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Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100049003-5 Implications of the'Relaxation Proposals to Mi lita y Potential' of Communist China U ,Baolcground The military potential of Communist China is severely limited by its primitive industrial economy and by serious deficiencies in transport and other services essential to both economic growth and military ex- pansion. The Communist regime has ambitious plans and programs for broadening the industrial base for military potential, but can meet their planned goals only by substantially increasing imports. Current plans emphasize the heavy industry, power, communication, and transport sectors. The European Soviet Bloc is the principal source of essential imports in line with the basic Sino-Soviet Bloc policy of self-sufficiency. However, this policy is modified when important requirements can be fulfilled more feasibly through importation from the Free World. Trade and financial controls of the Free World, and inability of the Communist regime to significantly increase exports have greatly limited their use of Free-World products to improve communist military potential. Composition of China Trade Control Lists The international control lists applying to Communist China trade (combined COCOM and CHINCCM Lists) cover all munitions,, atomic energy items, and comprehensive coverage of capital equipment, industrial raw materials, electronics, and service equipment indispensable to an expanding economy and the growth of military potential. Except for a few basic raw materials, such as copper, items comprising the differential between the CCCCf and CHINCOM lists are probably of greater current utility to the Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/0M~1A-RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 Chinese Connmunists than the more complex products on the 000(JM Lists. There are 305 listings in the differential area. At least 6 listings are in themselves key categories, such as machine tools, n.e.s., while others are narrowly defined items. This heterogenous situation results from the piecemeal manner in which the differential developed. Initially the differential listings were purposely broad, but as items or parts of items were deleted from the COCOM List, they were added, as deleted,'to the CHINCOM List. Anal lysis of the Deletion groposalis Both the UK and Japanese proposals would, if agreed to wholly or in substantial part, denude the differential lists of meaningful content. The UK proposed for deletion 87. items, and the Japanese 119 items (there +$ _ a high degree of duplication) out of a total of 305 items on the differential lists. These statistics are grossly misleading, however. Both proposals include all the listings, which are in fact categories, so that. even on an "item" basis the deletions proposed would-amount to far more than 50 percent of the total differential Moreover, deletion of these "category" or broad definition listings would encroach on many "item" listings because of. overlapping definitions. In addition, when the items proposed for deletion are grouped functionally, it becomes apparent. that all the key functional sectors (that is, construction, transport communications, etc.).would be weakened to the point where. re of the remaining portions of these sectors could not be justified. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/091f-RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 Evaluation of Importance of Differential Listings to Communist Chinese Military Potential The announced objectives of the Chinese Communists place heavy emphasis on expanding the industrial base as well as the essential services or "logistic" sectors of the economy; little importance is attached to consumer interests. The differential lists are important .to military potential because of their relationship both to the expansion of the industrial base, and to the logistic sectors of the economy. Development of the industrial base has longer run implica- tions, since creation of the production capacity essential to a modern military machine will require an extended period of growth. Develop- mont of the logistic sectors. is of more immediate importance to military potential because any current improvement adds to the maneuverability of troops. and materiel in support of military operations, as well as -~,a4 d e. to the expansion of the industrial base. No judgment is paim&e as to whether the "long-term" or "short-term' implications are more important. However, in TAB A the differential lists are arranged in these two. broad categories. The importance of the differential listings to military potential can also be analyzed on the basis of their functional relationships. The purpose of the controls is to deter expansion of those sectors of the Chinese Communist economy which are of key importance to military potential, either long-term or short-term. TAB A arranges the dif- ferential lists into functional sectors, some listings falling into more than one sector. xsttai SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA~-^RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 ECPE -4- These sectors are all considered to be of key importance because the announced planning goals give them high priority and intelligence analysis shows them to be in critical short supply. (See TAB A". Selection of Listings of Least Advantage to the Military Potential of Communist China Selection of listings of least advantage is largely a matter of eliminating those which are not an important component of a .key sector of the economy. The importance of the listings may be either because they are the major or sole listing in the functional sector, or because their deletion would weaken the effect of the remainder of the functional sector, (for example, deletion of motor vehicles listing 1 would. weaken the entire land transport sector). In addition, clear evidence that.the supply position in the Bloc is such that all estimated requirements for rapidly expanding the military potential, could be met internally either through direct pr duotion or substitution, is considered a reason for deletion. In. TAB A listings from the entire. differential are arranged in a "rleaat advantage"'.category, distinguished according -to whether they were eliminated for "functional sector" or "supply" reasons* The listings which appear on the UK. and Japanese deletion lists are so marked. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 *Epp -5- Selection of Differential Listings of Greatest Advantage to the Communist China Military Potentials,,, All the remaining listings are considered to be of great advantage to the Communist Chinese military potential, and there is no meaningful basis on which to distinquish their relative importance. The listings cover the entire differential with notation of whether they appear on the UK or. Japanese differential list. The listings are arranged in TAB A according to whether they relate to the industrial base (long-term) or the logistics sector (short-term) of the Communist China economy. Also, within these broad groups, the listings are arranged according to functional relationship. There is no valid basis. for distinguishing the relative advantage to the Communist Chinese military potential of the designated sectors. kn, S?j['-j 91- Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09P~?-RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 EVALUATION OF THE RELATION OF ITEMS PROPOSh;D FOR DECONTROL TO CONTINUED IMPROVEMENT IN COMMUNIST CH.T.NEgSE MtLt TARX POTENTIAL In order to determine the implications of denial of items on the United Kingdom deletion proposal to the military potential of dommurd. st China, the items where feasible have been functionally grouped and presented in relation to a like grouping of the total China trade (differential) embargo list. The list of 119 items proposed by Japan for deletion from control is also shown as a matter of interest' and to portray the similarity in scope and effect of the two lists. For the purpose of brevity short titles have been used to identify items in the groupings which follow. It should be noted, however, that numerous definitions for China differential. items are very broad and, strictly or by strong implication,, could be interpreted to cover also items which actually have not been proposed for deletion. To this extent, the current item definitions are not alwas r, susceptible '"en Coto' to strategic review. For example, one item not proposed for deletion by either the U.K. or Japan (Item C-4.05) "Steel castings and forgings ?for railroad equipment" can be interpreted as being included in the proposal to decontrol (Item C-471) "Railway rolling stock and parts" and, (Item C-470) "Locomotives and locomotive parts." Deletion of key items covered by broad definition might thus have a broacimplieation