caps; grating with wire center, steel; needleboard preseboards; wire baskets, including wire looker baskets with hanger guide attachment assembly; wire insulators for conveyor bolting; wire inserts for upholstery webbing; wire nets, finished; wire rope clamps; and helically coiled 619069 wire inserts Metal signs, except electric 619861-619865 619865 Silver-plated manufactures, n.e.c. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Approved f6 f"F qM 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 -7- COMMODITY Schedule B No . Electrical machinery and apparatus: Electric household type refrigerators 705715 Electric free air circulating fans 706100 Electric household laundry equipment 706812-706820 Electric household motor-driven appliances, n,e.e, except freezers, 705725, and specially fabrica- ted parts, n.e.c. 706910-707050 Electric flatirons 707100 Electric household cooking and heating appliances and utensils, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. Electric commercial cooking and food service equipment, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts, n,e.c. Parts, n,e.o ? specially fabricated for electric free air circulating fans Const-uction, excavating, mining and related machinery: Water sprinkler tanks Overhead hoists (pendant type) Other industrial machines, and parts: Air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, nnc.c., and parts, n.e.c.: Ice-making machines, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts and accessories, n.o.c. Self-contained commercial typo refrigerators and freezers, n.e.c., except blood., bone, and tissue bank freezers, and deopfreozo storage cabinets Commercial type refrigerators and freezers (other than self-contained), n.e.c., except refrigerating systems for trucks and railway cars and walkin coolers Parts, n.e,c., specially fabricated for replacement only in air-conditioning and refrigeration equip- ment specified in this list under Schedule B Nos, 765050, 765610 and 765910 722045 723110 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 R For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Cti -S CJMMODITY Schoduly R No. Other industrial machino.s, and parts (continu.)d): Pumping oquipment, n.,-,c.; Hana pumps, n.e. c? and winaimill pumps 770960 So;lf-contained h~usohold wator systoms (with or without tanks) 770970 S rvico station pumps-only 770975 Corruats 827000 Cemonting preparations for repairing, soaling, and adhesive use, tho following only: automobile top sealer; concrcto flog patch; floor cement; linoloum cement, oxcopt rubber; linoleum paste, except rubbor; roofing comont; and running board cement 327400 Polishos: Mtal and shove polishes 829000 Shoo polishes and shoo cleaners 829100 Loather dressings, the following only: auto top dressing; bolt dressing; and sh~.o drossing 829200 Flcor wax, word and furniture polisho 829300 Automobilo polishes 829400 Synthetic ossontial oils 829510 txomatic ohomicals of ?synthetic origin 829530 Aromatic c~,mpounds containing natural and/or synthetic essontial oils and/or aromatic chemicals of natural and synthotic origin fcr porfumory use 829540 Flavors and flavoring extracts, natural and synthetic 829555-829595 Poctin and preparations 829r,00 Licorice oxtract and mass 829950 Chomical spocialty compounds, n.o.c., the following only: brow~3rs t finings; chemical compounds, frr manufactur- ing ico cream; chill proofing camp-)und; clarifier fcr boor or alo; clarifying prwdor, for wines; ctonatur?~j3 alcohol, solidified; hat finishing pwder; ink oradicators; laundry your; lipstick bases; lipstick waxes; marble polish; moat curing crmprund; platinum plating solutions; resin size; shaving cream base, c nocntratod; silk- stocking savors, in tablet fc-rm; silver 'and platinui liquids for decorating china and glass; and yeast food (dough c^nditionor) 829990 Industrial ch.;micals (exclusive of modicinal chemicals, USP and NO: Groom of tartar (synthetic included) 835900 5cdi= bicarbonate or baking soda 836700 -Hyu.rogon poroxido. or dioxialo, 5% solution or loss 839730 Pigments, paints and varnishcu: Iron oxide pigments, dry, synthoticand natural (mineral earth pi&monts Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 C'e' J ENra A~ Approve ro ease 2001/032 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120008-1 Schedule B No. Pigments, paints and varnishes (continued): Extender pigments, dry, the following only: barytes, ground; calcium sulfate; and gypsum, ground 840500 Bituminous coatings., liquid and plastic 843000 Artists' colors 843110 Paste and semipaste paint colors in oil, putty and paste wood fillers, n.e.c., except antifouling types (including all those containing cuprous oxide), and those containing polytetrafluoroethylene (p.g, Teflon), polytrifluorochloroethylene, and silicones 843190 Water thinned paints (all types) 843210-843250 Lacquers, aluminum, silver, gold and pearl 843310 Ready-mixed paints, stains, and enamels., except fluorescent ready-mixed paints, stains, and enamels; and except antifouling typos (including all those containing cuprous oxide), and those containing polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g. Teflon), polytrifluorochloroethylene, and silicones 843800 Varnishes (oil or spirit), natural or synthetic, n.e.c., except antifouling types (including all those contain- ing cuprous oxide), and those containing polytetra- fluoroothylene (e.g.. Teflon), polytrifluoroohloro- ethylene, and silicones 844210 Soil improvement materials 857000-857500 Soap and