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Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 March 1960 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Geographic Research, ORR SUBJECT: Geography Division Progress Report for February 1960) A. Research and Technical Support Activity Daring February 1. Reports Disseminated CIA/RR GM 60-2 CIA/RR GR L-6o-1 CIA/RR GP 6o-i4-.L CIA./RR GP 6o-15:L 25X6A C i'A/RR GP 6o-16:L *CZA/RR GP 60-17:L Rec wester Overseas Chinese in Southeast Self-initiated Asia Cuba: Parts III, V, VII, X, XII, WE, DD/P XIV, XV NIS 13AM, East Germany, Chapter IX NIS Program 25X1A6a Textile Mills in Yur'Yevets (57020 'N 43?O6'E) Konoshr- and Kotlas, Arkhangel'- :kaya Oblast, USSR 2 1A6a8230019-7 .CIA/RR GP 6C-18:L Touurist, Industrial, and Profes- I/GM/RR sional Objectives In and Near Sverdlovsk CIA/RR GP 6o-19:L CIA/RR GP 6C-20:L Tourist, Industrial, and Profes- I/GM/RR sional Objectives In and Near 0or' kiy Tourist., Industrial, and Profes- I/GM/RR t;ional Objectives In Area 3A (Konosha-Vorkuta) CIA/RR GP 60-21:L Tourist, Industrial, and Profes- I/GM/RR Eional Objectives In Area 3B ( Vologda--Kirov; *? ork initiated during month. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 . S-E-C-R-E-`P Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Reports Disseminated Contd.. Re nester CIA/RR GP 60-22:L Tourist, Industrial, and Profes- I/CM/RR sional Objectives In Area 3C Norilsk) CIA/RR GP 6o-24:L Tourist, Industrial, and Profes- I/C3I/RR ,.tonal Objectives 21 Area 1 "Aral Sea-Lake Balkhash 25X1A6a CIA/RR GP 60-25:L West China: Relative Relia'bil- tty for General Loeationnl *CIA/RR Gp 60-26:L CIA/RR GP 60-27:L CIA/RR GP 6c-28:L CIA/RR GP 60-29:L CIA/RR. GP 60-30:L *C _T.A/RR GP 6o-31;L (:IA/RR GP 60-32:L *CIA/RR GP 60-33:L 'urposes of Terrain Infori a.tion on Selected Map Sheets 1:1,000,000 :kale NIS 10, Norway, Yap and Chart NIS Program Appraisal Component of Chapter I Annual Tourist, Industrial, and Prof es- I/GM/RR nional Objectives In and. Near Leningrad Tourist, Industrial, and Profes- I/GMM/RR cional Objectives In and Near Novosibirsk Tourist, Industrial, and Profe*s- I/G4i/RR sional Objectives In and Near I(uybychev Tourist, Industrial, and Proles- I/GM/RR sional Objectives In and Near Moscow Contributions in Support of OCB Working OCB Outline Plan of Operations Group on for Antarctica A t rctica Part 1. Contribution to Para. 5 of the Draft Opera- tions Plan of Antarctica Pr:;rad 2. Precis of Soviet Activi- ties 1959 Informa*'.ion on Rembertbw, Poland OSI Review and Comments on Draft YS 19, Hungary, Section 63 `3--E-C-R-E- T 7)/M/ /RR Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 . Approved For Release I 999/Q; /4*-;iCt RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 25X1A9a Resorts Disseminated 'Contd.) *j/ RR GP 60-34:L CIA/RR OP 60-35:L *CIA/RR GP 6o-36:L Review of Draft Sections 1-13, TAB/1-05.OO, Hungary Research for Plan of Selected Cities in USSR: Vladivostok 2 ecs a ter NIS 23, Bulgaria, Map and Chart NIS Program Appraisal Component of Chapter I Annual )-ClA/ RR GP 60-37--L NIS 43B, Laos, Section 19, NIS Program Chapter I New Prao ects_Under Way 60.1688 NIS 53M, Egypt, Chapter IX (Coordination) 63,1726 Review of EPA Report "The Soviet Rubber Industry During the Seven-Year Plan" 60.1737 NIS 26M, USSR, Section 19, Chapter I fResearch) 60,1755 NIS 53, Egyp?t:, Map and. Chart Appraisal Component:. of Chapter 1, Annual (Research) 60.1757 NIS 39B, Nationalist M np, Map and Chart Appraisal 'o?ponent of Chapter T, Annual (Research) 60.1820 NIS 26Ai, USSR, Chapter IX (Research) B. Plannin and Devel.o