Land should be subjected to further careful scrutiny.prior to any multilateral negoid,ations In order to afford an overall impression of the relationship of the U.K, and Japanese proposals for deletion from the China differential as a wholes the following recapitulation is given, Proposals for Deletion Not Proposed Total UK Japan UK & Japan by Either 7btal Number of List Items and Item Portions rated 305 87 319 Same item) 55 154 Less Split-off Item Portions.. Number of Actual List Items Affected 297 .80 iii 154 U ~,q Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 r i ,~1 l'"p ~~a 'P 1 i"i4-00014A000100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : Cl gatr r LOGES'xIC FUNCTIONS Construction Function 440a~ 401rw (1) Intelligence,, The production of even the simplest type of construction equipment in China is negligible and the park of existing equipment is also very limited. Such equipment is essential to the large reservoir projects currently under construction, for building strategic roads., railways and airfields, and for Industrial expansion, scheduled for completion in the period 1955-1960e while equipment of this group is produced in the European Soviet blocs its resources are already heavily committed to its internal expansion. Communist China has made recent efforts to obtain listed construction equipment from free world suppliers and has let contracts in anticipation of the lifting of embargo restrictions. (2) Listing of controlled construction. equipment and propose deletions, China Li,.st No. Proposed Dee an Group Japan UK Footnote 0 131 Pumps designed for working pressure x of 75 PSI and over 0 210 Welding machines and'equipment x 0 255 Diesel engines 25 HP and over x x C 256 Internal combustion engines x x C 266 Electric generating equipment x x (C-255 or C-256 powered) C 320 Industrial-type trucks, trailers, x stackers with crane booms,, winches etc. C 321 Civil Engineering '.and building x x equipment, concrete mixers - concrete pavers - bituminous mixers;, spreaders, pavers - crushing and screening outfits - graders - rollers - bulldozers - spray guns (cement) .0 351 Mining equipment and machinery x Y. PFRfa, e u l;{ysh F T Approved For Release 2000/09/13 CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 China List No. Short Title PFOpose Deletion Group Japan Footnote C 380 Compressors (NES 1380) with delivery pressure excluding 110 PAC C 381 Portable hand-held mining and quarrying power tools (pneumatic, electric and petrol operated) C 383 Crushing equipment,. crushers, x grinders, pulverizers C 384 Conveyor belting x C 841 Rubber hose and tubing C'575 Surveying instruments x C 385 Core drills - core drill bits x C 771 Petroleum asphalt x C 635 Semi-finished steel products x C.362 Jacks' 10 ton and over C 430 Steel cable 0.701 Explosives 6.472. Railway rails Transportation Function (1) Intelligences The trade of Communist China is now estimated to be carried propor- tionately half by sea and half overland,, largely over the Trans-Siberian railway. To date, China has not been in a position to make a significant contribution to the fulfillment of her requirement for near-seas and ocean-going shipping. The construction of two major vide-gauge rail lines linking China with the Russian railway system will eventually make a major contribution to expediting the international overland traffic. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 C ' " I P64-00014A000100040003-5 For the proximate future, this traffic will continue to be limited by the single connecting East,-West rail artery (the Trans-Siberian RR) (a) Rail In order to remove the transportation bottleneck to continued economic expansion and military maneuverability and support, about 70% of planned expenditures earmarked for transportation has been allocated to the improvement and expansion of the railroads. China is not meeting the requirements for rails specified In recently stepped up construction plans. During the current plan 6250 miles of track are to be laid of which 2500 idles represent new lines. Even with the planned augmentation of equipment manufacturing and repair facilities, Communist China will continue to import for a number of years locomo- tives and rolling stock, including semifinished materials, in order to meet its equipment and traffic goals. While the Biropean Soviet bloc potentially could supply much of the additional locomotive equipment required by Communist China, there is little evidence to indicate it .will in fact do so. The new Soviet 5 -year plan gives considerable emphasis, for example, to the development and rehabilitation of the Russian System, and the Satellite .Systems also have growing requirements. (b) Water Communist China has some 10,000 ocean going junks with a total cargo carrying capacity of approximately 1402,000 tons, Some of these j inks, sampans and fishing vessels have been armed for patrol and coastal escort duty; others are used as naval auxiliary units, e.g. as radar pickets, Chinese Commur>i st junks operate largely along the southern coastal areas and generally represent substantial military transport reserve capacity. It should be noted that at present the embryonic and non-ocean- going Chinese merchant fleet is employed in river and coastal traffic. Mere is still a dearth of good harbors along the China coast. Of the hundred or more ports and landings along the coast only a handful. are of major importance to foreign and domestic traffic. Rather ambitious plans have been announced, however, for the enlargement of this branch of transport. The accomplishment of these plans would create substantial demands for construction items, and storage and distribution systems. While Communist China does have shipbuilding capacity for some types of ships, this capacity is now devoted almost entirely to .ship repair on Chinese and Soviet account, to coastal tugs, barges and ships, or to naval construction. Decontrol therefore would pernrtit continuation of Communist China naval construction programs unhairpered. I S. ECG L," ~ lT Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 ~64-00014AOOO`l00040003-5 increased availability of such items as plate, boiler tubes, boilers, diesel engines, etc., which have been proposed for decontrol, will provide considerable aid to Chinese shipbuilding and ship repair progr u s, and in the case of large diesels alone would obviate the tortuous overland haul from Western Russia. (c) Road The need for vehicles, particularly trucks, will increase. At present, road transport of the long-haul type is almost entirely absent in areas served by river, coastal, and rail transport. Ire important commercial roads represent about 50,000 miles of the 86,000 miles now open to traffic. Most of the 6,000 miles of new roads built since 1919 have linked remote regions with the existing road system of south-central China. China has no highways in the accepted western sense. China) s present production capacity for highway motor vehicles is nil; production. cannot commence until new plants are built; and operating; for example, the first Chinese truck might be produced with much fanfare before the end of 1956; a ubstantial'production is not scheduled until 1960. In view of the backlog of unfilled delivery commitments and demand -for motor vehicles of all types within the USSR and some of the satellites, only vehicles required for ur ;ent military needs and key construction projects are being made available to China by the rest of the bloc. strong attempts to procure automotive equipment and parts in free-world countries are continuing, A. larger consignment of British passenger automobiles to China in 1951 received considerable notice from the Communist press. Included in the list of items proposed for decontrol in this category are two items covering diesel engines. (Item C-255, Diesel Engines 25 hp and over. Item, 3256 Diesel engines,.n.e.s. as follows: (a) 300 to 800 hp with rotary speeds of 600 rpm or over; (b~ 800 hp or over, with rotary speeds of 400 rpm or over; (c) l500 hp or over, with rotary speeds of 200 rpm up to but not including Lj00 rpm). If these items are decontrolled, all diesel engines except those on IL-I would be available for export to Conmraianist China. Chinas s current production and production capacity of diesel engines is small. Diesel engines have been made in at least three plants in Dairen, Tsingtao and Shanghai; there are several other plants where diesel engines could be made on a custom basis. It has been reported that the largest engine built domestically to date has a rating of about 250 hp, but it is not known whether it is in commercial production. Smaller engines have been made for.various applcatt one in agriculture and industry, but it is doubtful that serial production has been achieved. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : I D 64-00014AO00100040003-5 The present Five Year Plan gives little information on China's program for diesel engine production beyond the statement that experi- mental production of a diesel engine of 675. hp is to start during the current plan. This type of an engine would be adequate for powering small seagoing vessels and small electric power stations. There is no specific information on the capital investment expansion required to increase the production of these diesel engines in China. China will continue to need a wide variety of engines for industry and agriculture. However, the lighter weights of engines, mostly under 100 hp, are used in the bloc to power heavy trucks and tractors, and China's plans call for production of 15,000 tractors in 1960. At present, no such vehicles are being produced in China. It is very likely that plans for future production of heavy trucks and tractors in China include the construction of shops making diesel engines for this purpose. Small diesel engines also will be needed to power such indus- trial machinery as pneumatic drills, mining machinery, pumps, irrigation pumps, compressors and portable electric generators. Plans for expansion of the electric power generating; equipment industry also may include provisions for making diesel engines. But to achieve a large output of diesel engines, China will have to make substantial imports of fairly large foundry and machine shop equipment? The rest of the Soviet bloc has been producing diesel engines for many years and has the technical know-how approAmately equal to that of the free world save in the most advanced experimental types. Some difficulties have been reported in the production of crankshafts and high-speed fuel injectors, but in the conventional bloc know-how is adequate. On the other hand, the supply of diesel engines, especially marine diesels, has not been adequate in the bloc and engines and parts have been sought by the European satellites from the western countries. The tremendous Soviet Submarine Construction Program also places a heavy demand on diesel production facilities.. The decontrol proposal, if Implemented, would end controls on all but the very high specialized types of engines and permit export to China of all kinds of engines needed for general industrial and military uses. (2) listing of controlled transportation equipment and propose. -d a ons. ~~ ~ L ~tiua Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-R 4 014A000100040003-5 Trans por tation C~fin a Proposed Deletj.on List Group No. Japan UK Footnote A. RAT L C 470 Locomotives and locomotive parts x 0 471 Railway rolling stock and parts x C 472 Railway rails C 266 Equipment for electric power generating and rectifying x x C 255 B. mesel engines WATER x x C 401 Watercraft and important components x C 255 Diesel engines, 25 hp and over x x C 509 Ultrasonic,, radar,, and radio navigation equipment of 3mc or l ess x 0 .703 Ships, bottom compositions, anti corrosive and anti-fouling - x C. 256 Internal combustion engines x x C 266 Electric generating equipment x x C 270 Turbines all types over 300 hp x C 275 Water tube boilers 80,,000 pounds - hour steaming capacity C 430. Steel cable C. 405 Steel castings and forgLngs for marine equipment C 502 Detection apparatus - ultrasonic detectors C 576 Telescopes and binoculars x x C 840 Water-lubricated bearings 7 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 CHI a List No. Short Title Propose Group Japan UK Footnote C 901 Co Abaca and sisal; fibres and cordage ROAD _ _ C 256 Internal combustion engines x C 255 Diesel engines, 25 hp and over X C 320 Industrial-typo trucks.and trailers X C 450 Motor vehicles and equipment - motorcycles, personnel carriers, station wagons, uti lities, buses, tractors? trailers, chasi.s, components, parts, servicing equipment and materials. C 140 Containers of the "Jerry can" type x Note 1 Attention is invited to the "Communications Group' a service vital to transportation. Note 2 - Broad defin;:Ltians such as these tend to cover many of the specific items not proposed for deletion. Note 3 See "Rubber industry function" for intelligence on this item. co Coiiumin_Ccation Function (1) Intelligence Communist China's. needs for both wireline and radio communications systems is critical, At present, coinununications facilities are con- centrated in the eastern part of the country. Industry and government consume about 80 percent of the existing commv.n:i_cations service. China's stated telecommunications policy is (a) to push wireline construction as fast as possible to insure security of state and military messages, and (b) to give priority to the national defense, military, and political tasks of the state since communications facilities are not adequate to meet other needs. '3La 4d'L it LIT Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 1 Il Approved For Release 2000/09/13 f, "iP64-00014A000100040003-5 . For 954, 37 major construction and expansion projects for long distance telegraph lines were planned.. The telegraph system itself has been expanding at the rate of about 11,000 km a year. In 1955 it was announced that telephone lines would be extended by 12!000 km and that 33,000 switchboards would be added to the telephone system. These figures give an indication of the magnitude of expansion being undertaken in wireline communications, and of the importance of electrical, electronic, communications, metals (i.e. copper and aluminum) and instrumentation sectors to this task. C Communist China produces little or no radio or land line communi- cations equipment. At present one signal equipment plant is under con- struction which was designed and is being built by East-German tech- nicians. This plant, scheduled for completion in 1957 3, will manufacture radio,, telephone and telegraph equipment and some precision instruments. Projected annual production rate for this plant is almost negligible in terms of Chinas short-term needs. At present.$ China is inporting almost all of her requirements in radio and land line communications equipment. Most of it comes from the European satellites and some of it from the free world. Communist China is in critical need of all typos of precision instruments and control apparatus necessary to satisfactory communication operation. (2) Listing of controlled communication items and those propose or '.econtro" China List No,- Short 'b, tle i6po se De .e lo n Group Japan UK Footnote C 266 Power equipment C 605 ' Transformer,, choke., laminations and core assemblies C 610 Flexible metal tubing X C 617 Single and multicore electric x x power cables C 650 Lead in seniifabrieated and other x x such forms 9 4~ ~v.M 4~ lv it I.Y,Y Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : OIP'"64-00014A000100040003-5 China No, C 501 C 502 C 503 C 5OI4 C 505 C 507 C 509 C 563 C 573 Proposed Deletion Group Short Title Japan , UK Footnote Telecommuni.cati.on equipment and x non-specialized components including tubes, capacitors, resistors, transformers? chokes, coils, antennae and power supplies Detection apparatus x Ionosphere recording automatic apparatus 'Sub-miniature electronic circuit x components Coaxial electric cable Photoelectric cells Radar and radio navigation x equipment Electric or electronic impulse registers Quartz crystals C 561 Bridges for measuring capacitance,,. x impedance ?- precision type C 565 Geophysical prospecting equipment including amplifiers with auto- matic volume control, geophones, etc. C 566 Measuring and testing instruments x x C 568 PH maters x x C 570 Oscilloscopes and'parts x 'C-571 Precision, scientific and optical x x instruments Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : Clk'-;1 4-00014A000100040003-5 C na List No. Propose Ile a on Japan C 577 Voltmeter,, ammeters and m3.cro- ammeters C 579 X-ray tubes 1000 PKV and over C 580 Absorption meters - infra-red C 582 Electrometers C 585 Oscillographs, recording Group Footnote I/ The Japanese propose decontrol , under the definition of C-501, of The following telephone and telegraph (landline) equipment; (i) carrier frequency telephone terminal equipment operating at 10 kc/s and under (3-7 channel equipment); (ii) intermediate repeater and amplifier equipment; (iii) parts and subassemblies; (iv) automatic, magnetic and battery switchboard equipment; (v) inter-phone systems; (vi) toll and .switchboard cable; (vii) bare wire line; and (viii) power supply line. This equipment would give Comummist China a modern efficient telephone system. The following telegraph equipment would be deleted: (i) all voice frequency telegraph terminal equipment; (ii) teleprinters; and (iii) teletype equipment (the latter operating at 200 words or less a minute)' this equip- ment, would give China a modern, efficient telegraph system. All radio transmitters, subassemblies, and components, except the specialized military types listed under International List Item 1517, would be decontrolled. Acquisition of this equipment would give China radio broadcasting facilities equal to those in free-world countries, li. 11~r1~..