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February 29, 1960
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Approved For Release 1999/09/16: CIA-RDP 3-00314R000200140029-6
1. A/RR GP f-,O .33 ? L
29 February 1.960
A. 0ulded Missile Tarp_t$
Central Artillery Design Bureau TsARB
1 a.
Scientific Research Institute NRI Facto 88
Scientific Research Institute jNII Factor 88
Scientific Research Institute NII) Fact 88
Lila 4
Central. Aerordrodrnamics Institute (TsAGI)
IIZb o
Central Aerohjdrod miss Institute jTsAQI
Scientific Research Institute .
Scientific Research Institute NII) 20/FactSt;-
VIa n
Scientific Research institute ..jNII) 3
Scientific Research institute (NII) 3
YlI.ffi a
:tpeqial_2_qsifp~ Bureau t O /Experimen al Factory for Mis i.le
ine I?ee1"cntent~ 56
1.11b. Sp Desia Bureau o B , Eam- rimental Factc)r r Hiesl.le
~in~?evel c memt `t5 .
Vill. Mashinostroitel" Factorl
M, Aircraft Plant LV Tushino
B6 TouristOWiectves in the , City of Moscov
Target numbers lila, Vlaa Vtb, and VIII are located within the city
limits of Moscow Although some installations arc, closed, r areas
cf the city are officially closed to tourists; moi ement about the
4ith the exception of infotiora enclosed withiu brackets and
followed by a double asterisk (*)., the information on tourist objectives
listed by arabic numerals can be considered unclassified when an item is
extracted Individually.
Approved For Release 1999/09/16; CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140029-6
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140029-6
city is therefore assumed to be unrestricted. Because Moscow- is
one of the large cities of the world. the capital of the UE3R.
and, in many ways the center of Russian life, it has a wide variety
of legitimate tourist objectives.
he three civil airfields (shown on. Map 28672) that serve oseow
are interconnected by a tight plane service (not helicopter) for
.assengers making transfers from one airfield to another. .be map
shows by dashed lines the possible track that could be followed
by the light planes going fa: oar one airfield to another`.
Tourist Objectives Hear or on the day to Central Artillery Oesign
beau (TsARB) (Target I)
i, 10Podlipki" Sanatorium; for adults with circulatory disorr tiers;
ts~o "specialised departments treating ailments of the cardio-vascO ar
system and ailments of the gastro-intestinal tract; formerly
operated by Supply Administration of the Ministry of the Aviation
Industry of the USSR; 1956 information.
7,hnaya Baza "Dinanw" ; ski area believed to be operated by
All-Union iixyaical. Culture and Sports Society.
33?. Moskovskiy Iesotekbri.cbeskivTostitutF ( III) (Moscow Wood
Technology Institute) ~an Institution of Higher Education (V UZ 1
devoted to training engineers in various phases of wood techno1otN
operated by Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR; has a
correspondence division.
`Tourist Objectives Near or on the Way to Scientific Research InstitUte
NIT I?actox *_8$ Tar t _fl
,. Khlinin adskiy Sanatorium; for children of school age :saving
lip, t cases of tuberculosis of the lungs; operated by
s ishchinskiy, R our y Otdel ZdravookbranenI s (I rtishehinsk1y
Rayon Division of Public Health).
Tourist Ob actives Dear or on the Way to Scientific Researdi Institute
( imactoz ~ Tarx et IIb
My ishchinski-y Ini ustria1'nyy Tekbnik nn () rtishchinskiy Industrial
Technical School); vocational school at secondary level: formerly
operated by Ministry of the Building Materials Industry of the
RSFSR; 1956 information.
B+ tisbehinskiy Mashinostroitel'nyr Tekhnikum (b;Ytishchir,skiy
u _.rMachine Building Technical School); vocational school at secondary
level; formerly operated by Ministry of the Automobile Industry
of the USSR; 19F. Information,
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 :_:, IA.R 3-00314R000200140029-6
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CfA-RbO63-00314R000200140029-6
7- Selo Tayninskoye (Tayninskoye settlement); has stone church
built~by Tsar-Aleksey Mikbsyylovieh in 1675-77; settlement
formerly seat at which several tsars held court on their
pilgrimages to Zagorsk.
Tourist Objectives Near or on the Way to Scientific Researr.b Institute
B. Kalinin Sanatorium; for adults with light cases of active
fubercii o$is; operated by Moskoyskiy Oblastno Otdel Zdravookhralneniya
(Moscow Oblast' Division of Public Health ; grounds include dacha
formerly owned by well-known Russian singer, F.T. Chaliapin.
Lyubimovka, a country home formerly owned by K.S. Stanislavskiv
and associated with A.P. Chekhov is nearby.
9. American Embassy Dacha
10. "Paajat Il'icha" Collective Farm.: collective farm visited by
General Eisenhower said his son _in 1945. An individual now
living on the farm, Stepenida Georgiyevakaya, published invitation::
to President Eisenhower to revisit farm (USSR, No. 12 (39),
December 1959, p. 60). __._
.:s Tuberkulezny ,r Sanatoriy Zhel.eznodorozbnogo Rayounogo Ot iela
Zdravookhraneni~va Jiroda Mosks-rTuberculosis Sanatoriurrof
the Zheleznodorozhnly Rayon Division of Public Health of the
City of Moscow); for children of preschool age having l-gbt
cases of tuberculosis; 1956 information.
12, Kostinskiy Children s' Sanatorium; psychoneurological sanatorium
f azchil reii of ecliool age; operated by Moskovuk 0blasy
Otdel Zdravookhranen ya (Moscow Oblast' Division of Public Heal_tt`i..
