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Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 CIA Prot uremert Janus December 1960 Spec-1-t1-Subject Series Map Total Map Map Sheets Sheets Sheets Publications EUROPE Albania. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Fire Finland France Germany Great Brita.i.n Greece Hungary Italy Malts, Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rumania Spain Sweden Switzerland USSR Yugoslavia TOTAL FAR EAST AustRal1.a Burma Cambodia China (Comm;imist) Indonesia. Japan Korea Laos Malaya New Guinea New Zealand. North Borneo Philippines Taiwan Thailand Vietnam TOTAL 2 2 8 138 142 280 113 77 169 246 20 - 20 r5 171 - 171 161 69 139 208 1+2 1$ 52 71 31 51 82 23 743 1,268 23011 310 1,321. 587 14908 1,294 780 596 11376 300 ,05 576 881 69 133 - 133 V44 1x28 365 793 x.83 ? , l 159 51 210 (xi 81 204 288 31 133 ,- 133 ?ty8 96 127 223 17 5 a 5 56 136 53 189 36 1.72 234 406 .0 235 106 341 ?53 353 1x3'6 45 104 149 65 642 529 x.4171 337 2 26 - 26 13 13 1 3 3 1 3583 84 1,667 151 34 - 34 - m. 80 80 2 4 54 58 1 1. 1 1.34 10 144 24 m 24 103.. - 101 4. - 44 3; 9 26 7 19 26 e3 P2 4 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 WESTERN HEMISPHERE Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Bolivia Brazil British Guiana British Honduras Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Curacao Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guadeloupe Ouatemala Honduras Jamaica Martinique Mexico Netherlands West Indies Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru St. Kitts St. Martin Surinam Trinidad Uruguay Venezuela TOTAL CA ST Afghanistan Ceylon Cyprus India Iran Israel Jordan Lebanon Nepal Pakistan Syria Turkey Specl.&1. Sub j ct Series Map Totel Map Mu Sheets Sheets Sheets ibi.'.ca.rinne 24 454 478 3 sa ? 3 3 3 6 6 2 95 - 95 l.8 3 3 1 6 6 2 1.32 1,374 1,506 54 19 52 71 29 82 - 82 8 18 18 4 1I. - !I1 7 57 1h 3 3 12 16 38 6 25 57 14 3 3 1 13 16 38 6 6. 89 6 6 17 17 22 25 47 1144 50 194 3 3 3 6 6 3 3 13 1 14 60 619 679 0 2 25 25 9 - 9 12 17 29 276 93 369 321 12 333 52 - 52 25 1 26 2 2 114 - 114 36 126 162 2 2 65 165 230 931` _.1 "I 9, .` ', 0-N>F-T-D-F., li- I-A-L 14 1 2 2 22 37 11 290 6 Li Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 AFRICA Special-Subject Series Pap Total Map Map Sheets Sheets --w9-0 1a, 14 Cameroun $ 38 Federation of Rhodesias 56 262 and Nyasaland Sheets bli cat .ors 14 h1t 318 French Equatorial Africa 24 56 80 Chana 20 20 Kenya 38 251 289 Ma].gache Republic 6 6 12 Mozambique Nigeria 20 384 404 Republic of the Congo 34 117 151 Senegal 22 22 Sudan 11 49 Tanganyik : h 130 214 Togoland 19 - 19 Tunisia 10 27 37 Uganda 138 205 3113 Union of South Africa 13) 13b TOTAL alt __f-,5T6- _ 2U y ^ iN D TOTAL 10,755 France Germany Great Britain Netherlands Spain Australia Burma Japan Indochina New Zealand Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam India Iran Iraq Jordan Saudi Arabia. I0,201. 20,956 PROCURE JT THROUGH ARMY MAP S1 RVICE 6 2`7 :j 10 27 396 402 1t22 13)49 35h, :351 114 114 12 1.1, 125 133 2 156 166 ?4 21a 74 101 it b 159 .159 311 63 63 2.57 115 302 ].03 103 :.5 15 90 7P L 6.,373 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 Approved For Release 1999/0/16 ? ('lA- 6.3-00314R000200250002-3 n vial - h," act hap Sheets Series Map Sheets Tr. tal Mao Sheets Pub's i of ,? Federatior of Rhodesias and Nyasaland French Africa 108 11. Kenya 1.30 130 Libya 23 23 Malgache Republic 104 105 Republic of the Congo 20 20 Tanganyika 38 38 Uganda 46 46 Union of South Africa 57 57 Brazil 120 227 43 Canada 16 16 Chile 120 24 144 Colombia 2 688 690 Costa Rice 28 20 48 Cuba 558 558 Curacao 8 Dominican Republic 27 116 173 Ecuador 3:13 314 E Salvador .a 12 12 Guatemala - 87 1414. 131 Haiti 52 98 150 Honduras 90 90 Jamaica 9 24 33 7 Mexico 8 i 2,1421 2,50. 12 Nicaragua 20 20 Panama 82 30 112 Peru 2 6 8 Trinidad 7 11 18 18 Uruguay 4 r Venezuela 2 20 22 TOTAL 89. 7$173 8,061 X25 From Foreign Procurement 10,755 10,201 20,956 6,373 GRAND TOTAL 11,6146 1 437: 29,020 6,498 9 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 EUROPE us a Belgium Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France Germany Great Britain Hungary Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Rumania Spain Sweden Switzerland USSR Yugoslavia TOTAL FAR EAST rap-an Philippines Thailand Vietnam TOTAL PROCURR1ENT FOR DISTRIBUTION PURPOSES :':)ecial Subject Series Maps Total Map Map Sheets Sheets Sheets Pubiir?.ations 46 16r 29 6W 144 49 46 165 29 644 144 49 1.9415 170 1,585 16 739 739 10 1?457 1 9457 h76 476 to 460 460 180 15 15 1 75 .15 - 559 559 9 255 255 2 2 t0 350 350 79 79 370 370 1 9762 1X762 G;4 21 21 9,112 X170 9::22- 120 120 NEAR EAST Inds' 196 Jordan 25 AFRICA Federation of Rhodesias 65 and Nyasaland Kenya 10 Union of South Africa 20 TOTAL 15 2 55 196 65 10 20 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3 WEST] HF4ISPHF rgentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Bermuda Bolivia Brazil British Guiana British Honduras Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Curacao Dominican Republic Ecuador Guadeloupe Guatemala haiti Honduras Jamaica Martinique Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Surinam Trinidad Uruguay Venezuela Special-Subject, Series Map Total Map MaaE heeds Sheets 77 - 77 2 _ 2 9 - 9 15 - 15 64 a 64 150 - 150 12 m 12 9 9 207 - 207 40 59 99 189 m 189 92 - 92 36 w 36 25 25 145 - 145 27 w 27 15 20 - 20 19 -. 19 42 0 42 34 - 34 24 .- 24 26 26 6 .. 6 24 24 45 45 20 20 9 9 3 8 40 3 43 ~ 6 1.,499 119013 276 11$289 375 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200250002-3