`~,agl1. ~~YA~~~~'NSY9 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 0 A A Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 SECT L3. INUDSTRIAL FUNCTIONS A. The Electric/Electronic Industry (1) Intelligence, (Also see "Communications" and "Instrument/control apparatus") Communist China has now the greatest need for equipment for generating, transforming, rectifying and converting electric current, for its transmission and distribution; for control gear and access- ories; for substation equipment; and for parts for all of the fore- going. It is reported that the Bloc production of all categories of coaxial cable has been, and continues to be, less'than demands with active attempts to import still continuing. The principal applications of such cables, as would be covered under C-505, are radar and military or quasi-military communications sytems, particularly at the very high frequencies and above. To reach industrial production goals, the following new factories are scheduled to be built in the 1955-1961 period: 2 electric generator factories, 1 electrical equipment factory, l electric who and cable factory, 1 carbon brush factory, 1 electrical- equipment renovation factory, 1 low-voltage switch factory, and 1 transformer factory. Thus, a whole new industry is to be created. China cannot build. up this industry without large imports and technical aid. Even if the 1960 goals are met, China's capacity to produce electric/electronic equip- ment will be modest in terms of the gross needs of the economy. The proposed deletions would provide Communist China an opportunity to buy electric/electronic equipment which would materially assist (and furnish relief from demands on other Bloc countries) Communist China to swiftly construct, service and maintain indispen- sable functions of its growing economy and military potential. Listing of controlled electric/electronic items and proposed deletions. See electric/electronic items listed under Section "Instrument control apparatus" not repeated in this section. 12 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Ci1u T Item Group 96. Short title UK Footnote C-201 Electrical components for ele ctric furnaces C-210 Welding machines 0-211 Electrodes C-260 Electric motors C-266 Power equipment x 3 C-354 Machines for applying outer c onductor of coaxial electric cables 0-355 Cable making machinery C-386 All tools/dies incorporating diamonds 0-501 Telecommunication equipment x C-504 Sub-miniature electronic circ uit components x 0-505 Coaxial electric cable C-509 Radar and Radio navigation eq uipment x C-617 Single and multicore electric power cable x x ?C-610 Flexible metal tubing x See - "Commanications" See - "Electric Power Production and Distribution" footnote :A I Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 cncn pR ~~1f B. Electric Power Production and Distribution (1) Intelligence. Currently China is severely short of electric power. The development of electric power and of an industry to produce electric power equipment are among the principal goals of China's present plan and the cornerstone of the future industrial development of the country. China's small electric power generating capacity, consisting of electric power generating machinery supplied by many different countries (Germany, Japan, U.K., U.S.), suffered heavy damage during World War It. It was partly dismantled by invading Soviet armies which took some installations as booty. Some of the latter equipment was subsequently returned, but in poor condition. Finally, during the ensuing civil war between the Nationalists and the Comrnunists still further damage was inflicted on the power capacity. Some of the stations were rebuilt after 194 but the equipment remains obsolete and in poor condition. Communist China's present (1955) installed electric power generating capacity is approximately 3,000,000 kw and is concentrated in a few industrial centers in the East and in southeastern Manchuria. This is approximately equal to the electric power generating capacity of North Carolina. Most of the stations are small, a few exceeding 15,000 kw in capacity. The much revised first Five Year Plan now calls for an addition to installed electric power generating capacity of 1,060,000 kw, an increase of approximately 33 percent, to bring total installed capacity up to about 4,060,000 kw by the end of 1957. Specifically, the current Five Year Plan calls for the completion of 54 new electric power stations, of which nine are to be designed by Russian engineers. The majority of the stations will be thermal stations. According to Chinese announcements, work will also begin on another 38 stations, apparently of larger size, which are not scheduled for completion until later. Since China's plans call for development of industry scattered throughout the country's interior, where there is little or no electric power at present, the current plan emphasizes small and middle sized thermal stations (5,000-15,000 kws) with equipment of the type that has been proposed for decontrol. The full harnessing of China's vast hydroelectric power potential and the control of rivers awaits further industrial development of the country. However, six hydroelectric power plants are being constructed or renovated at present which will require equipment of about 50,000 kw. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13,:, CIA-RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 China has made persistent and vigorous attempts to contract with free world suppliers for complete power units and spare parts. For example, contracts were concluded with Brown-I3overi (Switzerland) in 1954 for one 25,000 kw power plant and five other plants reportedly with a capacity of 10,000 kw each. Other contracts with free-world suppliers have been signed or are in an advanced stage of negotiation, with actual deliveries contingent only on the deletions proposed* The continuing series of requests to COCc /CHINC0M (by U.K., Belgium, France, Japan, and West Germany) for permission to ship replacement parts for electric power generating equipment to China reflects China's continued dependence in this diversified category on free-world suppliers. Owing to the multi-national origin of installed equipment, free-world parts are especially needed to reclaim, rehabilitate, or maintain aging plants installed in the course of the industrialization following World War I. A relaxation in COCOM/CHINCOM controls on this equipment might not only remove a major bottleneck for Chinese procurement of equipment and parts, but might cause China to revise her power and consequent industrialization goals upward. In any event, the demand for free-world equipment and parts is strong and voluminous and is expected to continue for at least two decades. The decontrol proposal, if implemented, would decontrol some of the critically needed non-ferrous metals in China. The decontrol of electric cable, electric motors, power generating equipment, etc., for example, would tend to nullify the existing controls on copper, the embargo of which has been an objective of the U.S. economic defense policy for several years. From a strategic point of view, decontrol of electric cable would be undesirable also because it would permit a rapid improvement in China's weak communications system, and would reflect a direct net contribution in the military operations field. (2) ListinZ of Controlled Electric Power Production and Distribution Items and Proposed Decontrol. Item No. Short Title Proposed Deletion Group Footnote C-131 Pumps - Designed to operate at temperatures x of 220 F. & over Designed for working pressures of 75 PSI and over C-117 Water Treatment -- equipment Japan _ - UK Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Proposed Deletions No. Short Title Japan UK Footnote Evaporators 0-133 Valves and Cocks - Partially or wholly C-141 integral with a control. mechanism designed for working pressures of 300 or more PS I Gauges - for measuring pressures over 1470 PS I 0-250 Condenser Tubes - (seamless cupro-nickel) C-256 Internal Combustion engines x x C-255 Diesel Engines 25 HP and over x x 0-260 Electric Motors x x C-266 Electric Generating - transforming, C-266 rectifying, converting, transmission, power distribution, control gear and accessories Substation Equipment x x x 1 0-266 Parts - for above two items x x 1 C-266 Boiler House Plant x x 0-270 Turbines - All types over 300 HP x C-275 Water-Tube Boilers - 80,000 pound-hour C-354 steam capacity Machines - for applying outer conductor 0-380 of coaxial electric cable Blowers - with capacity of over 35,000 cubic feet per minute x C-395 Precipitators x C-617 Single or multicore electric power 0-630 cable (RTES) Aluminum - wrought or worked by x x rolling, drawing 16 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Proposed Deletion Item Group No. Short Title Japan UK Footnote 0-650 Lead - sheet, strip, pipe and tube x x C-384 Conveyor belting x 0-383 Crushing equipment, crushers, grinders, x pulverizers 0-561 Bridges for measuring capacitance, x x impedance, etc. C-571 Precision - instruments x x C-577 Voltmeter, ammeter and microammeters x x 0-582 Electrometers x C-566 Measuring and testing instruments x x This broad definition is interpreted to also include items C-384, 0-131, 0-117, 0-121, C-133, 0-141, 0--250, C-275 C-380, C-395, C-383, etc. The broad definition of C-260 proposed for decontrol would, if approved, remove effective control of the entire function. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 C. Instrument ; and Control Apparatus. (Mannfacturn of) (1) Tntelli gence. Communist China is in critical need of all. types of precision instruments and control. apparatus necessary to the build-up of a modern industry and to the production of armaments, weapons, planer, military electronic devices, engines, of all types, chemicals and explosives., the generating of elec?.ri, r. power, eta:. As Communist industrial!zes, it is reasonable to believe that, the Chinese will equip their industry with as much precision, meas!1r ng, testing and automatic equipment as feasible. At the present time, Communist China cannot build precision instruments or eler.tronic automatic equipment. Neither the skilled labor nor the production experience is avRilable and it takes decades to develop. The U.S.S.R. and the European satellites are not in a position to furnish such equipment to the Chinese since by their on admission a critical shortage of these instruments exists in their own countries, and since only a beginning has been made in the development of automatic equipment for us+, in their on industries. It is believed that if the devices covered by embargo become available to Communist China, they will plan for substantial purchases of this equipment from the free-world over the next 20 to 30 years. (2) Listing of controlled instruments, components and control apparatus items and those proposed for econtro1. SECTION A - EQUIPMENT PROLUCTS Proposed e e ions Item Number Japan Uh lbotnote r,-l 41 OZ~~;;es C-502 Deter; ta, on apparatus c-507 Photoelcct-ric cells C-560 Balances 0-561 Bridges c-563 Impulse registers Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/O IA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Tten Number Short Title 6'P g? Japan De e i on s UK Footnote C-564 Electronic instruments x C-565 Geophysical equipment x C-566 Measuring and te3ting instruments x x C-571 Precision, scientific and optical instruments x C-567 Metallurgical microscopes x x C-568 PH meters x x C-569 Optical curve generators x C-570 Oscilloscopes (cathode-ray) x C-572 Pyrometers x x c-574 Spectrographs, spectrometers, monochrometers x x C-575 Precision Theodolites (surveying instruments) x x C-577 Voltmeters, anuneters, microamreters x x C-579 X-ray tubes, 1000 P.K.V. x C-580. Densitometers x x C-582 Electrometers x C-583 Leak-detecting instruments x c-584 1 .c ro-hardness testers x x C-585 Oscillographs x c-586 Strain gauge equipment x x c-620 Platinum themocouples x Footnote 1 - Broad definitions such as these could be interpreted to cover other items proposed for decontrol and also items which actually have not been proposed Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 SECTION B - PT TXJCTS ESSENTIAL `[C) THE PROTUCTION OF EQUIPMkIVT LTSTET) UNDER SECTION A ABOVE. ?" Propose -De:fe on Ttem Number Short Ti tle Japan UK Footnote C-910 Raw optical glass C-651 Lithium (for high-conductivity copper) C-655 Mercury C-658 Molybdenum 0-663 Strontium C-667 Tungsten (processed) C-620 Platinum (wire-tube) Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 EC[ET D. Chemical Industry The essentiality of chemicals in any picture of national prepared- ness (or military potential) has dictated great increases in productive oapaoity since World War II due to technical advances in modern weapons. The complexity of the chemical industry and the dependence of other industries upon it have led to the following two part appraisals Part I Chemical Process Industry Includes manufacturing entterprises, involving large capital in- vestment, which produce inorganic and organic chemicals. (1) Intelligence. The current shortage of chemicals is one of the main vulner- abilities of Chinars economy. Unconfirmed reports indicate that other Bloc countries have restricted exports of chemicals to China to con- serve such products for use elsewhere, The current Red Chinese plans call for almost a doubling of the output of-basic chemicals. China currently produces practically no chemical equipment. Reports indicate that some chemical producers have had to resort to crude and primitive improvisations to maintain production. Current plans for increasing the output of chemicals call for the construction and renovation of five chemical production plants with Russian assistance. While no specific information is available on the extent of the Russian assistance, a high Chinese official has stated that only a part of the equipment needed for those plant pro- jects will actually come from the USSR. The USSR has already encountered difficulties in fulfilling specific delivery commitments for chemical equipment to China. It has been reported that a Chinese delegation to the USSR was referred to a satellite country as a source of equipment for a chemical factory. The satellite country also was unable to furnish the desired machinery without western technical assistance. There have been persistent efforts by the Chinese to obtain chemical production equipment from the free world. A conspicuous example is China's recent effort to procure through clandestine channels a water treatment plant of a type that the Japahese'. have now proposed for decontrol. Items proposed for decontrol would greatly assist China in building up production facilities to meet its deficiencies in explosives, industrial chemicals, rubber products and other essential requirements. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/1t-RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 The current Chinese Five Year Plan also calls for the building of a'chemical industrial. machinery and repair plant and an oil-refining machinery plant. When these two plants are completed, probably only in 1960, the country will be able to start production of some of its own chemical equipment of the simpler types. However, the plans are not given in detail and it is apparent that China is faced with the creation of an entirely now industry. In this task it also will be almost entirely dependent on imports of technical, know-how as well as equipment. In addition the country will have to learn to produce (or will have to import) the proper types of corrosion-resistant raw stock (steel, ceramics, glass, etc.) and precision-controlling equip- ment used in the production of chemical equipment and products. The U.S.S.R. and the European satellites, owing to internal shortages, cannot easily supply China with the required quantities; of chemical equipment incorporating corrosion-resistant materials and advanced know-how. These materials are in short supply in the entire. Bloc. 11 `I,1~~ly Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13ODP64-00014A000100040003-5 Item No. (2) Listing of controlled, chemical a ui ment and comuonents with ,proposed dolettons. (Part I C-101 Acid concentrating equipment C-102 Ammonia oxidation equipment C-104 Liquid/liquid solvent extraction equipment C-107 Driers 0-109 Hydrogen-producing equipment C-110 B C-111 Methanol oxidation equipment C-112 Nitrators C-113 Chemical process vessels C-114 Gas liquefying equipment 0-115 Sulphur extraction equipment C-116 Sulphur burners C-117 Water treatment equipment C-118 Heat exchangers C-119 Processing equipment operating at over 200 PSI C-120 Distillation equipment .C 121 Evaporators x 0-131 Pumps 0-132 Vacuum pumps x 0-133 Valves and cocks 0-140 Containers x 23 SECRET Proposed Deletion Group UK Footnote Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 inr Approved For Release 2000/09/4.C !