toilet preparations 871100-877000 Photographic and projection goods: Cameras, motion picture, substandard gauge, 8 mm 900150 Projectors, motion picture, silent., substandard gauge, 8 mm 900860 Dry plates 912700 Photographic and projection goods, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c., the following only: albums; analyzers; backgrounds, photographic; cable releases; carrying cases, for cameras and similar outfits; Cesco trays; Craig Fotofade sets; cutting boards; developing, printing, fixing, or washing tanks, trays, and machines; developing tongs; dies and punches; dry mounting presses; embossers and embossing equipment; flash synchronizers; flashing powder; hangers; Illustravox Salesmaker parts; lamp holders; lantern slides; luxometers; magic lantern parts; Mutosoope parts; photobaths, glass; photo blotters; photo scales (en)- rger part); photographic mounts; print rollers; printing frames and masks; screens; shading machines; slide film prints (silent films only); squeegees; sun shades; timers; and top sheet film craftint 914000 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 ApprovecfRrl, t"e 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014A000100120008-1 -11- COMMODITY Scientific and professional instruments, apparatus and supplies? n.e.c.: Sun glasses, sun goggles, ophthalmic spectacles, ophthalmic lenses, and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. Optical goods, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c, the following only: binocular cases; binocular loupes; cases for opera glasses; folding magnifiers; linen testers, optical; magnifying-glasses; monoculars; reading glasses; spectacle cases of all materials; stereoscopes; and View-Masters Teeth, dentures, and bridges Dental office and laboratory equipment, n.e,o , and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c., the following only: bench equipment; bracket tables; cabinets; casting machines; chairs; compound heaters; control panels; ouspidors, and cuspidor bowls; denture trimmers; grinders; investment mixers; investment Schedule B No, 914998 915200 scales; laboratory spatulas,j lights and light adapters; mats; presses; processing equipment; sand blasters; surveyors; syringes; tampers; tongs; units; vibrators; waste receivers; water heaters 915550 Musical instruments, parts, and accessories, except electric and elect-renie organs (923100)9 and phonographs and parts (923500-923900) 921100-929700 Miscellaneous office supplies, except fountain pen parts containing iridium or ruthenium and balls for ball type pen c Toys, athletic and sporting goods Miscellaneous commodities, n.e.c.: 1-day alarm clocks 957100 Watches, watch movements, and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. 958000-958950 Paintings, religious etchings, engravings, statuary (report under 983500) and antiques 961000 Jewelry and other personal ornaments, all materials, except solid gold, platinum and platinum allied metals Jewelry findings, and specially fabricated parts, Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 CoN pgrf d For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Schedule B No. Miscellaneous Bottle and c closures, commodities, n.e.c.: (continued) ontainer closures (including secondary and crown caps), accessories, and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c, 968005-968009 Buttons and parts 971100-971300 Lamps and illuminating dovides, and parts, except incandescent mantles and electric lamps 979200-979900 Matches 980000 Plastic kitchen and tableware 981510 Manufactured plastic products, n.e.c., not specially fabricated for particular machines or equipment, except all manufactures of polytetrafluoroethylene (e.g. Teflon) and polytrifluoroehloroethylene9 the following only: cigar ribbons; containers for household use (soap dishes, etc.); display equip- ment (forms, boxes, stands, frames);; draperies and curtains (not firm, woven); garment bags (not re- quiring cutting or further manufacture for use); hand-mirrors; manicure sets; mats; table cloths (cut to size); trimmings for handbags; venetian blinds, including slats and tapes; baby pants, aprons, bibs, or other indoor type wearing apparel (excluding raincoats) Synthetic sponges Natural sponges, aniTnal Brushes Br ocm.s Combs, except wholly of rubber tmokerst articles, n,e.c.-, and specially fabricated parts, n,e.c. Umbrellas and parasols, and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. Candles, except pyrotechnic Religious articles, n.e.c., and specially fabricated parts, n,e.c. Beads and bead articles, n.e.c. Snap fasteners Zippers (including slide fasteners), and specially fabricated parts, n.e.c. Notions, novelties, specialties, and specially fabri- cated parts, n.e.c. Ice refrigerators, household and commercial types Soda fountain and bar equipment, and specially fabri- cated parts, n.e.o. Barber and beauty shop equipment, n.o.c., and specially, n.e.c, Shoe findings, n.e.c. Coin-operated machines, n.e.c. 981590 982110 982120 982200-982691 982695 982700 983100-983150 983200 983500 984005 9-84008 984098 984200 984700 985300 987100-987200 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100120008-1 Miscellaneous commodities, n.e.c.: (continued) General merchandise valued at less than y25: only those commodities which are exportable in quantities valued at tiv25 or over under their own individual Schedule B numbers within the provisions of this General Liconsoo Schedule B No. Approved For Release 2001/03/02 c(CFi44-00014A000100120008-1