nt Initial exploration of two proposed external research projects was begun by the Division during the month. In the case of the proposed PI keys for Southeast Asia and Africa, discussions were held with PIC and, subsequently, USAF. It appears that subject keys rather than area keys are of most interest to the comaunity at present. In addition, the work is considerably more expensive than was envisioned in the original proposal. PIC and USAF agree, however, on the legitimacy of the ORR proposal, and further discussion will be held with PIC relative to their perticipa:4on in the development of the project and the formulation of offical inquiry as to USAF and Army interest. In the case of the proposed research project on African subjects, is surveying African Roundtable membership as to its views on priority needs, feasible contractors, and related matters. 25X1 A5a 1 As an outgrowth of previous negotiations with 00, plans were co.- 25X1 A9a pleted to review and exploit the unpublished materials on West Chia will conduct the review and, through the 00 field office, arrange for the typing and photostatting support required. 3 S--E- C?R-E- T Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 I -C Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIAR-RbP63-00314RO00200230019-7 As a result of CIA estimates of Soviet threats to U.S. pre-eminence in Antarctica, as well as CIA representations on the need for a U. S. mapping Program to strengthen the future U.S. position, plans are now being developed for the first systematic U.S. mapping program in 25X1 A9a Antarctica. - has been invitsd t 25X1A9a 25X1A9a processing, including corrections, running off Ditto copies, and report assembly. ad hoc subcommittee to ? participate with a special ~A'9atateaaent on this program. Decision was reached to send on an area familiarization trip through South Korea, japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and the Philippines, co sencing the middle of April. At the request of Ch/G, arrangements were made to have all D/GG reports (exclusive of the NIS) typed in final form in St/P. St/P/G will call on Chief, St/P, for typing assistance when the load is such that publications typist, cannot handle it. Except when St/P cannot provide the augmentation needed, only draft typing will be performed in D/GG. The D/GG front office will continue to handlF The The Far East Pacific Branch reports a most useful contact with FE, DD/P, which included a recapitulation of an operational support work done to date by GG/F for FE. It is believed that the contact will improve coordination with DD/P on future opera- tional support work for them. on deficiencies in the transmittal of inrormatich5X1 X7 an Antarctica. Also, he sunm arized the Soviet Antarctic activities with 25X'_7,_ follow- to his recent trip, briefed C. S ficant Outside Contacts and Activities At the direction of the NTS Committee, a meeting of the Chapter IX Subcommittee was held on 4 February to discuss possible revision of the Chapter IX format. The discussion was limited to basic Ideas and princi- ples, and several ideas for a complete reorganization of the Chapter were advanced. The Subcommittee agreed that a survey of Chapter X readership would be helpful in formulating revision proposals, and it appointed an ad hoc group to develop a supporting questionnaire. Sub- sequently, however, the Chairman was informed by that OBI 25X1 A9a would not countenance questionnaires, and the ad hoc group was disbanded.. The Subcommittee will reconvene on 11 March to examine revision possi- bilities in more detail. 