-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Item No. __-Short Title 0-141 Gauges C-143 Pipe and tubing 0-151 Petroleum refining equipment 0-250 Condenser tubes 0-303 Crucibles (graphite) C-304 Separators C-583 Leak-detecting instruments 0-620 Platinum (gauges) 0-383 Crushing and screening equipment C-395 Precipitators 0-571 Precision instruments 0-103 Antibiotics production equipment C-376 Air conditioning units Items under this footnote run the gamut of essential components required in the production of controlled chemicals. It will be noted a number can be interpreted as being covered by equipment defined, under 0-101, 102, 104, 109, 110, 111, 114, 151, etc.; on the other hand decontrol of the proposed items would provide the means of constructing facilities such as those complete integrated units identified as C-101, etc. 24 SECRET Proposed Deletion Group Japan-- - UK Footnote Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Chemical and Allied Products Includes basic chemical products manufactured by predominantly chemical processes. Such products are not generally cold as such to the ultimate consumer, but rather to other manufacturers or formulators. Chemicals such as acids and alkalies, salts, organic compounds, solvents, gases, pigments and dyes are used, (1) by the chemical industry itself to produce, drugs and medicines, dyes, explosives, fertilizers, paints, plastics, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, etc.; (2) other industries in the production of (a) durable goods such as electrical equipment, transportation equipment, machinery, hardware, etc., and (b) non-durable goods such as food products, textiles, rubber products, paper products, petroleum products, etc. The Nearity of end uses of basic chemicals and compounds make an accurate evaluation of a "hard core" military potential grouping impractical. For example, calcium carbide (proposed for decontrol by Japan) is a raw material for plastics, insect sprays, vitamins, aspirin, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, acetylene gas, eta. (1) Intelligence. China's present production of basic chemicals to meet the military, industrial, and agricultural needs of the country is woefully inadequate as indicated under Part I above. The development plan of: China calls for approximately doubling the 1955 output by 1960, as indicated by the following tables PROJECTED PRODUCTION OF SELECTED CHEMICALS IN COMMUNIST CHINA 1,000 metric tons Co nodity 1 O Calcium Carbide 15.0 30,0 Synthetic Ammonia 62.0 112.5 Refined Naphthalene 5.300 8.200 Chlorine N.A. N.A. Refined Benzol 15.0 28,8 Toluoi 3.8 5.8 Xylol 1.300 2.100 Phenol 0.300 0.500 Cresol. 0.700 1.100 Caustic Soda 44.5 65.0 Sulfuric Acid 2 67.0 435.0 Soda Ash 3 65.1 690.0 Nitric Acid 20.6 40.0 Ammonium Sulfate. 3 60.0 600.0 25 T Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : 6ld-RDP64-00014A000100040003-? Even if the plans can be met (which has been described as questionable), China's growing industry win have a large need for many different typos of chemicals. At the present time, the rest of the Soviet Bloc is not in a strong position to export chemicals to China. In many basic chemicals, particularly in sulfuric acid, there is no exportable surplus in the Soviet Bloc. Communist China has increased its reliance on the free world for a supply of chemicals. Chemicals have been sought in many trade agreements with the free world. Dyes have figured as one of the preferred items in clandestine procurement efforts and some continue to command a premium price. Chemicals also figured prominently in' CHINCOM exceptions. The only petroleum products or derivatives which have been proposed for decontrol are parfffin wax and petroleum asphalt. Certain forms of petroleum wax are included in the International Atomic Energy List, and therefore must be continued under control for China as well as for other Bloc areas. When petroleum asphalt was proposed for deletion from IT,-III, its addition to the Special China List was important because Chinese production was believed to be negligible or nonexistent and procurement attempts from the free world were considered to be substantial. Quantities of asphalt are believed to have reached Communist China by clandestine means. (2) List of controlled chemical and allied products and those which have been proposed for decontrol The following listing presents the result of-an intelligence evaluation.of the supply position of the items concerned. Item No. Proposed Deletion Footno Jayan UK Group te 0-757 Vanadium compounds 0-730 Glycerine 1' C-738 Pariffin wax, etc. 2/ 21 Should be redefined. 26 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 'Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : A 64-00014A000100040003-5 Item rroposea Veietlon No. Short Title Ja n Group UK Footnote C-742 Permanganates 0-744 Phosphorus C-752 Sodium cyanide C-771 Petroleum asphalt C-717 Calcium carbide 3766 Polyvinylbutyral 0-702 Flotation reagents, synthetic organic C-715 Benzene or benzole C-716 Bismuth compounds C-718 Carbon black 0-719 Cellulose, ethyl C-721 Chlorates; and preparations consisting mainly thereof. C-723 Cresyloo acid including para-meta and ortho-cresol and xylenol 0-729 Glycols and their derivatives C-740 p-phenylenediamine C-756 Tricresyl phosphate 3753 Phenol 3761. Sulphur C-706. Rubber-compounding agents C-714 Barium chromate C-724 1:2 Dibromoothane (ethylene dibromide) C-727 Fluorinated hydrocarbQnd, as defined C-734 Methyl-isobutylketone 27 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 'Approved For Release 2000/09/14E I4RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 Item Proposed Deletion No. Short Title Group 0-736 Monoohlorobenzene; mononitrobenzene 0-737 Nitric acids ammonium nitrates potassium nitrate C-741 Perohlorio acid; and its salts C-745 Phosphoric acid catalyst C-746 Pnthalio anhydride; and phtalio esters (except alkyd resins) C-747 Polyisobutylene 0-751 Silioon(e) organic compounds, n.e.s., as defined. 0-753 Sulphuric acid: C-754 Styrene 0-787 Liquid gum inhibitors C-701 Explosives 28 SI-Colu, Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 5a1' , F. c Approved For Release 2000/09/1 31. ii~".kDP64-00014A000100040003-5 E. Rubber Products Industry -- (1) Intelligence. China's production of rubber products is inadequate. In facts, it has been the target of considerable criticism and even ridicule. With a few exceptions tires are produced by handicraft methods at small plants. The quality is poor. As a results, tires are an import item. Under China's plans of developments, the domestic output of rubber products is to be expandeds, although this expansion can only take place if additional machinery is obtained from abroad. Rubber products are not in ample supply in the rest of the Bloc, which is unable to furnish such products to China except by seriously neglecting commitments in other Communist areas. There are unconfirmed reports that other Bloc countries have restrioted exports of rubber and rubber products to China as a conservation measure. There have been unrelenting attempts to procure from the free world tires of all types and sizes through clandestine channels; premium prices have often been paid. It is believed that a substantial market for tires of all types will exist in China for many years to come. The motor vehicle park of the country is scheduled to increase considerably. The poor quality of Chinese roads will require for many years to come a greater than average replacement of tires. Even considerably increased indigenous production will continue to be outdistanced by demand for the next decade. In substances, therefore, the Japanese and UK proposal would effect the decontrol of most types and sizes of tires for motor vehicles, including may useful for military purposes. Rubber (product) manufacturing machinery is not currently produced in China and it is questionable if the European Soviet bloc can supply China with its schedule of requirements. The demand for this equipment from free world sources is likely to be strong if controls are removed. (2) Listing of controlled equ3. ent essential to the rubber ustX7 basio materials consumed and res tan finished jwoddu~,a~a" as we as Lose proposed for decontro . Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/1 China List Proposed Deletion Short Title Japan UK Footnote C 718 Carbon black C 350 Carbon black manufacturing plant C 330 Calendars C 331 Masterbatch mixers C 332 Tire-curing presses C 820 Tires and tubes C 706 Rubber-compounding agents C 803 Masterbatch C 805 Rubber scrap and Rubber (3801) C 802 Rubber solution C 801 Synthetic rubbers 0 840 Rubber water-lubricated bearings C 841 Rubber hose A,+k P64-00014A000100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : tCI kl RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 F. Fuel (Solid, liquid,, gaseous) (1) Intelligence. Current. Chinese production of mining-machinery is inadequate as regards both quality and quantity, Considerable progress has been made by China in restoring a number of small (and heavily cannibal. ized) plants and some production of simplest type mining machinery has been resumed, but the country is still faced with the creation of virtually a new industry. There have been numerous reports of waste and difficulties in the production of machinery and excessive breakage and other shortcomings in the use of it. The current supply of machinery is insufficient to permit the country to carry out the very ambitious expansion of the production of coal, iron ore, non- ferrous metal ores, cement and other raw materials projected for the current Five year Plan, and