13. V.T. Lenin Hamie and Museum: home of Lenin for short time in
3 ricer co ire ed into a museum; excursions to it believer.
to be arranged by Moskovsk ye Gorodskoye Ekskursionnoye Hyuro
(Moscow City Excursion Burea .F ~
14. Moskovskiy Shveynyy Tekbnikum (Moscow Technical School for the
Needle Crafts vocational school at secondary level devoted tc
training students in needlecraft trades; believed to be operated
by UpM2vleniye Sreclnikh S~etsial'g~rk Uchebnykh Zayedeniy
(Administration of Secondary Special Educational Institutions)
Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR.
G. Tourist Ob ectives Near or on the Wait to Central Aerotydrodyroamics
a nstitute TsAGI) Target
Old TsAGI together with Aircraft Factory 156; located at 17, Radio
Jlitsa -- between Radio U:Litsa and Baumanskaya Ulitsa; N.E. - ukovs cA-T
xiuseum also at 17, Radio Ulitsa. no other tourist objectives near
this target have been selected.
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140029-6
. , Approved For Release 1999/09/16 :LC, ?63-00314R000200140029-6
:., Tourist Objectives Near or on the Way to Central Aeroirydrod j.s
:nst tuts (TsAGI);Target 111b
Sanatoriy Zhukovskogo Gorodskogo Otdela Zdravoor uaneniya
Saaatoriuim of the Zhukovskiy City Division of Public Hea'Lth);
general therapeutic sanatorium for children of nursery seb x 1
age having rachitia.
16. "kh" Sanatorium; for adults with active cases of tuber yulosis
of the lungs
i7. "Otdykh" Central Clinical Sanatorium No. 2; for adults with
tuberculosis offthelungs and throat for which surgical treatment
is advisable.
:FB., Sanatari Vrachebao-sanatorno, Sluzhby Moskavsko-R azans1su
'Llhel eznoy Dams i (Sanatorium of the Medical and Sanitation.
Service of the Moskovsko-Ryazanskiy Railroad System); for
children of preschool age having tuberculous intoxication
(tuberkuleznaa intoksi.kats ) .
DomUtd rkha Gosmateria.i s nykh Hezervov pri Sovete Ministrov Skibm
~~st Home of the Workers in the Government Materiel Stockpiles
or the Council of Ministers of the USSR).
2o. Childrens' railroad; runs 4.5 kilometers from btantsiya Utctykth
t; ac oBelok tovo; known as Malaga Petakaja .2 nska ra
Zhe1eznaya_ or (Mitniatur?e Ryazanskiy Rai.lroaaT; railroad
one-third full size, operated entirely by childrena
21. "Kr_atovo" Sanatorium; serves uld age pensioners with aiizxents
]f tlhe_cardio-vasculai, and new us systems.
'2. Sanatoriy iComiteta Gosudarstvernnoy Bezopasnosti SSSR (Sanatoriums
of the Committee of Sftate Security of the USSR); not a tourist
objective. should be avoided];' connected with the secret
police organization but located in settlement with several
other sanatoria.
chnoye" Rest Home
Selo Gzhel. (Gzhei;Settlement); center of local art pottery
1ndu;try dating back to 18th century.
Sovkhoz Gzhelka ("Gzhelka" State Farm); large fish ana wateriow L
enterprise located or broad ponds and lakes in flood plsin of
k 'ilver Gzheska
Approved For Release 1999/09/16: AdRDP63-00314R000200140029-6
Approved For Release 1999/09/16 : CIA-RDP63-00314R000200140029-6
26. Ramenskittyonn Krayev~edicllesky e y Ras*nskiy stay on
Museum of Local Lore); has many local artifacts.
2q.. Kru litsa 4orodls~xche (krugl.itsa Archeological Sites; site
where numerous T eolithic artifacts have been found; some ea?,b1I)1 ;e"(
in Ramenskiv,Y davaxa ry_F rayevediche y _k uze (No. 26, above
"Krasnoye Znam rra" Tekst3.l'na a Pred :t ataya "Red Banc.( r"
Textile Enterprise ); one of largest textile mills in 2Motcor.r
area; also one of oldest, established in Tsarist days.
27, lebsk2ye Lake_; an attractive lake in Ra enskoye
kolkhoz imeni Tel u mane (Tel timan Collective Farm); a par,.4ca iarri.y
productive co_1J&etive-f arm.
y#_ Chulkovo Gorodishche (Chul.kovo Archeological Site).
'.- Borovskoye Gorcxtishche tBorovskoye Archeological Site); site
'there artifacts of several different cultures have. been found
at various levels,* up to 17th century site o church an(~
veyard associated with a Moscow monastery,
Vereya-lykavoGorodishctse (Vereya-Bykovo Archeological oit e) ;
eii-,e where artifacts of several different cultures have been
f oimd some exhibited in RamenBkiY Ftayaru. &r .yev ich AJ~1 .
(No. 264 above ..._.o_,..~_ ~_.
:xouris t ONectives Year or on the Wad to cient ?ic Researc^r ,insti?~ut:e
I k .A_a (Target IV
"Boishevskiy" Rest Rome; operated by Central Committee of the
Trade Union of Wortters in the Defense Industry; [may be some
sensitivity about al Lowing contacts j . ***
35 "Boishevo" Sanatorium; general therapeutic sanR^:.torium f~)r
adltr its; opera Led by ?4i riistry of Culture of the [J iSR T