25X1A9a Ch/G and - met with Col. Haberer, Technical Division, ACSI, to request special AM support on the Cuba project. ACSI accepted the Job, but delivery on it by AMS has proved to be of limited quality -- due apparently to a slow start and eomm mications failures in the OC$- AMS pining staffs. Arrangements have now been made with WE whereby D/GG will provide priority beef-up as equired. ETA a 25X1X7 _.4- =a---E C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 particular emphasis on the Soviet geodetic and gravimetric traverse, its contribution to the Soviet World geodetic system, and its impli- cations for increased future use of Antarctica for space research and missile impacting on Antarctic ice. 25X1A9a intelligence analyses and estimates prepared by for OCB resulted in the U.S. Navy's effecting an icebreaker penetration of the hitherto impenetrable Bellingshausen Sea and landing a party on Thurston Peninsula before the Soviets could attempt an anticipated sea-air landirg= 25X1 Aga The Southeast Asia Discussion Group held a regular monthly meeting at which presented a selection of slides with appropriate cannentary on Southeast Asian areas. ocx, succeeds 25X 1 A9a 25X1A9a as chairmen. 25X1A9a ,???--P JVMj s kW=O"utA:Q an analysis of the Ccmnunist attitude toward Africa at the February meeting of the Africa Roundtable. D. Problems In connection with the Atlas of Soviet Administrative Maps, the disclaimer note regarding U.S. recognition of boundaries on the index map was felt to be insufficient to avoid criticism; also, it was thought a similar, perhaps more specific, statement in the introduction should be included. The matter was pursued in the form of a question to Dr. Hodgson, IRC/GE, Department of State, which has resulted in a memo. random defining the Department's position in this particular case, i.e., that a disclaimer note had to be affixed to each of the 117 sheets in the atlas. In sub mequent discusalons, it was decided that it would be desirable also to revise the title and introduction to avoid any statement that could be eons1rved as U.S. recognition of the incorpora- tion of Estonia.. Latvia, and Lithuania and the acceptance of certain other boundaries. The incoming document load for Western Europe is too great to handle. Steps are being taken to redistribute area responsibilities and to r,- vise further the Reading Panel requirements for the area. E. Miscellaneous 25X1 A9a dep u-ted 1 February 1960, as planned, on his area familiar- ization trip to Africa. 25X1 A9a typist, entered on duty in the Division during February, 25X1 A9a Arx 'mss have been made to cover the D/GG room in M Building following the departure of last month. At the recommendation of the Division Chief, the AD/RR sent a mem- orandum to 'G-2, USARPAC camae.nd-Ing the production of Urban Intelligence Report Series,, 25X1A9a Ch e , ography Division Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Projectl Control ?2 f Este Date of Status L Publication Geographic; Intelligence Review, CIA/RR GIR 60.1821 Geographic Intelligence Review, CGTR 60-1 4eo a hic Intelligence Reports for standard distribution Routine CIA/RR GR Mar 60 61.1212 Geog. of Sinkiang 69.1655 NonSov. Activ. in Antarctica during IGY 63.1720 Olsztyn Region of Poland 63-1767 Industrialization of Slovakia 50.1790 Terr/Sovereignty Problems in the Arctic DD/P Self -jnit, Self -iuit~ Self-init. IRC/State In abeyance In abeyance In abeyance Open Open Open II 60 II 60 aphis Intelligence Reports (for limited and special distribution P : GR L i 59.1279 61.1357 Satellite Geod. Activ. since Sofia Conf. North Korea