for expansion of exportable surplusages. Several, plants producing mining machinery are scheduled for renovation during the current Five Year Plan. Furthermore a new mining machinery plant, designed by the USSR, is to be completed in China in 1960 when production is scheduled to begin at that plant. This will be the first indigenous source of supply for more complex types of mining machinery, Mining machinery of all types has been manufactured in other parts of the Soviet bloc for many years. While the bloc supply has not always been adequate, particularly with regard to crushers, it is believed that machinery of the simpler types could be furnished China in limited quantities_-_ Gina has sought to obtain mining ni chinery from the free world for several years. Actual contracts have been concluded for the delivery of such machinery as soon as present COC0WCHINCOM restrictions are relaxed. The-country currently produces only a part of the crude oil and refined products that it needs. The delivery of petroleum products to China by other members of the bloc is a costly and difficult operation (running of the blockade by sea or costly railroad transport and transshipment with empty. tank cars returning for distances of thousands of miles).. China is scheduled to expand production of refined products during the current Five Year Plan,, especially when full production' begins in the Yumen oil fields, Currently China is virtually unable to produce the geological' drilling, prospecting or oil'refining equipment or accessories that are required for this development, ,--) /\ SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/139 1 =RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 There has been an increase in the contribution of the petroleum industry to the economic potential of Communist China during the past five years. The output of roflned products, only 400,000 tons in 1951, reached about 736,000 tons in 195!i. This supply.0 however, provided only one-third of the country's requirements. 1jr The crude oil resources of China will support increases in production,$, but transportation difficulties -- both great distances and lack ouipment -. together with a shortage of he n ex a 1 on 01 1c is o restr li ti . p .a... c v o es, .i.I~Jpos ~~ ro3.1I ing fac1. that petroleum refinery output bssUtlit a i Th y p ere s industry. 4 _ .,..'1?a s n he i . of operati ona) m a y reach 1_000.000 tons by - t 4 ( y n ld d d t upo n epen en / ~ 1960. Even then, however, %.41ILLLta wou a emaa / / imr orts for a substantial part of her growing requirements of ao petroleum products. The rest of Soviet bloc produces a sufficiently large 'Y , y amount of petroleum products to furnish China' s present restricted ? needs, However, here again the problem of transportation is one that presents very considerable difficulty. Kerosene and gasoline "'"1no, are -a preferred item in illicit trade with free world supplies at the two main Asian-ports - Hong Kong and Macao. Moreover, Russian ? I .LLLS, C:c-j-M, V4 J.A.WL %4%1. ?va, vr+. w v...----0 ------ -- - ----- __, -v '___ - I run of several thousand miles, except for those shuttling from 4t c-4 ,,x,._.. Far East Soviet dumps. POL is available only at very considerable ^1 economic cost to China as well as the rest of the bloc. 1^' (2) Listing of controlled fuel items and those proposed C WA+ Chi China Fropose Dee on Li. st Group No. Short Title Japan UK Footnote Section A Exploration, drilling and other basic producing operations 0-575 Surveying instruments c-565 Geopbysical prospecting equipment x 0-385 Core drUls and core drill bits x 0-270 Turbines .C-260 - Electric motors x 1 3265 C-256 - Diesel internal combustion engines x x 3265 32 S. E G llI Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : 1 RbP64-00014AO00100040003-5 List Group No. Japan UK Footnote C-266 Power equipment 0-701 Explosives C-131 Pumps C-380 Compressors and blowers 3809 C-381 Portable hand-held power tools 0-617 Power cables C-841 Conveyor belting C-351 I.ning equipment and machinery C-1170 - Mine locomotives/parts 3171 0-472 - Rails x x 3477 C-1430 Steel cable C-321 - Civil engineering and building x x 3323 equipment C-383 Crushing equipment x C-717 Calcium carbide x C-635 Iron and steel products l~ Also used in the following section. FUELS - SECCON B REFINING AND PROCESSING 33 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 na Propose e- T on List No. Short Title Japan UK group Footnote C-151 Petroleum refinery equipment C-120 DIstillation equipment C-121 Evaporators C-132 Vacuum pumps C-250 Condenser tubes C-110 Hydrogenation equipment C-1014 Liquid/liquid solvent extraction C-119 equipment Processing equipment operating C-117. at, pressures over 200 p j. Gauges C-266 Biel gas plant C-ar09 C-114 Hydrogen producing equipment Gas liquefying equipment and C-118 equipment for handling liquefied gas Heat exchangers 2 C-110 Contai ner s x 2 C-583 Leak detecting instruments 2 C-620 Platinum products x 2 C-143 Pipe and tube C-133 Valves and cocks 0-5714 Speotro-instruments 2/ See Intelligence in relation to; a. Instruments and control apparatus b. Chemical equipment c. Chemicals 34 E9T Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : A 64-00014A000100040003-5 G. The Metallurgical Industry Part I` Basic extraction and prooessinn (1) Intelligence An early plan to produce 10 million tons of steel in 1962, has been revised downward for reasons unknown. The most recent realistic estimates of pre Plan, current and likely future production is given in the following tablet RECENT AND PROJECTED PRODUCTION OF FERROUS METALS IN COMMUNIST CHINA FOR SELECTED YEARS 1952 1960 millions of metric tons ,Sateria] 1932 1955 .1260 S 4,'- S Pig iron 1.9 4.1 S.6 Crude steel 1.4 2.6 3.8 4-515- Finished steel 1.1 1.9 3.0 4.2 The planned expansion calls for a great deal of capital equipment which China cannot provide indigenously, for example: 6 auto- matic blast furnaces; 3 modern steel smelting plants; 16 steel rolling mills; and 4 new fire refractories plants. At the present time China is not self-sufficient in iron and steel products and imports perhaps 500,000 tons of steel and steel products per year. As steel products are not plentiful in the export sense in the rest of the Soviet bloc, the needs of Communist China cannot be satisfied from this source. Exception requests in.CHINCOM- COCOM have been substantial. Significant amounts have been obtained by transshipment and through clandestine channels. The text of China's Five -Year Plan recognizes that the non-ferrous metals industry is the "weak-link" of China's heavy industry; the development of resources and production facilities of these metals is one of the important tasks of the current plan. An emphasis is being placed not only on modernization of the existing mines and opening up of new ones, but also on geological exploration. 35 EGRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 (2) Listing of controlled metallurgical extraction and processing eauixiient with Proposed deletions. f'_. Approved For Release 2000/09/13: .P64-G0"0'14A000100040003-5 Item N?s- Proposed Deletion Group Japan: UK Footnote 0-565 Geophysical prospecting equipment C-385 Core drills and core drill bits C-266 Power equipment C-701 Explosives 0-131 Pumps C-380 Compressors and blowers C-381 Portable hand-held power tools C-384 Conveyor belting 0-841 Hose C-351 Mining equipment 3323 Power operated excavators C-470 Locomotives C-471 Rolling stock 0-472 Rails C-430 Steel cable C-321 Engineering and building equipment C-383 Crushing equipment C-201 Electric furnaces C-211 Electrodes C-301 Foundry plant x x x 36 ECP Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/1 3 L I RDP64-00014A000100040003-5 Short Title Proposed Deletion C-302 Blast furnace equipment C-403 Graphite crucibles C-304 Electrostatic separators C-305 Sintering equipment C-306 Tinning units C-315 Hand-chrome plating plants C-316 Metal-spraying equipment C-320 Materials - handling equipment C-395 Precipitators Part II Group IIK Footnote Minerals and Metals Includes basic minerals and metals not generally sold as such to the ultimate consumer, but rather to other manufactures and fabricators. (1) Intelligence The ferrous metal items proposed for decontrol by the UK and Japan include some products which Communist China produces in very limited quantities and others of which Chinese output is of inferior quality. A sufficient supply of iron and steel products is basic to any industrial expansion program as well as to mobilization plans. For example, such products are needed for ship repair, steam boilers, and construction of factories projected under the current Chinese Five-Year Plan. China has sought to obtain copper, aluminum and several other nonferrous metals and their products from the Satellites, from the USSR,and through clandestine sources from the free world. Premium prices have been paid for some of these Items. The rest of'the Soviet Bloc is also critically short of copper, is currently attempting to import significant amounts of mercury, aluminum and bauxite. Commodities of high production cost in the Bloc, as compared with the US include most nonferrous metals and minerals, coaxial cable (made of copper, steel, lead, etc.), magnetic materials 37 am, Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : GhJ 64-00014A000100040003-5 (cobalt, etc.), aluminum, cobalt) columbium, copper, mercury, molybdenlm, nickel, and bismuth. These high Bloc coats are believed to be explained by low-quality ores, inconvenient geographic locations, low rate of capital investment and relatively inefficient use of machinery. Graphite crucibles and graphite to make crucibles are used in the making of fine grade tool steel, and aluminum. Graphite is also used to make electric motor brushes, as a lubricant, in paint and in pencils. It is treated hero as one of the inputs for the metallurgical industry because of the strategic significance in this application. China's current supply of graphite appears to be inadequate. (2) List of controlled minerals and metals and those which have been Proposed for decontrol. Item Proposed Deletion No. Short Ti+9 0-661 C-670 C-62o Potassium metal Zirconium: metal and compounds Platinum products C-630 Aluminum or aluminum alloys C-635 Iron and steel products C-643 Ferroohrome C-655 Mercury and its compounds 0-658 Molybdenum compounds C-660 Nickel catalysts C-662 Sodium (metallic) 0-664 Sulphur-bearing pyrites C-668 Vanadium C-641 Cadmium C-663 Strontium 0-665 Tin C-666 Ferrotitanium C-667 Tungsten 38 Group Footnote Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 :'t1RN-P64-00014A000100040003-5 Item Proposed Deletion Short Title Group Japan Footnote 0-651 Lithium (except metal, oompounde, ores and concentrates included under IL A-35) Note: It is the US position that Item C-651 is oovered by International Atomic Energy List Item 35. 39 EC T Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : GiA bP64-00014A000100040003-5 Part III ENGINEERING (FABRICATION) EQUIPM1,21T (1) Intelligence. Machinery is needed by Communist China to develop production of other machine tools as well as to develop production of critical components of such end items as freight cars and locomotives, tractors, motor vehicles, general industrial equipment and military items, for which it is now dependent on outride sources. The success of China's five Year Plan to a considerable extent will depend on the availability of machine tools which, in the long runs will depend on the completion of a number of key plants on schedule. It is also believed that the quality of China's machine building will be largely dependent on the availability of technical and material aid extended to it by the rest of the Soviet Bloc. Even when present plans have been completed, China will continue to depend on imports of many kinds of metal working machinery for many years to come. At the present time, most of the machinery suggested for decontrol is either not being produced in China or is produced in small quantities and in very limited sizes; currently, only about 70 types are being built, many of them reflecting significant shortcomings persisting in.the machine tool industry. All of the drilling lathes produced in the first quarter of 1955, numbering 380, were returned "due to wrong procedures in manufacturing; the item of wasted parts alone cost 1.2 million yuan". The machine tool production of the rest of the Soviet bloc is very large in terms of numbers and value. Certain types of tools, however' are in short supply - particularly metal - forming machines such as presses and precision casting machinery. Some types of grinders are also in short supply. In the general subgroup of metalcutting machinery., however, the Bloc is in a fairly strong position to fill China's needs with a minimum of inconvenience, although not in all types. Some metal cutting machines are being exported by the European satellites to some underdeveloped areas as part of barter arrangements and for propaganda purposes. Data on over-all imports of machine tools into Communist China are not available. A recent report states that China has placed an order for 2,000 grinders in a western country (non-COCOM member). These machines were of the small type which would be Io nff Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 useful in a garage or a maintenance shop. The value of the order is not known but if it is assumed that each machine would be worth $,,500 (v i ch Is a minimal figure),, the total order would amount to L million,, making it one of the largest placed recently. Currently bearings have boon sought from the free world through legal and other sources. They have been a preferred item in clandestine trade. Bearings and parts of all types and sizes,, but mainly of the middle (IL-II) range,,9 have figured in this trade. They can be used in trucks, heavy machine tools? and railroad rolling stock. The supply of abrasives in China is inadequate and numerous procurement attempts have been made through clandestine channels. The supply of high-grade abrasives and grading wheels in the rest of the Soviet Bloc is not abundant and it would be difficult for the Bloc to supply China without considerable replanning. As Communist China's indastrialization advances,, an even greater market will develop for bearings and parts of all types including unmounted balls. (2) Listing of controlled metallurgLcal engineering equ pn~en and componen h proposo e e ons Item. No. Short Title Japan Group Footnote C-001 metalworking machinery and accessories x C-260 Electric motors C-375 Abrasives C-381 Portable hand-held power tools x C-380 Compressors C-266 Power equipment x x C-366 All tools incorporating diamonds C-387 All articles incorporating diamond abrasives C-210 Welding machines x x C-S66 Noasuring and testing equipment x x hi ~"n LAI. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 l,jugAST 9 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 No. Short Title J an UK Footnote C-601 Anti-friction bearings 3008 Multi-station machine tools x x 1 3010 External cylindrical grinding machines x x 1 30U Internal cylindrical grinding machines x x 1 3012 Combined internal and external cylindrical grinding machines 3017 Single-spindle surface grinders x x 1 i 3018 Crankshaft., crankpin and camshaft grinder x 1 3034 ,axle lathes x x 1 3050 Automatic milling machines x 1 3055 Horizontal draw-cut shapers x x 3067 Metal cutting and working tools x x 3068 Carbide and carbide-tipped cutting x x tools or dies 3072 Presses? mechanical and hydraulic x x lf. Due to the overall control of metal-working cutting and forming tools exercised under the China item C?-001 definition (the decontrol of which both the UK and Japanese have proposed) their proposal to decontrol noted COCOM I/L III items appears to be a rave to establish exceptions the scope of which would reduce control of this area to a degree that its effectiveness would be lost. The I J ftl ng of thi s burden from the Europe an ;Soviet bloc would soon be recognized by increased Communist trade in underdeveloped areas subject to econorrd.c penetration advantageous to eom unist objectives, .2 E 'GM i d t- Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Item No. C-562 4. Items of Least Advantage to the Military Potential of Communist China. The following list of "China Differential Items" have been compiled on the basis of (1) essentiality to the functions previously described, and (2) items which are demonstratively not in short supply in the Sino-Soviet Bloc, Consideration was also given to complexity, know-how, availability of satisfactory substitutes, and quantity of requirements. A small number of items are being further researched to determine whether or not they would qualify for inclusion to this list. Short Supply Cartographic equipment C-352 Equipment for the manufacture of synthetic fibres C-578 C-680 C-920 C-625 C-905 C-142 C-930 C-315 C-388 C-640 C-642 C-669 C-6$5 C-690 C 704 C-705 Warburg apparatus Asbestos Photo-plan printing Tinplate Asbestos textiles Plastic moulding machines Nylon products Hard chrome plating equipment Dynamometers Japan UK Antimony x Calcium metal Zinc x x Mica Steatite Metalo artificial colouring Hydraulic fluid (castor oil base) 43 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : k4464-00014AO001 00040003-5 Item No. -.--Short Title Japan UK 0-710 Acetic acid C-711 Acetone x x 0-712 Aluminum chloride 0-713 Anidine C-720 Cellulose nitrate 0-722 Chromium compounds C-728 Formaldehyde C-731 Hydroquinone C-732 Igo propylalcohol C733 Methanol C-735 Methyl methacrylates 0-739 p-aminophenol C-743 Persulphates 0-755 Thallium bromoiodide C-758 Vinyl 0-770 Naptha 0--788 Coke--coke flour C-905 Asbestos textile 4f Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP64-00014AO00100040003-5