Target Study: Ch'on ji Self -Wt,, Deferred Opens +' 64.1419 g n USSR RR Map DD/P In abeyance Open s 64.1437 USSR Atlas S/TR/RR II 60 61.1717 3.1728 Rice Production in Communist China Agr. Region Rumania Self -init. M/AG/01 In abeyance II 6o Open 60.1742 , The Kurds M/AG/RR In abeyance Open 61.1768 64.176 Adm. Div,, of Indonesia Und OIS for R EA Self-init./ DD M** Deferred 160 O e .1800 `60 erground Nuclear Explosions Mil. Geog. Survey: Caribbean Countries 25A8a In abeyance p n Open ~ 64.1739 Ostrov Vozrohdeniya Her 6o ,9.1828 Analyst of Sov. Impact Accuracies, Pacific OSI ASD Self-init. Deferred Open Mar 60 Initial research. Research 1/3 complete. Research 2/3 complete. Research in final stage. Preparation for reproduction in process. Deferred- In abeyance-, Roman Numeral,. Work scheduled; due date or o=`:, e. work does not warrant beginning project, Some work done but higher priority work has taker, revcde ? New Project initiated during month. Quarter of calendar year, Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Projectl ' Control."".1 Title Geographic Support Projects, CIAfRR GP 63.1341 City Plan: Sofia, Bulgaria 64.1698 USSR City Plane 63.1715 Research for Agr. Maps of E. Germany 63.1711 Index for plotting mapping Eur. Satellites 61.1744 Safe Areas: China 64.1745 Safe Areas: USSR 61.1774 Vul. Analysis of Supply Routes in Tibet 69.1776 Soviet Der. in Geodesy, etc. (ICBM) 64.1777 Tourist 0d1ia: Soviet Cities 60.1792 Review of = Studies 60.1801 Boundary inventory 60.1804 Article for intelligence studies 63.1824 Order of Battle TVp~ion,E. Germany External Research, CIA/RR X 69.908 Sov. Good. and vaotogram. Instruments 69.908 A Report on Sov. Cartography 69.908 Selected List of Ref. to Sov. Cartography 69.908 Selected Bibliography of Sov. Geodesy Requ~ ester '}A8a M/AG/RR Self-init. SAC SAC DD/P Self-init. 2 Self-suit I/Ill/RR Est. Date of Status-/ Publication Deferred Open Open Deferred Open Open mar 60 In abeyance Open In abeyance Open In abeyance 160 1 60 Open Feb 61 Open Apr 60 In abeyance Open In abeyance Open In abeyance Open In abeyance Open Initial research. Deferred: Work scheduled; due date or work does Research 1/3 complete. not warrant beginning project. Research 2/3 complete. in abeyance; Some work done but higher priority work has Research in fined stage. taken precedence. Preparation for reproduction New project initiated during month. in process. Roman Numeral: Quarter of calendary year. Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Project Control 6o.1735 HIS 43C, 6001736 NIB 43D; 60.1737 NIB 261, 46o.183o RIS 21x, #60.1831 PIS 34; #60.1832 NIS 14N, #60.1833 MS 38 #6o.1834 NIS 46, s 1835 NIS 16, J 1836 s11 3 53A, .1837 ?i8 86, 060-1838 NIB 35 Annex, 60.1755 6o.1,756 60.1757 64.1758 North Vietnam South Vietnam USSR Yugoslavia Afghanistan Poland Burma Tunisia Austria A ,MIS .10* Part B, RIS Venezuela Bhutan 53-V; Egypt. Egypt Finland Nationalist China Lebanon Estimate Will Go OBI Mar 60 Apr 60 May 60 31 Aug 60 31 Oct 64 I 30 Dec 60 Sectio 19 31 Jan 61 Chapter 1 28 Feb 61 31 Mar 61 31 iir-y 6a 31 May 61 30Jun61 30 Jun 61. 15 Mar 60 15 Apr 60 16 May 60 15 Jun 60 X60.1686 L60 4.687 60.1688 60.1689 60s1690 60.1817 60.1818 60.1819 60.1820 Is 53, HIS 12., NI8 398, NIS 28B, 25X6A NIS 50B " NIS 103, NIS -m, NIS 5T. NIS 2, Nigeria and British Cameroone South Pacific Islands Ghana Rhodesia and Nyasaland USSR (5 studies) ISIS octioti 19 Chapter I ACRIAL Mar 60 Apr 60 May 60 Jun 6o ter ix Jun 60 Oct 60 Jan 61 .Mar 61 Jun 61 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7 Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200230019-7